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10465337 No.10465337 [Reply] [Original]

>waiting in line at bank
>see lesbian couple and son who looks to be ten or so get in line behind me
>son is wearing a tiger onsie costume
>one of the moms, the butchier one, tells kid to read his book we'll be waiting here a while
>he reaches into his back pack and takes out volume 5 of In Search of Lost Time
>ask couple "I-is that kid reading Proust?"
>mfw the kid looks up and says "re-reading it"

ITT: times you met patricians in the wild

>> No.10465663

My lesbian sister and her wife also have a kid, and they are both the most well read people I know, so I honestly don’t find that situation that unbelievable.

>> No.10465842

>tfw the "son" is actually 24 but looks 10 because they told him he was transgender and gave him so many still-in-testing hormone blockers as a child that he permanently looks 10

>> No.10465879

Fake and gay

>> No.10465894

Are they hot?

>> No.10465909

Clearly another case of lesbian eugenics

>> No.10466336


>> No.10466347


I question how much children understand of the stories they read. He'd do well to re-read it again when he's in his 20's and then again in his 30's, if the story is true. The books I read so young I forgot, and barely apprehended. If I were to re-read them now I'd probably be more than shocked.

That said, if true, more good to him.

>> No.10466353

if you didn't finish proust before age 8 you'll never be in the canon

>> No.10466359

I've known some well-read teachers and got into some deep arguments with a stem kid. Never met a real 'patrician' in the /lit/ sense.

>> No.10466367

>tfw you’ll never be a patrician lesbian

>> No.10466387

Proust was neurotic.

>> No.10466403

Probably fake but it made me kek

>> No.10466409

>capable of being patrician

>> No.10466472

I read all the Redwall books obsessively when I was younger and looking back that shit was incredibly brutal. I also don't know how I didn't turn into a furry from that.

>> No.10466486

was the kid's name nael?

>> No.10466488


I think part of it might be the linguistic arrogance of a child. I remember thinking I knew what every single word meant when I was a child, which was ridiculous. Now I'm a terrible skeptic, I'm amazed I understand language at all. There is so much ambiguity in language and so much depth to certain writers. That said, maybe that arrogance was why we were able to plow through books at that age, understanding it or not.

>> No.10466496

imagine making such a stupid post in /lit/

>> No.10466536

I remember that as a child burger, all of his feast descriptions sounded unbelievably amazing, but I only understood about a tenth of what the fuck it actually was. The words themselves just had a feeling they evoked of delicious food and I would have to imagine what they might be in my head. Things like pasties and turnovers and dandelion cordial. I can't even think of another author I've read since capable of doing that, although maybe it was as you said the imagination of being a child.

>> No.10466558

Are you me?

>> No.10466562

t. Homo

>> No.10466582

yes, YES! It was him.
How have you heard of him? Have you met him?