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10461859 No.10461859 [Reply] [Original]

How many anons have adhd?

Is it a detriment for literature or a positive?

>> No.10461876

i do
helps with creativity
is a detriment executive functioning

>> No.10461884

What a fucking gay ass image
I don't have that but I have bipolar disorder and I think that anything that doesn't work like it is supposed to work in your brain is a detriment for literature, unless you are some kind of genius.

>> No.10461890

ADHD is just a way to get normal people on meds. And people seem to just love having diagnoses/labels these days, so it makes them happy telling others they are inexplicably
different because they are narrowly pigeonholed.

I get that some people genuinely have issues, but procrastination, difficulty focusing on something you don't want to do/aren't interest in etc. are normal human traits. You can work on bettering yourself and become more motivated and disciplined, or you can take pills and use them and your diagnosis as a crutch and defense mechanism. It's up to you.

>> No.10461898

starting vyvanse in high school changed my life
i finally started feeling like a human being
but even then it doesn't fix the root issues
i hate my brain
i think about killing myself daily
why was i made this way?

>> No.10461901

Dis boi is woke

>> No.10461912

>starting vyvanse in high school changed my life
>i hate my brain, i think about killing myself daily
>why was i made this way?
>starting vyvanse in high school changed my life

>> No.10461916

i thought about killing myself before vyvanse

>> No.10461917


in other words vyvanse had a net positive but did nothing for my depression

>> No.10461924

do proper amphetamines. you're depriving your brain of the chance of ever feeling normal happiness ever again, you might as well do the good speed.

>> No.10461927
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>being a creative person who doesn't enjoy being in a classroom/cubicle doing thungs you hate for 8 hours per day means that you have a diagnosable mental illness and need to be prescribed expensive prescription drugs which radically change your brain chemistry
Holy fuck and people think Orwell and Huxley wrote fiction
Big Pharma is the biggest crime against humanity ever yet comitted, though im sure there will be worse before this malignantly useless shit show called human existance is said and done

>> No.10461928

I used to think this. Then I realized that is a combination of things. Meds don't do it alone, and I avoid using them whenever possible, but that's mostly bullshit.

>> No.10461930

Were you always depressed? Did you lead a lifestyle conducive to depression, become depressed, feel unable to change said lifestyle, and continue on a downward spiral?

I know if you are profoundly depressed someone saying, "just try to be happy!" is meaningless. But I wonder if you wouldn't be happier if you just forced yourself to go through the motion of a healthy lifestyle. Go to the gym and exercise, spend time biking or hiking outside, reduce your computer time, force yourself to socialize etc. I wonder how much your mental health would improve if you stuck to this kind of plan for 60 days. No excuses either, 100% discipline and commitment. Just for 60 days.

>> No.10461935


ADHD-I reporting in.

>Is it a detriment for liturature or a positive?

Error: Undefined syntax

Can you be a bit more specific? Is it good or bad for reading liturature? Writing lit? Understanding lit? is it good or bad for characters in lit?


>just a way to get normal people on meds
>some people genuinely have issues

Skipping past the generalizations above, I can understand why a lot of people see adhd as a label or a crutch. When it was still called ADD, I was in middle school and the first big rising wave of diagnoses began to land. Most being children and you know the whole Ritalin controversy i am sure.

But I was never diagnosed. Of the two major sub-types, inattentive and hyperactive, I was inattentive. The symptoms and signs that hyperactive kids displayed are the ones most people grasp and they were the ones that were easily spotted and given treatment (far to often imho).

But I was able to sit still, talk in turn, take notes. Pretty much a model student in the classroom. The problem with inattentive adhd is that the train of though is not interrupted by a physical need to move but by a shifting train of thought and under/hyper focusing.

It goes deeper then putting things off. Say I want to take a shower. Simple, for sure. But prior to getting treatment it was a much longer ordeal. Each step in a mental checklist getting sidelined by shifting attention.

Got a towel? Check. Oh the towels are not folded, Ill remember to fold them later. What was i planning on later?

It is like following a checklist that keeps having secondary and tertiary objectives tossed in between every damn mental note. And god help you if those distractions sideline what you were trying to do in the first place.

>crutch and defense mechanism
Not everyone treats real life like tumblr. My boss and co-workers dont know about my diagnosis. Fuck getting treated differently. My work and my work ethic should be judged as is and by the same measure as others.

My only regret is waiting for so damn long to see a psychiatrist. Went all the way through college without treatment and it was a nightmare. Students with adhd (diagnosed and undergoing treatment) still graduate at lower rates when compared to the general population. I did without, and no, I find no pride in what I did. I would gladly go back and try it all over again when my medicine in tow.

>> No.10461936

I'm pretty sure 5-16% of American youth, depending on the area, do not actually require psychiatric meds to function or survive.

>> No.10461945


Talk to your psychiatrist about the depression. Dopamine and serotonin tend to have some inverse relationships in terms of cocentration within the brain.

So while vyvanse was boosting your dopamine, you might have still had low levels of available serotonin.

>> No.10461954

My meds are generic, moron. They help me function, similar to glasses.
I don't need meds to survive, and I agree that that number sounds high. I was never a hyperactive kid. I was very smart and curious but it was obvious to my teachers that something wasnt right in elementary school. I was terrible at following directions, had the messiest desk in the class, and was constantly reading when I was supposed to be doing other shit. Meds helped some in that regard.

>> No.10461955


Survive? No. Most dont need their medication to live.

Function? Yes. I lived most of my life without medication and it has made a night and day difference in my quality of life. I could survive without it if I had to but it would make day to day life much harder.

>> No.10461962

At what age were you diagnosed and why did you seek help?

Obviously we can't compare thought processes, but the checklist and tangential thoughts are something I and most people experience all the time. Sometimes I get hung up on things, forget my original goal/train of thought, etc. It's normal but not paralyzing.

>> No.10461968

Did a psychiatrist help much? I'm in college and my grades are shit despite having a script and a very high IQ. I am at the end of my rope here. I lost my scholarship a year ago and I might not get an internship because of my GPA. I have to change something, but I don't know what I can do anymore.
I can't seem to sustain the effort for an entire semester for things I'm not directly interested in at that moment. I am a pathological procrastinator, although I seem to have missed the depression part.

>> No.10461974

>he refutes a massively philosophical and humanist musing about conciousness and existance by saying "my meds are generic"
Welp, cant say I didnt try

>> No.10461975

It's good that you are one of the small percentage of patients who actually function well on meds. But if you think 5-16% of youth need meds to function, you are delusional.

>it was obvious to my teachers that something wasnt right in elementary school. I was terrible at following directions, had the messiest desk in the class, and was constantly reading when I was supposed to be doing other shit. Meds helped some in that regard.
You shouldn't take meds because your desk was disorganized and you were doing things you weren't supposed to. Jesus, how programmed are you?

>> No.10461977


>being a creative person who doesn't enjoy being in a classroom/cubicle doing thungs you hate for 8 hours per day means that you have a diagnosable mental illness and need to be prescribed expensive prescription drugs which radically change your brain chemistry

What about being a creative person that does want to learn and doesnt mind being in a classroom? What about being a creative person who has their mind leaping to and fro from thought to thought so often that i leads to them having problems keeping their focus in check?

No one is saying that hating school or not wanting to be cooped up inside is a mental illness. Have there been over diagnosed cases of adhd? I would say yes. But it does not mean it is all fraud or a crime.

>> No.10461976


I have always been depressed; I had a really shitty childhood

To be honest I'm in a good position right now. I'm 20, about to graduate college a year early, and after that I'm starting a job making six figures doing something I love. I have friends and hobbies. I'm in a position that most people would kill for.

But I want to fucking hang myself. I want to blow my brains out. I cannot imagine a possible future in which I am happy or fulfilled. And I have felt that way as long as I can remember.

>> No.10461981

>My meds are generic, moron. They help me function, similar to glasses.
lol no, just no.

>> No.10461985

Well that's because that's not at all that matters NERD

>> No.10461988

>I'm 20, about to graduate college a year early, and after that I'm starting a job making six figures doing something I love
What field? Inquiring minds want to know.

>> No.10461990





>> No.10461996


your brain hardly had a chance to naturalize:
0....0.....0....0..... go for a walk...+4.....eat some snacks....+5......drink some water....+3......back down to equilbrium...back down... back down... 0.....0...... watch a movie.. +4....-2....+3....-1...+1...+1....-5.....+7.....-3........ go swimming.....+5...... think about something sad....-8...... more...-1....-1.....-1..... see the sun peak through the clouds and a beam of light shine on a giant fir tree....+7....+7....+7........ feel the gentle rain on your nose... +3.... get shivers because its a bit cold, feel a bit cold...-3....-4..... a bit wet and cold....-1..... ahhhh, warmmmm dry clothes....+3....+4.....mmmm cookies and milk... +4....+5....too many....-3....stomach....-5.....a black cloud of hell and death envelopes the inner heart and head and all that is seen is terror and death and suffering and hatred and evil spirits and retarded youth and adults doing bad and stupid things....-10....-10....-10....-10..... take drugs....+20...+20.....+20..... drugs where off....-50....-50.....-50.... take drugs... +19....+19.....+19.... drugs where off...-51.....-51...-51..... take drugs... +18....+18....+18..... drugs where off....-52....-52.....-52..... new equilibrium established....can change...hopefully we can all figure out our relation to the nature of better and worse...

>> No.10462003

Thanks for your assessment, keyboard psychologist. I saw a team of psychologists at a reputable childhood developmental center.
>Being this ignorant on a topic and spouting pol-tier conspiracies
Like I said, I used to agree with you until I looked into it more. So you think the pharma Jews put all that effort into extracting a few dollars a month from me and my insurance?

>> No.10462014

Great argument. I guess you understand more about dopamine receptors than anyone else on earth and the brain chemistry behind ADHD. I hate taking my meds, but that's what keeps me from locking myself out of the house or losing my homework, so I deal with it.

>> No.10462015

well you annoy the fuck out of me so your regime cant be all good

>> No.10462018


>Like I said, I used to agree with you until I looked into it more. So you think the pharma Jews put all that effort into extracting a few dollars a month from me and my insurance?
I KNOW the pharma Jews put all that effort into extracting hundreds of millions, perhaps billions of dollars a month from a nauseatingly large portion of the population's insurance, which is of course another business based on fear mongering and in the practice of extracting money

>> No.10462019

Ditto my man

>> No.10462027

is it deeply understood, neurosciencly, physicsly, chemically, bioly, how the meds allow better attention? Like what they do, unblock or block pathways? make pleasure chemicals? How they create focus? when how consciousness functions is still something of a mystery

>> No.10462034

Meaning I annoy the fuck out of you?

>> No.10462035

You are describing a much larger problem in our pharmaceutical/medical industry. I agree that too many kids are put on Adderall and that there are dirty financial motivations behind it, but that doesn't invalidate all the instances of its use.

>> No.10462038


I was diagnosed at 31. I had my suspicions from all the way back in high school. I even took abnormal psychology courses as part of my degree and I still never got checked. [Rule #1 of Ab Psy, no self diagnoses]

I got help because the problems that came with adhd started to pile up. Disorganization, taking longer on even basic tasks causing delays and tardiness, difficulty starting tasks that I genuinely wanted to do, getting sidetracked during even basic to-do chores.

And yea, it is normal to get hung up or lost while doing a task. It is not normal to get hung up or lost in a task repeatedly and consistently to the point where it is directly effecting your ability to complete the original task.

Yes, it helped a lot. It was not a fix for all my problems, but it was still a huge step in the right direction. I did get diagnosed with depression after my adhd diagnosis, but I responded well to wellbutrin (buproprion) and it is also used as a adhd adjunct medicine so win-win.

I am going to assume your a man for a moment. Keep in mind that depression is not just the stereotypical crying nonstop and assorted hysterics. I felt empty, unmotivated, and just down on myself constantly. It can make procrastination worse and memory formation is hampered when you are depressed.

it makes for a nasty combination with adhd.

>> No.10462049

maybe you want to blow your brains out because all that hard work and staring into artificial light computer screen for 17 hours a day having artificial light pouring on your eating artificial food, drinking artificial drink... just thinking a possibility.. maybe you too hardly judge yourself in the eyes of others, maybe you desire companionship, maybe the world is full of things you could be interested you have not strove to discover yet, maybe you should take a dip in a pool and mellow out and float and swim around

>> No.10462050

The effect of amphetamines is relatively well understood, at least compared to other things. Our understanding of ADHD is still quite poor.

>> No.10462053
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>he doesn't listen to new music from every country in the world all day every day
I can't take anyone's problems seriously when they don't do this

>> No.10462054

amphetamines are pretty well studied. they were invented around the same point as nazi science, so you could get away with a lot more.

what pharma has done is spend a lot of money saying "these amphetamines don't work like street amphetamines", even though they mostly do in terms of damage. usually what is diagnosed as amphetamine damage in street users is considered to be a physical sign of adult ADHD on brain scans. basically what their argument is comprises of "your brain just looks like a speedfreak tweaker's brain in these sectors because you need more speed". pharma's been more successful with this in the US, but there's similar advertising campaigns and questionable data they've been convicted and fined with tampering with evidence and bribery on. usually it's psych drugs because it's a very soft science to begin with, and normally the damage isn't stuff that shows up on brain scans like with amphetamine abuse.

>> No.10462060

I saw a therapist a few times a couple summers ago but it didn't help much. The way you describe depression is the way I feel towards whatever not interested in at the moment. I love life when I'm doing what I want to do (procrastinating) but otherwise it's just dreary. I think I need to spend less time on 4chan because that undoubtedly fucks my dopamine up even more.

>> No.10462065


You can read up on the mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathway if you are interested. It is a very facinating part of the brain. It ties in both the reward aspect of dopamine and how it also effects the limbic system.

So when I take adderall, it is boosting dopamine to levels high enough to increase neurotransmitter activity. It is hard to put into an analogy but I can try.

Imagine a doorway blocked by people standing still and not wanting to move. You need to get through, but you alone cant get them to budge out of the way. So you get a few more people like you and together you are able to get through

Insufficient levels of dopamine are like you trying to get through the doorway alone. You cant bind to the proper site in the brain without some help to cause the needed signals to go through.

>> No.10462075

I have always been depressed too, been having suicidal thoughts since I was like ten, during my teens I used to be in a constant derealization mode, waking up with zero energy and extreme sadness, eventually I started having complete emotional flatness hours
I didn't want to get help because I thought that would make me an attention whore and that it would be disrespectful towards people who were "actually" depressed. There were moments I didn't feel depressed at all, the complete opposite, so I didn't know what the fuck was actually going on
Finally I had a breakdown when I was 18 and turns out I'm bipolar. Now I'm 20 and I'm not even in college, nothing going on for me really, complete parasite, but I don't actually feel that urge to end my existence anymore since I started taking meds (lamotrigine). If (You) are not on meds you are a fucking retard, my dude. You have a perfect life and still want to die, thats mental illness. Unless you are just being a metaphysical drama queen, in that case just shut up. Happines and fullfilness are buzzwords that dont mean shit outside of TV commercial publicity.
Maybe try psychedelics or something, maybe you are playing too safe. This doesn't mean you should ruin your life and become like me, by no means, but maybe this everything-in-your-life-going-perfectly is making you a tool. But try meds first.

>> No.10462089


Therapist =/= psychiatrist.

Therapists can fall under a lot of umbrellas, ranging from "lets talk it out" to "lets regress you back to your past lives" or "Here is some mantras to chant"

A psycatrist is going to look at your symptoms and your feedback to give you either some advice on how to improve life habits or suggest some CBT courses on top of a possible prescription.

I tried a few therapy sessions, but it just was akward, Granted the older lady I was seeing was very nice but it was hard to open up to her.

>> No.10462127

Therapists are fucking retards, all the ones I've tried just do nothing, is like talking to an even dumber version of myself. I don't understand what is it that they are supposed to do. Listen to me? Tell me what to do? Tell me their dumb opinions? It drives me nuts just remembering how frustrating, boring, awkward and useless trying to talk to those hacks is.

>> No.10462134

white people are Cheaters

do it the natural way pussies, or be Alphas like Asians!.

>> No.10462141

It's like they can't dissociate the feeling of intelligence from measurable results and they organize to become some kind of creepy vanguard that has to spread their drug of choice like all the crack addicts in Memphis, but not even as appealingly. No matter what they talk about the point just devolves into discourse for getting high, or reasons for why feeling high is great and nothing else mattering. No matter what the topic is it's an affirmation of energy. It's terrifying low-key speed-freaks can even pass off as anything but social infidels. I'm convinced they comprise the worst end of the unnecessarily hostile shitposter population easily.

>> No.10462143

OK, thanks, I guess I just have to swallow my pride and see a shrink. I have no idea how I am going to do this. The only way I saw the therapist was when I parents forced me to after I almost lost my scholarship (the first time). There's just such a powerful stigma against it, and I'm an extremely insecure) self conscious person.

>> No.10462163

Shit, dont be a faggot, psychiatrists are usually much better than those retarded faggots therapists are. Just tell them a resume of your life highlighting the suicidal or just weird mental shit parts, extreme sadness, physical pain from too much sadness, mood swings, hallucinations, intrusive thoughts, etc., and what type of situations triggered or and trigger them
You sound like you are not that bad so don't be surprised if you don't get any pills and get told to fuck off to talk with some therapist

>> No.10462179

I hate to be the one to say it, but fucking religion and living a more spiritual life literally changed where my life was headed.

I lost my depression.

I have a "severe" ADHD and I have both hyperactive and attention deficit really bad.

Weed also helps me study.

>> No.10462188

bro i don't even have the attention span to read this thread lmao.

>> No.10462233

Sorry man, as much as some people love to fake mental illnesses, go try tell the ones in mental institutions/suicide graves that they are only faking.
Usually the ones who are the most healthy try to fake it unfortenately, like roasties, so people have hard time believing the ones that are really ill.

>> No.10462282

I'd rather cultivate my own potential. Real inner strength that lasts a lifetime. Not a shitty crutch. Think about what it means to be human.

>> No.10462535

>wah i have to put effort into things and hard work

>gimme drugs!!!!!!

>> No.10462543

I have adhd and don't take any prescription, but dude weed lmao.

>> No.10462546
File: 2.09 MB, 480x270, 365948F6-EEA0-40FA-82E3-691106C1F083.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have it. Pic is basically what I think when I se huge blog posts on this site

>> No.10462553

Maybe you're just lazy

>> No.10462556

Yeah you're right if you have no legs fuck wheelchairs and prosthetics real inner strength just fucking levitate over the sidewalk, why don't people with asthma just cure themselves instantly by huffing the unpolluted and pristine mountain air of the alps, if you're bleeding just will your blood back into your body don't fall for the bandage meme lmao

>> No.10462559

What are the long term effects of Adderall usage?

>> No.10462566


>> No.10463087

>Thanks for your assessment, keyboard psychologist. I saw a team of psychologists at a reputable childhood developmental center.
That's like saying you went to an Apple store and bought the newest iPhone because that was what the reputable salespeople prescribed.

Psychiatry is prone to fads and the approach to medication is disturbingly unscientific.

>> No.10463127

ADHD doesn't exist. If you live in the US don't ever go see a psychiatrist.

>> No.10463140


Not that OP but please give me a starting point for this. I tend to find depression strikes around the same time as when I realise I'm in a routine. I'm trying to break free from those shackles; it helps my brain to think about new things.

>> No.10463151

It seems incredibly bizarre and crazy that so many people actually believe that ADHD exists, and big pharma is a benevolent entity. It's EXTREMELY peculiar honestly.

>> No.10463205

Go back to facebook

>> No.10463214

You're aware that the only place on earth where people have adhd and are fed enormous amounts of drugs is the US, right? And that the only place on earth where doctors are making money from prescription is the US?

>> No.10463222

How come everyone in America has ADHD, depression, PTSD, anxiety, etc.? It is difficult to believe that these sorts of psychiatric illnesses are prevalent. It is inexplicable that a large subset of the population would be carrying such deleterious traits, traits which apparently become evident at a young age too (hence detrimentally affecting reproductive fitness. It's clear mis/over-diagnosis is the problem, or there are some major environmental or social variables at play. Either way, medications are probably not a solution for most people.

When I visit /pol/ I sometimes wonder how many of those young white men are on meds. "Red pilled" indeed.

>> No.10463581

everything is really boring and I am always thinking of a 100 different things at any given time, so the only way I can really settle down and pay attention to anything, to slow my time frame down, is to get really high, and then everything mellows out, and time slows down, and I can relax and say, ok I will focus on this topic for sometime, the others arent going anywhere, and if they do, I dont fucking care anymore because im fucking so stoned my guy

>> No.10463660

It's detrimental to everything; due to your inability to self-monitor you see everything that comes to your mind as being insightful, so you run with it, like dragging different textures of shit across your wall.

>> No.10463685

I live in Chile and there are people diagnosed with adhd and tons of people take lots of pills and there are also tons and tons and tons of dumb old ladies and stoners in facebook talking about how mental problems aren't a thing and than everyone is actually special snowflakes and all that garbage you wouldn't expect to find in /lit/ but here we are

>> No.10463755

huh? I live in France (best healthcare system in the world) and doctors don't treat 'adhd' with pills. They don't treat it at all actually since they acknowledge that attentation spans are fucked because of screens and media.
But what's the difference between all these
places? Well in France lobbying is illegal.
I was diagnosed as an hyperactive child, had trouble with my attention span. I simply cut off screen time and started reading and doing activities which require high levels of concentration. It literally cured me in a year.

JUST.... How come people actually eat up whatever big pharma wants you to, when every year we have proof of pharmaceutical companies selling bogus pills and publishing fake results. It's a buisness, they don't give two shit about treating your illnesses lmao. Before yall hit me with the 'u don understand science n pills', both my parents are medical doctors, my gf is in med school, and I'm a biochem student.

>> No.10463766

inattentive adhd is under diagnosed while the hyperactive one is over diagnosed.

I am also pretty sure I am of the inattentive variant but I thought the meds were awful. Amphetamines will destroy your heart.

>> No.10464226

>I live in Chile
stopped reading
>huh? I live in France
stopped reading
>I was diagnosed as an hyperactive child,
started reading again
>muh everyone is exactly like me

>I live in Chile and there are people diagnosed with adhd and tons of people take lots of pills and there are also tons and tons and tons of dumb old ladies and stoners in facebook talking about how mental problems aren't a thing
t. shill

>> No.10464967


>> No.10464990

Brain damage in the frontal lobe and memory loss.