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File: 45 KB, 499x499, Men Among the Ruins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10443944 No.10443944 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel knowing that this world will consume us and breed our kind out? We are the last dying voice of any traditional or distant connection to a Perennial past. We are the Last Great Men of history. The humans of today (normalfags) are breeding children perfectly adapted to this 'economic' system and will thrive. You will be bred out. You will become an anomaly, the mad man.

How do you feel knowing our time has come to an end?

All one can do now is act out in violent reprieve to accelerate the coming takeover by *them*. There is no saving us.

>> No.10443948


Oh I don't know about that. In the long run everyone is obsolete. But shitposting is eternal.

>> No.10443962

>we are the Last Great Men
Do tell us about all the great things you've accomplished, Oppie. I mean, apart from being white, racist, fat collector of futa porn.

>> No.10443984

It's called a spiritual state of mind. I am an Ubermensch.

>> No.10443999

Or you can actually have a white family you defeatist cunt. You have no right to complain if you aren't at least planning to have several white kids in the countryside, contributing as little as possible to the system and homeschooling your children.

>> No.10444010

Why do you racists assume I'm white lol?

>> No.10444013

hey. I'm not racist

>> No.10444014

White kids on the net are the biggest doomsayers these days

>> No.10444016

I’m gonna have a bunch of bastard spawn and let them burn this world to the ground

>> No.10444031

Resorting to cliched namecalling has no effect on the contemporary NEET. We are economic auto-didacts, self-taught philosophers and gifted visionaries. While others waste their life labouring under the orders of those who see only material cost in life, we pursue leisure above all else, knowing as we do that leisure and time to oneself is the basis of genius. Despite many people disliking the culture and society they help maintain through their work, and despite understanding now that we have only a single life on earth and that any meaning we attribute to it as the result of self-willed or socially-inculcated ideologies, they continue to wake early and trudge to their jobs for one single reason: Guilt. Throughout time religions have taken advantage of Man's guilt, a guilt experienced for no logical reason except that he unlike other animals is a self-aware being whose abstract thoughts conflict with the apparently practical, rational reality he finds himself a part of. We post-guilt NEETs will not bow to internal or external pressures encouraging us to sacrifice our contentment and sensitive dispositions for the sake of attaining money, or womenfolk. We alone stand proudly, detached from but keenly observant of the slave masses who yell at us for not being as unhappy as they are. We alone, we band of true men, defend our right to live a dignified life against those wishing to deprive of us of it. Yes you can mock, you can criticize, you can echo the demands your masters make upon you. But who is likely to regret their lives more? The noble and dignified NEETs who spend their truly precious time reading, pondering, philosophizing and engaging in critical, urgent debate online? Or the miserable, resentful masses, their eyes bloated and sagged by excess folds of skin, their hair falling out and their gums bleeding from stress, their bowels destroyed by a sedentary lifestyle spent at their desks clicking endlessly while their boss breaths down their necks?

>> No.10444151

Because the OP is exactly what shills go around saying to blackpill folks on the white genocide. Even if you're not white, going back to your homeland and building a family following the tenets I mentioned should be done, as it will both bring you happiness and fight the system we both dislike. Violent acts are simply a reason for the system to ramp up its authoritarianism, nothing is more efficient than building a healthy, smart family that doesn't contribute to the chaos.

>> No.10444170

>Even if you're not white, going back to your homeland and building a family following the tenets I mentioned should be done
What if op is a halfbreed?

>> No.10444199

Or maybe instead of making a normalfag family and flushing all of your energy on their support you can actually indulge in your own aspirations and tell the social norms to fuck off. There's no such thing as "great men". There's only a Great Man, who stands above billions of unwashed filth. Clinging to the communal glory is the fate of those without personal one.

>> No.10444248

>genetic dead end

>> No.10444397

excellent post

>> No.10444401

im racist

>> No.10444513

Then he should do those things except having children. Making it successfully through the sadness that is not being one nor the other is the mark of a great man, and if he indeed is a great man he will be rewarded. Over all, for anyone, what's important is contributing to a healthier society through engaging in tasks rewarding both intellectual and spiritually and making sure not to contribute to the system as well. That is all we can do, and hard enough for itself. A great man plants a tree under whose shadow he knows he won't rest. Honour is rewarded.

A normalfag family would be raising a single child to become addicted to social media from age 3 and transition into the opposite gender by age 12(and 12 might be a conservative number for what seems to loom ahead - at least before the crash). If you wish to indulge yourself in empty intellectual masturbation meanwhile fooling yourself into thinking you're some kind of independent thinker, a sage of sorts, when there are millions of NEETs doing the very same thing and thinking they're revolutionaries, go ahead. That's your decision, not mine. I'm telling you those steps are the way to a happy life for the vast majority of people, and I talk both from experience and study. If you do not wish to listen to my advice I hold no qualms, go ahead. Your reply is far too stereotypical for me to engage in a lenghty response thinking I'll change your mind, at least anytime soon.

>> No.10444639
File: 878 KB, 2048x1976, 1472962976318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so cucked by modern ideology you cannot even conceive of worthiness outside of material accomplishment
shiggy diggy merry christmas desu

>> No.10444643

>qualifies as a last great man of history
makes you think

>> No.10444724
File: 22 KB, 220x280, 220px-Sabaoth_icon_(Russia,_19_c.)_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw these NEETS think they are Ubermensch.

>> No.10444745

For people who take Evola seriously, how do you defend platonic idealism?

>> No.10444747

Without delusions of grandeur and persecution complexes these faggots would be hanging themselves en masse. It's no wonder losers need defense mechanisms to make it through their lives and justify their lot. The funny thing is that these defense mechanisms are overtly transparent to everyone else but them and their kind.

>> No.10446210

futa isn't gay though

>> No.10446255

big if true

>> No.10446296
File: 31 KB, 300x265, 1510724050668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute pic thanks for the comfies pal

>> No.10446303

Its funny, some of them grasp the idea of what an Ubermensch is, yet they still sincerely believe success is completely subjective, and isn't a qualitative.

Like this anon
>claims to be a higher spiritual mind set

I doubt this poster tries to improve every aspect of his life, spiritually, intellectualy, and financially, while staying healthy eating/exercising .

>> No.10447960

Sour grapes

>> No.10447985

>t. scared bug