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10468578 No.10468578 [Reply] [Original]

Does Pynchon get any better? I feel like I just read a bunch of meaningless nonsense.

>> No.10468587
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>> No.10468594
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>posting brainlet

Your post is many times more awful than the OP.

>> No.10468601


unironically reread it once you finish it for the first time

>> No.10468646

The book is a reflection of you and the world, are you and the world a bunch of meaningless nonsense?

>> No.10468684

Postmodernism is a whole lot of nonsense dressed up eloquently by it's readers.


Really, you can find anything if you look hard enough. Pynchon might be a level above literal shit, but he is still doing something very simple, albeit taking a very non linear approach. And really, if you are doing something simple in an intentionally complicated manner, you are just bordering on pretensiouness.

>> No.10468699

what a fucking retarded idiot you are. What are your favorite books?

>> No.10468721

Nice response desu. Anyone who unironically likes postmodern fiction is a retarded idiot.

>> No.10469005

theres no such thing as postmodern fiction you utterpsued

What are your favorite books fucklord?

>> No.10469027

Im going to make up a term for the books you like:

Ghsgkhgjsg Gjsigighs

There: Anyone who likes Ghsgkhgjsg Gjsigighs books are a fucking retarded idiot dumby!!!

I dont even have to read them, I know I hate and dont like those books, because they are Ghsgkhgjsg Gjsigighs, I dont like Ghsgkhgjsg Gjsigighs: you like that book? Its different from my YA and lesbian romance mystery novels: oh, those are Ghsgkhgjsg Gjsigighs books

all the books I dont like or dont get or are not designed for <15 year olds I do not care for!!! they are bad and wrong and you shouldnt read them!!

>> No.10469045

Are you okay there?

>> No.10469121

>theres no such thing as postmodern fiction you utterpsued

Cool, I found a new way to trigger idiots.

>> No.10469216

>Artist sold his literal shit
>Made almost a million dollars
>Draws a line on a piece of paper, stuffs it in a tube and calls it art
>People write huge dissertations on the meaning and it's display, critical of every detail

4chan, we are the ironic end to this literal shit.

>> No.10469247

scared to say what your favorite books are, very strange.... now why would that be...hmmmmm... very strange indeed.... this book is bad, this book is dumb, this book is pointless, these books i didnt read are shit.... im not gonna tell you my favorite books...hmmmm, yes.... I see... yes... its all so clear now

>> No.10469320

Why don't you just defend postmodernism instead of acting autistic?

>> No.10469354

Theres no such thing as postmodernism fiction, which is my defense and argument:

You didnt read the book, if you did you didnt understand it: and this is my point:

Because you think you can create a category label box X... and then you or others think this attempt at a work of art fits into category label box X, and you think you understand the meanings and possibilities of X, and you think you dont like the meanings and possibilities, you think you can say you dont like the book, or it has no worthy meaning or possibilities, making you a retarded faggot idiot shitlord pseudtific dongmunching fucksucker

Which reminds me, what are your favorite books?

>> No.10469375

While one can do this with (caveat: most) vampire books and YA, one cannot do this with an attempter of creating a worldly work of Philosophical Art

>> No.10469383

>a worldly work of Philosophical Art
I should add before that line; pertinent, and pressing, and novel
Ive never read crying of lot 49 by the way, but have you read gravitys rainbow, is it considered Postmodern?

>> No.10469481


Wow, I didn't realise the book was that special, to transcend even generalised labelings.
To be honest, I'm not OP, but I started reading the book last night and I'm a third of the way through and I thought it would be fun to fuck around in this thread. But you are really taking this too seriously.

>> No.10469589

I didnt think to care who or who wasnt op, I was responding to this retard >>10468684
>Pynchon might be a level above literal shit, but he is still doing something very simple, albeit taking a very non linear approach. And really, if you are doing something simple in an intentionally complicated manner, you are just bordering on pretensiouness.

Literally one of the dumbest things I have seen on this site. it would be excellent if you were a troll baiter...but alas, I am afraid

>> No.10469645

That was also me and you took the bait way too easily.

>> No.10469854

you know, with the increase of apparent pseud statements around here one can never be too sure, well meme'd my friend