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10462987 No.10462987 [Reply] [Original]

We're discussing Heidegger thought here.
Basically trying to start the questionning where he left it...

>> No.10462993

My house is filled, every room, with microscopic cameras, and also these cameras are fitted on by body, on my face in particular, so that my face is under constant scrutiny by parasites. These microscopic cameras, fitted on my while I was in a severely drugged state by bastards in an alley, employ a wide angle lens to see me. Anyway they make use of this as weaponised, as by the way, they stare constantly, and these are hateful demons, possessed by a singular purpose to destroy, derail, trying to derail my post as I'm typing, words processing. They follow me around in an attempt to harass, and gaslight me, tricking me at every turn and in a wakened "weakened" understanding state release toxic. Buy really I feel my bones, and I feel them in it, and I must try to resist, but also listen, basically a sacrifice ,that's right, sacrifice, in order to long persist. Other than that. Goodbye

>> No.10463056

Do you want to know what is falseness, untruth, deception ?

Modes of deception :
the mildest form : occulting, as putting a veil that makes truth invisible to the eyes. that is the retention of knowledge, it may be done for "protecting the of the holder of truth" in fact, it is ethically variable,
The unethical mode being : not allowing others to come to truth, for the purpose of keeping the current state of affairs in the world into status quo.
-Deception as perversion : Presenting untruth that leads to suffering as wholesome and as leading to hapiness.
-Deception as destroying the signs of truth : not preserving or destroying wisdom already written.
-Deception as perversion of language : intervention on semantics such as changing the definition of words so as to obscure already written wisdom, and making language poor in meaning and vocabulary.

>> No.10463083

deception as distraction through occulting : constructing layers of reality upon already existing layers, so as to make these layers attractive to the senses, not stating the purpose of this as a distraction from underlying reality, but the opposite : "this is true reality, the underlying reality does not exist or is unimportant, not to be sought"
there are other modes... but i'll make a break.

>> No.10463198


>> No.10463204

I am a Heidegger guy so I'm trying to appreciate some of what you're writing but I also think you might be on the verge of a schizophrenic episode or something.

This kind of conceptual blending is interesting stuff and very useful for doing philosophical thinking, but if it becomes incestuous and you get locked in a bubble of your own terms and ideas, you can end up unable to communicate with anyone and dangerously isolated.

Be careful about responding to a lack of interest because people are unable to understand you, or uncaring because they're philistines, by digging yourself deeper into self-referential towers built up of your own ideas, man.

>> No.10463230

Well, thanks for the input. in fact i must sometimes get things out of my mind because of sheer containment pressure. A kind of safety mechanism.
On the other hand, when I write it or convey it through words, it somekind makes "room" for more, so it is a double edge sword.
That is a computational approach of mind but quite representative of the result of introspection.

Now to keep sanity : I think meditation is useful, and of the "concentration" type (samadhi). I usually do more insight/mindfullness meditation and that may cause an imbalance.
And being in country, the wilderness, nature. that was Heiddeger way too, to get out of the "Gestell"

>> No.10463254

Ok but all that stuff about microscopic cameras is complete delusion, take some benzos

>> No.10463262

Just wait till he discovers Lebniz's monads or Deleuze's pluralism. Psychotic breakdown incoming, Nick Land v2 about to be born.

>> No.10463279

OP here.
the post you refer to is not from me. it was pure thread derailment bait,
I am not that down on the insanity path at the moment.

>> No.10463309

Why would someone try to derail your thread and make you look insane?

>> No.10463326

Shouldnt he have already read Leibniz if he is reading Heidegger?
Hmm now I think I know what OP's problem is... seems like someone didn't start with the greeks

>> No.10463405

Do i know ?
It's 4chan anon, trolls and shills are not limited to /pol/
One thing is sure, that was not me, it's up to you to believe it or not.

>> No.10463418

>>10463309 -> >>10463405
sorry i replied to myself as usual.

>> No.10463526

I don't know if I should belive in someone who replies to himself

>> No.10463539

That's only because I am so used to multipart posting because of the 2000 chars limit, anon.

>> No.10463556

god i love how mentally ill people can use the internet

>> No.10463578

I love how internet uses mentally ill people to "grow"...

define : mentally ill.
hard mode : do not use the DSM V

>> No.10463589
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Now you're derailing the thread. I'd rather read about tiny camera beings than your excuses for low 4chan facility.

>> No.10464901

Read Peter Sloterdijk as just this initiates a major thread- perhaps the golden thread- of his very literary (after Nietzsche) phenomenological thinking.