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/lit/ - Literature

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10461227 No.10461227 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your TRUE literature opinions that will get you the most (you)s.

>> No.10461235

John Green is the best author alive. His Book "The Fault In Our Stars," will go down in history as legendary 21st century literature. My dad beats me please he

>> No.10461239

I can't stand books that go with the present tense.

>> No.10461244

Pynchon is a hack

>> No.10461246

The Divine Comedy is garbage

>> No.10461250

Anna Karenina is the best book ever written but plebs can’t into it

>> No.10461252

(you) uncultured swine

>> No.10461255

I dont even like to read, Im just here to shit over pretentious autists

>> No.10461256


The Bible is completely incoherent if interpreted literally and anyone who does so has serious psychological problems.

>> No.10461258

people who carry 700 page russian novels around with them are pseuds

also your mom gay

>> No.10461265

There is no reason to read anything in middle english, and following on from that, the matter of Britain is a mess that is really only read in order to seem 'cultured'.

>> No.10461270

Art is subjective

>> No.10461273

starting with the greeks is pointless and dumb

>> No.10461275
File: 43 KB, 300x300, 300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacan is the most intelligent person in the 20th century. Psychoanalysis is something else entirely that is neither science, religion or philosophy or any field of study, but a revolutionary practice in its own right that could emancipate us all and create a new way to experience the universe that is simultaneously open to change, true to oneself, politically engaging, scientifically sound, respectful to both the individual and the collective, accepting of death and the unknown, and it functions in every day life or as means to deal with knowledge, religion, social matters in a way that is not naive, romantic, nor cynical or skeptic. But I can't tell you how because you'd have to spend years talking to a psychoanalyst to understand what I mean and no book or text can tell you otherwise and everyone who says psychoanalysis is bullshit doesn't know the first thing about it. And the only reason it can only be accessed in that bourgeois way is because people do not accept psychoanalysis easily and it very well knows that, so my fate is to see the world deny this amazing opportunity that has no counterparts in the history of mankind except for small parallels of certain aspects of it in certain parts of buddhism, education, science and so on.. But I'm okay with it.

>> No.10461280

Reading, writing, representing, editing, and publishing all forms of literature have been completely overtaken and debased by women, effeminate men (relegated exclusively to readership these days), ethnic minorities, perverts, and, above all others, Jews. Masculine heterosexual white Gentile males have been completely excluded from the medium of literature except for a dying cohort of profitable Boomer authors and a handful of writers who first achieved enough success outside of the publishing industry to convince the cabal to temporarily set aside their infinite ethnic hatred for Europeans and Western values and men in the interests of making money. As a result, literature is a withering medium, a vanishing niche interest, and will likely die (or, more precisely, be murdered) altogether within the century, and there is no hope of reversing this process, so intelligent readers should stick to reading the classics and give up on the present and future.

>> No.10461284


Is this Chiller?

>> No.10461289

I'm very happy that this is true, actually.

Rightfully so. Wave bye bye! :)

>> No.10461298

why tho?

>> No.10461304

literally one of the first works of lit normies read when they try to into high culture lmao

>> No.10461305
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>> No.10461318


>> No.10461324


>> No.10461336


>> No.10461352


>> No.10461369

There is no good modern literary voice for right-wing thought, just echo-chamber tier "the rumor come out: did liberals is muslim gay satan" and Moldbugian ramblings.
The left has decent academic voices, but the right only has professional trolls seeking redditbucks a la Milo and Coulter.
Which is a shame, because I'd like to read some challenging right-wing literature for a change.

>> No.10461383

Maybe that has something to do with anyone voicing anything but Marxist opinions being defunctionalized or killed.

>> No.10461390

Proving his point...

>> No.10461402

The right controls every branch of government on the federal level, every branch on the state level where I live, and even have a few seats on student council at my ultraliberal university. Bull.
Now point me to some decent right-wing thought on paper.

>> No.10461406


I could write it for you, but I won't

>> No.10461407

In hindsight, the era of tripfags like Butterfly and Evolakid was much better than the current era of cross posters and Peterson threads.

>> No.10461411


>> No.10461412


>> No.10461417

Most genre fiction will get grandfathered into literature eventually.

>> No.10461444

Picture of Dorian Gray sucks ass

>> No.10461459

>neocon cuckservatives
>"the right"

OK princess enough Internet for you tonight you have school tomorrow

>> No.10461471

Any book not at least 100-150 years old hasn't been tested by time and is therefore complete trash and can be ignored

>> No.10461512

nevermind that masculine heterosexual white gentiles are too busy playing video games in an era of boundless and immersive electronic entertainment

nevermind that literature classes are full of women, effeminate men, LGBT, etc. with barely a masculine heterosexual white gentile in sight because they are all in STEM programs or else business/economics/finance/law.

nevermind that trying to actually advertise and sell books by masculine heterosexual white gentiles is probably next to impossible, whereas backing books with an exotic or outrageous author identity is attention grabbing and makes implicit false promises of revealing the secrets to life known by "the other", probably making more money in the end

no, it must be a conspiracy, it must be the SJWs

>> No.10461517

I rolled my eyes several times while reading the first chapter, I'll have to finish it when I'm done with the Trial to give an actual opinion.

So far The Trial is disjointed and dull, but has specks of greatness here and there. I get it, it isn't finished, the praise is still...a tad much

>> No.10461530

Herman Hesse's books make me feel like my life is a meaningful journey.

>> No.10461531

unironically it’s pomo mysticism

>> No.10461573

We thought we had such problems. How were we to know we were happy?

>> No.10461653

>nevermind that masculine heterosexual white gentiles are too busy playing video games
Masculine heterosexual white Gentiles retreated to other mediums for a reason. We were driven off by incessant denunciations of us as persons. Leftists have attempted the same strategy of infiltration, subversion, sabotage, and destruction as they used on literature and academia on other spheres like video games and comic books to great success.

>nevermind that literature classes are full of women, effeminate men, LGBT, etc. with barely a masculine heterosexual white gentile in sight because they are all in STEM programs or else business/economics/finance/law.
It's almost like paying tens of thousands of dollars to sit in a room for four years being hysterically shrieked at that you are the incarnation of Satan and must be destroyed isn't appealing to most people.

>nevermind that trying to actually advertise and sell books by masculine heterosexual white gentiles is probably next to impossible, whereas backing books with an exotic or outrageous author identity is attention grabbing and makes implicit false promises of revealing the secrets to life known by "the other", probably making more money in the end
Book readership is at an alltime low since the advent of mass literacy.

>no, it must be a conspiracy, it must be the SJWs
It's not a conspiracy if it's the entirety of popular culture and its production industry in plain sight with no attempt to conceal it whatsoever. Genocidal, totalitarian leftist sociopaths have been constantly, openly declaring a war of total annihilation against normal people ever since 1534. Ever since the days of Cain if you believe the Bible. SJWs are just their most recent fashion persona.

>> No.10461660


>> No.10461681
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Joyce's novels got progressively more self-indulgent as his career progressed.

David Foster Wallace's best fiction is his short fiction.

Fitzgerald was a one-hit wonder.

Ayn Rand, whether we like her or not, is the most important American writer since the turn of the century.

Young Adult, for better or worse, is the future of fiction. If Catcher in the Rye, The Stranger, or Portrait of the Artist were written today, those novels would be marketed under that umbrella term.

The poetry/short fiction distinction is overdue for deconstruction. Many contemporary poems are written in "stanzagraphs," which are paragraphs with stylized punctuation and indentation. Many contemporary short/flash fictions are stylized in similar ways, and, given a Pepsi/Coke test, most readers (including M.F.A.s and Ph.Ds) wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"Average-length" novels will die (and deserve to). Authors and publishing companies are going to realize that cranking out genre fiction novellas at a rate of two per year is the best way to maximize profits, and the literary heavyweights will either follow this trend or rebel against it, producing either subversive, pulpy novellas or high-art, 200,000+ word tomes.

The only reasons to write literature at this point are (1) text is the only way to get direct access to a character's thoughts in a non-clunky way; (2) complex syntax and offbeat formatting make for compelling puzzles; and (3) a literary work can incorporate much more "degenerate" content (sex, violence, etc.) than any other medium while still being considered art. Everything else can be done better with other tools.

Rap, hip-hop, and song lyrics are all literature.

>> No.10461684

I still don't miss them, although it's true this board feels less like the microcommunity it used to be than ever

>> No.10461687

Have you been to college? Maybe I’ve had an unusual experience, but I went to an LAC (as a white male) and agreed upon tokens of western culture and high art are still taught and vaunted. Most of my professors were white men. I was an English and philosophy major, too. I think maybe you just have a persecution complex.

>> No.10461694

I think it's an internet nu-conservative meme that universities are a haven of 'SJWs' and are trying to stifle free thought. Not much of that actually happens, but their associated outrage keeps selling their books and increases their listeners inside their bubble.

>> No.10461699

Read five in a row like I did. Without time to forget anything, I realized that they were all the same underlying story with different character names in different settings. Spare me the lecture on dialectics. I have already heard the arguments. I detest Hesse's work so much that I feel damaged for having read them.

>> No.10461704

Yes I have an advanced degree. I think you just have a pop psychology bullshit spewing complex.

>> No.10461715

>>10461681 (you)

Solid post.

>> No.10461723

Yeah those violent riots that keep breaking out whenever a conservative speaker is booked to give a talk sure aren't happening. Anyway...


>> No.10461786

Freud never healed a single person

>> No.10461791

one time I got so stoned I thought I was the best fucking writer alive and stayed up an hour late writing some shit, the next morning I looked back on it and it was just memorized poems like The Walrus and the Carpenter but every other word was "nigger"

>> No.10461793

Metephysics is dead because science doesn't need it.
Aesthetics is deade because the cultural industry made it banal.
We should all only care about Ethics.

>> No.10461794

You deny the reality of persecution complexes? What's your degree in?

>> No.10461800

I think you'll find that what happened at Evergreen State is an anomaly. It's a school for stupid people anyway, my man.

>> No.10461802

You are dumb, but not THAT dumb

>> No.10461809

Ethics is the poor man's aesthetics

>> No.10461816

This. Note: I am not an atheist and I consider the Bible one of the most beautiful and awe inspiring works ever created in the history of man.

>> No.10461822

What are you gonna do about it, faggot?

>> No.10461832

Would you like to read my diary, desu?

>> No.10461874

Tolkien is shit
Joyce is shit
Shakespeare's best works are in this order:Macbeth, Richard III, Julius Caesar
DFW is meme shit
Every right wing writer today is a mercenary riding on an outrage wave that doesn't give a shit and only wants your $$$
Poetry without rhyme is no poetry at all
Leonard Cohen was a great writer
This board is less retarded than it seems but more retarded than it pretends to be
/pol/acks, internet """christians""", greekfags and /r9k/ in general deserve to be shot

>> No.10461893

what about /v/irgins tho?

>> No.10461904

/pol9k/ pretty much covers them too. This is what happens when retards with 0 education that only play vidya start becoming political.

>> No.10462063

Art is objective. Defining art as subjective is a useless definition. Definitions are only valid if they are useful to distinguish between things.

>> No.10462085

you were okay until poetry that doesn't rhyme. As if dude. Why be so married to that one poetic tool. I understand not liking poetry that isn't formally involved, but it's almost hilariously limited to only consider rhyme.

>> No.10462149

Paradise Lost:
Adam > Satan > God > shit > Eve > who cares

>> No.10462165

>>I'm a pleb
>Mostly right
>Not really

>> No.10462216

Beat him harder.

>> No.10462221

There are people who don't carry Dostoyevsky books around? What do they even talk about?

>> No.10462332
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Physical copies are needed in case the world ends

>> No.10462544

Post your diary.

>> No.10462592

It feels like cheating. I know I'm limiting myself but I really don't enjoy it.

>> No.10462610

i.e. utter pish

>> No.10462613

Ayn Rand's nonfiction pieces from her paper The Objectivist are underrated.

>> No.10462618

oooh "advanced"

>> No.10462619

Plays shouldn't be read.

>> No.10462644

My standard is 50-20 years. But I have a similar sentiment.

>> No.10462646


>> No.10462669

This has been me for the past month. I enjoy it.

>> No.10462681

Maps of Meaning is actually a great book.

>> No.10462683

There are, you're just not going to recognise them by 'left' or 'right' as easily as you are some faggot on Twitter whose entire personality revolves around politican partisanship. We also tend to associate 'right-wing' politics with being inflammatory partly because of political strategy and also because a lot of it is defined by rejection of contemporary trends - so right-wing becomes more of a synonym for impolite, unpopular or less 'broadcastable' opinions or whatever.

I'd feel uncomfortable calling John Lukacs 'right-wing' for instance because it immediately makes him sound like something he's not. What if I say 'A man of the Right?' Well that's an awkward phrase and implies some kind of loyalty and spectrum. He self-describes as a 'reactionary' but I wouldn't introduce him like that.

>> No.10462697

Masters, you faggot. Advanced means masters or doctorate.

>> No.10462752

/lit/ is unbearable but there is nowhere else to go

>> No.10462757

You don’t need to go on any website

>> No.10462758

Tell me more about your correspondence school MBA

>> No.10462781

>mfw I have surpassed this board

I easily see that philosophical axioms are arbitrarily chosen. I see that the idea of "objective literary quality" is promoted to have a common set of canon books and criteria to facilitate in group status signalling through praise and "criticism" of these books. Publishers also have financial incentives to promote this.

I easily see that there are infinitely many interpretations of art. I easily see that some of these interpretations are promoted for the above social signalling reasons and fuel for citation circle jerks. I easily see that enjoyment of art was an important criteria in all early forms of art but is now discouraged due to its uselessness as a concept in academia.

I easily see that modern pseudo intellectuals venerate Ancient Greece and Rome in order to signal intelligence while ironically they are too unintelligent and lazy to understand modern advances in science and mathematics (which they dismiss as unimportant while using these as their intellectual launching pads).

I easily see that all successful art forms start as derided hobbyist and experimental activities among males for enjoyment, become more popular with the mainstream of society while new peaks of expertise are reached, before losing popularity as commercial interests, academia, and female attention whoring eliminate organically accepted standards and impose their own.

I see that literature is in the stagnant female and academic dominated phase. Poetry is even further gone. I easily see that any attempt to deny this by appealing to "our dumbed down society" is clearly false because of the incredible progress and interest in hard sciences and mathematics (through actual research, not pop sci). These activities require skills while people, consciously or not, realise literature has descended in to a signalling game.

I easily see that the discussions around Hegelian philosophy or Marxism or any philosophy represent trivial symbolic manipulations and deductions with zero predictive value.

>> No.10462791


>> No.10462804

well crafted pasta ill give it a (You)

>> No.10462805

Only plebs interpret literally tho, this is only a problem for dumb evangelicals

>> No.10462808

MPCdot.com for all your esoteric rightwing needs

>> No.10462836


>> No.10462858
File: 399 KB, 2048x1536, terry-pratchett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terry Pratchett is good

>> No.10462860

i can add to this

woman can not appreciate existential literature or any normal literature because they will be forever hung up on feminism and the questions surrounding it.

>> No.10462880

>so intelligent readers should stick to reading the classics and give up on the present and future.

This is the type of thinking that lead to your situation. Don't perpetuate the system you effete.

>> No.10462912

right-wing maybe, but the far right has plenty of voices

>> No.10462916

sentences spanning 10+ lines shouldn't really be a thing

>> No.10462924

>Fitzgerald was a one-hit wonder
*cough* *cough* Tender Is the Night

There's a load of good short stories too

>> No.10462926

>Masculine heterosexual white Gentiles retreated to other mediums for a reason. We were driven off by incessant denunciations of us as persons.
That doesn't sound very masculine at all.
>boo hoo I literally can't read books anymore because mean old leftists called me a shitlord
sounds like some real pussy shit lmao

>> No.10462930

Only newplebs trying too hard to fit in will disagree with this though

>> No.10463061

My chosen field happens to be Queer Studies you wonderful specimen.

>> No.10463070
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Nice one, from me, to (you)

>> No.10463122

No, you are an atheist.

>> No.10463165

Only normies have trouble with the apparent contradictions - which actually all sort themselves out in the context of the work as a whole.

The reality is people like you haven't critically read the entire Bible, much less done any scholarly research on Hebrew or Greek etymology or idioms. You just spew opinions based on shallow impressions.

>t. 160 iq ACTUAL CHRISTIAN - not a Jordan-Peterson-fanboy-larper-""""Christian""""

>> No.10463168

How could something with such an obvious point be pointless?

>> No.10463192

Reading philosophy and hoping to reach a better understanding of the world through the lenses of the human condition is masturbatory and pointless, in reality the best way to achieve internal peace is through hard science.

>> No.10463235

Conflict is built into our concept of storytelling. Conflict and resolution. Does that mean life is implicitly without value or joy unless there is some kind of combat occurring? Will we tire of it ever? In the sincere dying wishes of innumerable unfortunate souls towards the ideal of peace, where does this literary standard stand now? What can it serve but more of the same? And are we not tired of the same yet? Has familiarity with conflict not yet bred contempt for it?

Is a story only ever the telling of a battle? Whether literal or psychological? Wither is the playful pretext? Sportsmanship, a game played between two persons with no desire to abolish the other, but only to enjoy their separate avatars of control as ways to surprise each other, and not to dominate or destroy?

The world in its infancy in every author thus far. None have ventured beyond the familiar yet. Only in forgotten dreams, or lost as nothing more than the internal experiences of souls with no platform of expression up unto their dying day. No progeny of thought for he who questions this most basic assumption: life is life because it is consuming itself. So many thoughtful persons speak many flowery words against this or that, but never address the idea of the beauty of a narrative. That beauty is what? An overcoming. And that implies what? That which goes under: a subject, a person, lost, discarded, like garbage thrown to the sea to fare for itself, cast away from the light of society. And that energy, does it dissipate? No, it does not. It comes back, either enlightened, or vengeful. And hither it has been the latter. And thus we suffer. Right hands not knowing what our left hand doeth.

Mockery and absurdity, all. Books, the whole history of literature. Stories. Violence. History - a nightmare from which I am trying to awaken.

>> No.10463238

I thoroughly enjoy vonnegut for exactly the reasons this board hates him

>> No.10463283

Dorian Gray isn't a stunning novel but it really captures the tripartite homo psychology well.
>the sensitive, entranced admirer
>the smug intellectual tempter
>the narcissistic immoralist
All me desu

>> No.10463287

Agreed, one of the few novels I've given up on

>> No.10463305

While I think Shakespeare is ultimately a grander "writer" and examiner of the human condition than Pushkin when you take both of their bodies of work as a whole, I think work-by-work, I'd probably favor Eugene Onegin over any individual thing Shakespeare ever wrote.

>> No.10463312

OHYOS is a really overrated novel and it's 5/10 at best

>> No.10463475

G.K. Chesterton is the greatest writer of the 20th century.

>> No.10463519
File: 79 KB, 328x500, MOBY_DICK-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's easy. I stopped reading Moby Dick because Ishmael is a fucking edgelord and it is literally impossible that a sailor with his young age had so much knowledge back in those days. I don't care about his reasons to sail or any alegories or metaphors or if he is supposed to stand for Melville, it's impossible. He is a Caufield Tier character

I would have done the same with Infinite Jest and that DUDE WEED LMAO cunt Hal if not for Marathe and Steeply

>> No.10463630

i cant read

>> No.10464042

gass is shit; vollman too

>> No.10464051

Jesus Christ, here's your (you), fucking hell

>> No.10464087

The worst part is that it's all true

One day I will read Moby Dick, but first I need to accept that Ishmael is not cringy nor an edgelord, and that will be really hard

>> No.10464097

Ishmael is literally irrelevant

>> No.10464748
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Tender Is the Night was the reason I stopped reading Fitzgerald, to be honest with you. Gatsby was great. His short stories were a mixed bag but forgettable. Tender Is the Night, though, was transparent, disjointed, unremarkable autobiography, and it made me think significantly less of Fitzgerald as an author. Either he wasn't trying hard enough, or he was trying too hard.

>> No.10464825

>gass is shit

He really is. I want to like him, he clearly has the muscle for good writing, but got lost somewhere up his own asshole and never rose above purple prose deluxe

>> No.10464835

A la recherche du temps perdu is better for its insights/ideas than it is for the quality of its writing. No, I haven't read the whole thing. Beckett's Proust essay is more interesting, but that seems unfair

>> No.10465281

Faulkner is really a writer of corncobby chronicles. Pynchon and DFW are trash. They represent the decadence of american literature, both are a product of the generation of narcissists.

Crime & Punishment is inferior to Crime & Misdemeanors, even if they're not exactly comparable.

>> No.10465854

It is not necessary to start with the Greeks

>> No.10465937

Fiction as a whole is a waste of time and money. It's escapist garbage for non-intellectual brainlets who need to pretend they are somebody else instead of actively pursuing personal growth to become a better person.

>> No.10465940

Rhonda Brynes' The Secret may be repetitive and seem fully of hokey New Age BS, but the core essence of it is the truth and will change your life for the better if you follow what they suggest.

>> No.10465948

Owning and handling big books makes my dick feel huge, the kind of sensual huge e-books cannot incite. I don't even care if I'm seen or not. I don't care where they come from. I don't care if I have to waste big stacks of money. I just want to carry them around and feel their weight (unf) on my chest as I turn the pages (slurp). I have lost all shame thanks to books.

Thank God I'm carrying a 1000 page German novel around, instead of a 700 page Russian novel.

You do understand Ishmael the narrator is years away from Ishmael the character, right? He kept being a sailor for years after the Pequod sunk. Did you even get to the part about his voyage into a whale carcass or all the tattoos he has accumulated? All of Moby-Dick is (in) retrospective.

>> No.10465949

The Name of the Wind is one of the greatest novels ever written in any genre.

>> No.10465967

Hypersphere is my favorite book of all time.

Shadow of the Wind is the pinnacle of literary fiction and purple prose

>> No.10466011
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Poetry is not literature.

>> No.10466072

Try Reddit.

actually this>>10462757

>> No.10466077

This is what I think of Philosophy

>> No.10466172

Trump’s IQ revealed, GOP in disbelief

31 stars you forgot we’re transgender