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/lit/ - Literature

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10467014 No.10467014 [Reply] [Original]

>Going on a date
>Topic changes to depression because we're both privileged gen Z upper middle class college students
>"My favorite author talks about this sorta stuff a lot"
>"Oh yeah, who?"
>"David Foster Wallace"
>"You're the 3rd guy I've dated that's mentioned him. You all even look the same."
>Try and backpeddle and talk about how I know that only douchebag men like DFW and but of course I like him and I'm just as bad as them
>End up deep dicking her anyway
Has this happened to anyone else? Is DFW back in vogue?

>> No.10467034

Back in vogue? Same shit fifteen years ago when I was twenty desu. Did his popularity wane between then? It's always the same few.

>> No.10467043

>favorite author
>David Foster Wallace

The fact that she didn't get up and leave at this point should have been a major red flag.

>> No.10467044

that is a john green tier quote

>> No.10467056

isnt DFW more of a millenial soyboy and gen x thing

>> No.10467060 [DELETED] 

and this is the story of how OP go herpes

>> No.10467459

> college student
> gen z

>> No.10467465

>18 and 19 year olds
>not college students

>> No.10467474

You sound like a shit bloke

>> No.10467478

Born in the 90s, ie the end of the millennium. You're not gen z.

>> No.10467487

People born in 1998 and 1999 are Gen Z. They barely have anything in common with 90's kids Millenials

>> No.10467581
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l m a o

>> No.10467603
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>> No.10467619

Back in vogue? It's a contemporary midcult classic, and there is a particular kind of young white guy who tends to talk about David Foster Wallace. Face it: you're a stereotype.

>> No.10468015

She wanted the dick and probably attributed next-to-nothing to this exchange. You're just overthinking things, like a Wallacian hero.

>> No.10468056

What kind of guy?

>> No.10468069

The average /lit/ poster.

>> No.10468078


DFW is trash. Grow the fuck up. Also, don't try to backpedal, the girl obviously has trash-tier taste in men.

>> No.10468084

I'm 20 and not in college

>> No.10468512

Not all of us are mental midgets

>> No.10468516

>DFW aka King of the soy

>> No.10468598

I'm 45 and just got my GED last year

>> No.10468647

>college teached me how to think! now me smart! this piece of paper says it! :D

>> No.10468659

Dude, this is water

>> No.10468696

Can confirm, just got out of the shower

>> No.10468738

They were friends

>> No.10468769

What the fuck is wrong with you, people born between 1980's to the mid 2000's have an incredible amount in common.

Stupid fucking idiots and their talk of gen z x y

>> No.10468774

You are all a bunch of cringy faggots and should feel ashamed of yourselves

>> No.10468809

Why are you hanging with us, then?
I'm going to play chess with my dad now, c'ya

>> No.10468837
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>girl tells you directly to your face that she likes dating the kind of guys who like dfw and has done so multiple times in the past
>girl has sex with you
>act confused

at literally what point do guys turn their brains off and stop learning how to apply common sense to human behavior

>> No.10468845

It's fine you feel that way. We're all friends here.

>> No.10468865

Guys assume that something must have went deeply wrong in those relationships for them to have ended and that association with them would not be a good thing
Not that women are just whores

>> No.10468911

that's another example of guys not applying common sense to human interactions

what a breakup means to a girl:
we were dating but didn't wanna continue it

what a breakup means to a guy:
this bitch hates me, i'm not masculine enough, i need to bang random hoes or i'm a bitch, i'm not attractive enough, i need more money, i need a 6-pack, maybe i need to be more serious in my next relationship, all women are whores, i've treated her badly and now we can't continue, maybe i'm done having gfs and need to fuck bitches, actually i wanna get married, .... etc.

>> No.10469975

>this bitch hates me, i'm not masculine enough, i need to bang random hoes or i'm a bitch, i'm not attractive enough, i need more money, i need a 6-pack, maybe i need to be more serious in my next relationship, all women are whores, i've treated her badly and now we can't continue, maybe i'm done having gfs and need to fuck bitches, actually i wanna get married, .... etc.
All true.

>> No.10470013

This. Girl think she "didn't want to continue" while men realize why she thought that in the first place.

>> No.10470021



>> No.10470022

DFW is literally just john green for men who wear glasses

>> No.10470028

gen z starts in 90-95

a good chunk of Gen Z are actually out of college

>> No.10470031

I think video games, rap music, the internet, and neoliberalism means people born in 1985 are way more similar to people born in 2005 than 1965

>> No.10470041

>Statistics Canada defines Generation Z as starting with the birth year 1993.

the term millenials has been in use since the late 70s, it means 'came of age around the coming of the millenium' not 'born near the millenium'

>> No.10470071

Do people really talk about stuff they like on dates? I always get embarrassed that I'm boring my gf when I just talk about films I like let alone opening up about literature.

>> No.10470112

>DFW is literally just john green for men who wear glasses


>> No.10470703

ppl dont realize that "cutting comments" is a stylistic choice not a matter of content

>> No.10470722

Post bra

>> No.10470740
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Hmm.. John Green wears glasses

>> No.10470772

Nobody can know when he or she is producing a meme, but we can all identify when something changes into one. If this happened it is time to abandon ship.

>> No.10470872

>at literally what point do guys turn their brains off and stop learning how to apply common sense to human behavior
I have no idea what this sentence is trying to say.

>> No.10470900

this, unironically.

>> No.10470905

Thank you. My autism is somewhat appeased.

>> No.10470915

>gen z
Youre a millennial faggot

>> No.10470933

Ya but john green needs glasses

>> No.10470941


This post unironically made me think.

>> No.10471842

Thank you

>> No.10472558

Men just got 9/11'd.

>> No.10472597

honestly I don't know why anyone tries to impress women with literature. I'm sure all that girl has read is YA trash like every other millennial girl but then has the cheek to make some depreciating comment towards you as if reading Infinite Jest is incredibly vanilla to her. Back to reading John Green, you stuck up cunt, and you're lucky you don't get thrown out of a moving car.

>> No.10472600

Joycey has been the reigning King of Soy for the past century, kiddo.

>> No.10472631

of course, women's sex lives are a post-scarcity world. they have just enough time for a single thought before they're stuffing themselves with more cock.

>> No.10473259

>Girl think she "didn't want to continue" while men realize why she thought that in the first place.
Girls can get away with it because they can find another mate in a matter of hours, being picky. Rupture is a hard thing for men, be it purely for such logistical reason.
It's like mass production versus sending a ship into space. In one case, failure is "meh whatever, better luck next time", the other involves all manner of autistic thinking about even very unlikely failure modes.

>> No.10473854

Again youre so confused. All you need to do to get a romantic or sexual partner today:

-be emotionally regulated enough to be normal and positive to be around in social interactions
-be yourself
-put yourself around girls (friend group or tinder or something)

The only reason this "scarcity" exists for guys is cause they can't recognize that THEY are too emotionally fucked up to set normal right now and start being creepy. Then they come up with weird conspiracy theories about how society/chad/intergender sexual dynamics/whatever is keeping them down. Or they externalize everything and think they need a promotion/6 pack/publishing deal/whatever to get/keep a girlfriend. Then they'll ask girls for advice and hear that they should get in touch with their emotions more and theyll take it as a weird conspiracy theory to turn them into beta males and start an internet misogyny blog about it. Like i dont even know where we start with this shit.

Youre always gonna be fucked up after a breakup unless the relationship was really bad but that doesn't mean you're not gonna get a gf or youre not permanently unattractive or some shit or that chad is fucking all your womens and you need to be some king douchebag wallstreet bodybuilder fantasy to stop getting hurt. This shit is not that fucking complicated

>> No.10473904

I'm 20 and have only ever met one other person in my life who read DFW, and that was a Harvard English major who I leant my copy of Broom of the System to. I genuinely don't understand where you people live where he's so popular that he's cliché. Is this what New England is like for rich people?

>> No.10473909

This post is 100% correct but it will be torn apart or ignored because of where we are.

>> No.10474031


i feel like this is just proof that you need to be stupid to successfully date

>> No.10474128

has nobody linked the article yet?
/lit/ is truly dead

>> No.10474482

>at least three other guys had cum in her before you


>> No.10474509

If I’m on a date and the topic of favorite authors comes up, who is a safe bet to say to impress anyone worth impressing without painting me as a self-satisfied straight white male?

I’m thinking Tolstoy

>> No.10474977

If you can't talk about depression without bringing up David "help i am being crushed by the weight of my own brain" Foster Wallace you should avoid the subject entirely.

>> No.10475085

Victor Hugo

>> No.10476081

you're not even wrong. swinging this far to the other side of the pendulum on the crest of postmodern anxiety is just as sad as the postmodern anxiety DFW wanted to escape from

>> No.10476098

of course it means nothing to you. of course

>> No.10476103

oh wow I didn't realize it was so easy. thanks

>> No.10476228


>> No.10477546
File: 57 KB, 720x632, 15941398_1183448068417516_2210275722346418282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, that's a tough call — I know it's cliché to say this, but I can't pick just one favorite.
>Gun to my head, I'd say [inoffensive classic author (e.g. Dickens)], but I really like [actual favorite], too.
>[Explain why you like your actual favorite in a sentence or two].
>How about you?

>> No.10477559
File: 14 KB, 166x266, Bonifatius_viii_papst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people unironically like DFW irl

>> No.10477605

Any fucking conversation I have with people about books, they will always mention DFW like clockwork.

>> No.10477632

I like him meta-sincerely

>> No.10477648

>implying all 4 of them didn't use condoms and so but none of them actually had any cum inside her

>> No.10477777

Yo, if I were to make fun of DFW by referring to him as 'Gravy Pasta Wallet' would you know who I was talking about?
Thought it was pretty clever myself, but it hasn't garnered much of a reaction, so I'm thinking it might be a bit too cerebral for /lit/.
Maybe it's SO clever that it leaves assblasted DFW fans unable to reply.

>> No.10477896

Even if I didn't get it at first, I would laugh when I finally did. I personally love pointless wordplay like that, so I encourage it.

>> No.10477914
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Tell her to read SIEGE