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/lit/ - Literature

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1044165 No.1044165 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see if there are any newcomers


Last book read:
Currently reading:
Favourite book:
People you're interested in:
Any other information you deem relevant

>> No.1044177

Age: 24
Location: Portugal
Last book read: Conference of the Birds
Currently reading: Greek Classical Myths
Favourite book: Wuthering Heights
People you're interested in: right now, Cicero

>> No.1044181

Age: 21
Location: Richmond Va
Last book read: Ender's Game
Currently reading: War and Peace
Favourite book: can't decide
People you're interested in: As long as they're reasonably intelligent, it doesn't matter.
Any other information you deem relevant: I drink beer for breakfast

>> No.1044194

Age: 28
Location: Los Angeles
Last book read: Shades of Grey
Currently reading: Department of Mad Scientists (Listening to War and Peace)
Favourite book: Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck
People you're interested in: People who immediately renew their passports even if they have no immediate plans for international travel.
Any other information you deem relevant: I was once on a cruiseship that crashed into a glacier of the coast of Antarctica. I was reading a book about The Endevour at the moment of impact.

>> No.1044203

Age: 28
Location: central Massachusetts, USA
Last book read: Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer
Currently reading: The Course of the Heart by M. John Harrison
Favourite book: I don't know, I haven't read them all yet.
People you're interested in: People who will give me free books.

>> No.1044209

Age: 17
Location: UK
Last book read: The curious incident of the dog in the night time
Currently reading: The phantom tollbooth
Favourite book:1984
People you're interested in: peoplewith different perspectives and lifestyles than my own.

>> No.1044210 [DELETED] 

Reported, underage b&

>> No.1044221

Age: 19
Location: England (East Midlands)
Last book read: American Gods (meh)
Currently reading: V, Naked Lunch
Favourite book: Can't choose :(
People you're interested in: Anyone who will buy me books in exchange for photos of my cock

>> No.1044222
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Why does anyone post in these threads.

If you find a guy/girl near you, it'll just be some pudgy jobless average-looking wannabe intellectual.

Trying to find relationships on 4chan is like getting your groceries from a dumpster.

>> No.1044249

Hey, I almost found true love on 4chan. /b/ of all places.
Only problem was she was married and lives thousands of miles away.
Ah well. These things happen.

>> No.1044255


Do you have a nice cock?

>> No.1044258

I'm not expecting to meet anyone, I'm just talking,

>> No.1044282

Age: 18
Location: England, East Midlands
Last book read: LOL i dont read.
Currently reading: 4chan /lit/
Favourite book: a book with pictures of countries and details about them.
People you're interested in: Nice Soul girls.

>> No.1044291

Oh hai

>> No.1044300

Age: 19
Location: PA
Last book read: The Plague
Currently reading: Winesburg, Ohio
Favourite book: Either The Trial or Pale Fire
People you're interested in: People who like talking about books and art.
Any other information you deem relevant: Heavy tea drinker with casual interest in UFO sightings.

>> No.1044324

Age: 19
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Last Book Read: "Peeps" by Scott Westerfeld
Currently Reading: Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
Favourite Book: "Looking for Alaska" by John Green, "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman
People your interested in: Well, I like me the artsy types o' women. As much as like reading and writing I'm primarily a musician, so an interest in music is nice.

>> No.1044343

Age: 18
Location: Wales, UK
Last book read: Phaedo - Plato
Currently reading: The Iliad, Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine
Favourite book: Don't have one
People you're interested in: Cats. They're people.
Any other information you deem relevant: Well I once....no, scratch that. Nope, nothing relevant to add.

>> No.1044345

Age: 18
Location: MI
Last book read: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce
Currently reading: Good Omens
Favorite book: Neuromancer
People you're interested in: short dark-haired indie girls who like to fuck (honestly)

>> No.1044356

Age: Oh God, how am I 22?
Location: Dallas, Texas
Last book read: And Another Thing
Currently reading: Baltimore
Favourite book: Tie between Feet of Clay/Night Watch/Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
People you're interested in: Short, don't like blonde hair, really dig glasses.
Any other information you deem relevant: Tall, nerdy, philosopher.

>> No.1044367

Age: 22 male
Location: philadelphia, pa
Last book read: the selected poems of kenneth koch
Currently reading: the corrections by jonathan franzen
Favourite book: i keep coming back to the selected poems of george oppen. i don't know. i think this question is somewhat bullshitty.
People you're interested in: i like girls that like to read a lot and like to talk about books and stuff. also girls that like to drink wine and watch movies and yell obscenities at bums. maybe a little breakdancing on the side.

>> No.1044370

Age: 23
Location: TEXAS
Last book read: Twilight of the Idols
Currently reading: Outer Dark, Moby-Dick, Unbearable Lightness of Being and Pale Blue Dot
Favourite book: The Sound and the Fury
People you're interested in: Cute young girls who want to have sex with me.

>> No.1044375

Age: 20
Location: Texas
Last book read: Northern Lights
Currently reading: The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, A Canticle for Leibowtiz, The Subtle Knife
Favourite book: Hitchhiker's Guide, A Clockwork Orange, The War of the Worlds
People you're interested in: Tall and dark hair, glasses! intellectual types.
Any other information you deem relevant: I also really like video games, in addition to reading.

Hey you! I live like an hour east of you. I am small with glasses, but unfortunately have blonde hair.

>> No.1044377


>> No.1044385

Age: 18
Location: Scotland
Last book read: Ada
Currently reading: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume
Favourite book: Ada or Ador: A Family Chronicle
People you're interested in: Wannabe-intellectuals, social retards, etc
Any other information you deem relevant: I have no friends right now.

Tell me about Phaedo, I skipped it.

>> No.1044384 [DELETED] 
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I'm male

>> No.1044390

How did Ada treat you? Well, obviously pretty well since it's your favorite, but what did you think while you were reading it? I enjoyed it a lot but it's not quite my favorite Nabokov. Sometimes brevity adds to brilliance.


>> No.1044400

Age: 19
Sex: Female
Location: Scotland
Last book read: The rights of man
Currently reading: The Art of Happiness
Favourite book: The prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
People you're interested in: Someone I could talk about books to in person, So from Scotland hopefully.

>> No.1044412

Where in Wales?

>> No.1044413
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>this thread

>> No.1044420


How did you like the Subtle Knife? Have you read the Amber Spyglass yet?

>> No.1044430

Age: 25
Location: Paris, France
Last book read: Nouveaux écrits de Rodez
Currently reading: Walden, Essays by Emerson, Sylvia Plath Journal, The Lay of the Land (R. Ford), Portrait du Joueur (Philippe Sollers), Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters.
Favourite books: Franny and Zooey, Le Bleu du Ciel
People you're interested in: Writers, Painters, Musicians, &c

>> No.1044432

Haven't finished The Subtle Knife yet, but almost! I don't quite like it as much as the first book, probably because of the new character addition. But it's still pretty nice.

>> No.1044437

Do you speak with a strange yet sexually arousing accent?

>> No.1044438


>> No.1044448

yes, yes, male, you average frustrated /lit/ lurker LOL

>> No.1044453
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>> No.1044460


Aw, I really liked Will and his batshit mother.

>> No.1044470 [DELETED] 

posted in the last one as well...

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Location: Amish Country PA
Last book read: Spin by Robert Charles Wilson
Currently reading: waiting on Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace to come into the library, rereading some PKD short stories
Favourite book: dune series
People you're interested in: conversational types. females. /lit/erary folks, specifically scifi. internet buddies. females.

>> No.1044474

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Location: Amish Country PA
Last book read: Spin by Robert Charles Wilson
Currently reading: waiting on Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace from the library; rereading PKD short stories
Favourite book: dune series
People you're interested in: conversational types. /lit/erary types, specifically scifi. internet buddies. females.

>> No.1044489

samefag here, /lit/ used to have a tinychat a few months ago on tinychat: lit2

>> No.1044490

Where in Texas are you?

>> No.1044493

That's kind of subjective, but I guess I've had compliments.

>> No.1044494
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Age: 21
Location: American south
Last book read: FEED by Mira Grant
Currently reading: Blindness by Jose Saramogo
Favourite Book: so far, still 1984. Waiting for something else that will completely transform my way of thinking, even though it's been five years. ;_;
People I'm interested in: Vonnegut, Hemingway, maybe Nietzche. Reading a bit of anything well regarded I can get my hands on at the moment.

>> No.1044497

t i n y c h a t (d o t) c o m/lit2

>> No.1044502

Age: 16
Location: Tejas
Last book read: Dubliners by James Joyce
Currently reading: How fiction works
Favourite book: Song of Solomon by Toni Morisson
People you're interested in: James Joyce, Toni Morisson

>> No.1044507


We should have a texasfag meetup.

>> No.1044510

Age: 29
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
Last book read: yesterday I finished A Maze of Death and The Sirens of Titan
Currently reading: Going to start VALIS today, maybe some short stories on the way
Favourite book: Of all time? That's tough. If somebody asked me today what book they should read, I'd say Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. I read it last week, and it's sticking with me more than the other books I've read since then.
People you're interested in: reclusive, effortlessly-creative musicians

Good man. I have the PKD reader, but I was thinking I'd trade it in, I think a different publisher puts out all of his short stories in a few volumes. So far I don't enjoy the short stories as much as the books, but I'm going to run out of these small doses of PKD.
I'm just getting into his post-freakout books. I was worried they would be overly-spiritual and not what I like about his stuff, but this has turned out to be wrong.

>> No.1044513

Oi, você leia ficção em português?

>> No.1044519

Yes please! Where's everybody else from? I think the Dallas area is quite a nexus.

>> No.1044520


Well, school starts up in 2 weeks...I live in Dallas.

>> No.1044526
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>> No.1044530

Know any good meet-up type places in Dallas? Like a good bookstore or something?

>> No.1044535

I'm in Austin unfortunately, but I might be able to make a trip to dallas to meet some litfags :D

>> No.1044546

We totally need to make this happen. I live about an hour from Dallas, but I don't know about the bookstores there for possible meet up locations. Maybe a Half-Price books?

>> No.1044550

Dallas, Texas
Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Portnoy's Complaint
I can't narrow down favorite books well.
Interested in people who open their eyes, move around, and speak, preferably.

Texasfag meet-up sounds both interesting and shitty at the same time.

>> No.1044553


There's that big-ass Half-Price Books off of Northwest Highway in Dallas?

>> No.1044557

não, há muitos livros que não consigo encontrar em português e portanto leio em inglês.

>> No.1044560

I'm kind of social and would try to make it not awkward and shitty! Man I am excited now.

>> No.1044567

The address is 5803 East Northwest Highway, Dallas, TX?

Looks pretty great, lots of other stores nearby as well! Anybody else up for this? Is it a good location?

>> No.1044571

Age: 18
Sex: Female
Location: Southern Massachusetts
Last book read: Gutenberg Elegies (for an english class)
Currently reading: In Cold Blood
Favourite book: Clockwork Orange, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Crime and Punishment
People you're interested in: Girls who like lit, the vidya, maybe even animu (though I haven't watched any in ages), who aren't much older than me. I don't even really wanna fuck. I just want to find someone nice to talk to and maybe hang out with and lets see what happens from there.

>> No.1044572

I have school, work, and other shit to handle. I doubt if we could actually make a timeslot that would fit for all of us. If we did, I'd be in.

>> No.1044575 [DELETED] 

>Likes GIRLS

>> No.1044576

Isn't specification of gender kind of important to a "hookup thread"? Otherwise it's a real flip of the coin whether you find someone that understands you or someone that really makes you question your sexuality.

>> No.1044577
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>Likes GIRLS

>> No.1044578

Well, Sunday's are generally free I think?

>> No.1044580
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Age: 25
Location: Detroit, MI
Last book read: A Feast For Crows
Currently reading: Sea of Monsters
Favourite book: A Brave New World
People you're interested in: Grant Morrison
Any other information you deem relevant: Currently jotting down ideas for novels in several genres, and writing 2 as we speak.

>> No.1044581

You need to get out more, bro.

>> No.1044583
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You got a problem with that?

>> No.1044584


>> No.1044588
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Age: 29/M
Location: Middlefield, Ohio
Last book read: Saturday by Ian McEwan
Currently reading: Maugham's Choice of Kipling's Best and The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly
Favorite book: This is a mood dependent choice for me, but today it would be Breakfast of Champions or Goodbye Blue Monday by Vonnegut. I'm feeling silly.
People you're interested in: Adventurous, amorous, and A-moral types. TEE-HEE.

>> No.1044591


Sauce on that pic OP? Pleasee

>> No.1044592
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>> No.1044593

Girls who like girls are not uncommon. It's not a huge deal.

>> No.1044597
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>asking for sauce on /lit/

>> No.1044606

Are you that person from Edinburgh?

>> No.1044629

Like asking for a source on /lit/ is any worse than a hookup thread on /lit/.

>> No.1044646


tinychat dot com/texaslit

If you guys want to!

>> No.1044685

London, UK
>Last book read
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce)
>Currently reading
Heart of Darkness (Conrad)
>Favourite book
If On A Winter's Night A Traveller (Calvino)
>People you're interested in
Everyone, I suppose- most people interest me in one way or another.
>Any other information you deem relevant
I'm a classical musician. Also, I'm a heterosexual male.

>> No.1044699

>I'm a classical musician
Jesus, that's worse than being a Jazz musician in the 21st Century.

>> No.1044715

Yes, lets kill all music genre that was "invented" befor the year 2000. We don`t need it anymore. It`s not like it has inspired any modern works or anything. Oh, and while we`re at it, lets kill all literature that was written before 2000 as well. Don`t need it anymore, do we?

>> No.1044720 [DELETED] 
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Location: Nova Friburgo, Rio
Last book read: Made a pause on Gravity's Rainbow, before that, not sure. Either Clarissa, by Verissimo, or Unbearable Lightness of the Being.
Currently reading: Old man and the Sea
Favourite book: 1984, i guess
People you're interested in: Moderately attractive girl, that can put with me, and a bossy personality.
Any other information you deem relevant: I'm incredibly pathetic, even by 4chan standards.

>> No.1044723


It's not all that bad, I still get regular work and that...


Come now, I'm sure he wasn't being malicious.

>> No.1044725

You interpreted my meaning incorrectly.

>> No.1044726

Location: Nova Friburgo, Rio
Last book read: Made a pause on Gravity's Rainbow, before that, not sure. Either Clarissa, by Verissimo, or Unbearable Lightness of the Being.
Currently reading: Old man and the Sea
Favourite book: 1984, i guess
People you're interested in: Moderately attractive girl, that can put with me, and a bossy personality.
Any other information you deem relevant: I'm incredibly pathetic, even by 4chan standards.

>> No.1044730

i don't think that's what he was saying at all.

but you have to admit, being a classicly trained musician is like being a blacksmith. it's a lost art that was once very relevant but that has lost some of its importance

>> No.1044735


That's not true in the slightest, though!

>> No.1044748
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typical no one lives by me, Chicago

Also typical that a large portion of people are not from the U.S. as us 'mericans are on the whole illiterate

>> No.1044752

Nope I'm from Ayr.

>> No.1044753

well, you're obviously in a better position to speak than me.

But i just don't think that when people, in the future, look back and tell the history of music of our time, classical music won't play as an important role as it did in previous centuries

>> No.1044762


I've no way of saying if that's true or not, certainly, but I'm a performer rather than a composer. People will still look back on recordings of Caruso and Clement and say that they were some of the most talented musicians to ever live.

Besides which, conservatoires are still alive and well and Bel Canto is taught in numerous schools around the world.

It may not be the coolest thing at the moment, but opera is still going. Covent Garden will still sell out almost every night with seats in the stalls going at 500 pounds sterling each.

>> No.1044767

>If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

This plus the teacup thread confirm you are fucking rad.

>> No.1044781

That's because classical music isn't pop music. History is written by rich white guys and classical music is what rich white guys listen to (such as myself) so naturally, that is what ends up in the history books. With the advent of recording, music has become a mass-produced commodity driven by the demand of the general public. On top of that, most of what would be called classical music today is not very accessible for most listeners.

>> No.1044782

Age: 20
Location: Wisconsin
Last book read: Fatu Hiva by Thor Heyerdahl
Currently reading: Contact by Carl Sagan
Favourite book: Lost Horizon by James Hilton
People you're interested in: Drug dealers

>> No.1044787

Are you real? That last bit is too awesome.

>> No.1044794

>Location: Southern Massachusetts
Wow somebody that actually lives close to me and--

>interested in: Girls

>> No.1044805

18-year-old girls who like girls are just going through a phase. Give her a few months and she'll be ready to hop on the cock again.

>> No.1044797

>People will still look back on recordings of Caruso and Clement and say that they were some of the most talented musicians to ever live

You obviously know more about music than i do but i studied piano for a few years and i think i have an above average knowledge of music and i have never heard of those musicians, though I, like many others, have heard about Bach, Debussy, Chopin, Beethoven etc... see what i mean?

>Covent Garden will still sell out almost every night with seats in the stalls going at 500 pounds sterling each

Sure, but (i think) they are playing the opera pieces that were written a long time ago.

And being a classicly trained musician is extremely cool, not to mention that it is a profession regarded with great respect. It's something that i have always wanted to be, but you have to start at an early age and i didn't get into music until i was 13.

>> No.1044798


You're very kind to say, thank you very much. If you're ever in London we can have tea and discuss Calvino.

>> No.1044808

At what age do you think sexuality sticks then?

>> No.1044817

Not that guy and I don't agree with him - but there are many teenage girls who go through confused phases and are just figuring shit out, and a lot of them wind up realizing that they are actually straight. Boys, too.

>> No.1044818

I don't think it's so much a phase, but that at certain points in life you are more attracted to certain kinds of people.

>> No.1044829

You don't need to start early at all- I'm a singer and I've been forbidden to try various roles until I'm much much older. There are two or three roles I'm allowed to attempt at my age, and it's very unlikely anyone will hire me for them. In the meantime, I'm a choral singer, and there's plenty of demand for choirs at the moment, luckily.

Perhaps you don't know them, then... but I'm sure you know who Pavarotti is?

And Covent Gardens will, every now and then, put on something new, but it's not really their brief. ENO, whose stall seats go for a hefty 200 pounds sterling each will certainly do new stuff, and The Opera Group almost exclusively do new stuff.

You're all quite right, it's not hugely popular at the moment, and perhaps it is a dying art, but I resent the implication that it's obsolete.

>> No.1044831

Age: 15

Location: USA

Last Book Read: Pygmy (sucked)

Currently Reading: Walden

Favorite Book: For Whom The Bell Tolls

People I'm Interested In: I truly dislike most people. There are no real distinguished similarities between the people that I DO like. We just kind of click.

>> No.1044833

Age: 22
Location: Germany
Last book read: making money by Terry Pratchett
Currently reading: Unseen Academicals by Terry Pratchett
Favourite book: The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
People you're interested in: People who want to talk and hopefully some fellow germanfags if they happen to be here.
Any other information you deem relevant: Currently reading through all the Terry Pratchett novels, almost done.

>> No.1044838

Age: 19
Location: Glasgow, Scotland
Last book read: Black Mischief - Evelyn Waugh
Currently reading: Fall of the Roman Republic - Plutarch
Favourite book: Probably the Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky
People you're interested in: Anyone who can maintain a decent concersation

>> No.1044842




>> No.1044847

Well you ruled yourself out, good job.

>> No.1044855

Kay, I'll bite.

Age: 23
Location: New Jersey, USA
Last book read: On the Beach by Nevil Shute
Currently reading: Player Piano, A Game of Thrones, The Raw Shark Texts
Favourite book: too difficult to choose
People you're interested in: anyone. I have no IRL friends T_T
Any other information you deem relevant: I'm really bored. Someone hang out with me.

>> No.1044856


Just woke up.
That's the price of nocturnalism.

>> No.1044854

now i feel ashamed. I do know who Clemente and Caruso are but i thought you were referring to composers so i didn't place them.

Obsolete? I don't think so either, but it just doesn't influence the direction music takes anymore.

It's like Venice, which was once the cultural and economical center of the world, but now is just another city. Still beautiful though...

By the way, are there any great temporary composers of classical music? The most "recent" i know are Rachmaninoff and Debussy