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/lit/ - Literature

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10462873 No.10462873 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ red flags

>Shoe-horned alliterations

>> No.10463494

>likes hemingway
>only read old man in the sea

>> No.10463528

But that is the only justification for liking Hemingway.

>> No.10463970

>told my favorite High School lit teacher I was reading For Whom the Bell Tolls
>trying to impress her
>she reacted indifferently
>later found out she doesn't like Hemingway cause his use of language was basic shit
>more of a Steinbeck connoisseur herself

>> No.10463978

>reads plays
Next you'll tell me you read sheet music. Maybe if you're performing it.

>> No.10463983

Was she hot?

>> No.10463986

>Big feeling come from big words.
>I killed the puppy George.

>> No.10463995

Nah, she was an old woman from Mississippi and a great teacher. Lots of knowledge of Southern lit and culture.

>> No.10463999

I've never understood reading plays whenever my hs teachers would make us read one I'd go into an autistic rage. Come to think of it I don't think we ever read anything worthwhile in hs meanwhile my parents both read Nietzsche, Hemingway, and Homer in hs. Given I grew up in a hick town.

>> No.10464003

have you actually ever seen a play?
not having read the original text, how can you tell whether the director's interpretation was any good? how can you tell whether the protagonist was performed as you imagined him in your mind? without reading plays watching their performance becomes nothing else than watching a movie.

>> No.10464023

American education is so shit

This, reading > performed > opera interpretation > symphony >>> audio recording >>>>>>> film or television "adaptation"

>> No.10464029

I'm a leaf, but yes I wish they sent me to private school

>> No.10464032
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>being this much of a brainlet

>> No.10464074

are you by any change American?
>unironically using the term 'brainlet'

>> No.10464228

Yep. Not OP who posted about his hick hometown, though, in case that’s what you’re worried about.

But seriously, how retarded do you have to be to say this:
>without reading plays watching their performance becomes nothing else than watching a movie.
Seriously, what the fuck? If you legitimately think this, you know absolutely nothing about theater OR cinema. Reading a script can give you a framework to critique a director’s decisions, sure, but it’s by no means essential for understanding the play. Or do you think Shakespeare was just a vindictive asshole for never publishing his scripts during his lifetime? Fuck, why do ANY playwrights go to the trouble of putting something on the stage?

In fact, if you’re going to make the script>performance claim, you shouldn’t be such a pussy about it. Under your logic, the same thing should apply to cinema, right? We should ALL have to read the scripts before we watch films! After all, if you don’t read the scripts, films are the same as theater, right? I mean, literature is my favorite art form too, but good lord, it’s not the ONLY valid basis for artistic expression.

>> No.10465117


>> No.10465186

Reading plays is fine so long as you recognize the difference between that and seeing the play. Lots of people with aspirations to make movies read screenplays all the time.

>> No.10465754

>author's name is in initials

>> No.10465760

>Fuck, why do ANY playwrights go to the trouble of putting something on the stage?