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/lit/ - Literature

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10452617 No.10452617 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever write down your thoughts or imaginary conversations with fans/critics of your unwritten works? (1/4)

>> No.10452619

Like for my primary (three part) work I always have discussions with imaginary talk show hosts about how I knew fans would initially balk after reading the first 3rd due to the shallowness of the protagonist, her sexuality, and the fact that her story is more or less finished at the conclusion of this third; I'd discuss how this character primarily serves to contrast against the protagonists of the second and third portions and that the first arc is really only to serve as world building. (2/4)

>> No.10452626

The discussions would then turn to how the second arc would be deemed as "too psychological, attempting and failing to be deconstructive of the genre" as well as being a poor, nonsensical sequel to the first; I'd argue that this portion is the meat of the work and is meant to be more character-driven; and while not explicitly following the events of the predecessor, it certainly follows the motives of the characters and forces the reader to reconcile these characters as being the same individual. (3/4)

>> No.10452631

If I ever had fans or critics, I would barely interact with them beyond the occasional email, but I would respond to them in a way that you could never be sure it was legitimately me.

>> No.10452634

Then we'd talk about the "trainwreck" of the third arc; topics would range from why the timeskip? why the "mystical" perception of previously introduced universal elements? why the over-the-topness? was this meant serve as the both the true successor to the first arc and second? if so, does it establish/confirm that the first and second arcs are in different continuities? why not just stick one linear continuity? (4/4)

>> No.10452644

I would do the same, if only to force the readers/critics to subscribe to the "death of the author" idea.

>> No.10452653
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Never written down thoughts, but I would always imagine showing up on talk shows to discuss some great book I'd written, or movie I'd starred in, or some such thing. It makes me want to kill myself, remembering this. Thanks.

>> No.10452690

Yes, I've done this all my life with everything I did but now that I'm almost 30 I see this can be a problem.

You end up mixing up what you want to be recognized with with what you want to do. You may want to write a book, but from what you've told us, I can't tell. I can only tell you'd want to have written a book, which is very very different.

It's not that you have to stop daydreaming or anything, but pay attention to yourself when you do. Don't fool yourself into thinking that is helping you write anything because it isn't. From my experience, the less you think about the outcomes of what you are doing (in this sense), the better. And the more you think about the actual doing of it,the better. Instead of thinking you are going to be a popular rock star, just listen to the sound your guitar is making, keep adjusting it. Instead of thinking of your oscar speech in the shower, go join a theater group and act. Instead of thinking of the interview about your unwritten group, how is that blank paper in front of you?

I know this can feel as a great pressure, but then again, it serves for you to think exactly what you want to do to begin with. To do something means to spend your time with that something. Sometimes we don't really want to practice martial arts, we just want to say "I know kung fu", but that will never be enough for you to move from where you are.

>> No.10454177

what a douche

>> No.10455467


>> No.10455472

anon just go to /tg/ and /qst/

>> No.10455485

you’re a fucking faggot narcissist

>> No.10455496

For what purpose?

I always assumed most people on /lit/ (who don't actually belong on /his/) were narcissists. What makes me any different?

>> No.10455505

>For what purpose?
Talking to people that aren't completely imaginary about the things you write.

>> No.10455573

I imagine telling my fans that my book is shit, cause I'm humble and have issues with sincerity since sincerity would allow legitimate critique of any work I've not written, and it would be impossible to hide behind irony or sarcasm.

>> No.10456944

>sincerity would allow legitimate critique
That's the real curse.

>> No.10458295

I suppose I do the worse form of this: argue with myself over my opinions on various hot subjects, most often aloud and with more passion than I should allot

>> No.10458695

>argue with myself over my opinions on various hot subjects
Not a bad thing at all, imo. Isn't critical thinking all the rage in academia?
>most often aloud and with more passion than I should allot
...to each his own.

>> No.10458728
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>this thread

>> No.10458745

Got a problem with something, slut?

>> No.10458762
File: 128 KB, 964x876, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else hold a pen or marker in one hand and shake their other hand really fast while looking at a wall or something to simulate the sensation of playing video games?

>> No.10458962

Indeed, but that's what is needed in today's art. At least its a noble goal.

>> No.10460172

I'm, uhh, not understanding that image.

>> No.10460229
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what the fuck

>> No.10461605

What is going on ?

>> No.10461617
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>> No.10463094


>> No.10463117

I wrote down an erotic story about me seducing a fan of mine if that's what you mean

>> No.10463123

Uhhhh, kinda, but not to simulate but to stimulate

>> No.10463133

I feel like OP's posts are actually talking about some anime series or something, but I'm not a faggot so I don't understand the reference.
Congrats on the epic ftw troll thread, I guess...

>> No.10463142

Don't be so paranoid. Its just some dude who's thought up some nigh-intricate tale but hasn't written it down.

>> No.10463143

Wow. This is just a level os simulating the simulation that I've never seen before, it's like getting aroused to masturbating a dildo thinking of masturbating yourself to thinking of doing sex.

Is this the true power of millenials fucked up imagination?

>> No.10463256

You must know that you don't care about writing a book as much as you care about becoming renown.

The common problem is indoctrination into an idea of happiness. That idea is this: you can only be happy if you are surrounded by smiling faces, looking up to you as from below.

This is not reality. It is more fun to have fun together with people. Try to think of a story that is fun to share, and that others can enjoy, and don't care a lick about whether you are worshiped for it. We are all trying to unlock all.

Imagine if the full creative capacity of every soul on earth was unlocked. That would be a paradise beyond paradise. This is the goal. You may assist in this, or you may seek worship and horde that attention on yourself like some fool.

>> No.10464680
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OP here.
I feel like the both of you are projecting really hard. I mean, who doesn't want to write a book someday and get a tiny bit of recognition? Sure, but its far from being my main goal in life (which happens to be associated with an academic field very far removed from anything lit).
I just find enjoyment in daydreaming about discussing my work, its critiques, and what I meant by it.

>> No.10465550

dumb bitch

>> No.10466296
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Something wrong, sweetie?