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File: 9 KB, 250x167, chalkboard logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10447163 No.10447163 [Reply] [Original]

where does logic come from?

>> No.10447172

Logicistan I guess

>> No.10447182

Greeks figured out that the world is shit, people are stupid and nothing makes sense, so some of them went to the beach thinken bout life and stuff and created abstract stuff like logic and geometry to pretend things actually make sense.

>> No.10447208

Read Euclid

>> No.10447211

Euclid, book III prop 9 for that little piece of logic, OP.

Anything else?

>> No.10447651

the concept of consistency and proportion

>> No.10447881

Fucking to much poipussi greeks had sore dicks in the meantime they created logic

>> No.10447903


It's formalized intuition. Basically the only thing logic has over other languages is that it's harder to engage in sophistry using logic with another person who groks logic. Of course, if someone doesn't understand formal logic, you can just write whatever the hell you want and claim you've proven your point. People who formalize every argument are generally trying to browbeat you, it makes just as much sense to say everything in Latin and claim that proves something.

>> No.10447909

Codification of types of inferences that increase probability of survival.

>> No.10447964

a = b, b = c
<=> a = b = c
=> a = c

>> No.10447967


>> No.10447970

I agree it's formalized intuition, but I am not sure I agree with the rest

>> No.10447996

But it's not that simple. For instance, how do we know that a = c after the third line. Just because they both equal b doesn't mean they naturally equal each other. You must first prove that if a were less than b, b's magnitude would be greater than a's in relation to c, and that a's would be less. This is why Euclid needs to prove V. 8 before he proves prop V. 9.

You would think it is that simple, but it is not.

>> No.10448005

literature recommendations on this idea?

>> No.10448013

Okay, but why are the intuitions what they are?
I know Nietzsche suggests this early on in Human All Too Human. Authors dealing with evolutionary approaches to the mind probably discuss it too. Maybe Dennett, but I can't say for sure.

>> No.10448044

>its a philosophers start skirting math but for some reason dont want to actually bring math into the conversation despite math and philosophy being forever intertwined

>> No.10448121

Autistic people

>> No.10448133

It's more than that. You can't even deny that a=a without assuming it, as Aristotle noted.

>> No.10448143

a = basketball
b = an orange/grapefruit
c= a soccer ball

a = b = c

a = c
1. quality = roundness

2. quality = size

3. quality = color (the soccer ball is orange)

In the quality of shape, a = b = c.

In the quality of 'type of thing' a, b and c are not equal.

>> No.10448148

You're retarded

>> No.10448154

We don't know. Theists would probably say it's transcendent. Logic is based on axioms. Axioms are assumed. We haven't proven our assumptions true.

>> No.10448268
File: 83 KB, 576x720, terrence_howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Since I was a child of three or four," he says, "I was always wondering, you know, why does a bubble take the shape of a ball? Why not a triangle or a square? I figured it out. If Pythagoras was here to see it, he would lose his mind. Einstein, too! Tesla!"
>"This is the last century that our children will ever have been taught that one times one is one," he says. "They won't have to grow up in ignorance. Twenty years from now, they'll know that one times one equals two. We're about to show a new truth. The true universal math. And the proof is in these pieces. I have created the pieces that make up the motion of the universe. We work on them about 17 hours a day. She cuts and puts on the crystals. I do the main work of soldering them together. They tell the truth from within."

>After high school, he attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, studying chemical engineering, until he got into an argument with a professor about what one times one equals. "How can it equal one?" he said. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be." This did not go over well, he says, and he soon left school. "I mean, you can't conform when you know innately that something is wrong."


>> No.10448282

good luck asking these fags

I bet most of them struggled at geometry

>> No.10448303

if lit dropped an sd in intelligence, turned into a nigger, and got a huge ego boost, they;d be this guy

>> No.10448333

>when you equate things they‘re equal
woah so this is the power of logic

>> No.10448353

what is logic actually good for I mean in applied use

no simplistic bullshit like this is how I find my car keys

>> No.10448362
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What the fuck

>> No.10448465

The point is, even if the conclusion is obvious, you must lead the person there from the foundation of relations of things. This is how mathematical logic usually operates, through determining how things look when something is greater or less, THEN determining that an absence of either of these properties (or really a single state of two things have a greater than/less than property towards each other) determines that they must be equal.

>> No.10448476

literally everything invented since the 1930s, including medecine dosages, message cryptography, efficient sub/bus stops

literally EVERYTHING you humanities major

>> No.10448516



>> No.10448561

t. fagtard that doesn't know shit about logic, theoretical computer science, or analytic philosophy.

None. Very few academics who are informed on this subject would believe logic emerges as the result of evolutionary beneficial patterns of inference. There are numerous region to reject this position, and even any biological or psychological reasons in general. Logic is much more fundamental than that, and seems to be present on even the most basic physical and mathematical levels (. . . and computation is what links these two).

Moreover, there is no reason to go to such an abstract level as evolutionary psychology. A psychologistic or biologically oriented account of logic would probably look like theories of "mental grammar" and "universal grammar" in the field of generative grammar.

>> No.10448642

>t. fagtard that doesn't know shit about logic, theoretical computer science, or analytic philosophy.
Humility is a virtue, friend.

Your reasons for rejecting logic as a codification of types of inferences that increase probability of survival are:
1. Logic seems to be present at the most basic physical level.
2. There's no reason to be as abstract as evolutionary psychology.

You simply assert claim 2 and then speculate about what it would entail for generative grammar. This is bizarre since since evolutionary psychology is less abstract than mathematics, which you rightly hold in high esteem, and since your speculative conclusions are possible outcomes (at best), not necessary outcomes. It isn't clear how this is supposed to be a criticism of the idea that logic is a codification of types of inferences that increase probability of survival.

You're going to need to explain what you mean in 1. In what sense is logic "present" in physics. I agree that it is present in some sense, but not in any sense that I could understand to be undermining my position.

>> No.10448675
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>> No.10448929

Everybody go home.

>> No.10449018

dude what...? logic is almost always totally contrary to our primitive intuitions.

>> No.10449074

i am here for this

>> No.10449156
File: 7 KB, 231x218, pepe sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been bugging me. Since there are many logics, how do we know the one we use is the "right" one? It can't be proved empirically, since we're unable to interpret empirical evidence without some sort of logic and logic is what we use to determine which empirical evidence is valid in the first place, e.g. if we think we see something that prior experience + logic tells us is impossible, we conclude that our perception is mistaken, and the only way to "disprove" a logic is on its own terms. Should we really just go with whatever logic is most intuitive? What if the universe doesn't fit our intuitions? Are we just fundamentally fucked then?

>> No.10449158

>where does the concept of a thing being more voluminous than another come from
Logic doesn't fucking come from anything, it's self-evident.
>Is the thing we call sound real
>How can we see the difference between a square and a circle
>If I have one, and another one; do I have three?

>> No.10449166

This. OP is in dire need to discover what the fuck an axiom is

>> No.10449187

>there are many logics
You'll have to elaborate on this

It's true that it's impossible to fully justify reason itself since we can only do that through reason, and ironically reason also tells us we can't prove a system to be correct by using itself
I dont know why we have so much faith in logic but you have to fall back onto something, and at least logic is fairly consistent in most cases

>> No.10449195

Logic = asymmetry, or, symmetry, between axioms.
Logic is like time, height, weight, colors, pressure, pain, death. They are cause they aren't something else. Something is only high cause something else isn't as high.

It is, to see, what isn't.

>> No.10449213

This too.
Axioms are usually considered to be propositions identifying a fundamental, self-evident truth. But explicit propositions as such are not primaries: they are made of concepts. The base of man’s knowledge (of all other concepts, all axioms, propositions and thought) consists of axiomatic concepts. An axiomatic concept is the identification of a primary fact of reality, which cannot be analyzed, i.e., reduced to other facts or broken into component parts. It is implicit in all facts and in all knowledge. It is the fundamentally given and directly perceived or experienced, which requires no proof or explanation, but on which all proofs and explanations rest.

>> No.10449230

Are you guys actually denying this?

>> No.10449239

A 30% cohort of white men.

>> No.10449251

the structure of human nervous systems and subjective consciousness. it wouldn’t work the same if there was a different form of cognition, which would construct different techne, abstract and physical. anyone who denies this can only appeal to their own logical devices and neurology. very sad thing to rely on

>> No.10449252

quantity of neurons. which makes abstract thought possible

>> No.10449259


>> No.10449264

>>10449252 me

>> No.10449273

he’s been vanquished as easily as that, has nothing left. will whine about axioms and “self-evident” truths for hours and then call you anti-science

you chop off your hands, honestly. i couldn’t imagine believing any of the gay shit analytical niggers and mathematicians tell themselves

>> No.10449277

it's the most basic retarded answer masked with basic scientific knowledge
>hurr logic comes from teh brain xD

>> No.10449280

the question was "where does logic come from?". please explain where else logic would come from.

>> No.10449285

I don't know, but you don't seem to understand the distinction between "come from" and "allowed by"

>> No.10449293

>>10449280 me
if the question was intended to ask why we have logic the obvious answer would be to say that it is optimal for survival. this isn't a difficult question, am i missing something?

>> No.10449362

>>there are many logics
>You'll have to elaborate on this
Depending on what axioms you accept. e.g. there are people who do mathematics without the Law of Excluded Middle, which is a fundamental part of classical logic.
But should we use the axiom of excluded middle in real life? It seems to work, but is that enough? Can quantum bullshit disprove it?

>> No.10449368

If A was a bone and B was a pork chop then C was a pig the logic wouldn't be true because a pork chop isn't a fucking bone.

>> No.10449377

>people actually think logic is a human construct
does not everything in the universe follow the same laws independent of human consciousness?

>> No.10449384

I don't know, does it?

>> No.10449435

Do you want me to tell you why this is wrong or why this is reddit
I'll answer the latter: you're answering on a completely different level to what the question is asking

I bet your answer to the trolley dilemma goes something along the lines of "find the emergency derailing lever" doesn't it?
Also nobody fucking cares which posts are yours, lurk before posting next time and embarrassing yourself

This seems to be a different way of applying logic, but a proof by the absurd uses the same logic as the arguments explaining why you can't use it
That's to say that no matter what techniques you use in a mathematical demonstration, you'll always use logic/reason (which can be applied in different ways hence your article) but you'll never use your physical senses for example

If you're a platonic realist then yes
Personally I think it makes the most sense

>> No.10449442

>I'll answer the latter

>> No.10449671
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>> No.10450342

>food analogies

>> No.10450427


>> No.10450456

if A was a solid turd, and B was Diarrhea, and C was a green mixture: the logic in OP would be correct, if seeking the commonality of shit: but in that context and example, A would not be equal to B and C on multiple accounts of qualities

>> No.10450461

Logic is about similarities and differences and possible relations and interactions between themselves and each other

>> No.10450493

>let me pretend that applying a rule in impertinent cases somehow disproves its efficacy

Better be baiting

>> No.10450510

Are you stupid?

>> No.10450563

>reading comprehension
Better be bad at logic

>> No.10450599

Which is why we define how equals operates. It is a relation that puts two entities in a NOT unequal relation to each other. In reality, it seems equality is proven through a reduction as absurdum of inequality

>> No.10450608

Reductio ad absurdum

Trust me, spellcheck can go fuck itself for not knowing latin

>> No.10450714

>Theists would probably say it's transcendent

Who says this?

>> No.10450751

>70 posts
>nobody answered the simple question op asked.
>the absolute state of lit reading comprehension

Logic comes from ontology, anon.
/pol/ out

>> No.10450761

>I don't know what I'm talking about so I'll just say he has no reading comprehension

Definitely baiting

>> No.10450789

Exactly. We know you are from /pol/ because you can’t answer a simple question.

There are many kinds of logic, defined all over the place. What kind was OP referring to. If it was the logic of A equaling C that introduces the principle of non-contradiction in a prior proof regarding inequality.

That is an extremely specific answer though, if you want to get broader, logic is developed from reason, and reasoning is something both the mind and soul does, so ontology may partially be correct, but is not exactly specific

>> No.10450898

This is unbelievable, human satire.

>> No.10450916

its the rules of contingency, beyond that i'm stumped.

>> No.10451158

logic is the result of cataloguing all possible things and possibilities, similarities and differences, relationships, cause and effect, composite-more-than-sum-of-parts-effects. The natural, the self evident system of classification, what follows from the other.

However I noted sum-of-parts-composite, which is interesting, because this is where maybe 'quantum' stuff gets in, or this is moving this way being forced by that and that is moving this way being forced by this which at that same time was being forced by another which that one was being forced by another and all of them being forced one way or another by multiple things being forced one way or another by multiple things all at the same time and what exactly caused what. And I dont know much about fuzzy logic.

But imagine something like a finger puppet shadow on the wall, or like ink blot tests, but to use the first example, the actual thing is one way, but because of certain aspects of reality, light, shadow, the distance and time, and how it shows on wall, etc. a phenomenon feature is detected in relation to the object finger puppet hand:

And people familiar with hands and everything or not, may not be able to tell much about the object from the appearance of hardly some of its

logic is the spirit of order. Of understanding, the meaning of sense, making sense, understanding, agreement, that 'making sense' is what threw me off on the tangent of thinking about senses disconnect, and how something classically phenomenological could appear causal logical but really there is some 'shadow' delay tricks due to the nature of force carriers, and such on and such on.

>> No.10451163

tenth post best post

>> No.10451179




stupid post


possibly: an imprinting of the world's ordering using the ink of death. If that's not divine poetry I don't know what is: the crystallized deaths of our ancestors equips us with the linguistic abilities necessary to contemplate our own life in the face of death.

>> No.10451287


Stupid post

>> No.10451330


Your impression of logic: a mystifying array of symbols capable of leveraging argument by indicating authority.

That's fucking retarded brah, sorry. Don't be buttmad you wrote a stupid post.

>> No.10451337

guys this >>10448143 is fucking me up, someone help. Im now confused.

This should prove that a = b is not necessarily true, right?

one cannot simply make the statement a = b? yeah?

>> No.10451351

>Of understanding, the meaning of sense, making sense, understanding, agreement, that 'making sense' is what threw me off on the tangent of thinking about senses disconnect, and how
the fact of imprint, senses, light off atoms of the world into eyes, cones, optic nerve, electric singles, passing through multiple mechanisms, wires, chambers, encoded and presented in different ways, and the same for smell, and sound, and touch and taste.

The exact impression experienced by the experiencer, the exact 'seeing of tree', or flower, or rabit, or pond, or grass, or building, exactly the image that is experienced by the experiencer, is all that is given: logic and connecting all these imagies together, and relations,

but is there a logical relation in the smell, and taste, and sight, of different herbs and foods and spices and candles? what is the meaning of logic there, where is the ultimate sense, of meaning of classification, if a red candle made of herb A tastes like salt and smells like pine trees: Is there any 'sense' between those characteristics? Is there any classification?

Is it under: Things that can have multiple characteristics that dont really have a logically coherent following relation of exact necessary purpose and meaning.

Is there a logical reason strawberries look as they do and taste as they do, and do not taste like banananas and bananas not like them?

Could a strawberry be made to taste like banana, and what then, and then what?

logic is about why mechanisms work, what follows, if A exists as 1, 2, 3,, and B exists as 4,5,6 when B interacts with A like this: QTRF, then EUBG will happen because 1, 2, and 3 are like this: 437436.

And 4, 5, 6 are like this YG4HD

And when 437436 interacts with YG4HD; EUBG happens. Because there is an axiomatically proven eternal universal proclamation of undeniable perfectly partitioned true fundamental organization of perfect a priori order even points and lines incrementally expanding in repetition

>> No.10451380

usually I guess it is assumed it is numbers: but even then:

If A = 4

B = 8/2

C= (2)(2)

>> No.10451384

How does it confuse you? You can make the statement a=b whenever .

>> No.10451390

just need specification I guess: a = b = c is a 'mould' or blueprint, or form or function that imputs can be entered into: so when inputs are clarified you can use the equation as a balance, as a measuring device, to see if what you are trying to say with the thing you are plugging in, if they are equal and true.

>> No.10451413


The meaning of "=" in a logical setting is not the same as the meaning of "=" in an arithmetic setting.

We usually take "=" or, better yet "≡" (since it distinguishes from the arithmetic equals) to mean "If and only if."

It doesn't make much sense to say "An object if an only if another object." We usually think of a and b as referring to events/logical facts.

So "(a ≡b) and (b≡c)" might refer to "(A man is a philosopher if and only if he studies philosophy) and (a man studies philosophy if and only if he is a student of philosophy)"

Altogether then, the transitive property of ≡ would give us

"A man who is a philosopher is a student of philosophy."

Perhaps not the best example but I think the structure is clear.


>> No.10451424

if a is equal to b: then b IS a, and what about a makes it b at all? Why is b quality, clarification, title, necessary?

>> No.10451486

but what if a =/= b like this guys example.

A basketball does not equal a grapefruit
or what about >>10451380
a= b
but then what if I say a =3 b=5 c=7

Something is awry

>> No.10451495


There are two matters at hand:

1. The arithmetic principle that a=b and b=c implies a=c (this is called the "transitive property of equality" in mathematics).

2. The logic principle that "if and only if" is transitive. that is, "a if and only if b" and "b if and only if c" implies "a if and only if c." This is called "Logical equivalence." It is not the same thing as saying, "A and B are the same object."

I think you're confusing the transitive property of ≡ with rules about naming.

Let us say there is a thing (it doesn't matter what). We shall call this thing "A". We might also refer to it as "B" occasionally. In this example, (and NOT in the above examples) we may say "A is B."

>> No.10451522

this is why going to uni and freely available education or widely available higher edu is extremely damaging and also why literati and intelligentsia probably need to be purged

>> No.10451523


What is your problem exactly?

>> No.10451533

Ive found a way to answer my own question. It's not a *correct* statement, which isnt the goal in the first place. It's a *logical* statement.

>> No.10451540

note the space, a reflexive attempt to distance oneself from one’s own flow of creation. very feminine, as if im being invited into the vacuum that they allow to then collapse on me like a carnivorous plant or some burrowing arhropod’s tunnel trap. fascinating

>> No.10451549


It's just a typing habit. I think you need to relax. Hang out a little. Dry out. We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow, you're getting cranky and impatient.

>> No.10451590

lets say:
A = 4 and...
A = B
Thus, B has to be 4.
Now, lets say B = C
since we know B = 4, C also has to equal 4 to be equal to B.
Finally, this means, if A = 4, A = B, B = C, then A has to equal C, since both equal 4.

>> No.10451603

but we can say that B equals anything. Thats the whole purpose of distinguishing A from B and C.
you cant say A=B and a and b are both 4. because you arent even saying A= B at that point, youre just saying '4'. the whole point is that you can substitute.

>> No.10451644

Should all kind of thinking not link back to some kind of origin? - I would propose that man is only a recreative form of thought and therefore, we are always influenced by the "origin" whatever that might be.

>> No.10451678


>> No.10451706


You either can't read or you're being deliberately dense

>> No.10451731

ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha jesus mary and joseph hahahahahahahahahaha i pray unto thee, oh lord god, ruler of heavens and creator of the earth, please 5-D print more of these creatures oh my word hahahahahahahahahHa

>> No.10451749

Logic is the grossest tool of patriarchal oppression in the history of your eurocentric history
so it comes from insecure men in antiquity trying to silence THE REST OF US
read a book you privldgd basement fucks

>> No.10452039

I am the person you originally responded to and just saw your response now, and I was not the one typing those last two replies to you, but will read and respond to your post sometime

>> No.10452251

Depends on two things - if logic is finnitely recursive or if human mind is finitely recursive, means its finite set of instructions? If logic is coming from mind, and mind is recursive as machines we could make computers make mathematical/logical laws instead of us. Its a pretty big problem in analytical philosophy

>> No.10452265

>Let us say there is a thing (it doesn't matter what). We shall call this thing "A". We might also refer to it as "B" occasionally. In

What is an example of a reason why you would call A, B? For all examples, would A (object) be the same object as B? Lets say a particular brand of tennis racket. You pick up 2 off the shelf and say A = A, they are identical. Then you pick up the same two again and say: the first one is A and the second one is B, A = B.

I was asking a more meta wondering of what is an example of the need to label an identical thing as another symbol, instead of just saying "xyz brand racket = xyz brand racket", or A=A.

Because the (b), implies a difference, if there was no difference there would be need to add the b name, simply A is A and we are only dealing with A's, but, there are two A's, and they are separate objects quite obviously, so call one A and one B.

>> No.10452341


>if there was no difference there would be no need to add the b name

"George Washington" and "America's first president" both denote the same thing, but either of the two terms might be preferable in different contexts.

"A is A" is called "The Law of Identity."

I would encourage you not to get too hung up on things like naming. When I began learning logic/math I would overthink things constantly and I couldn't proceed past the basics because I had hangups.

A big reason this happens is that, when you study math/logic, you are often spending more time learning a system of common symbols and conventions than actual ideas.

Before you can work in ideas, you have to learn how to express your ideas precisely and in a way that others can readily understand. You have to also be able to understand existing work.

protip: There are no obvious errors or oversights in logic as we have it today. It is an extremely well-studied area and you need to trust the existing conventions and avoid fighting them.

>> No.10452380

>people who do logic all day think they see it everywhere

>> No.10452386

you’re ready for the theory of ideology

>> No.10452392

>>determining being as presence

>> No.10452399

>formalized representation of probabilistic interpretation of physical phenomena = universal logicity

>> No.10452498


Remember what I was saying about proving the inequality first, then the absence of inequality is equality. THIS is why. Because in order to define the two numbers as logically being the same (even though given different letters) one must solve that they are truly unequal.

Thank you for being so obstinately difficult with regards to proving a actually equals b so I could prove my point.

>> No.10452515

One must solve that they are truly NOT unequal rather... my bad

>> No.10452612
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you're not going to make it

>> No.10452630

the absence of inequality is status quo state
there is three possible states, maybe more

>> No.10452907

Islamic Scholars

>> No.10452952


There can be only inequality or equality when it comes to numbers there is no other state!

>> No.10453047

There is no reason that some system of logic that we cannot comprehend, can't exist. We're not some pure all-seeing actors, we're animals. There is quite a bit of difference between how we perceive reality and reality itself. Our reality is subject to cognition, it's not the true reality.

>> No.10453081

Spatial reasoning.

>> No.10453430 [DELETED] 

Its penis. That's why women can't cum.

>> No.10454110

Does Hume argue that it comes from empirical experiences?

>> No.10454123

throwing another twig on the fire huh

>> No.10454437

Imagine you drew a few yards long by few yards long rectangle in the sand.

And then you made even vertical lines evenly spaced apart crossing the span of the box.

Then you used some symbol to label each vertical line: a, b, c, d... or 1, 2, 3, 4,...

Imagine cavemen pre complex language standing around the beach doing this: trying to understand one another and their view of themselves and the world.

Of how even my using these describing words can grasp the meaning I am even trying to get about with even the idea of labeling something, labeling lines, how even space lines could have any meaning or significance:

and then maybe other marks can be made on the lines. What could even this represent and be for and mean though, what could this description of rectangle with lines, marked different ways and labeled, be used for, what am I trying to even express? The awareness of similarities and differences?

>> No.10454530 [DELETED] 

>logic is the spirit of order. Of understanding, the meaning of sense, making sense, understanding, agreement

What about 'random' functions, can illogical equations be made and produce outputs? Unpredictable? But all worthless? Always errors surmount? All chaos and noise? No complexity, or layers or levels, build up, structure, complexity, balance, evolution, complexion? Logic as cause and effect: given X, and known conditions 1,2,3; X in relation will produce a,b,c because____

Illogical would be: X interacting with 1,2,3 is always supposed to produce x,y,z because that is the apparent tried and true cause and effect:

So everything is about: the case that is, and may be: logic, understanding cause and effect relationships between objects, ideas, feelings: illogical is when something does not follow from the other: And we want to know where we are going, where we are heading and why, and why we want to or should want to head there: and we know the steps, the inputs that take us there: illogical is not being aware or wanting to be aware of the relationships between cause and effect between objects, ideas, feelings, people, places, things:

The state of reality: appears to be, one of stuff: and cause and effect stuff has on itself and all else:

That is said to be the logic of the universe, biologic for instance: is the chains of cause and effect related to the different types of substances referred to as 'biological substances', at least containing carbon (or some other more precise stipulations).

To narrow down understand, to organize the perception and comprehension of the inherent organization that is that which exists exactly as it does, and what is produced by its interactions and possible interactions with all else.

>> No.10454583

Logic is also dealing with commands, and precise opposites: Stop, Go (would quantum be: (yellow), Slow). Yes, No. On, Off.

>> No.10454595

>generalizations and categories are not a mistake

>> No.10454596

>>10451158 (You)
>logic is the spirit of order. Of understanding, the meaning of sense, making sense, understanding, agreement

What about 'random' functions, can illogical equations be made and produce outputs? Unpredictable? But all worthless? Always errors surmount? All chaos and noise? No complexity, or layers or levels, build up, structure, complexity, balance, evolution, complexion? Logic as cause and effect: given X, and known conditions 1,2,3; X in relation will produce a,b,c because____

Illogical would be: X interacting with 1,2,3 is always supposed to produce x,y,z because that is the apparent tried and true cause and effect: And either thinking you have X (and you do not, even though what you do have, be it Y or Q, may cause a quality x, y, z, and maybe it could cause all of them, but still not be X, is that true? for some circumstances I would presume). Or you think X when interacting with what you think may or may not be 1,2,3 will result in potentially x,y,z less than or greater than.

So everything is about: the case that is, and may be: logic, understanding cause and effect relationships between objects, ideas, feelings: illogical is when something does not follow from the other: And we want to know where we are going, where we are heading and why, and why we want to or should want to head there: and we know the steps, the inputs that take us there: illogical is not being aware or wanting to be aware of the relationships between cause and effect between objects, ideas, feelings, people, places, things:

The state of reality: appears to be, one of stuff: and cause and effect stuff has on itself and all else:

That is said to be the logic of the universe, biologic for instance: is the chains of cause and effect related to the different types of substances referred to as 'biological substances', at least containing carbon (or some other more precise stipulations).

To narrow down understand, to organize the perception and comprehension of the inherent organization that is that which exists exactly as it does, and what is produced by its interactions and possible interactions with all else.

>> No.10454616

this thread needs to be deleted, how embarassing for all of you

>> No.10454641

they can be and they cannot be: when they are a mistake, perhaps they are illogical? Illogically made? Not equal to the logic of reality?

Does reality define Logic, or is Logic at least in a most bare and general sense, timeless, and a 'ghost' surrounding and entwined with 'Any Possible Reality'

Just like 'Any Possible Reality' may not have the exact types of substance and exact laws of physics as ares: But there may be some eternal laws of physics that hold for All Possible Realities (all possible fundamental( and beyond) realities): As more fundamentally: All Possible Realities must obey some law: Is that, the concept of law, the concept of the need for action and activity (or not, if thats what the law calls for), similar to the concept of logic: and does logic just mean: What Is, and the causal relationship between it/s?

So it could be possible, Fundamental (and beyond (simple base physics, and increased complexity) Realities could exist and causal relationship activities between substance would be deemed illogical, illcausal, by us? (by who of us?, on what/whos authority?)

And we can look around at each other on Earth: and say that behavior is not causal: you think you are going to win a million dollars if you jump off that cliff and I believe (strongly believe, almost truely believe, proven by the objective state and understanding of the classified system of things) that I have evidence that proves your assumption and premise does not causally necessitate the conclusion, and even if we were talking of odds from all evidence it would be close to zero.

>> No.10454652

>generalizations and categories are not a mistake

>> No.10454659

it keeps shitting and pissing on itself even as a i try to tranq it before it passes

>> No.10454683
File: 104 KB, 636x404, Paul-voix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the left hand path

>> No.10455103

you didnt say anything, you 'not an argument''d, you highlight and spoke about nothing and said nothing. You just popped in and said "tehehe, you are wrong, but I wont say anything more"...."what are you talking about?",.."bro... im trying to train you...!! idiot"

>> No.10455345

was responding to
but could be the same person

>> No.10455348

completely exposed

>> No.10455361

The Foundation for Exploration by S. Goonan givea a great breakdown

>> No.10455430

What chapter?

>> No.10455481

the point is not if the proposition in the op is correct, op is asking where our notion that it is correct comes from

>> No.10455502

you should have asked where our logical intuition and sense of validity comes from so these retards wouldnt immediately derail an actually interesting thread

>> No.10455633

I am of another opinion and believe that discussing those questions like the one quoted is unbelievably childish, puerile, and just generally stupid. Reason could come from a number of different parts of your brain, medically or psychologically speaking, or from your soul, spiritually speaking. There. That is all you need to know.

Now before some long haired teeny weeny insecure philosophizing sophist comes by to question my blanket answer he wouldn’t even be able to prove wrong, I just wanted to say discussing the ACTUAL logic on the chalkboard is infinitely more rewarding than the former and has raised questions of logic like argumentum reductio ad absurdum and the function of equality in general and how it is proven.

Go fuck yourselves sophomoric dilettantes

>> No.10456034

tranq, my subconscious would not allow me to accept that that was what had been written, consider yourself absolutely entirely exposed

>> No.10456059

Get out Goonan!

>> No.10456767

It doesn't. He has never defined what the = operator means. Furthermore, his (((identity relation))) only holds for size, excentricity and color, and not any existing predicate. Therefore, it't utter bullshit.

>> No.10456781

You call you mother mum and I call her whore. /lit/fags are fucking brainlets

>> No.10456792

lmfao stop shilling your trash on here

>> No.10456918

the mother I know is not a whore: so the B you know is unequal to the A I know. 1 body, the body is equal, a = b: but the actions of the body in time and place ME compared to time and place YU, are not equal: Mother does not equal whore. She is A and B, equal and not.

>> No.10457000

She always has the same properties. Your higher order logic dabbling doesn't make your mother no whore.

>> No.10457012

logic is boolean retard. that means its either true or false. just make a =1 and check for yourself. a = b and b= c therefore a = c checking : 1 = b and b = c therefore 1 = c same with 0 = b and b =c therefore 0 = c. for either values the equity holds.

>> No.10457014

Time... space... it’s all in your head. Read Kant, faggots

>> No.10457031

But it’s not that simple. In mathematics, relations between quantities like equal, must be proven first.

If a = b then b=a I will give you that. No need to prove that at all. However once you add in c on the end you must PROVE that a equals c because it is never explicitly stated.

This exact proof is proposition ten of Euclids fifth book

>> No.10457050
File: 14 KB, 200x226, 1510697438969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck.

>> No.10457065

>She always has the same properties.
no, precisely my point was that she does not:

She is A. in time and place ME, she possess and exudes qualities 1,2,3.

she does not and has never, at time and place ME which is an often time and place, exhibited qualities 4,5,6.

In time and place YU, she exhbits qualities 4,5,6.

Unequal to time and place ME; A.

She is A sometimes, B sometimes, sometimes she equals YU, sometimes she equals ME. Sometimes she is true to herself. Her A equals B in that A and B exist in the same body container: but A(A,B) existing in ME does not equal B when existing in YU, A = B when viewing all time as once, as a whole, the actions at time and place ME are done by the same body, as actions at time place YU, but the actions do not equal one another: At those times and places the former actions of A, do not equal the actions of B.

>> No.10457084

>This exact proof is proposition ten of Euclids fifth book
that only holds for stuff like beyond complex numbers. where our "normal" properties stops working like quaternions where order makes difference. for logic it does not matter. because A and B can only be true or false same for any other term you want to test.

>> No.10457113

and thats is simpe too : a-b = 0 then b-a=0 if b-c=0 and c-b=0 then a-b=c-b therefore a-b+b=c conclusion : a=c cant be simpler.

>> No.10457151

Fair enough that proposition is in regards to magnitudes anyway.

This very notion is common notion one.

>> No.10457765


>> No.10457779

Aristotle btfo

>> No.10457797

Reminder that logic is only logical based on itself :^D, an eternal tautology
It comes from people being bored drawing shit in sand

>> No.10457826
File: 172 KB, 750x1136, A8A00992-C22B-47BC-BF37-287E1C283CAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nunofy’all understand this kemetic wisdom channeled from da most high

>> No.10457898

there can be more states, are you always happy with what you are given?

>> No.10459064


>> No.10459090

Not a proof, humatiesfag

>> No.10459153

It's amazing that all of you retards fail to understand the meaning of IF. IF a = b AND b=c. In the retarded example given by the anon you reply to, a is NOT equal to b and b is NOT equal to c, therefore you cannot infer a = c. This is why I chose to study mathematics instead of (my main interest) philosophy. Enjoy being braindead and not taken seriously by anyone who isn't also a pseud

>> No.10459548

= is defined to be transitive

>> No.10460087

Umm, well for starters, lets assume a counterfactual claim: that logic, for whatever reason is not beneficial for survival or reproduction, or is otherwise simply not evolutionary beneficial (we can even g further and speculate that it be evolutionary detrimental, although this is unnecessary for our purposes).

Nevertheless, we can see that under such circumstance, logic remains as the foundation for valid inference: i.e. logically felicitous reasoning preserves truth, so that logical deductions beginning with true premises always lead to true conclusions.

Thus we have the counterfactual conditional: If logic were not evolutionary beneficial it would still function the same way.

Thus, it seems that the character of logical reasoning is independent of any evolutionary benefit it might provide.

As fr you're point about the relative "abstractness" of math in comparison to evolutionary psychology/biology, in this case you're (1) just arguing over semantics, and (2) missing the point. I wasn't making the claim that, all things considered, evolutionary psychology is, in general, unnecessarily abstract when it comes to accounting for logic or functioning as the 'foundations of logic'. (Obviously, in this case viewing logic as a branch of mathematics would be even more unacceptable and overly abstract.)

This seems to be a misinterpretation of my argument. Rather, my point was that if one is going to provide a psychologistic or biologistic account of logic, that one might do better to examine things at a less abstract, lower level - namely, at the level of individual organisms and mind. Thus, logic would be something like a component of the human cognitive apparatus (much in the same way as mental grammar or Universal Grammar - or UG, for short). In fact, I think it's probably the case that many features of logic that could be accounted for on the level of the psychological and cognitive processes of a single agent, would become utterly puzzling if we attempted to account for them on the basis of evolutionary theory (and we see similar problems with UG and other psychological processes).

What evolution CAN provide is a(n) (partial) account of why humans came to have such an innate understanding (or predisposition to understand) logic, but not what logic actually is, how it works, or "where" it comes from.

>> No.10460144

Study first order logic, then talk to me again. What I've said in my previous posts holds. Or better start with sentential logic then do first order logic.

>> No.10460162

>What I've said in my previous posts holds.

Not according to my perfect logic you failed to show had any faults

>> No.10460169

If that makes sense, it is wrong.

>> No.10460176

Nope. Impossible.

>> No.10460233

You're a retard. It isn't about the structure of the statement but of the model the anon they are replying to is using. He also hasn't stated it he just gave an counterexample. Furthermore, = can mean that is only holds for a specific property. He made it doubtful such that autists fight about it.

>> No.10460293

How can she be both when she has disjoint qualities? Does she became another person then? When she does how does she became the same person she was before? This isn't a Harry Potter book, it's logic.

>> No.10460437

You and everyone who has trouble with this is clinically retarded. Go back to reading fiction and stop pretending to know logic

>> No.10460519
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Whoa... that STEM really paid off for you

>> No.10460618

>= can mean that it only holds true for a certain property
Then there is no argument, a is not necessarily equal to c, why go on about this? OP asks where logic comes from, and I read about green shit and basketballs.

>> No.10460657

Shitposting, however, now that you mention the OP I see the pic, and can see now where this statement
> a = b and b = c => a = c
comes from. Nevertheless, OP is clearly bait

>> No.10460690

When a waitress is off from work, is she waitressing? Waitressing =/= Not Waitressing:

A =/= B.

But A and B are one whole in the set of Her.

A and B are equally in Her, but A is not equal to B.

>> No.10460701

>this thread
... so this is the power of autism

>> No.10460706

So when she is not waitressing I can't call her waitress then? So when I introduce her to my friends, I can't say this is X she is a waitress, since she isn't a waitress when off work? Can I call her woman when she is waitressing? You are negating a single property when identity is all properties of an object. It's stupid what you try to do.

>> No.10460712
File: 37 KB, 400x386, 1504580559043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... so this is the power of autism

>> No.10460754

And if she were to say a property of her identity is loving to read many books often, not being a slut, and absolutely hating corndogs: But she has read 0 books ever, has slept with over 100 men in the past year, and eaten over 300 corndogs the past year: what then?

>> No.10460761

I’d think she were doing something else with those corn dogs but that’s just me

>> No.10460861
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do we know that a = c after the third line

I studied too much propositional logic, so I'm actually going to explain this for anyone who gives a shit. I apologize if you're just rusing and don't care.

So there are a few assumed rules we need for logic to work. These rules I'm saying we start with are obviously simplified if you also know prop logic because the full set is too large to post, but summarized:

1. True and false exist, and a proposition (defined as any capital letter) is only one of either true or false, and the number 1 will represent true, and 0 false (for brevity).

2. We can use the following tools on two propositions (OPERATORS) to generate new resulting propositions:

>And: When, individually A and B are both true, "A and B" is true.
>Or: When, individually, either A or B are both true, "A or B" is true".
>Implies and Modus Ponens: when we say A->B means that if, individually, A is true, that B is also individually true.

3. We also define a rule that only attaches to single propositions, but still gives us a new resulting proposition:

>Not: If A is true, then "Not A" is false, and visa versa.

4. Because we want to have an ordering, use parenthesis to evaluate groups, starting most nested and working outward, so "(Not A) and B" would evaluate the "Not A" before the 'and'.

Those are all the rules we need to begin, and the above are enough to prove all kinds of interesting stuff.

We can prove transitive equality in terms of the above, first and foremost.

We define equality (as it is, in the end, a definition of a quality of two propositions that follows the following rules), as "If A is true, then B is true, and if A is false, then B is false". But we can reach this definition with the rules we already established:

>By definition, Equality means (A and B) or ((Not A) and (Not B))

Which you can verify gives you expected values by trying every possible A B combination like:
>A is 1, B is 0, so (1 and 0) or ((Not 1) and (Not 0))
>(1 and 0) or (0 and 1)
>(0) or (0)
>Which is false, so A = B evaluates to false when A is 1 and B is 0

After which if you're a real grinder, you can show, by making a table of all possible A, B, and C values, and simply plugging the results into the above function and evaluating the final result, that the principle that "A = B = C" is exhaustively true.

There are more elegant ways to do this, but I'm making the point to show that the building blocks to do this are basic, and comprehensible, even if they can be a bit of a snooze.


You're here mixing up the idea of arithmetic and propositional logic, you don't have to have both at the same time and my above proof only need be true for predicate logic's rules.

You generally can demand more rigor, though, and the above hopefully helps.


Don't insult people who don't get it yet, people literally dedicated their life to understanding these rules; they're hard.

>> No.10460901

>I studied too much propositional logic
Was it worthwhile overall?
What is your opinion/thoughts on the Münchhausen trilemma?

>> No.10460938

if you can use the transitivity of =, you might as well have just said “a=c”

>> No.10460967


>Was it worth it

Pays my bills, for whatever that’s worth.

>Maunchausen trilemma, or, Where do we ground truth, on itself in a circle, on rules we come up with (axioms), or bottomlessly?

Firmly firmly in the axiom camp. Axioms tend to be fairly obviously true from my view, and are in my view conversation starters to make progress in building useful abstractions. Some people may be wigged out by just saying stuff like

>Within this system, True and false exist and propositions are exclusively either true, or false

But I see that as the bare minimum you need to carry out a conversation on the topic of logic at the level it’s currently discussed and understood. If you can’t agree on points like that (as many havr)e), okay, but you’re at that point definitely playing a different game than the one everyone else in the field is playing, and you probably need your own rules, which you probably should codify.

But what do we call these codified rules?

Yup, axioms!

>> No.10460973

Categorization of natural phenomena is an essential function in human understanding. Our abilities to seek, interpret, and use environmental feedback necessitates that we first understand at least some aspect of the environment. Because the universe is an ultimately arbitrary construction, our choices for distinction among concept are based upon our tools for receiving feedback; visual through eyes, audio through ears, and so on. Logic is mental feedback tool. The criteria by which we judge something to be logical - e.g. the a=b=c example of the OP - are convention established through social tradition. The criteria for these criteria are ability to survive social tradition through whichever strategies opponents choose to employ. Even so-called 'core' logic such as a=a insists on removing the logical proposition from everyday experience and into the hypothetical, a favored rhetorical tool by those who discuss logic. There are practically infinite arguments that a proponent of a=a could give in support of the proposition, eliminating arguments from other criteria sets or feedback tools, but in the end it is only an upholding of its own criteria set. At its best, it may be a very tiny subset of a construct we believe to exist, 'truth'. We, of course, have no way of verifying this - Gödel, Tarski, Hilbert, and Turing play us out on their four man band.

>> No.10460986

There’s literally no difference.

I conceded that the transitive property of equality, something you explained there was the common notion one of Euclids Elements

Please read Elements before entering into a discussion of Logic

>> No.10460989


>> No.10460999
File: 93 KB, 533x700, 86214a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking CHRIST

>> No.10461009
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Thanks for answering.
>Pays my bills, for whatever that’s worth.
So you are an educator?

>Firmly firmly in the axiom camp. Axioms tend to be fairly obviously true from my view, and are in my view conversation starters to make progress in building useful abstractions

What are your thoughts on fellows like Aristotle and Aquinas and their use of axioms?

Has your study impacted your religious or political beliefs?

>> No.10461029

The pure concepts of the understanding, obviously.

>> No.10461056


Mostly a hobbyist who got too deep.

People who deeply understand first order logic, which builds on propositional logic (or, at least try) are a year and a half of technical study away from being both very highly sought after and very highly paid.


A great start.


A great read, even if one disagrees with the theology.


I let others decide on this one; I’m not ruling it out even if I personally don’t think it’s likely any particular religion got more than 20% right about anything.

That 20% is bretty gud tho.

>> No.10461121

>Mostly a hobbyist who got too deep.
Good to see you turn into something so productive, one of my mates had a similar experience but with Hegel which led him down a strange path.

With Aristotle and Aquinas do you find their logical proofs for Gods existence and characteristics to be convincing?

Is anthropocentrism a big issue when it comes to axioms?

>> No.10461138

How does a hobby pay for bills?

>confirmed for yet another anonymous liar

>> No.10461148

>anyone who denies this can only appeal to their own logical devices and neurology

So are you, and that fact does not justify jumping to the conclusion that a different form of cognition would necessarily lead to a new logic.

>> No.10461161

Stfu Bryan

>> No.10461178

>People who deeply understand first order logic, which builds on propositional logic (or, at least try) are a year and a half of technical study away from being both very highly sought after and very highly paid.

What are you referring to? What is this career and who is hiring?

>> No.10461195
File: 5 KB, 248x203, logic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Transition it to a job.

>How do you do that?

This literally took me years (though I do believe you can do it in 1.5 years if you're studying this stuff full time, 8 hours a day) so you're welcome to try, but only do it if you mean it, it is a rocky road and no, there are no sprinkles.

Start by reading any introductory programming language book (basically doesn't matter which), because programemrs are, unfortunately, the people who really are paying the modern logician and you need some basics before you can use /lit/ level logic to do cool stuff, and there's no substitute to KNOWING at least one language.

Python is tolerable. Lisp is tolerable. C++ is probably best for this, but it will break your spine.

Follow completion of basic exercises from the above book with a proofs-focused algorithms textbook, because you need to understand best practices that most language books won't teach at a level of depth you need, and you need to recognize common, already solved problems.

Kleinberg or Cormen is good for this, but this part will break your spine. There are no easy algorithms textbooks, as far as I know.

Finish it up with Russell and Norvig's Artificial intelligence, with a HEAVY focus on chapters 6 (constraint satisfaction problems), and chapter 8 (on first order logic). Use their slides liberally, they were meant to be read with the book.

By this point you're employable at 100k++ base salary if you can implement what you're reading and solve the exercises, as this would impart an incredibly deep understanding of database design and patterns at a level your coworkers will not understand (giving you a huge leg up on them on output and efficiency), as well as would allow you to get some entry-level work in formal verification, meaning you could work for NASA, or other similar performance critical environments.

This can be followed up with as many of their chapters 12-25 as you can, which is their sequence on the mathematical fundamentals behind AI. Each chapter extends the inferences and mathematics towards the design of artificial intelligence systems up to the state of the art you could learn about outside of major employers like Google. At this point, your salary will likely be between 200-600k (at the most extreme), depending on the level of specificity of your knowledge.



>> No.10461226

>Within this system, True and false exist and propositions are exclusively either true, or false
Would you agree that it is much simpler and clear cut when dealing with numbers, than dealing with human circumstances, and desire and choice and feeling

>but you’re at that point definitely playing a different game than the one everyone else in the field is playing, and you probably need your own rules, which you probably should codify.

I think the spirit of the OP, is wondering where did the system and rules come from, why was it chosen, how many other ways are there? Or is there some 'naturally correct', natural, logic system, and it is the one humans obviously 'stumbled on/discovered/invented'?

Are the rules only arbitrary and pulled out of thin air and have nothing to do with reality: or is there some deeper relation (which is what I mean by 'natural'), that the rules have higher timeless conceptual perfection: and a better system of rules could not have been came up with: because the ones that were, were the rules..as they should be, and are, beyond human thought and tamperament,

>> No.10461237


> write smtlib for sat solvers that other people make
> 600k

maybe somewhere, but not the bay area.

>> No.10461238

>There are practically infinite arguments that a proponent of a=a could give in support of the proposition, eliminating arguments from other criteria sets or feedback tools, but in the end it is only an upholding of its own criteria set
an Apple = an Apple

"Can I have an apple sir (asks for A)"

"Here you go customer, here is your apple" (receives the = A)

>> No.10461266

"sorry sir, but I want a green one, this is a red one"

"I am sorry customer, but you asked for A and I gave it to you:

>> No.10461267

>Would you agree that it

Gotta stop you at the 'it'; it's ambiguous if you mean
>"In general, are numbers easier then people",

(Yes, but that's not because numbers are easy)


>"Would such an axiom apply in a world with human circumstances, desires, etc?"

To which I'd fall back on the "In this system, ..." prefix, since they're true when discussing such a limited system.

I'm of the opinion that most rules, even the ones we've enumerated about the natural world, are mostly just our guess about how things work (With perhaps nothing to do with how our universe actually works). This isn't arbitrary, since the universe seems to give feedback on our guesses (Usually to tell us we're wrong) but many of the rules we come up with are useful.


Life has many perspectives, I guess. All I'll say is you'd be surprised how many times people want to rebuild the wheel, don't care if doing so is unnecessary, and need a skilled wheelbuilder.

>> No.10461278
File: 42 KB, 400x301, Ludwig_Wittgenstein_by_Ben_Richards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your question is going to run into a lot of problems and has a history in philosophy, as many pointed out. The first thing that should be asked to get to your question is, what is logic? Once you have some grasp of what logic is, then you can say if it has an origin or not, and if it does, where that origin lies.

So then what is logic? Many anons have given some answers for what it is, but I would like to go with Wittgenstein for this question since I just finished reading his Tractatus and it was pretty persuasive.

In short, this isnt a question that can be answered because of problems with self-reference. If we say what logic is, then we set limits on what is and is not logic. There is then the problem of how exactly we are saying something about logic, as if, we are outside of logic.

Think of it this way. From our limited perspective as humans, the world is everything that is the case. Everything that is true is out there. The fact that I typed this out and posted, the fact that whoever is reading this now is in fact reading it, etc. These are the facts, and the sum of them is the world, as far as we can tell. Wittgenstein wouldnt even want to put in the "as far as we can tell" part. To him it is very final.

So, what is logic? Logic is how we talk about what is possible, the possible states of affairs. All true states of affairs will be the world.

Anon will reply to this "you are a faggot"

That is an assertion that can be true or false, and in hindsight, we will know if it actually is the case. This is how the limits of logic become the limits of the world. Logic will be "bigger" then the world since is has everything possible, and only what is true within it is the world. So logic necessarily sets the limit.

This is already too long, so long story short, from here Wittgenstein shows that solipsism is incredibly important for the expressive power in any talk of logic. He agrees with solipsism, so the world becomes my world. If that is the case, the limit of logic becomes the limit of my world.

So then how can I say anything about the relations between logic and the world, like where logic comes from? That seems to be out of reach.

>> No.10461282

"A is red apple, B is green apple"

"ok I will take a B"

"ok here you go"

"Um... this B you gave me does not appear to equal the one in the picture"

"why do you say that; I said green apple = B, that is a green apple"

"its got brown bruise spots all over"

"an apples an apple, B=B, deal with it kid, nothing personal"

>> No.10461294

>Gotta stop you at the 'it'; it's ambiguous if you mean
>>"In general, are numbers easier then people"
I didnt mean numbers or dealing with them are easy, only that the True Falseness divide is clearer cut:

It is true that in this moment I am euphoric.

For that to be a logically true statement (and maybe here is the difference, requires scientific and semantic investigation) we would need to define: 'moment' (whos definition, who knows the true definitions?) and define 'euphoric' (again, who decides, how much dopamine and endorphins per sq cm per unit time = euphoric) (and can I be euphoric and sad at the same time?)

>> No.10461312

In formal logic you dont worry about if premises turn out to be true. You care about the form of the argument, hence, formal logic.

All dogs are cats
All cats are birds
Thus, all dogs are birds

Is a perfectly vaild arugment, but not a sound one

>> No.10461340


>> No.10461392

>[The question where does logic come from belongs] to the same class as the question whether the good is more or less identical than the beautiful

In short, there is no way to answer this question. Its a confused question

>> No.10461409

Actually maybe a better way to explain this is this

Take the metaphor that assertions/propositions are pictures. They picture things which we decide are true or false.

You cant picture the act of picturing. In the same way, logic isnt an object to be discussed in the way that OP's question is asking for

>> No.10461571

This, I guess would be pure guessing (we hope educatedly), but a way to maybe approach what OP might also be getting at, is the idea of universality, or fundamentality (or some plato realm of form: Humans have discoverd Thee Logic): Is what percent of intelligent species throughout the universe would develop logic similar to ours?
Would that tell us anything though? If 95% develop similar systems modes and methods of logic?

>> No.10461763

you are a faggot

>> No.10461906

according to the case/s of the world, what do you believe that term to mean?

>> No.10462081

logic is intuitive. there's no more justification for it than for your perceptions, but not many people doubt the external world

the burden of proof lies on skeptics.

also, it seems like there are things which are self-evidently true, and that logic is built on these fundamental axioms. if these fundamental things weren't true, the universe wouldn't be able to exist like it does currently. for example, the principle of non-contradiction.

>> No.10462241

bumping for this logicanon

>> No.10463103

Here is a good example of it


>> No.10463227

>logic comes from god
>god does illogical things
>"true" (god's) logic promotes that pi = 3 (II Chron. 4)

I think I know what >>10449156 is talking about now.

>> No.10463637

> (we hope educatedly)

>Would that tell us anything though?

The point I was making is there is no point to asking questions like the OP. If there is a logic that is different from ours then we cant talk about it unless you are able to show that Wittgenstein's conception of logic doesnt hold

Again im just parroting Wittgenstein because he made a persuasive case, and this case is only about logic.

>> No.10463680

why did you not even want to consider my example and question, just stop, wahh, wahh, what cannot be conclusively answered cannot be spoke about, wahh

>> No.10463741

Your question is about figuring out how likely to exist are fictional beings which have intellects capable of a logic we cant comprehend

This has nothing to do with logic. Go to /sci/ and ask them how likely we are to find other intelligent life in the universe.

>> No.10463852
File: 38 KB, 283x283, 1391706112455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot anon, I was already planning on going deep into logic so the advice to keep coding in mine is appreciated it.

>> No.10463858

Also, how did you get a job exactly? You were studying this as a hobby and just started applying to tech companies saying you could do this or that?

>> No.10463962

hey anon if you are still here, what books should I use to know more about zeroth and first order logic. I am adequate at c++ after programming as a hobby for 2 years, I want to make mad money like my comp sci friends if my mech engr degree doesn't pan out.

>> No.10463971

idiot. moron

>> No.10463974

Im not him but I recommend An Introduction to Symbolic Logic by Parsons. Its what UCLA uses and you can find it as a pdf online

>> No.10463979

Arguments are tough huh?

>> No.10463993

thanks anon

>> No.10463994

>The point I was making is there is no point to asking questions like the OP
>In short, there is no way to answer this question. Its a confused question


>> No.10464002

>im ignorant and cant think about a subject so I will assume everyone else is as dumb as me

>> No.10464017

>all opinions must be couched in pseudo Christian relativist humility or my feefees get hurt and I become hysteric

Thanks, modern academia

>> No.10464024

maths has tons of high level problems that you are able to look at that have been solved.

Is this so for logic as well? Is there somewhere where you can see example of high level formal logic applied step by step

>> No.10464037

Youre not fooling anyone by offering non-arguments

>> No.10464039

I didnt make that argument with the justification being, I made it so there

The justification is in the argument. Did you even read it? I offered the conclusion up front, and then showed the line of reasoning

>> No.10464052
File: 19 KB, 500x208, Principia_Mathematica_54-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, here is a small piece from Russell's Principia Mathematica

Proofs can go on for many steps just like any other mathematical proof.

>> No.10464092


hi anon. Im a second year at a top 20 uni just starting a cs path. Im getting into combinatorics and some graph theory in my math courses.

Can you help me learn more about this field of formal logic? What kind of comp sci classes do you think are going to be most valuable to me? I have interest in ai/machine learning mostly but haven't been exposed to a lot

I know some python (enough to write an asteroids game) and about the same amt of scheme/racket. Going for C++ next...I have some family friends involved with SAS as well.

>> No.10464188

>im ignorant and cant think about a subject so I will assume everyone else is as dumb as me

>> No.10464193

No, you only said what I said mocking you:


That is all you said.

>> No.10464198


Just apply. Those channels can and did work, albeit in hindsight less well then recommendations, which work less well then name-drops for a role from a friend, which are what you really want.

Never forget that it takes a huge load off a boss when their employees know someone 'perfect for a role'. It's way easier than interrogating a crew of randos and hoping one of them would work out; interviewing blind is soul crushing and any means to avoid it are tried first.


I can't speak for your computer sciences courselist. Focus as exclusively as you can on the parts that see actual use, or that you have anomalous interest in compared to your peers. The first gets you a job, the second gets you a good job.

>> No.10464414

No, you are just restating the conclusion over and over again

Let me repost it for you before you get distracted again by your emotions

Your question is going to run into a lot of problems and has a history in philosophy, as many pointed out. The first thing that should be asked to get to your question is, what is logic? Once you have some grasp of what logic is, then you can say if it has an origin or not, and if it does, where that origin lies.

So then what is logic? Many anons have given some answers for what it is, but I would like to go with Wittgenstein for this question since I just finished reading his Tractatus and it was pretty persuasive.

>Here is the conclusion up front
In short, this isnt a question that can be answered because of problems with self-reference. If we say what logic is, then we set limits on what is and is not logic. There is then the problem of how exactly we are saying something about logic, as if, we are outside of logic.

>Here is the line of reasoning to get you to that conclusion
Think of it this way. From our limited perspective as humans, the world is everything that is the case. Everything that is true is out there. The fact that I typed this out and posted, the fact that whoever is reading this now is in fact reading it, etc. These are the facts, and the sum of them is the world, as far as we can tell. Wittgenstein wouldnt even want to put in the "as far as we can tell" part. To him it is very final.

So, what is logic? Logic is how we talk about what is possible, the possible states of affairs. All true states of affairs will be the world.

Anon will reply to this "you are a faggot"

That is an assertion that can be true or false, and in hindsight, we will know if it actually is the case. This is how the limits of logic become the limits of the world. Logic will be "bigger" then the world since is has everything possible, and only what is true within it is the world. So logic necessarily sets the limit.

This is already too long, so long story short, from here Wittgenstein shows that solipsism is incredibly important for the expressive power in any talk of logic. He agrees with solipsism, so the world becomes my world. If that is the case, the limit of logic becomes the limit of my world.

>Here is the setup to get to the conclusion
So then how can I say anything about the relations between logic and the world, like where logic comes from? That seems to be out of reach.

THUS, by out of reach, I mean, we cant say anything about it.

That is how I get there, NOT by saying I am an authority so thus this is that


because I cant think outside of it, no one else can either

You are adding that in.

If you have rebuttal, offer it. If you have an argument, offer it. Stop bitching about me making assertions.

>> No.10464596

you seemed to imply it preposterous that intelligent beings such as ourselves could exist elsewhere in the universe (not to mention a severely strong likelihood (or you at least did not appear interested in talking about it)). Of course we cannot know the percentages of them that would develop logic systems similar to ours (and what is meant by the term similar (they dont use the symbol A so it is entirely dissimilar!) but I can ask: if it is the case, that 95% or 99% of them have came to similar use and understanding and system of 'logic' humans have: would this potentially say anything deeper about the universe and the nature of logic: and that (humans understanding and methods and uses of) logic at least ""OP: does not come from"" solely a whimful invention of the human mind.

And can we think of how it might be theoretically possible to develop any other systems of logic: are there any other different earthly systems of logic:

Or is "The System Of Logic", "The Natural System Of Logic" (that nearly universally: "The Natural System Of Intelligence" would come to recognize as being some fundamental, or inherent, conceptual system, of order, communication, understanding, physics, reality: It logic simply: Truth: Truth, symbolized?)

>> No.10464762

I think it's just called Logistan nowadays actually

>> No.10464970


>> No.10465446


>> No.10466034


>> No.10466108

>board that churns out walls of pseudointellectual musings on historiography of philosophy can't into babby logic
>literal teenage retard that redditposts with first 10 minutes of high-school intro into boolean logic and autism about earning $600k at NASA after reading a quarter of CS grad school first semester syllabus is taken seriously
Equivalence relations are by definition transitive. Take a fucking introductory algebra course at your nearby community college.

>> No.10466165

I don't think he was asking only about what was in the image.

>> No.10466664

You're presupposing your own evolved logic to prove a point about the validity of logic.

>> No.10467019


>Equivalence relations are by definition transitive

Only if you take that as a definition.

>600k at NASA

Confirmed for brainlet, you didn't read.

You're not getting that in government work unless you're an athletics coach. He also made it fairly clear you get entry level 100k for that.