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/lit/ - Literature

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10465147 No.10465147 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me a book about a brave and intelligent man who sees through society's lies

>> No.10465153

mi diario puto

>> No.10465155

Das Kapital

>> No.10465156

Dr. Seuss the lorax

>> No.10465161
File: 48 KB, 477x477, smug Mein Kampf Pepe .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what you are searching for

>> No.10465166

>tfw OP is a brainlet

>> No.10465167

Your diary desu?

>> No.10465173

The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

>> No.10465182
File: 168 KB, 853x937, Arbeit Macht Frei Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some sense

>> No.10465203
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Yes. Get the Penguin version

>> No.10465215

he's literally right about all of it

I was reading Plato when I was fourteen and I remember thinking how unimpressed I was that this supposedly so great and wise man was propounding concepts that I, as a neophyte, could easily grasp and even critique

Plato offers nothing profound and his outlook is extremely dated (as is Aristotle's, I mean jesus he said women and slaves dont have souls. father of analytic philosophy, huh?)

in short, the western philosophy is fundamentally flawed because it was developed by hyper-masculine cave-type people who only wanted to secure the male dominance hierarchy that the "gods" supposedly handed to them

That is why for the past twelve years I have been getting very heavily into the Eastern esotericism and I've found it to be infinitely more applicable to today's paradigm. The pro-environmental sentiments and curb against stereotypical western machismo is refreshing, to say the least. I would reccomend doing acid or some such key/drug if the philosophies don't at first make sense to you, since there are millennia of toxic western thought-patterns that must be purged before one can truly become illuminated in the way one ought via the Vedas

>> No.10465227
File: 1.32 MB, 200x200, Hans laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(as is Aristotle's, I mean jesus he said women and slaves dont have souls. father of analytic philosophy, huh?)
What's the problem?
>in short, the western philosophy is fundamentally flawed because it was developed by hyper-masculine cave-type people who only wanted to secure the male dominance hierarchy that the "gods" supposedly handed to them
What's the problem?
>That is why for the past twelve years I have been getting very heavily into the Eastern esotericism and I've found it to be infinitely more applicable to today's paradigm.
Oh, I see...
>there are millennia of toxic western thought-patterns that must be purged before one can truly become illuminated in the way one ought via the Vedas

>> No.10465234

Are you look for someone to tell you of a complicated man?

>> No.10465241

>Mention of the practice can be dated back to the 3rd century BC,[5] while evidence of practice by widows of kings only appears beginning between the 5th and 9th centuries CE. The practice is considered to have originated within the warrior aristocracy in India, gradually gaining in popularity from the 10th century AD and spreading to other groups from the 12th through 18th century CE. The practice was particularly prevalent among some Hindu communities,[6] observed in aristocratic Sikh families,[7] and has been attested to outside South Asia in a number of localities in Southeast Asia, such as in Indonesia[8] and Vietnam.

Tell me more of this noxious milieu!

>> No.10465248

You found Sam Harris' goodreads account

>> No.10465254

>The caste system in India is the paradigmatic ethnographic example of caste. It has origins in ancient India, and was transformed by various ruling elites in medieval, early-modern, and modern India, especially the Mughal Empire and the British Raj.[1][2][3][4] It is today the basis of educational and job reservations in India.[5] It consists of two different concepts, varna and jati, which may be regarded as different levels of analysis of this system.[6]

Enlighten us brother!

>> No.10465258

masterful bait

>> No.10465265

So you're telling me Eastern philosophies are totally modern and lovey-dovey and they're so collectivist and wonderful for everyone in the society?
Read some Confucius, and read some history to understand not just what he's saying but also how it applied to their society. Brutally.

>> No.10465267

Yeah, he got three (You)s out of me. Enough really.

>> No.10465654

the Fall