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10456578 No.10456578 [Reply] [Original]

>not writing your own wank material in the form of a classic greek comedy

My meter is pretty good, but I still feel kind of ashamed.

ITT: lit related stuff you're ashamed of.

>> No.10457044

ive written a 500 page erotic book about a young girl breaking into an abandoned mansion and imagining all kinds of insane sex acts happening within all of its rooms

>> No.10457139

That sounds like what I would do, but I usually write poetry for some reason. My stuff just never gets that long, longest I've had was like 9 pages of smut poetry I think. Something about Cleopatra in a bath house.

The pseudo comedy I am currently working on, in case anyone is actually wondering, sorta goes like this:

A daughter of Nyx, Apale (who I made up, her name means "soft") is found by her sister Philonike (also made up, name means "quarrelsome") lying naked on the shore. Apale says that she had slept with someone the night before, and cannot remember who it was because of all the wine that he gave her. She also said that in her dreams the Moirai have told her that she would bear the child of the one who slept with her. Philonike is furious about this, tells Apale to dress herself (she uses the ocean spume as a coat) and then takes her to the satyrs of Silenos, since she suspects one of them to be the culprit. Apale, who is a pretty naive woman, is tricked by the satyrs into all kinds of lewd acts for the sake of trying to remember her - Philonike is, again, furious, but Apale doesn't really notice her protesting. At first the satyrs make her unveil her breasts and let everyone touch them (for it was dark and maybe they didn't see her very well), then they make her feel all their phalli to see if she recognizes any of them, and then it basically turns into a full blown rape orgy, under the pretext that she should try to feel up everyone properly.

I haven't really decided how to end it yet, but the actual culprit is gonna be Boreas. I'm weirdly proud with what I have written so far, but it is a bitter pride, because who the fuck is gonna publish porn written in pentameter?

>> No.10457161
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smuts the only literature with real market value left lmfao

>> No.10457170

Yeah, but who the fuck reads greek comedy outside of pretentious twats or some high brow academics? The stuff I wrote is just in the middle of lowest low brow and highest high brow, so basically no one would actually care for it.

>> No.10457172

Damn, I'd be interested in reading these.
Recently I've just been doing a bunch of jots for my enf fetish. My writing style is bizzare though and wouldn't be liked on any fetish zones. I've tried.

>> No.10457177

dude im telling you dont sell yourself short....

>> No.10457186

I should start doing this.

>> No.10457187

It's written in German of all languages. Also, I am not sure if I feel comfortable posting my writing on 4chan due to how legal stuff works, and should I actually try to get this shit published that could be troublesome.

>> No.10457231

"Mohana took her shirt off first, and revealed a young boy’s torso. She had no breasts, only small nipples sharp as they would be on a young boy. Then she slipped off her dark pants. She was wearing a woman’s slip, their edges decorated with lace. She had a woman’s legs and thighs, beautifully curved and full.

The mistress’ face turned rapidly red, and she reached out her hand and caressed Mohana’s leg whose fine blonde hairs stood up on guard at the moment of touch. ‘Do you want to see what I look like?’ Mohana slowly lowered her slip. The delicate curled pubic hair surrounded a small atrophied penis, a small pink appendage much like a toe.”

“’Mohana, you really are like a young boy except for the shape of your legs and your arms. Why do you say you’re like Eve?’ Mohana giggled, her laughter was soft, light and pleasant like that of a woman’s. ‘I’ll show you.’ Mohana sat herself on the table before the mistress, spread her legs, and revealed a perfect vulva mouth. It was rosy and tender, with slight glimmers of moistness around the smooth lips. ‘Mohana!’ The mistress’ body felt stirred, and light-headedness came over her.

It was the strangest desire, the feeling of wanting both a man and a woman as one pressed up against her. She felt a stirring in her loins, and begun to caress softly Mohana’s bare buttocks. ‘Don’t you like men? Have you ever had a man?’ Mohana blushed. ‘I’m a virgin. I don’t like men. I like girls but I couldn’t love them as I’ve heard of men do. I cannot make it stiff, not matter what I do.’ The mistress lowered herself from the chair onto her knees, lowering her head closer towards Mohana’s fragrant sex. The mistress’ forceful sighs of air felt cool on the heat which was gathering between her legs.

‘Have you ever loved a girl before, Mohana?’ She tried to close her legs, the vulnerability of sharing her core had left her with exhaustion, but the mistress’ soft hands steadied her knees. ‘They are scared of me. They like to act and pretend. I like the honesty of boys more.’ The mistress pressed her warm lips up against Mohana’s small penis, kissing the soft tissue with little pecks which solicited gasps from Mohana. ‘Please ma’am, don’t tease me.’

With her hands, the mistress spread open the crevice which had enticed her so much, finding that it had become swollen and overfilling with fluid. The scent intoxicated her and she felt incapable of controlling herself, her tongue free from the mouth pressed itself into her pink folds – it reminded her of salty brine, of something which came from deep within the earth. Mohana’s hips begun to steadily move as if swaying to some inner rhythm, her breath hoarse and labored as she watched the mistress greedily lick the inside of her thighs. Thin white liquid flowed & dripped onto the mistress’ grey coat, her tongue prodding at the little pea-shaped button that hid under the taut skin.

>> No.10457241

fuck oof

>> No.10457248

Sounds good.

>> No.10457284 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 420x420, 7ddae6830a1ed6d86b697d3a38609aa0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wank material
>ff you're ashamed of.

Ive seen posts like this b4, similar to blacked shilling, OP wants to get white beta males to kil thsmselves or at least feel more depressed and get on meds so he can control the population
I believe that OP posted a picture of a girl with a cute face as if to say, "what's wrong with her womb?" or, "is her body not good enough?", because you need an insult to make yourself look cuter, or above another, I do not find your ass cute to look at, for I see the true evil in your personality.

Then, you are the reason that maybe I would turn to a different sexuality, paedophilia included if you imagine high-dosage of your personality in reality.

Honesty i ont even think the poster I am replying to is a girl, Instead i suspect that it is a(male) Jew (I know this because I'm educated on the subjec>>10457187
>Anonymous 12/27/17(Wed)21:45:48 No.10457187
t and can spot you a mile off), and is a derived paedophile for anyone who cannot find the beauty in the correct gender, and pick the normal sexuality, it is because of OP and others who are like OP, and their evilness/ugliness (disguised perverseness).
I did not post this due to insecurities, I posted as I like putting myself in ugly situations and healing problems at the source rather than scraping the surface like most anti-intelligent Jews. "Sexuality" is a lie, it adds personality to an external view, I'm not straight because I have sex with one women, I would be "straight" purely to facilitate myself into this modern society, that's socially based around sex. I am a weapon>>10457231
>Anonymous 12/27/17(Wed)22:00:07 No.10457231>>10457241"Mohana took her shirt off first, and revea
, I am built to survive, and sex bares no significance over my life when OP is not considered as relative.

>> No.10457286

>her warm lips up against Mohana’s small penis
Wait so is this a boy or a girl or what?

>> No.10457290

yea dude

>> No.10457291

Take your meds, /pol/nigger.

>> No.10457294

Just report and hide posts like that, m80s.

It's written to make you feel uncomfortable.

>> No.10457300


>> No.10457313

Alright but I'm just gonna assume you're talking about an enlarged clitty.

>> No.10457320 [DELETED] 
File: 1.13 MB, 2437x3296, Crap Hound 5 - 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are truely a brainlet if you actually believe the shit you are writing right now. Honestly the level of decay you are trying to inflict upon me and ot>>10457291
>Anonymous 12/27/17(Wed)22:12:56 No.10457291
>Anonymous 12/27/17(Wed)22:12:56 No.10457291>>10457294>>10457284(You)
>Take your meds, /pol/nigger.
hers who read this post(reffering to the OP post not this petty response to my post that you most recently wrote) is honestly just sickening. The worst part is that without a doubt I donot belive that YOU know what you are doing, however you have become a Pawn in the OP(poster)'s scheme. so while your "personal" intentions may have been good clean, pure ect ect you will NOT be responded to with respect or decency by me or others on this board.
>Anonymous 12/27/17(Wed)22:12:54 No.10457290>>10457294>>10457284(You)

You have without meaning to attacked me and what is honestly my only hoby and poised the well of purity with hate and cruelty, all I;', saying is that DONT think that I and others who browse here are not keen to your game. I've noticed it happening over and over in the recent weeks/months and doccumented each case very carefully at this point (the present point) I have a pretty strong case to prove that this shit is going on.

>> No.10457358 [DELETED] 

Muriel had reached the nude toes and quietly licked at the edges with slow washes, enjoying the salty taste of her dirtied soles. Muriel enjoyed debasing herself, hoping Katherine would notice – realize that Muriel would be there by her side no matter how deeply they’d descend into the blackened well. Katherine opened her eyes, watching Muriel’s bottom sway as she took the toes into her mouth with eager suckling. She imagined hiking her skirt up, pulling down her knickers to reveal the little opening blushing red and placing her tongue up against it – cowardice forced her to pull her eyelids back shut, embarrassed at the scene which had transpired without pause in the seedy brothel pulsating between her temples. Muriel’s arms and legs were still tied with cotton but the pinkish edges of her body were completely exposed, sweat causing the lights of the red lanterns to drape her skin in red hues which hugged the flabby edges of her body.

>> No.10457578

In high school I wrote a shitty fanfiction for my friend with benefits where she got fucked by Cthulhu's tentacles

I would totally read this.care to share?

>> No.10457673

Post some of it, id be interested in reading this.

>> No.10457889

I wrote erotic fiction about a young twinkish prince whose country falls in a war. To escape he dresses as a woman and leaves with the cleaning staff. On the road the group of women is captured and most are put into sexual slavery as "comfort women" for the invading army.

When the soldiers find the that the prince is a boy, they gang rape him. No one knows he's the prince, they simply think he was a deserter from the defeated army. One of the officers realizes that one of the comfort women is a boy and takes him out of the pool of women. The prince thanks the officer but the officer tells him that one of the generals of the army likes fucking clean-shaven young men dressed as women and that he's being taken to his former castle as a sex slave for this general.

When the prince arrives at the castle he is taken to one of the rooms where a number of women strip him, shave him, put him in makeup and have him try on hundreds of pieces of lingerie and dresses to find the perfect look to impress the general.

After he is done up as a traditional maid of his country (but with much sexier underwear and makeup) he is taken into the quarters of the general (which is also incidentally his former bedroom). He waits in there alone for a while and is searching for an escape when in comes the general. To his surprise, this fearsome general about which we have heard much in the preceding pages, is a woman and only slightly older than the prince.

There are then many pages of their sexual relationship which involves him being pegged, called a "butt slut", "whore" etc. but none of the over the top shit you see in most feminization shit about "clitties" and "cock cages". She is just using her position of power and the threat of armed guards outside the door to keep him docile.

So the part of this I really like is that after a while the prince gets so humiliated that he plots to escape by tricking the general.


>> No.10457952

So he realizes that the general is always extremely tired after sex and he also finds a passageway out of the castle from his room. By pretending to be very lovey with the general after one night of pegging and asking her to sleep that night with him in bed, he is able to tie her up and gag her. Initially, his plan is simply to steal her uniform (which fits him almost perfectly and is virtually indistinguishable from a male's officer uniform) and escape through the tunnel. As he is finally dressed in the uniform, she wakes and realizes what is happening. She tries to struggle and scream for help but it's no use. He's about to leave when he looks at her, now vulnerable, lying naked and decides that he's going to take back his manhood and fucks her senseless.

They both end up passing out after an incredibly heated fuck and are awoken the next morning by guards that storm in after she misses a wakeup call. They grab the prince off of her and free her, but amazingly she covers for him and says it was her choice to have it happen.

The rest of it is them taking turns in the sub/dom positions of the relationship and plotting to overthrow the regional governor in order to install themselves as king and queen of his country. He does confide in her that he is the prince.

So anyway. Tell me how fucked up I am.

>> No.10457989

You fuckers have no idea what it's like to write something you're ashamed of. I've written tens of thousands of words of erotic fiction heavily centered around my completely degenerate fetishes. Specifically I've written fiction involving obesity, infantilization, incontinence, senility, gluttony, sloth, and abuse. I've written stories that ended with the main girl dying of heart failure, and stories where women essentially eat themselves to death.

I eventually grew disgusted with myself and swore off fetish work forever. But I'm still haunted by the disgusting things I wrote.

>> No.10458319

Never saved any of it, but I did some excellent ERP on a web game for some time. I was constantly complimented on my detail and have since wondered slightly if erotic fiction would be a possible fall back.
I would be willing to aide in the creation of erotic fiction if the concept didn't embarrass me to oblivion

>> No.10458326

>infantilization, incontinence,

Post it I'm interested

>> No.10458337

Hey man, why do you believe they are trying to inflict this upon you? I do not see it this way. What you are feeling must be scary, but I don't think is there what you think is there.

>> No.10458369

I once wrote a story about a young prince that gets kidnapped from his bed by orcs and dragged out to a dungeon compound somewhere in the forest. He's intially just chained to the ceiling in some cell, but with some dexterity manages to get loose and try to escape, but he gets caught and knocked out. When he wakes up he's almost naked and properly bound to some sort of table in a torture chamber, and a seductive and sadistic female orc spends an extended period of time tickle torturing his soft, noble body.

>> No.10458455

>who the fuck is gonna publish porn written in pentameter
You are. And I'm going to read it. Sounds like a riot. Wait, you're writing it in Ancient Greek? Also, wouldn't Philonike be more like "competitive" rather than quarrelsome? I don't know, quarrelsome has negative connotations that I don't think Philonike would have in Greek.

>> No.10458464

>It's written to make you feel uncomfortable.
Don't know what that says about me, but it made me feel very comfortable, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10458473

>Tell me how fucked up I am
Slightly, at best.

>> No.10458478

If you ever watched bojack horseman, there's an episode where the punchline is a character orgasms everytime there's a shift in power and this reminded me of that.

>> No.10458483

he didn't write any of it

>> No.10458668

Like I said above, I'm writing in German. I think the languages have big enough similarities to make it work, but I get that this might be a dealbreaker. I've had ancient greek in school anyway (just like latin), so I am decently familiar with the form of the comedy.

I know that the "literal" translation of philonike would be victory-loving, but words don't usually mean what their parts literally translate to. I learnt "philonikos" to mean naggy and quarrelsome, someone who likes to engage in pointless fights and arguments, and that is just what I wanted as a contrast to the soft and easy Apale who doesn't seem to mind to be taken advantage of.

>> No.10458678

What episode was that? Can't remember it from the top of my head.

>> No.10458840
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>not pasting The Alexiad into a Word document and replacing all the names with your own

>> No.10458856

Isn't that just a historic work of the byzantine empire? Or does it have any sexual undertones that are ditched in each and all summaries of the work?

>> No.10458924

The clit is mentioned separately towards the end. The character is some kind of hermaphrodite, given the non-functional dick and the mixed up sexual morphology. I'm not the author, so if he wants he can correct me.

>> No.10458982

I just wrote a short, short story about a faggot in uni, sitting around looking at girls when another faggot he knows comes up to him and he decides to not be a faggot because faggots are so disgusting. I tried to be funny, but it would probably only be funny to people who are "politically incorrect". The main character isn't a self insert, but I suppose its close since I'm probably going to end up incel if my current situation doesn't work out I'm perpetaully worried its not going to work out I submitted a several 1000 word short story about a retarded sex-future masturbatorium. It ended with a guy in a furry suit blasting naked people to death at the Orgy Dome (it was actually really lame considering how that sounds) for the yearly literary magazine, that was more as joke than anything and I just wanted to torture whatever fucker has to read submissions. Needless to say it was rejected.

>> No.10459009

i have written three erotic short stories with necrophilia, rape and/or gore. posted them to gurochan (which seems to be down the last few days). got pretty positive responses. got a fourth one in the works.

>> No.10459053

>It ended with a guy in a furry suit blasting naked people to death at the Orgy Dome (it was actually really lame considering how that sounds) for the yearly literary magazine, that was more as joke than anything and I just wanted to torture whatever fucker has to read submissions. Needless to say it was rejected.
Godspeed, anon.