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File: 427 KB, 1318x1654, Author_Mieko_Kawakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10441960 No.10441960 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved, even among the /lit/ community, and if we make fun of you with rude comments we are never being serious. Stay strong. <3

>> No.10441973

the reason i want to kill myself is i have a 6 inch dick, and thin, it has nothing to do with you guys

>> No.10441991

It's schmaltz like this that makes me want to kill other people instead of myself.

>> No.10441996

i want that girl to love me

>> No.10441999

Having a sad enough life that your post had any impact on my day would be a reason to commit suicide. And why are you being so nice anyways, you trying to fuck me or something?

>> No.10442014
File: 153 KB, 922x1200, C_SpJEpUQAUwSTe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will never love you, anon. All we have is our dreams.

>> No.10442018

Geez, anon. YOU make love with your whole fucking body! Quit looking at yourself through the eyes of other imbeciles and turn on some charm why don't ya? Youll be fine. Merry x-mas.

>> No.10442084

Asians can't love.

>> No.10442260

I know you're fucking around, but 6 inches is easily enough to please a woman.

>> No.10442269

I know but it kills me to have barely enough

>> No.10442275

As i said, easily.

>> No.10442298


>> No.10442304


>> No.10442307

If you're struggling, use your fingers aswell.
You can go pretty deep with 6 inches my man, and most girls really don't see the difference between 6 and 7 inches.

>> No.10442323

right but what kills me is this needs saying, had i dat dere 7 i would just dont care like i do other aspects of me

>> No.10442334

It needs saying because you're obviously insecure. Otherwise it wouldn't.

>> No.10442342

I guess you're right. im tall and somewhat handsome so insecurity is new to me. thanks

>> No.10442348

I feel you

>> No.10442385

thanks man

>> No.10442541

bump; let us discuss this guy's dick

>> No.10442560

Reminder that she's 41 years old
Hot momma

>> No.10442714

Thanks. Merry Christmas.

>> No.10442868
File: 89 KB, 1600x480, 8Ljhv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she's Asian

>> No.10442889
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 1501755362588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK OFF i have 4.9 just fuuuck offf you know nothing

>> No.10442900

so unlike white girls who shrivel up before they even hit 30 she will look 20 in her 50s?

>> No.10442910

eeem fpbp?

>> No.10442919

dude 6” is bigger than most hispanics, indians, chinks, jews, arabs, central asians and average for nordids. you’re fine. its ok. if a grill thinks that’s not enough she’s probably an entitled whore with a bad personality. you can please a woman with a half foot cock. do not let /fit/ niggers tell you otherwise

>> No.10442951

120 a qt

>> No.10442954

all of /lit/ literally said that it was fine, though.

>> No.10443124

right but relying on the other's tolerance is something I never envisioned up till now

>> No.10443160

sorry dude. how's it the ladies?

>> No.10443166

you know what sucks? WHY DO YOU KEEP GIVING OUT YOUR DAMN DIGITS WHEN ITS NOT EVEN LIKE THAT 99% OF THE TIME?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

you are not 6 inches a majority of the time

you are a little fucking penis button which is lik ea thin mint 100% of the damn time!!!!! be honest with yourselF GEEEEEEZ!!!!!!

>> No.10443169

I'm pretty happy to read this anon kun.

>> No.10443172

have you seen what 6 inches looks like in real life? and what it looks like when not 6 inches aka hard? yeah, a girl's worst nightmare, even when it IS hard. god. what the fuck are you gonna please with that? a girl who is going to either leave you or find someone else who can stretch her out, not pity fuck you

>> No.10443175

>""dude 6” is bigger than most hispanics, indians, chinks, jews, arabs, central asians and average for nordids. ""

lmao you act like everyone belonging to a single race shares the same penis size

it's just you.

>> No.10443189

he said most, and it's completely right. 6 inches is bigger than the average for all races, though.

>> No.10443208

(before you start saying ooh girls who want guys who are above average or even average, which definitely isnt 6" and before you pull out some fucking pubmed study no, average shouldb elike 7-8" ) are loose or whores.. um no)

a tiny girl needs to be fucked GOOD, not fucked by a pencil

its not just open girls who want well endowed Men, it's all girls period. if anything a girl who dates a guy with a small penis will get no satisfaction, will be miserable, will not even know what 'sex' is because she is dealing with worst nightmare status, and i really feel sorry for the stupid plankton she has to witness each morning. even worse if she has to deal with him talking game but he can barely even last OR get it up OR have sex properly. size matters!

girls who are like "aw i dont care about wee sizes" well... they're probably trailer park trash, have no standards, or have rainbow colored hair and dress like emo goth hot topic brony people and know they have no value so they have to settle for their dumb Reddit life lmao. ew no...

>> No.10443209

I've got 5 so g'fuck yourself dumb cunt

>> No.10443215

its kind of sad but even if a guy was completely perfect otherwise, if he was under a certain or actually average or below, i probably wouldn't.. actually not probably --- I wouldn't reply. and i wouldn't give him an explanation. :/ :( i feel bad but not really. life's too short to deal with small penorz.

>> No.10443225

wtf. Im 6'' and i feel small as fuck

>> No.10443234

welcome to the world lol

>> No.10443238

gib numbers

>> No.10443239
File: 451 KB, 539x540, 1512690643335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too! The difference is that I know how to have sex and please women but even though the insecurity comes and goes, I know that life, siting trying to hide your penis with pillows, not going to swim with everybody and all the little things, the little things hurt me the most, the everyday little hacks to contorn the situation.FHUUUUXK

>> No.10443242

you might feel small, but compared to the average, you're not.

>> No.10443248

you fucked up, cat person.

>> No.10443249

did you reach penetrative orgasm? eating is too easy

>> No.10443256

what do you mean

>> No.10443261

that’s because you’re a girthlet, probably have mild ED and are likely a Whyte; but, more importantly you’re average which means a large enough number of people in the same demo are superior to you for you to be conscientious of your own lack of outstanding features. This insecurity however only matters a few times a year at most for many men, maybe a few times a month if you are so lucky. If you allow being average to define your self-image you’re mentally crippled and don’t have much to live for.

>> No.10443282

the problem is not psychological, i just wanna know if when i'll finally have a gf and not just random sluts I fuck one time them then throw way because of their unbearable mediocrity, when this happens I don't want her to think i have a small dick

>> No.10443295

i actually like puppies and siberian huskies and samoyeds and golden retrievers etc! :)

>> No.10443301

Yes but most of the time I eat and at the time I go to fuck I already made them cum at least twice. Don't get me wrong I have an active sex life but still sucks because I'm Brazilian and mixed I like my ethnicity but being born with small Dick was just mean

>> No.10443307



enjoy a life of slavery having to use your mouth, toys, and everything else because your dick is unsatisfactory.

>> No.10443309


Seem perfect to me!

>> No.10443320

meanwhile you're balding at 30 and you'll be dead before she even hits granny status lmao! haha! and she'll be a hot granny! !! G E L 2 F

>> No.10443338

Reminder to report all non-literature related threads.

>> No.10443344

fucking teachers pet nerd

>> No.10443352

meanwhile Chad can stretch her out and leave her under divine bliss in one stroke!

>> No.10443358

Don't be mean on Vietnamese knitting board

>> No.10443362

>I don't want her to think i have a small dick
kek same I don't really care but there is such a massive stigma and assumptions of insecurity I feel like I'm getting memed into it.

>> No.10443365

I have desires to kill myself but I know I'll never act on them, more of a fantasy to play out in my mind and indulge in the self-pity and desire to imagine how others would react to my death.

>> No.10443368

yep, it's all a meme!

>say you're going to fuck her "sooo hard"
>tell her about how badly you want her

>you take out your twig.


the word "cock" is reserved for Alphas. for you, a lot of fucking work and disappointment.

>> No.10443479

and its funny when guys are like "oh, well big isn't good because it'll hurt for her." "my gf says it hurts and that im too big"

DUH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! it's a compliment!!!!!!! that means she's being penetrated!!!!!!!!! girls love being dominated, taken care of, and a man who's too big for her.

if you're "average" and whatever and she says you're big, she's just trying to cope with the reality that she has to be with you and is trying to make you feel better. it's nice when she doesn't have to joke or lie about it. :(! :( :) ^^

you should be able to protect, care for, and love your girl, have her screaming/moaning and unable to handle all of you or any of you,

not her barely being able to tolerate you and you ' "just fitting" ' or whatever (let's not forget that when you're not erect she has to hold back her laughter and there is nothing there lol.) that's so gross disgusting and lame. what's the point ?

>> No.10443548
File: 74 KB, 810x780, When+people+asks+me+why+fun+things+are+fun+_8245665a8856c8069c47c32e86fee58c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>say you're going to fuck her "sooo hard"
>>tell her about how badly you want her
i don't do this though

>> No.10443551

Well that's because you're gay.

>> No.10443556

Also even your mom won't answer your phone calls.

>> No.10443575

your gf is going to like your dick more than normal women, they’re an emotional race anon. their whole thing is feeling out the sex and romance. we’re the physically oriented one’s. You’ll b fine assuming you get one

>> No.10443601
File: 29 KB, 600x325, 2F7E5BFE-E840-44B2-9FB6-CFB573445D6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP about being friendly and the festive season
>Fags are discussing penises

>> No.10443602

just as an FYI this poster is a mentally ill fat person or a tranny trying to rile up depressives for attention because her limited male prospects don’t pay attention to her. She’s spent the last 36 hours desperately farming attention from anons because her tinder match is ignoring her. Please don’t listen to mentally ill 6/10 women

>> No.10443606

eh, no.

and wow, limited male prospects? lmao tinder? i went on tinder once and i can guarantee you, you wouldn't be able to amount to 1/100000000000th of the people i match with. and no, they're not catfish but all verified. and maybe if you stopped talking about your microscopic problems, people wouldn't get so triggered?????

>> No.10443611

lol "women are emotional"

jesus christ, a small dick is a small dick.

>> No.10443613

I was going to write some depressing shit about h9ow I want to kill myself in this thread, but instead, I got drunk! Now I'm here to say, Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Christmas!

I'm going to read Husserl while walking around my apartment in pants that smell really bad!

>> No.10443633

kek we're of the same spirit you trying to into Heidegger? Husserl is pretty godamn boring

>> No.10443641
File: 183 KB, 600x600, 68785713-E510-47E9-8613-7F7545F13448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill this board already

Fuck off with your feelsposting

>> No.10443653

thanks anon

>> No.10443655

6” isn’t small sweetie that’s like saying C-cup tits are small or a 120 iq is stupid.

and if you knew anything about neuopsychology you’d know that women’s pleasure derives more from ambient and emotional stimuli than men’s hence the retardation of caring about a woman’s pleasure in the first place
reminder: fat and mentally ill women are less human than their male counterparts, don’t ever give them your penis. a healthy woman would be on snapchat right now or helping her mom cook. this one has no prospects or hope for long term male support. at 30 she’ll still be typing. like a schizophrenic and trying to beguile betas into sucking her clit for 30 minutes

>> No.10443664
File: 3.04 MB, 1536x2048, 68C25C69-5F5B-4E9F-85D2-27D01C98AE15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good books from this semen demon?

>> No.10443692

i'm not fat, not mentally ill, and lol actually saying that 6" isn't small and that it's like C CUP TITS?!?! LMAOOOOOO oh god, if it was any other day and i actually cared, i'd show this to some girls so they could die of laughter.

best wishes to you and your small penis lol!! lmao

>> No.10443694

thats sweet

>> No.10443697

lmfaooooooooo "neuropsychology states that my penis isn't small!!"'' "i can please a girl no problem!!!"

yeah in fucking la la land????? literally cringe at your flaccid penis

>> No.10443703

i'm just grateful that i don't have to interact with your kind. ever !

>> No.10443704
File: 92 KB, 480x724, c42b9eeb0e447d293bd4bd45b2656472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile you're balding at 30
Not everyone is a hairlet, genelet.

>> No.10443723

>not understanding what a mean is nor being capable of using proper syntax
this is why women shouldn’t be allowed to learn letters or numbers. they just spit on it and then ask for help and preferential treatment.
double posting

>> No.10443731

nobody needs your weasley help!.,

and you think they couldn't get it anywhere else?? ?

>> No.10444297

t. balding soyboy

>> No.10444423

I actually really needed this. Thanks.

>> No.10444595

long story short, i like a girl at my job. Do not know how to approach or make small chat. Have low shit esteem.

/lit/ related question, any books dealing with low self esteem, dont care if ending is sad or not.

>> No.10445135

Happy holidays

>> No.10445439

Asians show love in action while the West does by feeling. We will tell people we love that we love them, while an Asian will convey their feelings by working hard for their family and shit.

>> No.10445445

Are you the same anon that made that Succubus thread?