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/lit/ - Literature

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10444847 No.10444847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How pissed are you going to be when he wins the Nobel?

Don't act like this isn't what the Swedes are planning. Awarding a pop musician the highest honor in literature was just opening the door for rappers.

Fifty years from now, after five decades of Ivy league blogger thinkpieces on how hip hop is just as complex and valuable as "Poetry," after five decades of slobbering album reviews from every media institution in the English-speaking world, after five decades of magazine covers, dorm room posters, concert tours, talk show performances, social media memes, and general celebrity worship, after five decades of plummeting book sales and declining interest in all things related to reading, do you really think Western literature will stand a chance?

Mark my fucking words--a rapper will awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, and there's good chance it's going to be an elderly Kendrick Lamar. And fifty years is the optimistic prognosis.

>> No.10444858

Nobody takes that award seriously any longer. It's a puppet medal, just like every other "prestigious" award.

What the Jews cast down politically through literature will never take away the true authors and poets. Literature has been and always will be a high brow art form--serious readers will find serious literature

It's going to be alright

>> No.10444861

kendrick is better than bob anyway.

rap is good dewd try not to be lame a.f.

>> No.10444867

I love Kendrick, but The Dylan is in another level.

>> No.10444871


To Pimp a Butterfly is one of the greatest albums of the 2010s, but Kendrick should not share an award that is usually reserved for the likes of Langston Hughes and Toni Morrison.

>> No.10444874

it's funny how kids on this board whose attempts at verse are stuck in 1835 will shit on someone who has put out more quality rhymes rhythms and bars then they will complete in their lifetimes. And then they'll be like "Oh pfft dude but I have this pure ideal of culture that never existed in the first place that doesn't include black people or women."

>> No.10444913

You have never experienced beauty in your entire life. Never. You have no respect for anything that doesn't immediately gratify your base desires, you have no understanding of harmony and the sublime, and you have no business discussing a topic as important and meaningful as art.

To put it simply, you are not a human being. You are an uncivilized insect pissing on the feet of giants, which wouldn't be a problem if there weren't so many of you. I don't hate you, your mental and emotional disorder is not your fault, your appreciation for commercial slop is a consequence of the mass society you were shaped by, but you need to know that you represent a serious problem and what you are doing to the world is nothing short of evil. Yes, you are an evil and soulless person, and you need to be fixed.

>> No.10444923

He hasn't though. Rap is incredibly easy to write. Being clever in rap takes little to no skill cause the average rapper is incredibly dumb. That isnt a stab at black people. I mainly listen to black musicians since i grew up in a jazz loving family. Rap lyrics are almost always awful. The few who accomplish things are very scarce. Best thing Kendrick has done was Sing About Me. I couldnt believe they gave Bob Dyland the nobel prize, its an embarrassment to the institution. Not a stab at Dylan btw. He just isnt anywhere near the sams level as those who have recieved the award in the past.

>> No.10444959

>rap takes little to no skill
>rap is incredibly easy to write

rap is also highly lucrative

wow, i bet if you put your mind to it, you'd be a rap billionaire!

>> No.10444964

no its actually really fucking bad and you should stab your ear drums with hot tweezers for saying that

>> No.10444966

name your top 10 albums from the 2010s

>> No.10444972

1. The Money Store

End of list

>> No.10444975


You are so mad that I defended rap.

Your knee-jerk overwrought reaction is a consequence of the anachronistic faux-purified culture you can't even see through while you're on the internet.

I could list off things I've read that would fit your definition of beauty but you'd still just make some shit up about your narrow ass definition of humanity and art that (just so happens) to basically only include you and things you like.

Rap is good rappers are better than you people like rap more than your poetry because it's better I'm sorry but you can't peddle your cultural-stasis without making millions of assumptions.

>> No.10445416

Oh shut the fuck up, Kendrick Lamar is a poet:

The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice
The blacker the berry, the bigger I shoot
I said they treat me like a slave, cah' me black
Woi, we feel a whole heap of pain, cah' we black
And man a say they put me in a chain, cah' we black
Imagine now, big gold chain full of rocks
How you no see the whip, left scars pon' me back
But now we have a big whip, parked pon' the block
All them say we doomed from the start, cah' we black
Remember this, every race start from the block, just remember that
I'm the biggest hypocrite in 2015
When I finish this if you listenin' I'm sure you will agree
This plot is bigger than me, it's generational hatred
It's genocism, it's grimy, little justification
I'm African-American, I'm African
I'm black as the heart of a fuckin' Aryan
I'm black as the name of Tyrone and Dareous
Excuse my French but fuck you, no fuck ya'll
That's as blunt as it gets
I know you hate me, don't you?
You hate my people, I can tell because it's threats when I see you
I can tell because your ways deceitful
Know I can tell because you're in love with the Desert Eagle
Thinkin' maliciously, he get a chain then you gone bleed him
It's funny how Zulu and Xhosa might go to war
Two tribal armies that want to build and destroy
Remind me of these Compton crip gangs that live next door
Beefin' with Piru's, only death settle the score
So don't matter how much I say I like to preach with the Panthers
Or tell Georgia State "Marcus Garvey got all the answers"
Or try to celebrate February like it's my B-Day
Or eat watermelon, chicken and Kool-Aid on weekdays
Or jump high enough to get Michael Jordan endorsements
Or watch BET cause urban support is important
So why did I weep when Trayvon Martin was in the street?
When gang banging make me kill a nigga blacker than me?

>> No.10445424

if he wins before kodak i'm gonna kill a nigga


>> No.10445430

>I'm black as the heart of a fuckin' Aryan
What did he mean by this

>> No.10445440

Slavish, resentful, self-pitying, inarticulate word salad.

>> No.10445452


mate i can see you're really chomping at the bit to get into a rant about anachronistic racists (snore), and seeing quite literally no-one else in this thread has even mentioned it, I'll make it easier for you

lyrics, especially rap, are brainlet fuel, and the best lyrics simply just do not come close to even mid-tier poetry and literature. its just a fact kid

there is nothing sadder and more pathetic than someone who blatantly tries to avoid /r/lewronggeneration and goes the complete other direction, extolling hip hop, overthinking everything and writing bizarre exegeses on what is basically punk for black people

>I could list off things I've read that would fit your definition of beauty

go on then

>> No.10445463

All he can talk about is how he's black. He's no more a poet than those dumb cunts who can only talk about how they have cunts.

>> No.10445474

Nope, faggot.

How much a dollar really cost?
The question is detrimental, paralyzin' my thoughts
Parasites in my stomach keep me with a gut feeling, y'all
Gotta see how I’m chillin' once I park this luxury car
Hopping out feeling big as Mutombo
"20 on pump 6," dirty Marcellus called me Dumbo
20 years ago, can't forget
Now I can lend all my ear or two
How to stack these residuals tenfold
The liberal concept of what men'll do
"20 on 6," he didn't hear me
Indigenous African only spoke Zulu
My American tongue was slurry
Walked out the gas station
A homeless man with a semi-tan complexion
Asked me for ten rand, stressin' about dry land
Deep water, powder blue skies that crack open
A piece of crack that he wanted, I knew he was smokin'
He begged and pleaded
Asked me to feed him twice, I didn't believe it
Told him, "Beat it"
Contributin' money just for his pipe, I couldn't see it
He said, "My son, temptation is one thing that I've defeated
Listen to me, I want a single bill from you
Nothin' less, nothin' more"
I told him "I ain't have it" and closed my door
Tell me how much a dollar cost

He's starin' at me in disbelief
My temper is buildin', he's starin' at me, I grab my key
He's starin' at me, I started the car, then I tried to leave
And somethin' told me to keep it in park until I could see
The reason why he was mad at a stranger
Like I was supposed to save him
Like I'm the reason he's homeless and askin' me for a favor
He's starin' at me, his eyes followed me with no laser
He's starin' at me, I notice that his stare is contagious
'Cause now I'm starin' back at him, feelin' some type of disrespect
If I could throw a bat at him, it'd be aimin' at his neck
I never understood someone beggin' for goods
Askin' for handouts, takin' it if they could
And this particular person just had it down pat
Starin' at me for the longest until he finally asked
"Have you ever opened up Exodus 14?
A humble man is all that we ever need
Tell me how much a dollar cost"

>> No.10445532

bluh bluh am poor pls help me

>> No.10445540

Sweden and the Nobel prize won't even exist in 50 years.

>> No.10445544

Kendrick is a fuckin horrible rapper. Somtimes he just strings words together that have absolutely no meaning and just rhyme for the sake of rhyming. Plus hes a christian which demonstrates his level of intellect, enough said.

>> No.10445547

I'd condone it SPECIFICALLY for Kendrick, because he made the closest thing rap has to an epic poem in TPAB
But afterwards it better go back to pure literature

>> No.10445548

awards are irrelevant

>> No.10445555

This is the absolute truth of the natter. Pop literature has been a concept since the birth of the printing press, and the nobel prize is nothing more than a popularity contest. It’s reached levels of normality that are actually sort of comforting. It’s become so normal that it won’t mean a damn thing and that’s a good thing - literature, while in many ways objective, is also somethig that can’t really be judged based on popularity alone. As the other anon said true literature is, and always will be, a high-brow form of expression.

>> No.10445560

Buy Anon, the ideal artistic culture DOESN’T include black people or women

>> No.10445568

Fucking embarrassing

>> No.10445615

He is a horrible rapper, but none of those reasons are why.

>> No.10445678

Rap is like poetry, except good.

>> No.10445685


this shit sounds absolutely retarded

>> No.10445692

My nigga

>> No.10445763

>better than bob
That's just incorrect.

>> No.10445772

>Listening to an AIDS-ridden chimp from the Congo screaming as loud as he can into a mic over Windows 98 computer noises and some faggot banging on trash can lids.

>> No.10445773
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finally someone realizes this
all these anons over here trying to revive "muh heritage" by writing nu-poetry which disregards rhyme (for BLAX!!!!) and instead emphasizes theme and meter... they look like dorks. Their shit isn't fun to read. Their language is deliberately obtuse.

Rappers turned poetry into something fun to listen to and to read

>> No.10445777


>Plus hes a christian which demonstrates his level of intellect, enough said.

I take it you mean it puts him in the company of literally 99% of the great European thinkers since the introduction of christianity?

>> No.10445781


>> No.10445792
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>this is what poetry has come down to

just kill me now

>> No.10445806

I'm glad other people's success makes you miserable
shows us all what a worm you are

>> No.10445814

do you know anything about music?
hip hop will be dead in 10 years so your argument is invalid

>> No.10445825


>> No.10445831

it already evolved though.

literally the definitive genre, rappers are singing more like rock vocalists than you realize, there are so many pop elements and electronic music (all genres) philosophy going into the production

we're gonna be here for much longer than a decade.

>> No.10445837
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>yea nigga crack smoke black hoe bitch gucci weed sexy ass bruh black nigga black shit black
>people itt are calling this high literature

>> No.10445838

Only rapper I give a fuck about is Jeffrey. Thugger is a blessing

Merry Christmas

>> No.10445852


>> No.10445853

Not him,but Bob Dylan is trash. And at least Kendrick didn't get a murderous dindu out of jail.

>> No.10445856

hes not the poor one. reading and comprehension on this website is in shambles.

>> No.10445857
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Considering DAMN topped every AOTY list despite being mediocre and a massive step down from his last two albums, he's a shoe-in.

>> No.10445866

They just let their bigotry blind them. They would dive deep into the meaning/theme of any other work, but because they immediately dismiss a rapper like Kendrick - they spit out low-level analysis. Example>>10445837

>> No.10445870

Shit taste confirmed.

>> No.10445871
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>> No.10445897

>based your entery life making music
>won literature prize
How much he can fail at life

>> No.10445906

tpab is overrated as fuck its an average album filled with racist black supremacy bullshit and that pac interview is pretentious as fuck oh my god who thought it was a good idea to cut it to pieces and put it as a skit on most songs

>> No.10445918
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>> No.10445919

Go fuck yourself racist

>> No.10445927

Give up man, these brainless retards are bitter and racist and will never see the talent of KDOT ma man

>> No.10445934

this is a really good schizo bait thread, lol

>> No.10445937
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>itt: racists
you fucking losers are gonna spend the rest of your lives fading away like some after-image

>> No.10445943

excellent bait 10/10

>> No.10445948

Quite honestly, i don't give a fuck. I will probably be dead at 50.

>> No.10445958

You paint a very bleak picture anon

>> No.10445983

I'm sure Jimi H. thought the same thing when that image was taken probably 50 years ago

Unfortunately it's coming back in vogue, racism is

Why single out people for abstract behaviors you don't like when you could much more easily attribute those behaviors to their physical appearance, and make sweeping generalizations, and calls for genocide?

>> No.10445985
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>> No.10446066

>ay mayne dey jus racis bruh we wuz po-tree n sheeit

just stop, rap is a terrible genre of poetry if it can even be classified as such. The rhyming scheme is mostly couplets or undefined randomly inserted 'patterns'. There is hardly employment of any meters and the concept of 'flow' is for retarded brainlets. There is hardly a coherent theme in many of the songs produced, just an underlying message (hehe kill whitey lmao). But what really kills it is the bizarre diction which has either remained unchanged or degraded to barely readable levels like 'bruh he finna bout to pull da trigga' n pop ya dome nigga'.

Every time I ask rap listeners which artist is viable for standard poetry, they give me rubbish like this >>10445416

>> No.10446095
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>There is hardly a coherent theme in many of the songs produced, just an underlying message (hehe kill whitey lmao)

>> No.10446116
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>cah' we black nigga we black as a berry nigga we black bruh we slaves bruh cah' we black kill whitey now!

>> No.10446117

its akshully
>huh wit dat wah
>she don’t even nah
>bih movin yuh
>and i leanin dah
>brrrt brrrt gucci gang

>> No.10446122

Yes. You are retarded. We're glad you've finally realized.

>> No.10446129



>> No.10446131

whenever I post in these threads they get pruned immediately, so at risk of being the harbinger of mods, what are some /lit/ approved rappers? I'm basically dry on wu-tang, and a lot of underground acts like doom, aesop, eyedea etc.

del the funky homosapien is a personal favorite

>> No.10446133

reddit has to leave

>> No.10446137

borges, joyce, tolstoy, woolf all never won the nobel. but there are handful of winners that nobody has ever heard

>> No.10446145

none, music is pure pseud bait and abject poverty of creative spirit. it died with classical, fuck off you insect

bone thugz, rakim, wutang, early eminem, jedi mind tricker you filthy nigger

>> No.10446147
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Rap will NEVER be /lit/

>> No.10446166

Doseone, solo and especially with 13&God and Themselves

>> No.10446181

You accidentally posted the EXACT reason why its going away

>> No.10446216
File: 159 KB, 256x387, dfdubsss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your image disagrees

>> No.10446222
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>rhyming is going away
>percussion is going away
>lyrics having to do with poverty, the police state, exploitation, upward mobility, decadence, luxury, are going away
>black people are going away

how deluded do you have to be

>> No.10446225

Milo is pretty great

I better not see any more rap on /lit/

>> No.10446227

Been here since 05
You guys just accuse anyone to the left of you as being reddit

>> No.10446236

Open Mike Eagle
MF Doom
Kanye (for instrumental production mainly)

>> No.10446256

Its a dying genre. Its peaking right now. Its roots are going away. Its becoming too much like other genres. Overtime it will fade away and nobody will like what it actually was anymore. It'll just be dead.

Screenshot this and read it again in 10 years.

>> No.10446259
