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10468349 No.10468349 [Reply] [Original]

PLAIN AND SIMPLE: How do I become a polymath living in an age such as ours?

>> No.10468362

Read Euclid, Archimedes, and Apollonius in that order


>> No.10468405

not him but why

>> No.10468599

bump for interest

>> No.10468610

Depends on how you define polymath.

Get into Logic/Model Theory probably

>> No.10468612
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If you have to ask us how to be "a polymath," that's it. You will never be a polymath.

>> No.10468618

Because of their relevance.

This way you get to learn how the properties and relations of shapes and numbers sprang up and were developed, learn basic rudimentary logic principles like reductio ad absurdum and the principle of superposition, learn the foundation of the field of calculus, learn the foundation of hydrodynamics, learn the basics of the center of gravity for objects, learn the difference between a parabola, hyperbola, and where these are physically represented in a three dimensional model.

That’s why.

>> No.10468631

Like Jared Leto? I guess you can read biographies of modern polymaths.

>> No.10468777

Do lots of stuff. Be well-versed in mathematics. Mathematicians can learn other subjects and logic comes easy to them, the reverse does not hold. Being able to cite famous works is shallow. Search for meaning and be curious rather than finding something clever to say.

>> No.10468788

I would also say being able to communicate clearly is helpful. Read about Da Vinci and Franklin.

>> No.10468846

Johann von Wower, a Hamburg philosopher, defined polymathy as "knowledge of various matters, drawn from all kinds of studies [...] ranging freely through all the fields of the disciplines, as far as the human mind, with unwearied industry, is able to pursue them".

There ya go anon. Here you have the definition, as well as the directions, to attain your goals. It only takes a lifetime. Good luck,and Godspeed.

>> No.10469106

The trivium, basically

>> No.10469177
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>> No.10469222

Yes, precisely.

>> No.10469241

It's literally impossible now.

>> No.10469329

Go ahead.

>> No.10469595

A good upbringing is of course heavily beneficial.

What exactly do you think is impossible though?

>> No.10469612

He's probably thinking of becoming a DaVinci like figure, spearheading different areas. Specialization has become so entrenched it's hardly viable to master, say, genetic engineering, philosophy and music. From a trivium perspective though it's doable, and I think that's the only worthwhile manner desu. You want to think for yourself, not be a technician in everything

>> No.10469622

>A good upbringing
How do I achieve a good upbringing if I'm not pursuing a STEM or medical career

>> No.10469630

>Specialization has become so entrenched it's hardly viable to master, say, genetic engineering, philosophy and music
OP here. Exactly what I think.

>From a trivium perspective though it's doable, and I think that's the only worthwhile manner desu

How??? I haven't had the best education in the world; not a "liberal" one at least.

>> No.10469681

It's probably doable to get a career in genetic engineering going. Philosophy and music can easily be stacked on top, but it's probably hard to make meaningful contributions in the latter two fields. Still useful though.

Just following their spirits is a good undertaking.

Honestly, it's hard to acquire a level of fluency in mathematics without an education in it. I'd just advise you to read as much as you can. Include popular science, books about mathematics you can understand. You'll know what to read as time goes on.

>> No.10469690

In regards to being famous, I get the allure, but some stoic thinking could do there. Just being a classically virtuous man trying to be valuable is sufficient.

>> No.10469727
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Study fucking everything

Old Gods
Its all important, you need to be able to relate the topics to each other.
They all overlap and are interrelated.
If you cannot do so intuitively then you will never be.

3 is the key.

>> No.10469781
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>Learning fields



>Asking means you can't do something


>You're responsible to communicate your eminence


>Muh "Can't do it anymore"


>Muh "Everyone's too specialized" even if Da Vinci is famous in huge part for discovering phenomena, not mastering the ones already there




You can't just be smart if you wanna be a polymath, because OTHER PEOPLE decide that is what you are. Literally no one cares if you self diagnose yourself as one, and if you want to be a polymath just to validate your self esteem, save yourself the effort and figure out how to be happy with being 'just smart', it's faster. If you ACTUALLY want to be a polymath, you will do so only by proving it.

To do this you must reach a recognizable level of skill on a variety of subjects, which means you need to do, AND FINISH, many projects in many fields that show this mastery. You may, and probably should, create the fields you do these projects in, because these projects will need to be awesome in the traditional "Inspiring awe" sense, you don't call "Pretty good Greg" who both plays an okay standing bass and can make a delicious casserole a polymath.

It isn't complicated, it's just daunting. There is no book or knowledge separating you from being a polymath, just a huge wall of hours of effort making stuff.

That "wide range of knowledge and experiences" you're supposed to read forever to build up? That shit is ex post facto justification people use to explain why they are not trying to accomplish stuff. Study is counter productive UNLESS it is in direct pursuit of improving or completing an ongoing great work.

>fuck you you're not a polymath

No shit, but anyone who's wasting time reading and studying rather than making stuff won't be one either. Nietzsche didn't have to be an ubermensh to describe how someone is, or becomes, one.

>> No.10469829

Not being able to communicate is a big hurdle in most fields.

>> No.10469847


Projects and ideas that inspire awe communicate their eminence by mere existence.

If an aspiring polymath was truly on their way to succeeding, they won't need to be the torchbearer on their ideas' behalf.

>> No.10469863

Projects, maybe not. Ideas might require communication. If you add another dimension, for example it's in a business context, a social context or a political context, it becomes even more important.

>> No.10469865

All worthy polymaths have a belief in God.

Even if they were "atheist" (doesnt exist, as they still have a belief about God, it is merely not how they like to view the universe)

>> No.10469896

Learn multiple STEM fields relatively well

>> No.10469932

Dude, fuck off with that shit.

>> No.10469937

> Implying believing in a God isn't a sign of a simple mind

>> No.10469961

Yes but certain fields are invalid and largely just conjecture. The worst thing we can do these days is assume that scientific understanding is 100% correct. Evolutionary biology and related fields are flawed because most likely incorrect. Then you have industries which reward innovators for fucking with the genetic code of plants and animals. I think this is invalid.

At the end of the day really, you only have so many ‘pure’ fields of study.

I would say go for it OP, learning math is incredibly entertaining and hopefully you and many others will create a culture that will create jobs which are difficult because for people who actually read about mathematics or linguistics (like many computer science jobs)

I mean, that’s how society works, spiritually

>> No.10469972

What is the incompleteness theorem?

What is the summa theologica?

Who is Peter Robertson

>> No.10469980
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>The Ten and Four Books of Architecture.
>Michelangelo's and Leonardo's Notebooks.
>Composition of Scientific Words
>A History of Western Music
>The Neuroscience of Intelligence
>The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
>A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity: Vol. I: The Classical Theories; Vol. II: The Modern Theories, 1900-1926
>The Horse, the Wheel, and Language
>The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World
>Advanced Macroeconomics David Romer
>Modern Economics - Jack Harvey
>Main Currents of Marxism
>On Politics: A History of Political Thought From Herodotus to the Present
>Memory of the World, and, The Encyclopedia of Earth
>SAS Survival Handbook
>SAS Urban Survival Handbook
>Philosophy Between the Lines: The Lost History of Esoteric Writing
>The Spark of Life
You can't learn to actually make great music/art.

>> No.10469982

Would you like to see how far down the mathematical rabbit hole goes? Welcome to a world of philosophy and math. A world that no one talks about. A world I go to every day.

I read at least one mathematical proof every day. And if the author has chained them together through a series of interrelated proofs I just keep reading. I even miss work if I have to. I don’t give a FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THAN PROOFS AND THEOREMS AND IF THEN BUT IF THEN BUT WHAAAAA

>> No.10470014

>The Real Man's Guide to Fixin' Stuff: How to Repair Anything You Need
>The Double Helix
>Black & Decker Basic Wiring & Electrical Repair
>The Prepper's Water Survival Guide
>Basic Butchering of Livestock Game: Beef, Veal, Pork, Lamb, Poultry, Rabbit, Venison
>Complete Plumbing
>Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
>The Back to Basics Handbook: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills
>Imperial Form: From Achaemenid Iran to Augustan Rome
>The Lost Art of Finding Our Way

>> No.10470019

You give up becoming a polymath and pick an extremely monotonous activity, say hammering nails, and you do that for fucking hours on end until you are no longer cognizant and experience revelation in its purest form: becoming a mechanism.

>> No.10470030

All Im saying, if you don't contemplate God then your an idiot.

Don't be scared Anon, you can't be the stupid.

>> No.10470034

Most work is like that

>> No.10470054

You make no sense. Go back to the drawing board.

>> No.10470062

>Fire Skills 50 Methods for Starting Fires Without Matches
>The Mastery and Uses of Fire in Antiquity
>On Collective Memory
>Seven Types of Ambiguity
>The Invention of Cuneiform: Writing in Sumer
>Psychometrics: An Introduction
>To the Letter: A Celebration of the Lost Art of Letter Writing
>Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination

Here's a year of reading

>> No.10470085

T. Brainlet

>> No.10470127

Pick few areas which share lot of the same reading. I trying with philosophy, politics and art. You could swap politics or art with a stem-field of your choosing, if you wanted to. I personally found that just hanging out with philosophically literate physicists and mathematicians allows me not to fuck up my stance on such matters. I find that your goal should be comprehensive understanding of the world around you instead of massive finds in any specific field.

>> No.10470143

You fucking don't

>> No.10470154
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Jared Leto is a polymath now?

>> No.10470168

i will be taking an apprentice
the full moon does not lie

>> No.10470215


Then pick this flower

>> No.10470242
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in eternal gratitude of the light within

>> No.10470307

Search "Jared Leto, polymath". I knew of his existence because in a newspaper they presented him as a polymath.

>> No.10470315

Why would you want to be a meme?

hurr durr muh greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks

>> No.10470318

Mathematicians are fucking awful at logic.

>> No.10470323

jared leto polymath
now is the time
jared leto polymath
now it's the time
when they clear the way
there'll be hell to pay
jared leto polymath
what will you do today

>> No.10470345

now if that wasn't just for you
there's more to come you silly shrew
your buttoned buttocks fill the pew
and babies cry 'here comes the jew'

>> No.10470354

Damn, got me there.

>> No.10470372

Discrete mathematics literally is logic

>> No.10470374

Trivium is a liberal meme. kys

>> No.10470377

Bad logic. Off yourself you med-sucking retard.

>> No.10470395


>> No.10471045


>> No.10471176

>be born with 150+ IQ
>be born with parents who cultivated learning at a young age and who were also rich enough to send you to a good school
>learn lots of shit
If you fucked up steps 1 or 2 you should just kys in hopes of being reborn as someone who wins both the genetic and socioeconomic lottery

>> No.10471198

>socioenomic lottery
>implying most people born with an above average IQ aren't born to parents with above average IQs
>implying people with better genetic stock get to the upper echelons of society purely through "luck" rather than natural superiority
You have to go back

>> No.10471199

sign newsletters from many different fields. Each time you are interested in a theme and don't know much about, research further.
Take notes in word files.

Here is one for astronomy:

You must now find one for particle physics and one for biology, mainly.

>> No.10471281

Can you rec some online newsletters like Brain Pickings?

>> No.10472203

It's sort of impossible, given the wealth of fields and knowledge. Also the amount of them that it takes to actually produce anything on par with standards, and with novelty.

>> No.10472204

You'd think but socioeconomics doesn't work like that in practice.

>> No.10472274
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>> No.10472522

People don't know but this is a blueprint for a rape machine.

>> No.10472899

>People don't know
>I do

>> No.10473205

mfw don't know if polymath or ADHD

>> No.10473311

When in doubt, go with the least impressive

>> No.10474325

is this lit approved

>> No.10475603

curious as well

>> No.10475740


>> No.10475765
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>>10470242 you still there?
what can you teach, would you want to teach?

how big of a trivium do you posses?

>> No.10475820

Be naturally interested in a lot of subjects, and strive to be good at them. Being good at math and fluent in more than one language would help.

>> No.10475842

Does rhetoric depend on the language you're speaking ?

>> No.10476880

bump for interest

>> No.10476883

Academia is so specialized now you can't really be one.

ps Da Vinci wasn't a polymath at all, he was a painter. None of his 'engineering' or 'science' makes sense and is basically the ramblings of an overeducated medievalist with too much time on his hands.

>> No.10476892

This is just so obviously nonsense. If your position were even slightly accurate homo sapiens would have long since fractured off into Eloi and Morlocks.

>> No.10477031

humans are the mammals with the greatest morphological variance next to dogs

>> No.10478083

lmao, literally the only difference between humans are their skin colors. There is only ONE race and that is the HUMAN race

>> No.10479436

what is this image tho

>> No.10479862

why do people on 4chan wanna excel at everything except the things that will actually improve their lives (relationship with friends and family, learning to relate to the opposite gender and your future partner, health, developing a fulfilling and stable career) ?

>> No.10479868

Who knows. Perhaps in the near future thinking well will be more important than you realize.

>> No.10480109

>being this wrong

>> No.10480439

stfu normie

>> No.10480445

I do anon, and I try to study all I can as well.

Shits hard to keep balanced but thats why I perfect my life philosophy firsr, i use 3 to help me.

>> No.10480472
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>> No.10480553

Heidegger plz go

>> No.10480566

half gave up on every having a successful relationship with any other human being, the other half are deluded and think if they pursue intellectualism enough everything else will fall into their lap