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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 607x365, 1278021047250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1044863 No.1044863 [Reply] [Original]

God dammit I was just about to talk to two Glasgowfags,

who has the hookup thread template?

>> No.1044865

Last book read:
Currently reading:
Favourite book:
People you're interested in:
Any other information you deem relevant

>> No.1044872

Should probably add in sex.

>> No.1044873

inb4 404

>> No.1044878

There does seem to be several of us Scottfags on at this time, are we all nocturnal?

>> No.1044882


I personally prefer night anyway.

>> No.1044883

Well basically some Glasgow fag posted that he's interested in people that can hold a good conversation. Then someone quoted him saying shit that rules him out.

I found it hard to believe. I must be the only social retard in Glasgow ;_;

>> No.1044886


I like good >concersation

>> No.1044896
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That's nice, I assume not many people do...

>> No.1044900
File: 14 KB, 480x319, flag-of-scotland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the Scandinavian elite of Britain.

>> No.1044901

Nah I'm socially retarded too.

So much so in fact that the prospect of even talking to any of you makes me nervous.

>> No.1044902


Not many my age anyway
Sucks :(

>> No.1044906

Really? I mean, I'm pretty shy/quiet, but that's usually out of being bored. If someone is actually talking about something interesting for once, I'll jump right in there and be much more talkative.

>> No.1044908

I still want that Texas meetup to happen.

>> No.1044910


inb4 /int/ herrenvolk/swinegol bullshit

>> No.1044913

whyd the other one 404?

bastard mods

>> No.1044914

Yeah it's more unnerving when your anonymity is now limited to the extent of Glasgow. I'm a suburbfag but going to uni next month.

Fucking worrying about how to dress for it, I think I'll go for a low-key hipster style because the baggy-jeans/t-shirt combo was probably attracting more attention as an awkwardfag.


>> No.1044917

I'm from just outside Glasgow and dear god would I LOVE to have someone in this country to talk to who was not a complete troglodyte.

Anyone else thinking Glasgow meet up?

>> No.1044922


I'm always sceptical regarding meetup for some reason, hence I've never done one (lolr9k).

I'd mabe reconsider, though.

>> No.1044925

>Anyone else thinking Glasgow meet up?
Despite how ok-ish it might be if you're all legit social retards, I'm cringing at the thought.

Also ages?

>> No.1044927
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>I'm from just outside Glasgow and dear god would I LOVE to have someone in this country to talk to who was not a complete troglodyte

>pretentiousfag detected

>> No.1044930

I've talked to you before on here, I told you not to worry bro, you wont get much attention at all in uni even if you dress REALLY odd.


I'd be ok with a meet up, but where would we meet? coffee shop or something?

>> No.1044931


How outside is "Just" outside?

>> No.1044934



As for where, I don't mind.

>> No.1044936

Normally I'd agree with you but I've visited Scotland and the level of conversation there is kinda of sad.

A comparison would be like a southern american trailer park, there just isn't much going on in there.

>> No.1044939

18. Am I the youngest here?

>> No.1044942

North Lanarkshire, I'm like 20 minutes by train away and about 3 miles away from actually being IN Glasgow.

>> No.1044944

I really don't see how it's different from anywhere else or how you could say the whole country is at that level of conversation.

>> No.1044949
File: 47 KB, 539x720, 1281910870518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Randfags here?

>> No.1044954


It does hinge on where you visit and who you talk to but yeah it is pretty bad.
Poor areas don't care and rich areas are full of spoiled retards.

>> No.1044959

You seem to be the youngest so far yes.

I for one am totally game for meeting up. hell want to do it tomorrow?

>> No.1044961

So any of you go to the Glasgow universities?

>> No.1044966

Nah I'm at paisley university.

>> No.1044967


You know what? >>1044936 has no idea what he/she/it is talking about and would probably be ejected from the places in Glasgow and Edinburgh where readers and writers drink.

>> No.1044969


I would be but I'm busy until mid afternoon thereabouts, but I could meet up later, I suppose.

>> No.1044979

How about it /lit/?

>> No.1044987


What, meetup? Sure

>> No.1044988

Am I the only one who goes down side street to avoid the charity guys?

They seem to home into me and talk to me for ages trying to guilt me out of my money. It does not help that they tend to be nice people.

>> No.1044996

This worked out pretty well last time.

Age: 26
Sex: Male
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Currently Reading: Infinite Jest
Favourite Book: Infinite Jest
People you're interested in: Literary Ladyfolk
Any other information you deem relevant: AIM is AntiPopeRing

>> No.1044997


>get pulled up by them
>Hi blah blah were from X-charity you can save African children
>Oh right
>blah blah so how old are you
>sorry youre too young lol have a nice day


Apparently a lot of them are born again Christians.

>> No.1045000
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I really haven't seen them in ages but then again, I don't really go into town much.

Am I the only one that fucking stares down the homeless people that beg for money while most people pretend not to notice? I've actually had some look away from me first for a change, lol.

>> No.1045003

Dammit. AntiPopeRingo is my AIM. Gotta have that o on there.

>> No.1045005

Meetup would be really awful I'm guessing, count me out.

>> No.1045007

Am I the only one who sits in George Square or Central station for the sole purpose of watching people go about their daily lives?

>> No.1045010

Well I have no idea how we shall meet up.

If I sit outside the gallery of modern art tomorrow at like, 3pm would anyone be able to show?

I'm going to be doing that until like 6pm anyway so may as well try for a meeting spot with everyone.

>> No.1045011

Nope I watch you from the bench behind.

>> No.1045012

Nope, I also sit on the steps of the royal concert hall and that subway thing across from forbidden planet.

It's oddly calming to watch a sea of people moving about.

>> No.1045013

Another Scot-fag here. I'm fae Aberdeen though.

sloewhisky@gmail.com for chat.

Currently reading "High Fidelity". Never seen the film.

>> No.1045015




Yeah, Kelvingrove park is also nice if you can find a high enough spot

>> No.1045019

An American!?

Age: 23
Location: New Jersey
Last book read: On the Beach by Nevil Shute
Currently reading: A Game of Thrones, Player Piano, The Raw Shark Texts
Favourite book: too hard to choose
People you're interested in: anyone who isn't a creep/stalker/crazy
Any other information you deem relevant: I'm really bored

>> No.1045020


May be able to.
You're not a Gothic/Sk8r are you? Otherwise you'd be hard to distinguish

>> No.1045024

Am I the only one that has no friends? :(

>> No.1045026

>Be Glaswegian
>Borders goes under


Still there's Waterstones and a plethora of other small bookshops in the West End

>> No.1045029

>buying books
Am I the only one that doesn't? Damn I bet you're all nerdy english literature students...

>> No.1045032

No. Having no friends is probably why all of us are here right now.

>> No.1045033

Nah I look fairly normal I think, It should be sunny tomorrow so I'll bring my golf umbrella so I stand out.

I'll also be reading of course.

Also hell yeah RIP Boarders, I bought so many of my books from there. Waterstones just doesn't feel the same.

Come to the gallery tomorrow and you can be my friend anon.

>> No.1045035

I buy books.

I am doing a comp sci degree.

Some of us are just not poor fags.

>> No.1045036

This sounds so cool. I DEMAND to hear how it goes.

>> No.1045039

>I am doing a comp sci degree
Really, what uni?

>> No.1045044


Plenty of second hand shops kicking around selling good stuff on the cheap.

>> No.1045047

University of Strathclyde.

>> No.1045049

It's not really cost, I would just rather download a book whenever it takes my fancy & not be compelled to read something just because I bought a physical copy.

>> No.1045052

Oh shit, what year man?

>> No.1045054

This is pathetic.

>> No.1045056

It will probably just be me sitting there reading for 3 hours and no one showing up.

But if someone DOES show up it will be very awesome indeed.

>> No.1045057

>This is pathetic
>Posting on 4chan
What's your problem, something personal?

>> No.1045059



>> No.1045062

ITT:Lonely people looking for friendship in all the wrong places. And if you're looking for love, well then you are pathetic like the like minded individual said.

>> No.1045065

I actually finished my honours just there.

Just wanted to point out we are not all English majors.

Still wondering if I should go for a doctorate or not, it seems a lot of work for little gain at this point.

>> No.1045069

OK the latter part makes sense. But why would this be the the wrong place for friendship compared to others? 4chan users are kind of alot inferior to the majority of people.

>> No.1045070

How hard is it really? Should I be learning Python (for good practise) or look over the AH course notes before I go?

>> No.1045071


>are kind of alot inferior


>> No.1045075

lol, anyway my point was 4chan users are losers who most people don't want to deal with (hence all the no friends above).

>> No.1045082

My advice would be this.

You know the level of work you think you should study to in order to pass?

Do 3 times that.

We lost a good 1/3 of the class due to people not being able to cope with the math or coding syntax or random terms they didn't know.

If you think something might help, do it.
Learn python, read the AH course notes, make damn sure you understand syntax as in comp sci that is what they will pound into you constantly. Above all just be dedicated, this is a good thing to get and if you do well you can land a very good paying job right out of uni.

Good luck anon.

>> No.1045083

So what novels are my fellow Weegiefags into?

My favourites are probably The Trial, Ada/Ador, The Castle, some Dickens & some Lovecraft.


>> No.1045085

Projecting much?

>> No.1045090


all nocturnal, butt ugly drunks who are slobbering fried haggis all over their stolen english keyboards.

>> No.1045091

Damn, feel like suicide now.

I guess I'll do both some Python & the notes tomorrow. I guess if I get a routine going it will be ok.

>> No.1045092

He might be but that sure fits me.

>> No.1045093

I've got friends, I would just find it interesting to talk to some /lit/fags out in the real world. The fact I can do it locally just makes it convenient.

>> No.1045095


>> No.1045096
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>The Trial and Ada

>> No.1045099

Don't worry, it feels like shit at first but you will get used to it fairly quickly.

>> No.1045100


I like Kafka and Nabokov too
Also Huxley, Dostoevsky and Turgenev

>> No.1045102

I seem to be drawn to reading economics books lately, odd as it is.

My favourite books though would be Don Quixote, The Count of Monte Cristo and The prince. Lovecraft is also awesome but I don't want to list everything, would take too long.

>> No.1045109

By syntax do you mean to the extent of knowing all the types of Process Management (pre-emptive scheduling, multi-leveling queues etc)?

Also what Linux distro are they using in the labs, Debian?

>> No.1045115

So is someone planning to meet that guy tomorrow?

>> No.1045120


If I'm in the area I might.
Especially if he's there for as long as he says he will be.

>> No.1045128

I'll make sure to go say hi at least.

It'd be nice to talk to a fellow /lit/fag and he must have some guts to him to just openly ask strangers to meet like that.

At the very least it'll be an interesting diversion.

>> No.1045130

Report back tomorrow!

>> No.1045151
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AM I the only girl here? (pic related)

>> No.1045172



>> No.1045173

You appear to be.
I am assuming we are all male so far.
Including you of course.

>> No.1045192
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>> No.1045195

You shooped your man nails onto the picture.

>> No.1045215
File: 7 KB, 154x251, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>camwhores on /lit/

>> No.1045217

Well congratulations, you are female and probably the only one in the thread so far.

So what are you reading? And are you thinking of going to the meetup thing?

>> No.1045218

omg get your lazy asses out for once and actually meet pleople, damnit

>> No.1045219
File: 80 KB, 640x480, img_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, I might see some of you tomorrow if the chap outside the art gallery is quite talkative.

>> No.1045229

books or gtfo

>> No.1045240


>> No.1045249

now tell us age/location/books read/etc or stop camwhoring

>> No.1045250

Ha ha, this is why I sometimes love /lit/.

inb4 they're disappointing.

>> No.1045264
File: 31 KB, 640x480, booksorgtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm? OK I seriously need to hit the sack now. Bye /lit/!

>> No.1045278

I don't buy physical copies, what are these?

>> No.1045282

Twilight or some shit.

>> No.1045288

this is the first /lit/ camwhore ive seen...
is it the first evar?

>> No.1045289

How? People instantly find me either boring or unlikeable depending on my confidence levels (the latter when it's high).

>> No.1045290


>> No.1045293

What fucking are they? Tell me buyfags.

>> No.1045297

I have no idea, too small to see the titles on them and I've never seen those covers before.

Either way they look tiny about the size of a hand, probably just short stories or something.

>> No.1045298


No there's another one from ages ago.
She's like the second

>> No.1045303

They're too small to be even cheap mass-market paperbacks. Whatever they are, they're not books. And if she wasn't just camwhoring, she'd post an actual list/shelf.

>> No.1045312

They actually look like cassette cases.


>> No.1045313

Well Scotfags Please tell us how things go after things have gone down.

>> No.1045314

OK I don't have any of my own actual books, everything's on my Kindle.


>> No.1045315

If she actually shows up tomorrow I'll ask what they were.

Well I'm off to sleep anons, I look forward to seeing at least some of you tomorrow!

>> No.1045319

I'm in love...

>> No.1045326
File: 33 KB, 400x314, 1271059799314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch, why you saging yourself?

>> No.1045328

>­­Implying you can imply without greentext

>> No.1045332

Yes, with a woman who posts pictures of herself on 4chan with cassettes over her tits.

>> No.1045334

Someone's been following the /lit/ recommendations a little too closely....

>> No.1045337


>> No.1045340
File: 14 KB, 263x192, TyBrax13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I feel terrible.

What if that guy only went tomorrow in the hopes of meeting her?

>> No.1045344

So all the pictures were you?

I bet at least one poor /lit/ guy is going to the meet up just to see her.

You troll you.

>> No.1045346
File: 11 KB, 267x344, salvador_dali_flower_moustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I a little mad.

>> No.1045348
File: 25 KB, 480x499, img_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. She's just a silly hipster that was a bit too passionate.

Why can't girls be more sensitive /lit/ ;_; ?

>> No.1045357

TyBraxGuy, I once said something mean to you, but now I take it back and replace it with "I don't feel bad about having similar tastes, because you are an okay dude."

>> No.1045358

Awww, I was kinda looking forward to meeting a fem /lit/ anon.

Ah well at least that guy should still be there, still make for an interesting day.

>> No.1045364


-_- so I do something awful/trolling & now you like me?

>> No.1045375

No it's cause you feel terrible about doing something bad.

It makes you an ok dude.

Shame there wont be a girl there though, who knows! one of the other anons going might be female, however unlikely that is. At least the guy who is going to sit there for 3 hours waiting on us missed the whole thing.

>> No.1045376

wtf? post it

>> No.1045383

>Here. She's just a silly hipster that was a bit too passionate

>> No.1045387

yes, indeed,


>> No.1045399

no there's tonnes of us.

we're just more subtle.

>> No.1045402
File: 24 KB, 550x300, TyBrax10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. You don't like my stories /lit/. You say you do, until you actually hear them.

>> No.1045413

That wasn't even a real girl.

Also people do try to get to this, I want to meet some fellow /lit/ fags and as interesting as I may find they guy waiting for us I really would like to meet others.

>> No.1045417

raped? (you I mean)

>> No.1045420

No faggot. Anyway I'm off to my bed......

>> No.1045425

I would go but like I said here >>1045289 ....

>> No.1045437


OK, so answer us this


What's with the blue blotches?

>> No.1045464

Just to give the appearance of trying to avoid her room being recognised, not that it really matters.

She sent me shit like that after a while, as if that would stop me being so resilient not to ask her out, that kind of makes me feel sick really. When I finally did under the impression that she was quite understanding & not so forceful over going out to busy places, the day after everyone in our year group was asking about it (since I hadn't really had the guts to ask anyone out before then, which was quite bad - can't remember exact year), most attention I ever got bar english class talks. Anyway I freaked & cut it off.

>> No.1045471

ive read that like 3 times and cant make heads or tails of it.

nigga, you high?

>> No.1045485

Nope. Just tired.

It's quite simple really. She thought I'm desperate for shit like that & pretended to be respectful of my privacy. Instead I received the most attention I've ever had in my life/school. So I didn't like that.

>> No.1045492

I really don't understand why there's so few shy people..

>> No.1045505

Actually that kinda reads like I engaged in the same shit, when I didn't. I was disgusted at the motion but didn't say so of course.