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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.96 MB, 3000x1687, RedPillBooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10460111 No.10460111 [Reply] [Original]

>The Way of Men - Jack Donovan
>No More Mr. Nice Guy - Robert Glover
>Models - Mark Manson
>Mode One - Alan Roger Currie
>The Story Of My Life - Iceberg Slim
>The Possibility of Sex - Alan Roger Currie >The Game - Neil Strauss
>Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
>48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
>The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida
>The Rational Male - Rollo Tomassi
>The Manipulated Man - Esther Vilar

>> No.10460304

Go back to /pol/ alt-right scum.

>> No.10460377

48 laws of power is the best self-help book i've ever read. the advice is actually profound and accompanied by interesting stories

>> No.10460381

the qu'ran

>> No.10460408
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>> No.10460415

Dude I love Rolo Tomassi


>> No.10460423

Back to plebbit you retard.
The true redpill is to start with the greeks.

>> No.10460498
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The SJWs don't want you to know about this based regimen anon, you need to BTFO them. Praise kek.

>> No.10460522
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Only this

Everything else is embarrassing

>> No.10460640

> Lemme fall for the bait with the worst reddit-tier I can think of.

>> No.10460644

that post was probably made by the OP though

>> No.10460650

Maddox lost

>> No.10460662

Are any of these actually good? I've heard The Way of Men is a decent book, but I don't know if I'm being memed. Honestly just if any of them are well written and able to make a good point.

>> No.10461193

That one

>> No.10461214
File: 84 KB, 768x960, Jack_Donovan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack Donovan

Notice anything?

>> No.10461222
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>> No.10462694
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Joseph W South, David Clare & Franco - Practical Female Psychology for the Practical Man

You will see the truth with this book.

>> No.10462700

Is this a meme?

>> No.10462704

Just something I noticed myself after watching True Detective. The triangle thing is a legit symbol used by pederasts according to the FBI.

>> No.10462708

I've read The Way Of Men, it reads ridiculous. Like a D&D manual on how to roleplay as a 'man', I mean look at that picture in >>10461214, it could legit be Fig. 1.

The only thing it will teach you is how to be a humorless cold tryhard (again, Fig. 1)

>> No.10463257

>red pill books
>It's all literature about pretending to be less of a soyboy than you are

>> No.10463261

>emasculated, under-socialized, immature manchildren who live vicariously online LARPing that they are Real Men Born In The Wrong Era

lol you guys would be permavirgin losers in any time period.

>> No.10463297

The Dictator’s Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith.
Don't be fooled by the name and tacky book cover it's actually quite good.


>> No.10463316

>you guys would be permavirgin losers in any time period

>> No.10463320 [DELETED] 

A lot of people don't seem to understand what "redpill" means. It means you have read the Culture of Critique and know about the jewish problem.

>> No.10463328

Who are the guys that wrote this?

>> No.10463364

The only thing worth it in there is iceberg slim

>> No.10464085

Immature, out-of-shape, delusional, asocial, people prone to delusions of grandeur and persecution, and essentially lacking in all IRL experiences and credentials, while inexplicably thinking they are superior to "normies", are rarely going to be successful men by any metrics throughout history.

It's not a mystery. And the fact that these people blame society and everyone else for their problems is indicative of their over-coddled, snowflake-inducing upbringing.

"I'd be a strong successful man's man swimming in pussy if it wasn't for feminists/coalburners/Jews/social ideals that I don't conform to/etc.".

If you really are strong, intelligent, and superior, then a stressful and antagonistic environment should serve to hone your strengths, not turn you into a fat pathetic permavirgin who spends all his time online.

>> No.10464120

Doesn't this only apply because there are feminists/coalburners/Jews/social ideals?
100 years ago women would run after any man as long as he had a way to support them.

>> No.10464136

I notice he looks like a massive faglord

>> No.10464137

>I'd be alright if I had a desperate, confined audience

>> No.10464144

Yeah and permavirgin losers can support a family?

>> No.10464146

They could if society coddled and catered to their every need. Wait, isn't that what SJWs want too?

>> No.10464162

100 years ago they wouldn't be that.

>> No.10464164

This post sounds like a jew projecting his anger onto others. There's nothing abnormal or wrong with whites wanting to live in their own countries and noticing that jews are overwhelmingly responsible for promoting mass immigration and using these tactics to try and shame them into believing otherwise. Anyone saying white countries are for everyone and blaming those who don't want that should have their motivations questioned. That is the way things have always been, and it's natural and healthy to advocate for it.

>> No.10464170

Yes we can all make believe that we would be Conan the Barbarians if we were born in any era but the current one. I guess this absurdly transparent and juvenile defense mechanism helps losers get by their miserable existence. Might as well keep living vicariously online and go further down the drain because the world fucked you over and there is nothing IRL for you anyway lol

>> No.10464173

Man, you think about Jews way too much

>> No.10464190

Jews cause a lot of problems and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out.

>> No.10464197

Ridiculous. I never said they would be "Conan the Barbarian" just that they wouldn't be what they are now.

>I guess this absurdly transparent and juvenile defense mechanism

Acknowledging that societies raised people different in the past is an "absurdly transparent and juvenile defense mechanism"? I'm sure the rampant nihilism brought on by liberal capitalism has nothing to do with their position.

At least you get to feel a big man on an anime forum though.

>> No.10464201

Realistically speaking, I'll most probably be a carpenter.
>manual dexterity
>attention to details
>strong math and problem-solving skills
>strength, stamina, focus

>> No.10464210

>th-th-th-the J-J-Jews!!
Listen, there is literally nothing stopping you from:
1. Going to the gym and eating healthy, subsequently becoming more physically attractive and healthy

2. Going outside your comfort zone and pursuing new experiences to increase your confidence, possibly find a passion, meet exciting people, etc.

3. Disconnecting from your addiction to 4chan/social media/online and meeting people IRL, which serves to exercise your atrophied social skills, increase the probability of finding a good mate, cultivate a network, etc.

4. Cultivating an ambition and career trajectory as opposed to pretending you are perfectly happy wasting away your youth online.

Even if the Jews are puppet masters destroying the world, that doesn't mean you can be a pathetic loser. If it wasn't them it would be someone else. If it wasn't society it would be the law of the jungle. Nature isn't merciful yet you seem to think life should be soft and spoonfeed you everything you want because you are a Perfect Wonderful White Millennial.

It's this mentality that has resulted in your failures and misery. You can externalize all your problems and roll over and die or you can fight for your own place and happiness in the world. You've clearly already made your choice and are consequently wasting your remaining time with like-minded individuals, which serves only to confirm your own beliefs and excuses for Why You Would Have Been A King If Not For Everyone Else.

>> No.10464214

You know you can be a carpenter now, right?

>> No.10464227

Then be a carpenter. Go for it and start apprenticing right away, gain experience and skill early on and feel content and pride in your work.

I grew up in the same society and time as you, yet I'm not nihilistic nor do I blame my problems on others. This is a learned behavior that you have acquired as a means to justify your own inadequacies. It is far easier to come up with excuses than to be honestly introspective and make hard changes. It's the reason why fat people stay fat, there is nothing profound about this.

>> No.10464232

Nah you know how it is these days with the Zionist Illuminati controlling carpentry.

>> No.10464240

This is jewish-style anger and projection on a different scale. Look at this ignorant faggot writing sperg screeds then trying to tell others to get a life. Sad af.

>> No.10464247

But I'm a carpenter

>> No.10464257

>This is jewish-style anger and projection on a different scale.
Explain how you are being prevented from doing the things I listed.

If you took my advice in that post you would be a far happier and more successful person. Instead, you can just waste away your youth on 4chan complaining about the Jews. Yes, the Jews are keeping you indoors on the computer, away from your potential wife. The Jews are keeping you fat, out-of-shape, prematurely embittered, socially retarded, etc.

>> No.10464272

Wtf are you talking about? You're the only one sperging out here and giving off the shit-life vibe. Why are you trying to project that onto other people and derailing this thread?

>> No.10464278

How do we get Dick to browse /lit/ instead of /pol/?

>> No.10464282

>derailing this thread
It's about life advice for self-professed redpilled men.

But tell me, how are the Jews preventing you from going to the gym, eating well, being more social IRL and cultivating a good network, etc.? How are the Jews controlling these small decisions that you choose not to make?

>> No.10464302

>anon eloquently shits all over your /pol/baby mindset
>it's because you're a j-jew!
>and y-you're a bigger loser because you spent five minutes typing that out!
You don't have to be jewish to be tired of this whiny, pseudo-machismo nonsense

>> No.10464312
File: 321 KB, 552x561, 1514348977037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out, Jews, /lit/ is a /pol/ colony

>> No.10464316

You sound like a psychopath, bro. Those are important things I try to do and encourage others to as well, but self-improvement for whites also involves learning about the jewish problem, and calling out jewish lunatics like yourself who try to stand in the way of that portal to enlightenment. Now get the fuck out of this thread.

>> No.10464325

Not him but absolutely no one said that you aren't able to do anything you described earlier. You haven't refuted a single thing that he's said, instead you continue to shift the goal posts. Stop the projection, you're being pathetic.

>> No.10464335


>> No.10464336

>guys, there are animals out there trying to kill us!!
>yeah we know, there always have been and you just have to be aware and get on with your life
>no, you don't get it! You guys have to enter the portal of enlightenment and understand that these animals are trying to control us through violence and fear! We have to stop what we are doing and dwell on the animals! Stop building that wheel, raising a family, hunting, and socializing! Focus all your thoughts on the animals out there! THERE ARE ANIMALS OUT THERE!!!

>> No.10464345

This schizophrenic jew needs to find a new thread.

>> No.10464353

Everything he said can basically be summarized as
>you're a loser
>all your problems will be solved if you got out and make friends
Which, no shit, will help a lot in life, but that is in no way incompatible with being active in politics.

>> No.10464354

Step 1: Sit down with your parents tonight and demand to know why you were circumcised.

>> No.10464363


>> No.10464365

>but that is in no way incompatible with being active in politics.
How is shitposting online "being active in politics"? How can you not go about your life while simultaneously being interested/active in politics? By active you mean obsessed to the point where it is a detriment to your life. Why not take some of this energy and have a family with 2+ white children. That's going to have a far more beneficial affect on the world than shitposting and printing and cataloguing kek memes.

>> No.10464368

>Which, no shit, will help a lot in life, but that is in no way incompatible with being active in politics.
Then what is /pol/'s excuse for being collective failures?

>> No.10464374


But also Confucius (Analects, though a good commentary will go far for starters) and everythinf Nietzsche wrote (maybe just Birth of Tragedy or Twilight of the Idols/Antichrist translated by Ludovici if you're being a lazy ass)

>> No.10464375

I am so so so so SO glad the reproductive rate of white men is going to be non-existent thanks to the red-pilled/MGTOW movements. It's the best thing that could happen to this country and the world. And if Jewish people are being it I would personally shake their hands and thank them.

>> No.10464376

Why can't you do both you fucking dipshit, are you completely okay with being a fucking slave? This doesn't even boil down to /pol/ it could go for anything. Ignoring problems and focusing only does n yourself is totally a non-selfish thing to do, right? Fuck my progeny and the people of my nation who come after me. Its all about me me me. You could do anything in life and still take care of yourself, its not mutually exclusive Mongoloid.

>> No.10464377

While you're here, why don't you tell us what it's like having inbreeding-induced schizophrenia.

>> No.10464396

>If I shitpost long and hard enough, I will free the world from its chains

What does your father think of his son? Imagine how he feels, knowing his shut-in son still hasn't kissed a girl and is convinced he is fighting some international conspiracy by posting on a message board all hours of the day. Does he ever try to talk to you about your future prospects, or is it too awkward to even approach? Does your father talk to you through your mother and vice versa?

>> No.10464397

Trust me, I think the majority of /pol/ shitposters are utter failures and aren't up to the cut. But there's a lot of things done by others who are in the same circle that's at least getting name thing done. All I'm saying is that its not mutually exclusive to have a life, and its not something to strive for to allow the powers that be, whatever they may be at any time in history, to do whatever they want unfettered. If you want to change something, fucking do something.

>> No.10464399

Step 2: Stand in the busy intersection of a major city and enlighten the citizens about the Jewish Problem.

>> No.10464408
File: 177 KB, 1024x682, the power of pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now i understand the change between the Honor culture and the culture of Victimhood.

Behold! The professional victims!

>> No.10464421
File: 317 KB, 671x690, 8cf512b717dafe503ad892c58cdda0db8506b1b4b8297edcaf60b2102bb96d4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your efforts are futile, shlomo. Please leave and stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.10464430

Go upstairs and tell your parents you love them and thank them for not giving up on you.

>> No.10464433

I'm not saying that shitposting is activism you dense not. I don't even fucking use /pol/ its been utter garbage since the Donald plague infested it. /pol/ militias exist, there's large nationalist movements forming in Europe, and individuals forming groups with like minded persons is happening at increasing rates.
Once again, none if this is mutually exclusive with developing yourself as a person.

>> No.10464438

>pol/ militias exist, there's large nationalist movements forming in Europe, and individuals forming groups with like minded persons is happening at increasing rates.
yeah i can see them

>> No.10464453

This is jewish psychopathologizing on steroids. Kike's a merchant stereotype.

>> No.10464458

Looks more like Reddit to me, friend :)

>> No.10464492

If you aren't Jewish, why are you circumcised?

>/pol/ militias exist
aaahhahahaha I would literally pay to see a /pol/ militia meetup, or better yet a military parade

>> No.10464504

Reading all these posts my "red pilled strong white men" brings one thought to mind:
>No wonder your women are running to BBC in droves

>> No.10464520

You ever have your asshole itch really bad?

>> No.10464524
File: 30 KB, 640x360, 32790Metzitzah_bpeh_large.07feb05a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The all out kikery these threads suck in is an absolute reification of the jewish problem and their tribal psychosis.

>> No.10464531

Sometimes I wonder if the Internet has been a net negative with how much mental illness I see on it

>> No.10464535

You're circumcised, you already have the mark of the shabbat goy. I bet you think the hospital just incinerated your foreskin with the rest of the medical waste too.

Contrary to your belief, shitposting will not set you free.

>> No.10464538

They just dance around anything you say, never answering or refuting, shifting goalposts and ad homs out the ass. Not deserving of the you's anymore tbqh

>> No.10464563

No wonder your people are kicked out of everywhere you go.

>> No.10464602
File: 1.34 MB, 955x1017, B0D3AC97-593D-48AE-A7D5-25EB6070E41A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many based Chapo Trap House redditfags in this thread! Don’t deny it, I see you cunts shilling in every podcast recommendations thread.

>> No.10464623

He's a big guy.

>> No.10464640

>the sexual revolution & womens lib had no effects whatsoever
Very insightful.
What is next in "JUSTing my society up, but pretending it's always been like this"?

>> No.10464641

We got you guys to elect the most overtly pro-Israel and, to use your parlance, pro-(((business))) president in modern history. And you still think you are going to MAGA and that things are shifting in your favor! I bet if you ever had a son, not that there is a chance of you even getting laid let alone having a family, you wouldn't think twice about having him circumcised. But don't worry, shitposting and a "/pol/ militia" are here to save the day.

Having genuine discussions with permavirgin useful idiots isn't in my job description, friend =)

>> No.10464657


>> No.10464665

Camp of the Saints

>> No.10464678

>*tips tea cup*

>> No.10464679

Women have always wanted stronger, smarter, better mates who have ideal secondary sexual characters. This is encoded in our very DNA and has been selected over millennia. It is not new.

Women have more choice over mate selection now than they did in previous western societies. You can either whine about it or try to outcompete other males, like virtually every other animal sexual selection system entails.

Or maybe you can pray every night that your mommy can bring home a nice girl and you can get married that night.

>> No.10464721
File: 127 KB, 1023x575, 1B0B42ED-BA27-4C2F-9270-732B1A8847A9_w1023_r1_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spent time with my simple, all-American family today.
>passive-aggressively bitching out his own family on twitter
>There is no hope for this nation. The 3rd world masses must rise up and destroy us.
>calling for his own destruction in the context of shittalking his family. Implies he wants the third world masses to destroy his family. Third world masses tend to rape and torture people for hours when they "destroy" them. He actually wishes his own family to be raped and tortured by third world masses. This is entirely reflected in his political stance (pic rel)
This is the absolute state of leftists.

>> No.10464727

The arc of history is as long as it is repetitive, jew, there is no avoiding your coming expulsion.

>> No.10464729

>The absolute state of jewish schizoids.

>> No.10464742

We have our own country again, this time with nuclear weapons, many allies, and the strongest and wealthiest country in the world as our de facto puppet state.

Sorry shabbat goy, things have never been better, and a few angry white manchildren are literally no concern. You were one of the many useful idiots that had a part in electing the most pro-Israeli president ever. Let that sink in. We are naming train stations, public parks and other facilities after Mr. Trump, in honor and thanks for his support and service.

Thank you, and I say this with no sense of irony, sarcasm, or glibness. Thank you for helping us.

>> No.10464773

Is this a genuine analysis? You’re fucking stupid, bud

>> No.10464791

>"it's a leftist calls for the violent oppression of his people but doesn't think it means he's a cuck because he's doing it in a snarky tone, and the technique of content-less, but verbose jewish thought is so ingrained in him" episode

>> No.10464801

This type of jewish myopia and inability to understand the full ramifications of your actions is what has led to your murder and expulsion in the past, and is leading you unwittingly down that path again now. If you could see it coming, it wouldn't have happened so many times.

>> No.10464815


The triangle thing on his vest is a valknut you fucking autist.

>> No.10464833

If you've been around as long as we have, oppression is bound to happen. Especially if you are inherently a more successful genotype/culture.

You will never know how happy it makes me to see American politicians falling over themselves trying to be the most pro-Israeli candidate in the group. Or having the unquestionable support of massive voting blocks (eg Evangelists). Or seeing careers and reputations go up in flames because someone wrongfully criticized Jewish people or our homeland. This is how it should be and how it is in America.

>> No.10464843

You aren't successful or innovative though. Prior to being let out of the shtetl your innovative output was at zero because your only advantage is as a deceptive parasite. But there's nothing noble in that, and that strategy only works for so long, which is why the goyim eventually catch on and kick you out.

>> No.10464848

Jewposter ITT is the Culture of Critique memer who has been at it since this summer. I’m actually in the process of doxxing him (IDGAF) so stay tuned

>> No.10464857

>Jews aren’t successful or innovative
Anon, I...

>> No.10464864

It is, that's how they think. What they really want on an emotional level is an injection of some lower class vitality. Their boring middle class lives don't know struggle anymore, but they could re-live that struggle and humility through the eyes of some poor immigrants.
Of course, those immigrants would turn into spoiled fat cunts in a couple of generations, but let's not think about that.

Never let your kids get too comfy. Teach them struggle, push them towards perfection. They might resent that and hate you (until they grow up), but it's still better than the possible alternative of them becoming degenerate SJWs.

>> No.10464894

Read Charles Murray's Human Accomplishment, jews produced literally nothing until recently, and their success since is often fraudulent and always parasitic in nature. Mixing with Germans, the most innovative people on the planet, is responsible for what accomplishments can be attributed to them, but jews cannot produce on their own. I'm not using the word "parasite" as a pejorative here, it's literally how they are naturally wired to be: they can't do anything on their own, i.e., without a host.

>> No.10464928

wtf im with her now

>> No.10464933
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Which books do I read next?
>The Trial

>> No.10465058

It's the current environment that makes them that way. In a sense they're right

>> No.10465527
File: 22 KB, 205x300, faye-book-cover-205x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This offers a good introduction.

>> No.10465668

>Read Charles Murray's Human Accomplishment
topkek, gtfo of this board

>> No.10465709

>someone points out again that /pol/kiddies are losers

Like clockwork

>> No.10465941

>someone makes a thread on 4chan
>reddit shows up to whinge and moan and cry and bitch like a five year old
Like clockwork.

>> No.10465991

Seems more like typical psycho-jew sabotage.

>> No.10466584

Sorry mate, forgot about that. Here you go:
>someone points out again that /pol/kiddies are losers

>t-t-t-tttthe jeeewwwwwsssss! If only I had been born in le different generation, they wouldn't hurt me! It can't be my fault! Nothing has ever been my fault!

>> No.10466613

Based Redditor! Upvoted! Well said, comrade! Fully automated luxury gay space communism! Seize the memes of production! Communism will win!

>> No.10466633

lit is short for literature

>> No.10466659

I haven't looked at reddit since digg collapsed like a decade ago. I know you want to imagine me as your opposite so you can more easily ignore what I say, but you should know it doesn't take a librul/redditor/sjw/whatever you hate to call you a loser. Any regular fucking human being can see you just suck

If you were not a waste of a human, you wouldn't keep blaming other people for your problems

>> No.10466801

I like how racists use the term "Red Pill" from a scene in a movie that primarily revolved around a black actor.

Also these books are baseless generalizations that will only serve in making you more paranoid with women.

>> No.10466811
File: 24 KB, 495x619, 1513202418097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all women want to be dominated by powerful men and given clear instructions on how to live and what to do, these books groom them for that

>> No.10466817

I like how antiwhites live in a world built by white men.

>> No.10466821


>> No.10466826


>> No.10466829

keep repeating it, eventually the loneliness will fade

>> No.10466830


>> No.10466836

Who said anything about anti-white? We're anti-racist shithead.

And you still use terminology from a movie made by two trannies.

>> No.10466840


>> No.10466841

Jesus help us. This is a savage

>> No.10466882
File: 260 KB, 1200x1035, 1513586918412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only ugly and/or short guys think they should treat women as equals, keep up the cope all the way to the divorce courts lmao, silly soyboi

>> No.10466886
File: 78 KB, 400x400, 1344463336446.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish /pol/ and /pol/ detractors would start a sub-reddit where they could have their gay little arguments, instead of doing it here. It's getting tiresome. I went to /tv/ for the first time this month and it was even worse. This webforum is really going to hell in a handbasket.

>> No.10466889
File: 548 KB, 760x1001, 1514032471091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like it either, but it's almost always a lefty/pol/ who starts the argument and i ain't gonna back down cause i ain't a bitch

>> No.10466892

embarrassing post, I hope you're still in high school

>> No.10466894

at least that guy isnt alone like you are

>> No.10466903


>> No.10466905
File: 148 KB, 650x989, 1514030551766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i wrong, look at the start of this thread, comfy, friendly suggestions, quality discussion about modern-day masculinity, and then this guy shows up:
and it goes to shit

so who's in the wrong?

>hopefully this strikes a nerve
nope, now go back to your corner and don't leave until i say so

>> No.10466911

you are in the wrong for posting, and posting so embarrassingly

>> No.10466914
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 1514106008166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yawn, if you're going to shit post at least make it somewhat interesting pls

>> No.10466918

>argument i disagree with = pol
nice one bot

>> No.10468168
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Not, but anime perhap.

>> No.10470088
File: 3.54 MB, 2168x2700, PIGIslam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politically Incorrect Guides in general are great

>> No.10470097

too much garbage

read mencius moldbug, land, tomassi

if you're a brainlet you can just listen to a podcast.

fucking idiots skipping moldbug

>> No.10470104

>Dedicates his life to embodying every "manly man" stereotype possible
>Squeals with pleasure as other men sodomize him

>> No.10470122

I read half of it. It's larping about muh true brotherhood and romantically dying in an epic battle. Don't waste your time by letting someone else tell you to live by their definition of a virtue.
Why would I take advice on how to be a man from someone to whom it's just a fetish? How can you advertise yourself as the ultimate in masculinity when you miss one of the most crucial ground-level elements of it?

>> No.10470131
File: 808 KB, 699x867, athenaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Crusades were a defensive conflict

>> No.10472028


>> No.10472043


>> No.10472063

Offensive or not I refuse to feel white guilt for something that happened in the Medieval Era. I already have slavery and colonialism to feel bad about, so my plate is pretty full rn

>> No.10472112

He's like a bigger, slightly more gay Aurini.

>> No.10472165


> the game - Neil strauss


>> No.10472196

If you need a book on how to be a man, by definition you aren't. You're just an autistic mindless beta loser looking for a father figure because yours either abandoned you or despises you.

>> No.10472304
File: 9 KB, 150x150, 07-tu-quoque.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you are complaining about the detrimental effects of the internet and it's social media outlets, why are you participating in them?

>> No.10472537

>If you are complaining about the detrimental effects of the internet and it's social media outlets, why are you participating in them?
Moderation. Having a glass of wine is okay but being an alcoholic isn't. I am very busy with IRL pursuits and do not live vicariously online. Also, I have the week off and it's too cold to spend long periods of time outdoors, so I'm spending more time dicking around online.

I should also add that 4chan is literally the only social media/image board that I use. So besides work, checking the news and weather, checking my email etc, I don't waste much time online.

>> No.10473128

There is a world of middle ground between retarded liberal "apologize to the innocent brown people for things your ancestors did millennia ago" and retarded conservative "be proud of the bold town-raping freedom fighters that your ancestors were millennia ago." Attaching your own ego to historical events just because your ethnicity was involved is a fucking joke, whether doing it for shaming or aggrandizing purposes. But that's a book written by Richard Spencer, so I'm sure he also has some explanation for how the innocent Christian cities raided by Crusaders were actually crypto-Muslims born in Kenya.

>> No.10473212

>Implying that's not the most manliest a man can be

>> No.10473934

>confusing a spiral with a trefoil knot
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10473947

Yes, opinion pieces by a guy who's qualifications are in Catholicism are certainly the font of knowledge about Islam.

>> No.10473950


>> No.10473981

this is a good post

>> No.10473993

Stop reading sodomites. Might is Right is all one needs.

>> No.10474942

The tide has already turned. In 2016, more minority babies were born than white babies. The reign of white pride/white men being in power is coming to an end. That's why we have all the hate and anger being spewed about. It's the last gasp of a privileged elite trying to hold onto power. The demographic steamroller cannot be stopped.

>t. 65 Y.O. white guy who got wealthy by profiting from demographics, not fighting them.

>> No.10474946

P.S. heres link for info on baby stats.

>> No.10474953

>It's the last gasp of a privi

Keeping telling yourself that.

>> No.10474960

Get a cbt self help book and do the exercises.

>> No.10474970

>cbt self help book
Cock and ball torture?

>> No.10474976

Why no one is discussing about red pill books? Haven't anyone here read any? /lit/ is disappointing.

>> No.10474983

Like you subhuman non whites can run anything. You ain't taking over shit, you're benefiting from jews hacking us but will be driven back to your shitholes shortly

>> No.10475038

Yes. He look like white trash

>> No.10476424

you are fucking pathetic

>> No.10476581

these books seem to be mainly used by people who are bitter about not being attractive to the opposite sex

this is the real "red pill"