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10465045 No.10465045 [Reply] [Original]

Just starting to read pic related.
What are some other good /lit/ recommended Western novels and short stories?

>> No.10465068

You tried reading anything else by him for starts?

>> No.10465081

Yep, read the Horses trilogy, and No Country, both of which I would consider sort of elegies for the genre.
I heard the Lonesome Dove series is pretty good.
I'm just hoping to avoid Louis L'amour tier pulp.

>> No.10465109

You mean "The Border Trilogy"? And No Country for Old Men is an anti-Western if you're going to classify it in any genre. There's not much good contemporary Western literature to speak of if you want to avoid cliches. McCarthy is really quite unique in that he avoids cliche where he can or uses it to make a point. If you want similar prose writers t to McCarthy there are a few but good western novels are a bit harder to find. I enjoyed Red Pony by John Steinbeck after reading McCarthy for some reason.

>> No.10465140

Yeah, my mistake. The Border Trilogy.

What I'm looking for doesn't necessarily have to be contemporary. I remember reading a short story in high school by Max Brand called "Wine on the Desert" that was originally published in a pulp magazine in the 30s that was actually pretty damn innovative. None of that white hat, black hat cliche stuff.

>> No.10465235

Lonesome Dove

>> No.10465467

Butcher's Crossing

>> No.10465859

Look's promising.

>> No.10465884

True Grit

>> No.10465885

Funny how the US is the most western country. I feel bad for Europeans. Anything by Willa Cather. Warlock by Oakley Hall.