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/lit/ - Literature

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10442742 No.10442742 [Reply] [Original]

Did /lit/ get any books for christmas?
Post your stacks.

>> No.10442746

It's not Christmas yet, fucking idiot.

>> No.10442749

why didn't you ask for mein kampf fucking kraut

>> No.10442753

Be sensitive, OP may live in a single parent home and have to see the disgraced parent a few days prior to Christmas proper

>> No.10442755
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John, if you're reading this thread, you know what to do.

>> No.10442766

Germans celebrate Christmas on the evening of the 24th.

>> No.10442768

Some places open their gifts on Christmas eve.

Weird, I know.

>> No.10442770


Or he lives in schnitzelland you unobservant boobies

>> No.10442786

Didnt know that

>> No.10442790

what are datelines

>> No.10442791

C-Can we talk about about the books you got or have wished for now?

>> No.10442819

I would really like the new English translation of Die Einzige und sein Eigentum, but I will provably have to buy it myself. Ho hum.

>> No.10442835

Gelehrtenrepublik is amazing, especially the part where he is screwing a centaur-girl

>> No.10442864

Looking forward to reading it!
So far the only Schmidt I've read are Schwarze Spiegel and Leviathan.

>> No.10442874

yeah I enjoyed Leviathan as well, I suppose his early works are way more comprehensible than his later ones, like Zettels Traum for example. As of now I'm afraid to go near that thing

>> No.10442882

Yes it's very daunting.
Should I read more Anglo literature before jumping into Gelehrtenrepublik?
Not too familiar Poe, Joyce etc.

>> No.10442883
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My name is John, and I don't know what I should be doing.

>> No.10442904

My name is also John. I have a friend named John, another named John, and a third named Jonathan.

>> No.10442925
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I don't recall ever meeting another John in my life.

You and your friends must either all be middle-aged or are all living in Britain.

>> No.10442940
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Not so. I'm a millennial.

>> No.10442945

I have £50 left over in birthday money. What should I get? I've got my eye on Schmidt lately but I have no idea where to start.

>> No.10442949

I sincerely hope no one's been lurking my wish list and has bought me anything off there. I don't want to buy anymore until I consume the one's I've already amassed over the years.

>> No.10442974
File: 37 KB, 298x499, dubliners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeks before Christmas
>give my mother hints that I'd like to read Dubliners
>say it's Christmas so she can afford to buy me a good edition and not a cheap paperback
>spend the next few weeks talking about how magnificent an author Joyce is
>mother shows me a present in the shape of a nice hardcover book
>feel good about this, proud of my mother for the first time in my life
>as soon as she hands me the book, all that goes away
>feel under the wrappings a shitty floppy paperback
>open it and see it's a fucking Penguin edition
>sternly tell mother that Everyman editions are the books that are aesthetically beautiful and long lasting
>she keeps telling me that my present is a centennial edition and that the artwork looks pretty, as if that makes it better
>tell her this Penguin piece of shit will fall apart after only a few rereadings
>demonstrate my point by opening and closing the poorly made Penguin edition just a few times
>it rips apart really easily and turns into a pathetic pile of paper on the floor
>tfw she won't buy me the Everyman version because I've been acting bad

She told me I could have just made an exchange if I didn't "destroy" the book I had, but I don't want another poor reader to suffer.

>> No.10442985
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Got this from my grandfather, better get to learn german.

>> No.10443014

fuck, I'd jizz everywhere if I got this

>> No.10443039
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Judge me, bitches

>> No.10443064

You Norwegian? I actually have two of those books waiting in my bookshelf. Murakami is pleb-tier though.

>> No.10443069

Literally the most overrated German language author.

>> No.10443073

and that's why your parents don't love you

>> No.10443076


>> No.10443082
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Danish. My sister said the bookkeeper recommended Kafka on the Shore based on the other books I wanted.

lmao gtf back to /r9k/

>> No.10443091


>> No.10443100

Central Europeans get their presents on the 24th from little baby Jesus. (It's not just you, you fucking Krauts)

>> No.10443125


>> No.10443136

You are.

>> No.10443176

I only got a gift-card with roughly 16 Euros on it. I think I might buy the new translation of L'etranger to see what it's like. Maybe some cheap pocket books if anything catches my eye.

>> No.10443182

no u

>> No.10443194
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>> No.10443228
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The two on the top is Brand and Peer Gynt by Ibsen.

>> No.10443240

Originals or translated?
top-tier books anyways

>> No.10443252

Ibsen is in the original Norwegian.

>> No.10443253
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I received these from my parents and siblings.

>> No.10443268

wtf is that pleb manga shit to the left

>> No.10443276

Manga is patrician. Anime is pleb. Get it straight. Hentai is for the ubermensch.

>> No.10443277

Get ready for heavy-handed political allegories

>> No.10443287

I like to read some manga, Berserk is something I've enjoyed to read over the years and having physical copies of it now is nice, I'm happy with it.

>> No.10443296
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All are self-bought except for bridge on the river kwai

>> No.10443304

Nice to see some Yates. The rest will make good kindling.

>> No.10443310
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got a pretty aesthetic book

>> No.10443313

Nice stack, never read Cities of the Plain before but I enjoyed other books by Cormac McCarthy.

>> No.10443325

>lmao he fell for the dosto meme

Medea is cool, I don't know the rest.

>> No.10443328

Well it's the last book of his that I don't own yet, and I've never read the border trilogy so I'm looking forward to finishing his works

>> No.10443331

I bought myself a video game for Christmas.

>> No.10443337

He's a two-bit fraud.

>> No.10443342
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>> No.10443347

Dosto is okay as far as guilty pleasures go. More people on /lit could stand to internalize some of his themes. But he should only be used as a supplement to great works when you want to take a break but need entertainment.

>> No.10443351

Care to explain? What's fraudulent about him, mind you I don't know much about the other himself but I've read a couple of his works.

>> No.10443357

>Dosto the Yevsky is a meme

Argue for this.

>> No.10443363

>hey guys I have this incredible new idea
>what if...we made audiences realize that they're at the theater?
>I am the first to come up with this brilliant innovation!
>before me, audiences were so enraptured by the plays that they completely forgot they were watching a play
>w-what do you mean Shakespeare has a dozen """""""""""""""""""""""brechtian"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" jokes in every play?
>btw let's genocide some kulaks

>> No.10443370

I can't really explain it. I feel strongly about it but it's hard for me to articulate my convictions sometimes. His work just strikes me as having a grandiose appearance but with nothing inside it. I never feel like he's saying anything of substance. Which is fine, but it also seems like he feels he is.

>> No.10443394

you don’t deserve anything anon, I hope your atherosclerosis gets worse and worse

>> No.10443427
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>lmao he fell for my "dosto is a meme" bait

The man can't write, his plots are dull and pretentious and really overrated in general desu. White (k)nights literally seemed like it was written by a whiny incel on /r9k/.

>> No.10443489

Little sister got me a poetry collection by Theodor Storm.

>> No.10443519

she single ?

>> No.10443595
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>> No.10443600

happy to see this pasta again

>> No.10444236

i want to read the king in yellow

>> No.10444243

tell her I want her toes inside my foreskin

>> No.10444380

Fuck you I love the penguin covers.

>> No.10444649

kys jfc

>> No.10444670

It's sickening

>> No.10445208

I don't get it

>> No.10445251

I was given Carry on Jeeves and Runaway Horses, by Mishima.
I know that's the second in the series but is it okay to start there? If not then I'll just go buy the other one, it just might take a while to find it.

>> No.10445303
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I got a couple others too, fahrenheit 451, something on jfk assassination and an anthology of short stories

>> No.10445315

>I know that's the second in the series but is it okay to start there?
That won't do, you have to read it in the right order to get the best of it.

>> No.10445333

I'm going for new year to give my mom first wither book and my grandma some "stories from priest"

>> No.10445349
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>> No.10445392
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Plz no bully, they are from my parents.

>> No.10445396

nice holmes book. i got one but doesnt look quite as nice as that

>> No.10445403

yea its the Barnes and Noble one, leather back and gold edges, looks really nice. Not sure its gonna be nice for long reading tho.

>> No.10445410

snyggt. Jag köpte Gravity's Rainbow på svenska i somras, helt clueless

>> No.10445412

why your City of God is so big?
Can you tell me the difference of your version to other smaller version?

>> No.10445431
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I'm not from an english-speaking country. I was very happy about them, the ones I look forward to the most are the Kafka on the Shore, Naked Lunch, the Ray Bradburry novel and all of Borges.

>> No.10445432
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>> No.10445448
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Ordered Ovid's letters and poetry from exile too

>> No.10445481
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Got this from mother.

>> No.10445485

nice. do you like to collect books signed or was this a special treat

>> No.10445498

It was an unexpected surprise. I'm very happy with it.

>> No.10445501
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>> No.10445549

>mushroom spore prints for augustine
por que?

>> No.10445556
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>> No.10445563

very nice

>> No.10445609
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bottom 4 were from classics professor mommy

top 4 were from english major gf


>> No.10445612

i got the ego and its own, odyssey, and the iliad

>> No.10445618

>clockwork orange
>cover has a glass of milk
i hate when they do this, make some reference about some minor detail to the novel itself.

>> No.10445630

living the dream senpai

>> No.10445633

triggered /pol/ack, neck yourself

>> No.10445682

Classics professor mother? That sounds super cool. She single?

>> No.10445693

honestly not worth the time. the repairer of reputations is okay, but the ending is pretty stupid and undermines the whole thing. the other stories you can make a pass on. I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, the only people I see defending it are august derleth-tier lovecraft mythos shills

>> No.10445698

kinda jelly desu

>> No.10445704
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>> No.10445708

I got Ulysses, the idiot and Meditations

On a scale of one to ten how much do you want to reply to me?

>> No.10445719

ten because i got pic related. it's tiny

>> No.10445720
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>> No.10445722

I read The Wake a couple years back and absolutely loved it.
It’s one of those books that makes you feel a real sense of loss once it’s over and you realize there isn’t anything else quite like it.

>> No.10445724
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These, along with David Lynch: The Art Life, Logan, and Leviathan on Blu Ray.

It was a pretty good Christmas.

>> No.10445733

I got Zizek - Lenin 2017

>> No.10445738

bought myself Moby Dick and the penguin collected works of HG Wells

>> No.10445742

is it easy to understand the writing once you get used to it?

>> No.10445771

I got a Dan brown novel. My family knows nothing about literature, and I didn't ask for anything. It's the thought that counts. Still, Tfw no litfu gf to surprise me with good books

>> No.10445787
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I've also got Aristotle De Anima and Brothers Karamazov.
I like Alexander.

>> No.10445795

I would say so. When I started, the going was very slow, but once I got used to the syntax and could start placing things via context, I tore through the last two-thirds or so.
I envy anyone with the opportunity to read it for the first time.

>> No.10445804


>> No.10445845

Should have gotten all of Plutarch's Lives

>> No.10445849

Got 100$ B+N gift card what should I spend on?

>> No.10445851

8, I got Meditations too

>> No.10445863
File: 2.76 MB, 2231x2764, Sutton_hoo_helmet_room_1_no_flashbrightness_ajusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks lad

>> No.10445873
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My girlfriend spoiled me

This looks interesting.

Byrne is a musical genius, I want to read that eventually.

I didn't know that Landmark published an Alexander.

That Homer looks like a nice edition. What translation?

I just finished the Aeneid. It was amazing, of course. A lot of us got Landmark editions.

Merry Christmas, faggots.

>> No.10445881
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>your girlfriend bought you Evola

Jesus Christ

>> No.10445895

Dracula is a flippin good read

>> No.10445899

I really wasn't expecting it but The Iliad is one of the hypest things I've read.
Homer goes full anime multiple times.

>> No.10445900

How is the rest of it? I might get it sometime soon.

>> No.10445905

What edition of Homer is that? Looks neato.

>> No.10445907


Det er sgu da ikke Soren Kierkegaard. Hvad gik der galt?

>> No.10445915

Anybody else get some random quotes book fior every christmas . My parents know I read, but no idea what

>> No.10445924

usually some joke meme book for me. The top 10 CrAziEsT speeches, top 100 shit jokes.. that kind of thing

>> No.10445929
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>> No.10445932
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>My girlfriend
AKA your /pol/ butt-buddy?

>> No.10445952

i think a lot of hispanics do the same here in the united states. we get together with extended family on christmas eve for dinner and presents and then everyone fucks off back home, goes to bed, wakes up christmas morning and opens presents.

>> No.10445966

spics are monkeys, one cares what they do you fag

>> No.10445967
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>What translation?
I tried to find out, but it wasn’t readily apparent. I’m planning to look more into it later. It’s a solid little book, though.

>> No.10445978

>/pol/ack calls other people monkeys

>> No.10446019
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>> No.10446020

Poe Collection and The Aeneid.

>> No.10446065

:^) Merry Christmas anons, another year gone
God Bless

>> No.10446068
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>> No.10446071


>> No.10446072
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>> No.10446077

No books. But I got a fidget spinner.

>> No.10446088
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my cameras quality is shit

>> No.10446094

Take some more pictures plz, good taste
what is that box set?

>> No.10446102
File: 2.11 MB, 2576x1932, 20171225_094152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folio Societies: Empires of the Ancient Near East

>> No.10446105


why so much red

>> No.10446108
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heres the rest of them

>> No.10446118

>father ted
patrician spotted

>> No.10446123
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x2448, EE51B5EF-6D91-4B47-ADE1-78CD071291EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only got one this year. Gift from my uncle as he's a huge old school D&D fantasy nerd who loves this shit. Probably won't be reading it anytime soon due to all the books that I'm currently reading, but it looks nice and I'll get to it eventually.

>> No.10446125
File: 1.44 MB, 2576x1932, 20171225_094817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks man, im just glad it was on sale for christmas

>> No.10446126

>ayn rand
>teaching people to write

>> No.10446128

Fuck off slav, this is an English yarn board site

>> No.10446146

Nothing particularly interesting on my end, a National Parks photograph book and another about "Blue Zones" from my mother (healthy living, etc).

> De re metallica (Latin for On the Nature of Metals [Minerals]) is a book cataloguing the state of the art of mining, refining, and smelting metals, published a year posthumously in 1556 due to a delay in preparing woodcuts for the text.

I'd never heard of this, but seems interesting. Neat collection anon!

Cover looks like a wojak edit.

Not really my taste, but looks like a good collection none-the-less. Even ignoring the book on English politics, a very British stack.

Pretty neat familia. Even though I'm not a huge Mishima fan anything by Perigee is solid (I have their Kawabata collection from the 80s).

Good luck with the language learning! /a/ and /jp/ have solid threads on learning to read.

> Vintage Folio Society

Peanut Butter & Jelly

>> No.10446157
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Thanks for the share mate, Merry Christmas
btw father ted is top tier, make your children watch that to become great humans

Here is mine for anyone to critique

>> No.10446160

Edith Hamilton
Nice job based anon!

>> No.10446209

I loved Fermat's Enigma! Only "math" book i'll ever read.

>> No.10446234

6/10 clever bait anon

>> No.10446241

>What Happened

>> No.10446257

got my brother the art of the deal last year, this is his rebuttal
art of the deal is actually a fun read tho

>> No.10446272

wow ur so woke

>> No.10446275

Is What Happened really that much of a bloated piece of shit?
For how many pages can one stretch the simple facts of "I was a weak candidate who made a shitty campaign, full of conceit, divisiveness and unwarranted security of victory, coupled with shady business and warmongering"?

>> No.10446279

>Good luck with the language learning! /a/ and /jp/ have solid threads on learning to read.

Thank you! I'll check those out

>> No.10446288

memrise is really useful for japanese, i don't know a great deal though

>> No.10446289
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Never thought I would say this on /lit/, but watch the anime too, the 13 ep OVA, if only for the stellar art alone

>> No.10446290
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anything but her fault desu
not looking forward to forcing through this

>> No.10446297

>Those Damn Emails


>> No.10446300

kinda want to buy what happened, if only for a keepsake to remind me of the wild ride that election was

heard it wasnt very good though

>> No.10446301

>Idealism and Realism
Plato v. Aristotle, 2000 year redux, let's go :^)

>> No.10446309

>Electon Night


>> No.10446317
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Got Musil too! Anyone have an opinion on Zweig? Dont know what to think about it

>> No.10446325

That Napoleon book is really fucking good.

>> No.10446358

Got a bunch of cash, temptation to buy books is strong. But one must resist.

>> No.10446361

On Zweig in general or on that particular book?

>> No.10446374
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>inb4 learn German

>> No.10446380

Fake comment

>> No.10446389

Kytice je základ. Doufám, že je to dárek ze sběratelských důvodů, ne teprve k prvnímu přečtení.

>> No.10446416

How's that JC book?

>> No.10446419

Read "Le Joueur d'échecs" for school in lycée, and i loved it, even though i was an edgy teenager who didn't like reading. Je l'ai lu en français, bien évidemment.

>> No.10446433
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>The Middle-Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook
>Generation Allah

>> No.10446435

Au collège, pas au lycée, pardon.

>> No.10446448
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>> No.10446454
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Seems to be Fitzgerald.

>> No.10446463

Idk both? My father gave me Amok to read a few weeks ago
Nice. Mais ça n'est pas allemand à la base ?

>> No.10446499
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Step aside plebs.

>> No.10446500

Imagine asking for Evola, Thucydides and Pynchon.

>> No.10446503
File: 3.23 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20171225_105107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10446517

Russia already getting the blame by para 2. on the dust flap

>> No.10446529

fair enough, nice pics lad

>> No.10446543
File: 992 KB, 2697x1897, IMG_20171225_113713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some books for a few anons on here last week, and I was rewarded in kind from friends and family (pic related). Finally got a hardbound version of Landmark Thucdydides, which means I now won't need to hold it open while reading it (the hardbound landmarks are much superior to the paperbacks for ease of reading; see next picture).

>> No.10446548
File: 1.20 MB, 2513x2405, IMG_20171225_113900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Hardcover Landmarks are the way to go)

>> No.10446553
File: 1.90 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171225-205002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10446557

>fourteen Haidty Haidt
He hits the nail on the fucking head I'll give him that.

>> No.10446558

>paperback landmarks

It seems like a gift, but it's actually an insult.

>> No.10446565


>> No.10446577

Any idea why landmark arrian and herodotus hardcover are so expensive these days? Will they get cheaper? I've got the other 3 harcover landmark editions, but I'm not paying $200+ for a these two books

>> No.10446594

Did you print the web essays yourself?

>> No.10446598

I assume it's just because they're out of print at the moment (for no real reason that I can tell). I just buy new landmarks when they come out though (I have since Xenophon).

>> No.10446599
File: 3.09 MB, 4000x3000, 1514231861833780121883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one bought me any books for Christmas. I bought myself a few but they haven't arrived yet. Here's the stacks of books next to my bed though.

>> No.10446605

I did, through lulu. It's much more convenient to have them on hand in a physical form than it is to access a pdf online. They really should have been included in the volume itself, but that ship has sailed unfortunately.

>> No.10446631

Peeping that Mystical City of God.

>> No.10446652

It's not St. Augustine's, it's Ven. Mary of Agreda's.

>> No.10446713

I'm sure I've seen that stack before, are you lying boy?

>> No.10446719

Muh ol

>> No.10446722

good shit, my dude

>> No.10446727
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>> No.10446744

Isn't Haidt a center left lib?

>> No.10446746

quite memey, seems like you probably read what /lit/ tells you to

>> No.10446750
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x3024, A5BAD0F8-6CB5-4A11-A771-42C3A2304F97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mom got me two from Folio Society.

>> No.10446753

Yes, but his analysis of conservative and liberal mindsets are absolutely spot on, particularly the analysis of the disgust reaction. The far right likes to meme that he's a secret nazi.

>> No.10446754

+That specific printing of Confessions
+Woman in the Dunes
+I Am A Cat
+Unabridged Genji

-Kafka on the Shore, book is fine but I prefer the previous cover (guy with glasses)

9/10 overall.

>> No.10446755

He's also Jewish, lol

>> No.10446767

>Mitt liv som hund

and I got myself some shit from the Verso Books sale:
>Dialectic of Enlightenment
>Quasi Una Fantasia
>Reading Capital, complete edition
>The Weight of Things

>> No.10446781

The Royal Game (or whatever the english translation is, die Schachnovelle) is just an example of competent and economical storytelling. I loved the book for its simplicity, and although I'm fundamentally skeptical of (and often also bored by) any serious literature dealing with WW2 and Nazi occupation (those just seem to get overrated immensely, a good example for that is Patrick Modiano, in my opinion) it just really worked well. Zweig is like that, not thaat interesting as a psychologist or a stylist, but a very good storyteller with enough imagination to make his stuff very readable.

I gave up on my first attempt at the Man without Qualities a few months ago, but I might just be 85IQ and I'm planning to try again at some point. It didn't seem like a bad work, I just didn't have the patience, so I can't really comment on it. Read both in the german original.

>> No.10446798

Imagine not

>> No.10446801

Are you in Australia?

>> No.10446806

>wacky banana breakfast guy xD
>overrated esotiricist idolized because of the lack of serious alternatives

You're being unfair to big T

>> No.10446817
File: 3.43 MB, 2660x2956, 20171225_154449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I didn't see this thread. Yeah I got this. Read it a long time ago.

>> No.10446821

What an embarrassing post. Don't think I won't remember this. You'll be the subject of ridicule on /lit/ for years to come for this faux-pas.

>> No.10446822
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>> No.10446832

What plebs, I'd burn it in front of them

>> No.10446833

Suck a dick faggot. my dad has no idea what I read now he just knows that was the first book i ever read as a kid. Yeah it's pleb af but what am I gonna do. He doesn't come over and see my books.

>> No.10446842

Good shit.

>> No.10446866

You shouldn't have posted this, and you'll regret it I swear to God.

>> No.10446899
File: 57 KB, 432x767, AtiUg_dS00lEs2HBEs4iES1DWfgrCY02uTT9uFfJtmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kierkegaard kan sutte min fede rov

Living the dream anon. Is ur mum or gf single?

And it's such a dull cover. If I saw a book with that cover in a bookstore and I didn't know the book, I wouldn't even bother to read the back of it.

>imagine caring so much about the crusades that you read 4 big-ass books about them

The fourth crusade is the only interesting one.

>The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook

B-but being a vegetarian for non-medical reasons is haram.

I never knew someone on /lit/ actually read books other than Infinite Meme by DFW.

Decent stuff, it looks like you used one of those intro to jap lit charts on the /lit/ wiki tho.

Who cares that he's jewish? We're not /pol/.

>> No.10446904
File: 3.85 MB, 4160x3120, 15142361810332061444676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 these two bad boys
they're really expensive for some reasonable, so I was delighted to receive them in exchange for good-boy-points.

>> No.10446909

>Who cares that he's jewish?

>>10446557 implied he was a nazi

>> No.10446918


>> No.10446931

all i want is the death of frank olson book for christmas but no one got me it so i guess I GOTTA GO OUT AND BE A MAN AND BUY THAT SHIT FO MY SELF

>> No.10446935
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, 1504810457165.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two different editions of the recognitions

>> No.10446945

>war and peace in the human village

what's that one about?

>> No.10446949

brah, I read some Greek /lit/ and wanted to know more about the gods they refer to all the time, so I put a /lit/-approved book about mythology on my wishlist.

>> No.10446963

Oh ok, that's what it seemed to me. Good easy-reading, comfy little books. I'll read them in-between the man without qualities then. And yeah, Modiano is a little bitch

>> No.10447006

Fuck yeah, Edith Hamilton.

>> No.10447055
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Merry Christmas /lit/

>> No.10447070

You better not have read Homer without understanding mythology

>> No.10447072

no camera but I got
Don Delillo - The Names
Don Delillo - Underworld
Tom Wolfe - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Joan Didion - Slouching Towards Bethlehem
William Faulkner - The Sound and the Fury
Walt Whitman - Leaves of Grass
and Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathurstra

>> No.10447079

One for reading/notes. The other is a first edition. Same with GR, Pale Fire and several other books I have.

Marshall Macluhan stuff. Basically about how mediums affect human behavior and in some ways are responsible for re-tribalization. Very relevant, but Macluhan is pretty obtuse in his writing. It's more just an interesting idea than strong theory.

>> No.10447081
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lmao he fell for the pope meme

>> No.10447101

lmao just look it up on wikipedia

>> No.10447136


>> No.10447143

that's fucking satanic

>> No.10447151

where 2 find english major gf ;(

>> No.10447152
File: 63 KB, 1180x415, aristotle purchase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purchased this with gift cards. I'm thinking about adding In Search of Lost Time or one of the Chinese Great Novels to the list?

>> No.10447175

>stack of marxist filth
who knew your grandfather was such a pussy

>> No.10447176

>if you don't like my derivative and autistic marxist """thinker""" you must be a literal nazi /pol/ack
you don't sound ridiculous at all, friend

>> No.10447184

brutal, dude

>> No.10447194

>Yoshikawa's Musashi
patrician taste, 友達

>> No.10447200

>The man can't write
well he is dead
he wasn't one of the greatest authors of all time for nothing though

>> No.10447207

>The feel generation

>> No.10447225

marry her immediately if you know what's good for you, anon

>> No.10447239

Bitch, my grandfather worked in construction for over 30 years, go call him a pussy to his face. Most commies older than 50 years old bear little resemblance to the useless "marxist" college students you mostly see.

>> No.10447249

i'm from an actual communist country; my grandmother is a communist (god bless her soul)
i can tell you that marxists of any era are pussies of the lowest calibre and lack the strength of both the rugged individualist and the nationalist zealot

>> No.10447264 [DELETED] 

>it looks like you used one of those intro to jap lit charts on the /lit/ wiki tho.
that's pretty much the case. I would consider it a decent intro to eastern lit

>> No.10447270

>it looks like you used one of those intro to jap lit charts on the /lit/ wiki tho.
that's pretty much the case. at least its a decent intro to eastern lit

>> No.10447273
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>> No.10447278

Fucked up picture on upload, idk

>> No.10447279

>everyone is from a communist country on the internet
well I guess I'll just take your word for it then, my grandfather is a pussy

>> No.10447281

You must be australian.

>> No.10447284

You caught me m8

>> No.10447295

yeah, I fell for the Church established by Jesus

>> No.10447298

>people from communist countries don't exist, couldn't have possibly emigrated, and certainly don't have access to the internet
yes, remain in your bubble
the world is exactly as you envisioned and everything that challenges your world view is a lie

>> No.10447317

>starting a sentence with bitch
You sound like the marxist college student you describe.

>> No.10447325
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Purchased with a gift card.

>> No.10447327

that would be a crime bretheren

how read physics if no understand da mafh?

You simply cannot, and you will understand shit. Better know the gods before you read about heros nd shit

>> No.10447330

>Rise and Fall

>> No.10447332
File: 73 KB, 720x369, IMG_20171225_225600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most commies older than 50 years old bear little resemblance to the useless "marxist" college students you mostly see.
W r o n g

>> No.10447337

Read Zweig's memoir The World of Yesterday to better understand his world. The writing is phenomenal even in that

>> No.10447344
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x933, rtpoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, some of you do exist, but I just find it peculiar that as soon as an argument about communism shows up, someone from Russia or whatever who knows whats up, when in most of those countries, most people got positive feelings towards socialism.
Now I would be glad if you could "challenge my worldview" with some actual arguments, and not just baseless accusations.

>> No.10447348


>> No.10447349

russia is a shithole. they have nothing to lose. of course they would vote yea

>> No.10447351

What is it with so many people get the landmark historians for christmas?

>> No.10447356

>getting gifts for christmas
How underage are you people?

>> No.10447359

>not based
also, the fucker never even went to college

>> No.10447363

I wouldn't know, I'm not from an English speaking country.

>> No.10447365


>> No.10447366


>> No.10447382

I'm glad you got a kick out of that. I'm excited to read it. Happy Holidays.

>> No.10447387
File: 37 KB, 333x499, 51529Lfc2ML._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell mom I'm into history
>she gets me this

Felt like a kid opening up a Ngage after asking for a PSP.

>> No.10447395
File: 216 KB, 937x528, Pepe Crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered books for Christmas.
>That feel when books haven't arrived in mail yet.

>> No.10447406

Becasue the non-shilled version is illegal.

>> No.10447418

Lots of tryhard conservatives that think reading Greek books reinforces their redpilled philosophy because they fundamentally misunderstand nearly everything they read (assuming they do actually even attempt reading these and are not simply placing them on shelf next to their unread copies of The Prince and Levithan which they got last Christmas)

>> No.10447441

feel reciprocated guy

>> No.10447469

Misery loves company.

>> No.10447517
File: 25 KB, 631x421, gw45o6g2rgjz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to english department at a uni

introduce yourself to somebody



>> No.10447543
File: 347 KB, 719x618, r0m0oipaxcyz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmfao get out of ur bubble sweaty

>> No.10447556

Same, but in my case it was books I bought as gifts for my family members.

>> No.10447585
File: 2.61 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another stack of books I’ll start and never finish

>> No.10447649

i'm from cuba
your idea that people from communist or formerly communist countries have warm feelings towards marxism is prime 1st world sheltered delusion at its finest

the only honorable death left for you is suicide

>> No.10447671

You don't want a lit major gf, most of them are batshit.

>> No.10447675
File: 1.90 MB, 2576x1932, Christmas bookstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mom volunteers at a thrift store and picked out all the books she thought I would like, plus a few specific books I wanted. Book of the New Sun is the only brand new book in this pile, and my sister bought it for me. I'm still expecting a copy of Galactic Pot-Healer by Philip K. Dick to arrive in the mail. I also got around thirty or forty classic rock records that my Mom got for uber cheap, including a very nice copy of The Wall. Great haul this Christmas, lads! Cheers.

>> No.10447697
File: 564 KB, 640x360, 1500811032816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are leftists so tetchy? You can't even see someone reading a book without getting your panties in a twist.

How do you even know that the people itt who bought Greek books are "tryhard conservatives" ?

Take a chill pill my dude.

>> No.10447726

Everyone here seems kinda down on Brecht, but I read Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder on the 23rd and really liked it

>> No.10447739
File: 811 KB, 2707x1847, 20171225_193828-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly expected, but I got a couple out of left field. I'm very happy with it overall! Sorry if 4chan flips this image.

>> No.10447751

Get the audiobook for Based on a True Story, Norm's delivery makes it 10x better.

>> No.10447759

Lmao, besides the fact that one stack literally has an Evola book and Pynchon as well as having spent more than one day here and knowing the general temperament of the people on this board? Nothing.

>> No.10447776

Do you only read books that reinforce your political standpoint?
Seems really fucking stupid and narrow minded, don't you think?
I read Das Kapital even though I sure don't think communism seems like a great idea in practice

And what does Pynchon have to do with anything

>> No.10447779

You guys, please, just call it Capital.

>> No.10447785

But that's not what the book is called.

>> No.10447789

>tell my mom I'm into history without specifying further
>she doesn't get me Tacitus' Agricola in the original latin

I would have probably given you something similar if I got such a vague request, although in that case J.M. Roberts' History of the World would have been a better choice.

>> No.10447796

yes it is

>> No.10447844

>I read Das Kapital
Hahahahahaha, holy shit.

Look, dude, I don't care about what people read. I own several of the Landmark books too, but it's obvious the type of people these books appeal to especially when they ask for a full set for Christmas. It's all these "defenders of the west" fuckers that are never going to read these but like the image they project. You have to be fucking delusional not to notice these people on 4chan these days... unless, of course, you are one of these people.

Pinecone is part of this image, too, btw. A disjointed part but a part nonetheless. I like him, btw but it's undeniable that people will buy his books, post in these threads and not read him.

Now if you want to talk about the substance in any of these books, I'm all ears though, if not though, please fuck off snowflake.

>> No.10447853

I suppose you also refer to the bible as tà biblía, no?

>> No.10447870

what's the bible?

>> No.10447904

You have constructed a really elaborate hypothetical person to get mad about based on a bunch of two line posts on an anonymous image board huh

>> No.10447915


>> No.10448020

this faggot mentions his Julius Caesar printed web essays in every thread he can

he's had it for weeks

>> No.10448034

They are nice books

Also a big type of thing you would want for Christmas, makes the parents feel like they are buying something of value instead of a couple flimsy paperbacks
Depending on your economic situation they might also not be something you would regularly buy yourself

>> No.10448042

I keep seeing that Norm Macdonal book getting posted once in a while. What's the meme behind it?

>> No.10448198

Fucking christ.

>> No.10448200

Really nice desu.

>> No.10448214

It's getting late, so I'm going to bed.

Good night /lit/, and Merry Christmas. I love you all. <3

>> No.10448246

>You have constructed a really elaborate hypothetical person to get mad about based on a bunch of two line posts on an anonymous image board huh

>> No.10448297

How's this?
Was more excited for the books I gifted.
>all the pretty horses -mother
>the dark tower - little sister
>New American Bible - big sister
>A confederacy of dunces- female friend
>van gogh's letters to his brother - ex he
>master and margarita - my buddy Dom
>Do androids dream of electric sheep and a pirated copy of d.f. jones' colossus - literary hottie

>> No.10448300
File: 1.58 MB, 2576x1932, 20171225_222420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P.s. I'm retarded

>> No.10448323
File: 2.14 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas guys

>> No.10448326

What is the non-shilled version?
Is it the Ford translation

>> No.10448347

pretty good books

>> No.10448360

Jesus thats a few hundred dollars.

>> No.10448370

Good stack. I'm about halfway through Broom right now. It's fantastic - a much more friendly read than IJ.

>> No.10448370,1 [INTERNAL] 

i got schopenhauer too!!!!!! heeehehehehehe

>> No.10448377

Ford and Mannheim are both fine unshilled versions

>> No.10448382
File: 1.04 MB, 3098x1770, OzItBCd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10448405

Did you go to the store and just ask where they kept the red books?

>> No.10448414


>> No.10448508

I got a copy of Dune and Man in the High castle. Also Manga but you guys probably don't care.

>> No.10448571

Average taste. It’s like she just started browsing /Lit/

>> No.10448577

Someone r8 my post

>> No.10448778

What's your motivation for reading Dio, but not in full?

>> No.10448810

Augustus is a cool guy.

>> No.10448811
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>> No.10448833

Would 100% not recommend Runciman's 3 vols on the crusades if (a) you're not already familiar with the general history, (b) you know how much/little went on and are willing to read ~1200 pages about it.

It's really good history. It's also boring as shit especially compared to anything from antiquity, or that Napoleon book (good choice there btw). I'd read the crusade history on the top left first (have it in my own amazon wishlist, wish I had read it before Runciman) before TRYING Runciman; just don't be afraid to tap out.

Nice cambridge history. Have you read Diarmaid's "christianity the first 3000 years"? Been considering that. Also nice Proclus but
>>>not getting a copy from the elite tier full thomas taylor set
Someone on lit has a full set I think, pretty rad.

Fuckin lmao

Only read Beware of Pity but it made me love Zweig. Have a literary critic friend who adores him as well.

Been chipping away at the decameron (near end of day 3 now). I like it but it's not great. I think it's valuable as a step in world literature (apparently considered to be a proto-novel written a few hundred years before any novel proper) and I imagine it would have been a very exciting, scandalous read at the time or really any time until like 1950, but in spite of the fun humor the sexual spice sort of falls flat.

Better save your money for aristotle commentaries; you're about to get fisted. Good buys, but you're going to have to put in a lot of work. If you're gonna read those cover to cover pick up Telford's commentary on the categories/de int., Hackett prior analytics, aquinas commentaries on posterior analytics, physics. Should hold you over for the first ~500 pages. Things make more sense after the organon but stay pretty hard. Start threads if you have any trouble. Good luck, and good choice on the picks!

Rise and fall is great, ignore that retard. Keep in mind that it's not a history of wwii, nor is it a bio of hitler; it's exactly what the title says it is. Dry at parts but overall very interesting, often frightening, at times inspiring.
>"We will not submit voluntarily: the struggle is already under way...Resistance will continue as long as possible."

>> No.10448946

Sûrement. Je tenais juste à préciser que Je parlais de la VF parce que je ne connais pas la qualité de la version anglaise.

>> No.10449038

(Books for this feel?)

>> No.10449227

very questionable anon, the selection is interesting but the gnostic vibe spooks me
The first Cambridge history volume is very good, that one in the pic is the second volume(of 9 I think), their choice of essays is pretty strong. Even if you aren't a fan of some of the essay authors every passage has enough references to fill a reading list.
Probably not going to pick up Diarmaid although it does look like a very solid book for someone looking for a single volume.


This gives me very mixed feelings, stop being a limp wristed faggot, read notes first

>> No.10449240

Hahahahahahaha, you're not from the UK are you?

>> No.10449304

>Proclus Elements of Theology

Very nice

>> No.10449350
File: 28 KB, 429x459, e2cc1641f776f3b33ec65273270c6f08d2893f2e68f1892a3f995e00d4d11a26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't trust polls, trust this random cuban from the internet

>> No.10449506

I've got a 3rd ed. of 'Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung' which my great-grandfather bought in 1910 while studying theo & phil in Zürich