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/lit/ - Literature

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10452285 No.10452285 [Reply] [Original]

What book are you starting new years off with?

>> No.10452291
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infinite jest

>> No.10452292
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finishing up pic related

>> No.10452295

seen her body building ass on instagram

>> No.10452316

Turtles All the Way Down

>> No.10452322

still this, pg 128.

>> No.10452327

read it twice. great

>> No.10452345

>This Side of Paradise
>Carthage Must be Destroyed
>The Black Company

Which one

>> No.10452349

Sauce me up dude. What's her name?

>> No.10452353

This Side of Paradise is surprisingly good. Much better than Great Gatsby

>> No.10452356

The Prince by Macchiavelli

>> No.10452398

I feel like starting Anne Karenina right now, what am in for?

>> No.10452595

Good to hear because I wasn't a fan of Gatsby

>> No.10452832

Dante's inferno, City of God or maybe Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson

>> No.10452848

Complete Works of Plato

>> No.10452851

p. 176 here, keep it up!

>> No.10452866

Probably Divine Comedy or Iliad & Odyssey

>> No.10454249

Thus spoke Zarathustra

>> No.10454353
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>> No.10454363

Continuing Gravity's Rainbow. I'm currently 150 pages in, started reading it three weeks ago and managed to read some every 2nd day because of my lifestyle.

Boy, what a ride.

>> No.10454366

Going to reread Lord of the Flies.

>> No.10454607

felt like killing myself this christmas so gonna go into 2018 with a myth of Sisyphus reread and then moby dick.

>> No.10454619

good call anon, five minutes with uncle Albert and you'll be back in shape.

>> No.10454622

Why do people gives thots attention? It's repugnant and degenerate.

>> No.10454732

stop being a virgin

>> No.10454743

>those eyebrows
muh dick

>> No.10454754



>> No.10454772

read the third reich and the savage detectives recently so i think i'll give 2666 a pop

>> No.10454778

how low anon

>> No.10454783

Joyce's Portrait
I really wish I could end Doctor Faustus (and Dubliners, though those are fucking boring) till 31

>> No.10454801

the great gatsby

>> No.10454963

probably some ONA shit

>> No.10454970

Halfway through White Noise right now, not sure what to read after that in 2018. Maybe finally get around The Man Who Fell to Earth.

>> No.10454973

Capitalism and Schizophrenia
Crying of Lot 49
CCRU Writings 1997–2003

>> No.10454983
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finishing history of England (hume)

>> No.10455474

Going to finish A Prayer For Owen Meany, then read Interior Castles, then read something a little less pious.

>> No.10455501

shes a body builder on instagram @ampollo

>> No.10455523

>body builder

>> No.10455544

Who this semen demon

>> No.10455551

I’m going to continue grinding through The Brothers K after finishing Silence.

>> No.10455554

because fitness person sounds better.

She builds her smoking hot body and is famous for it. To me she's a body builder, obviously not like Kali Muscle or Calum Von Moger

>> No.10455613

who is this trashy goddess

>> No.10455615

Ordinary Men

>> No.10455631


Dead White Guys: A Father, His Daughter, and the Great Books of the Western World
by Matt Burriesci

I'm 25% through but I don't know if I'll finish it. The title is provocative but the subject matter is pretty run of the mill and his chapter in Happiness was utter bullshit pop-psychology.

>> No.10455634

Carthage must be destroyed is a good read if you're interested in learning more about Carthage beyond their wars with Rome.

>> No.10455640
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already about 100 pages in, might finish in the next few days. following it up with more non-fiction going to start reading some fiction this summer finally

>> No.10455927

Shit this is the last book I'm reading this year. I've got two more chapters left.

Gravity's Rainbow for me. For me it's the McChicken

>> No.10455953

Life and Fate

>> No.10455992
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Picked up a collection of Ralph Waldo Emerson's essays and poems, also picked up a bunch of collections of the Founding Fathers writings. Yes I'm an Ameriboo

>> No.10456025

100 Years of Solitude

>> No.10456053

How does it feel that the America you are reading hardly exists anymore
Reading Emerson Thoreau Whitman and the Federalist Papers while living in LA made me feel a quite disenfranchised and gave me a solid nudge to the right

>> No.10456066


I've had this damn thing for 2-3 years now and have never gotten to it. I just re-read the first 2 pages every so often. Hopefully 2018 is the year...

>> No.10456073

Reeee who is in the OP image

>> No.10456085
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>How does it feel that the America you are reading hardly exists anymore

It makes me sad, I'm not white but my grandfather, a latino Pacific War veteran, tells me the US used to be like that just a couple of generations ago

>Reading Emerson Thoreau Whitman and the Federalist Papers while living in LA made me feel a quite disenfranchised and gave me a solid nudge to the right

Hello fellow Commiefornian, did you know that Northern California has the most English-Americans (the original Americans like Emerson) in the country? Its also the most conservative part of the state, really makes ya think.

>> No.10456101

Reading as much deep ecology/ environmental anarchism as I can. Starting with collected essays of Arne Naess. Also going to revisit Spinoza's Ethics for this purpose. Also on my reading list:

Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
Collected writing of Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber
Re-reading Ecology Without Nature by Timothy Morton + his new book

Any other recommendations? I'm think of reading Heidegger for his work on object-oriented ontology, which I understand is important in deep ecology

>> No.10456116

Devouring the Stormlight Archives right now

>> No.10456121

>I'm not white but my grandfather
Not that, I'm talking more about gang culture silicon valley social media instagram girls media media media, and now the conservative leader is the complete moronic embodiment of fake advertising and ignorance

>> No.10456127

Oh, in that case we are kind of fucked aren't we?Maybe it just seems like that because we live in CA, when I was in the military most of the out of state guys (especially the Midwestern and New England guys) couldn't believe the shallowness and vapidness of Southern Californians

>> No.10456138
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>reading not only genre fiction but the most generic genre fiction there is

>> No.10456147
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I like when my dick goes up

>> No.10456237

why anon?

>> No.10456340

She looks like my daughter

>> No.10456355

reenact this pic or fake and gay

>> No.10456381

>Ishmael - Daniel Quinn
This was the first book that /lit/ memed me into reading.

>> No.10456386

I got Hogg and some other stuff already (my parents must think I'm a fucking freak), and I already finished it. Pretty good, considering the time and the author. Of all the "gross-out" books I've ever read, I think this one has the most literary merit.

>> No.10456390
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>> No.10456407

See. Fake.
That is the EXACT same girl.
>also I hope no teenage girl would ever go for the handbra when her daddy asks her to go pose for pics for strangers online.

>> No.10456595

I wanna lie in bed and smell her socks all day and night.

>> No.10456601

Did you not like it?

>> No.10457018

I never had any interest in ecology/environment literature, so don't let my opinion shape yours if you do and you haven't read it yet.

>> No.10457112

Ugly face. Waste of ass

>> No.10457118

Working my way through John Milton’s prose. Loved his poetry, but never gave his prose a fair shake.

>> No.10457123

War and Peace. Its been sitting on my shelf for 7 years so probably time to get around to it.

>> No.10457164
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>Will be riding a train from NYC to Montreal for twelve hours reading pic related
Gonna be comfy

>> No.10457169

Go for Dostoevsky instead of Tolstoy...if you haven’t already.

>> No.10457208

I don't know why I'm posting this here, and I've never even read a complete novel by either writer, but I often think about this and it makes me tear up a bit.

>In a private letter regarding Dostoevsky's death, Tolstoy wrote: “I’ve never seen this man and never had any relations with him, and all of a sudden, when he died, I understood that this was the closest, the dearest man for me, the man whose presence I needed the most… I considered him a friend, and had no doubt that we’ll see each other someday…” The last book that Leo Tolstoy had read in his life, during his final days before fleeing Yasnaya Polyana and dying at Astapovo station, was “The Karamazov Brothers” by Dostoevsky.

>> No.10457216

please do not post temptresses on this board.

>> No.10457258

not sure, i'm going to japan in a few weeks/next year and i'm trying to figure out what to take with me there. potentially mishima but there's also a few other things i have on my backlog so i'm not sure

>> No.10457298

I've read Notes from the Underground and enjoyed it quite a bit.

>> No.10457303
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>> No.10457459

Gulliver's Travels

>> No.10457480

The Three-Cornered World

>> No.10457790

me too, on page 638 right now

>> No.10457792

can you not post this

>> No.10457819

I want to read more books in full in 2018 I have a bad habit of putting books down half way. I read like 3 or 4 books in 2017 from start to finish. I want to try for a book a week this coming year, any tips? I’m thinking of rotating fiction and non fiction weekly to keep it interesting.

>> No.10457837

Don't push yourself, friend. Live life as best you can and don't be disheartened if you don't meet your goals. As the saying goes, Life is What Happens To You While You’re Busy Making Other Plans.

>> No.10457860

no the mods don’t care
not going to happen

>> No.10457882
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>> No.10457901

Pussy. I plan on drowning in it.

Also Malone Dies, but that's if I make it from all the pussy I'm going to get.

>> No.10457999
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>> No.10458071

Don Quixote and Walden then The hobbit and LOTR

>> No.10458521

Complete chronicles of conan

>> No.10458563

Phenomenology of Spirit

>> No.10458576

>And I am coming home to you
>With my own blood in my moooooooouth

>> No.10458582


> Don't push yourself, friend. Live life as best you can and don't be disheartened if you don't meet your goals. As the saying goes, Life is What Happens To You While You’re Busy Making Other Plans.

From the losers guide to mediocrity.

>> No.10458588

I'm finishing up Iliad now so I'll probably just move on to The Odyssey.
The Greeks meme has actually been rewarding, I'm quite satisfied.

>> No.10458618

Ovid's Metamorphoses, coincidentally? enough. I swear it wasn't a plot, it just arrived in the mail a couple days ago.

>> No.10458623

Same desu, currently on page 270

>> No.10458682

A long fucking book
I didnt like the Anna Karenina line of the plot, but the Levin side of the story is really nice, even though most people tend to see it as the more boring one.

>> No.10458707

just finished reading oathbringer

>> No.10458708

fuck off cunt

>> No.10458735

Filioque by Siecinski

>> No.10458778

20,000 leagues under the sea
is it good brehs?
from what I've heard of it Nemo is reminding me of Ahab

>> No.10458831

Haven't read that one, but I read The Mysterious Island from him and it was great. It was my favorite thing to read when I was around 10-12