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/lit/ - Literature

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10441576 No.10441576 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else feel like a massive pseud all the time? Is this normal? All great minds doubt themselves at times right?

>> No.10441612

Try talking to normies.

>> No.10441616

Now I feel better, thanks Anon

>> No.10441634

I am either a total fraud or have major impostor syndrome because everything I do feels fake and premeditated and like playing a character and I am always doubting my own abilities out of a fear of my own huge ego and a reasonable skepticism towards anyone who gives me approval. I skim read, I am a fake reader. I write but don't finish anything, I am just another dilettante. I am followed by doubt about whether I like literature at all or whether I want to like literature.

I don't think it's great minds who doubt themselves but great egos. To dwell on your own failures is to worry about others finding them out. To be unable to accept your failures is to narcissistically believe yourself somehow greater than you are, than the average person is. I think a lot of brainy people doubt themselves because their self worth is inflated but entirely internal. It's why brainy people are pretentious and showy, they need validation for that internal work, they're not comfortable judging it themselves.

>> No.10442602

But normies are fake as fuck, and obsessed wih image how do you know if any of them are even vaguely intelligent

>> No.10442611

No Im absurdly cocky to the point of egomania, although I have every right to be

>> No.10442706

literally me
great read

>> No.10442848

Just talk to your parents OP

>> No.10442917
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so basically you think you're smart because you have self doubt?

>> No.10443033

>imposters syndrome

have you actually achieved anything? grants? publishing?

Are you just going through university?

>> No.10443042


And the opposite, the more time passes the less insecure I feel and the more intensely i despise most people

>> No.10443044

your parents are smarter than you.

they've accepted their lack of talent, and have bitten the curb of a mortgage so you can pretend to read.

>> No.10443060

>Great mind
You're on 4chan
>B-but I'm just LAZY!
ok hahah

>> No.10443530

But the pretenders who would have you regarding that position don't in fact have pseudointellectually too strong a certainty. In Fact, the laziness you have so long to be born from suffered and rejected all that has convenience and pretension.


>> No.10443538

I bet your life's working out wonderfully my friend

>> No.10443554

I'm probably smarter than you. Way smarter and more talented.

Even I'm not this much of a fag.
Learn self-awareness, and maybe you'll see that it's just you giving off standoffish vibes, that people everywhere can pick up on in some weird extra-sensual sorta way. You're just a bore, and people know it, and you get mad at them for rejecting you.

>> No.10443560

irony:the post

>> No.10443569
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>I write but don't finish anything

>> No.10443588

quick tip: when someone can tell how much of a fag you are, just project it back onto them! Yippeeee!

Now you can go your whole life without even giving any effort! You can just pretend you're a genius because you achieved the most normal, menial shit!

>> No.10443608

The sky is the limit, it's all about work ethic. Why does it matter if you're a pseud, read harder work harder.

>> No.10443663

That's because you haven't commited to something with psychotic devotion yet.

When you're ready to finally do something great, you'll realize all the time and effort you spent on creating that great thing will demistfy the whole experience. You'll see great works as nothing more than awkwardly stitched together pieces. Great works are an illusion played on untrained minds. You can only believe in artistic genius when you're not familiar with the craft of that particular art. In its essence it is no different than a magic show. You have no clue what's going on so it seems amazing, but if you've studied and worked on it psychotically for decades it will lose its flavor.

Most of wannabes here don't finish anything because it's more attractive to believe in the "literary lifestyle", it's more attractive to think about being respected and acknowledged for some work you didn't have to spend 1000000000 hours on. Let's face it, it's all about lifestyle and validation. For you here, literature is probably what you intuitively sense fits you as the best outlet, but it all comes down to feeling wanted and acknowledged.

As you end up spending hours and hours and hours of your time of course no man worth his salt is going to just admit defeat and turn back. So external validation and pussy can't logically justify the effort anymore, therefore the work becomes an end in itself and you're engaged in some psychotic chase of the great work and when you finally manage to do it you realize you've basically sacrificed an incredible part of your life for this thing but you're too proud and too emotionally invested to admit it wasn't worth it.

So what I'm saying is, if you feel like a pseud it's probably because you envision the endpoint motivated by validation but you haven't really decided yet you're going all in. That's why you never finish anything. The idea of being a successful literati is more attractive to you than the actual reality of it. Not that I am making a moral judgement here, I am not sure which path is better. It might be better to just leave it in your fantasy.

>> No.10443733

kek. at least you get it. the part where he said "learn self-awareness" combined with "way smarter and more talented" was the icing on the cake for me

>> No.10443741

some people are actually smarter and more talented than you, anon.

does that fact bring you envy? envy sure ain't good. the leading cause of misery desu,

>> No.10443744

why, did i bother you anon?
lots of personality disorder seeping off of the edges of your incoherent diatribe. you should consider having a drink and looking at some trees or a lake, something to ease that troubled soul of yours.

>> No.10443748

Imagine being this mad you're a brainlet and doomed for a lesser mental life

>> No.10443757
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t. narcissist incels

>> No.10443770
File: 17 KB, 448x336, why you so mad anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no man, if it weren't for those smart and hardworking people i wouldn't have the comfortable life i do right now. i have no idea are or aren't smarter than me, i don't think of people in unidimensional terms, but you kinda sound like a dick.
and btw when did you get the impression that i'm miserable? I'm listening to DJ Cheb and shitposting on 4chan, life's pretty good right now desu. plus it's fucking christmas tomorrow.

>> No.10443842

Heheh I'm a volcel

>> No.10443843

how does one stop being standoffish?

>> No.10443849

stop being a judgmental prick who thinks he's hot shit just because he can read

>> No.10443858

Sounds pretty cucky to me

>> No.10443875

enjoy having no friends because you know about gravity's rainbow or something then

>> No.10443880

If you don’t know about something, don’t speak about it to people who do know.

>> No.10443902

Most importantly, don't try to impress dumb people by throwing your half-knowledge around without actually truly understanding the topic yourself.

>> No.10443986

what is a pseud

>> No.10444038


>> No.10444064

You answered your own question I think. The posturing and bragging is your best indicator that someone is retarded and full of shit. An easy follow-up is talking about even basic knowledge on the topic that requires reading a book and can't be skimmed from a wiki page.

I was talking to a friend a few days ago who got very animated about how widely varied the sources of English words can be. I had just finished reading a history of England and tried telling her about the successive waves of invasion/settlement which created a sort of layer cake of language/culture on the island, and the eras of cultural connection to/insulation from the Continent, as major forces in shaping language. She said "oh I don't care THAT much about English history." Like, ok. We're not really going that deep, and I would be the first to confess a still-pleb-tier understanding of the issue, so I don't really know how much less you can care while continuing to care at all.

>> No.10444159

most sensible post in this thread so far

>> No.10444218

Somehow I doubt you've ever actually created a great work of art or have even so much as attempted to, but feel free to share it in your next post

>> No.10444258

dont worry anon im validating you for today
merry xmas

>> No.10444274

thats so stupid dude fuck you thats the worst advice you can even give at all

>> No.10444277

this thread is full of good posts
merry xmas to yall

>> No.10444292

hey man how about you kill yourself

>> No.10444329

the opposite, actually

>> No.10444333

Holy shit

>> No.10444411

People want you to doubt yourself because they doubt themselves. For most of this year I worked a retail job where I was excessively micromanaged, and the more I pushed back the worse my job performance became out of distress. It gave me a huge inferiority complex.

After a particularly disastrous Black Friday weekend, I was asked if I wanted to quit. Clutching to my pride I did quit and was thankfully able to quickly attain another retail job through someone I knew. This new job is commission-based and significantly more independent than my last one. After working there for a week and a half I have already become the #1 top seller in the store, and I was only able to do it because the people I work with are largely positive, genuine in their actions, and helpful.

Retail's not my passion I actually found out right after accepting this second position that I have been accepted for an opportunity out in California that will help me advance my career, but none of that is the point of my story. It's not about how smart you are. Self-doubt is only as useful as how much you act on it, and try to recognize when external forces are weighing down on you for reasons that are not your betterment. The goal is to be your best self, nothing less.

>> No.10444436

I never feel like a pseud but I used to fall prey to impostor syndrome when I was a PhD candidate. I've learned to identify my unique strengths and come to terms with the fact that no one is a jack-of-all-trades. People generally have a deep but narrow expertise and a broad understanding of other areas.

>> No.10444441

t. average /lit/cel

>> No.10444461

Great post

>> No.10444511

Interesting post. Interesting given its author is a 20something who has achieved nothing great in his life. Interesting................

>> No.10445051

this is great ty anon

>> No.10445074

I imagine everyone here is somewhat insecure about their intelligence and talent, and more than a few of us have literary pretensions. Few people have the work ethic to finish continue their project long after writing stops being "fun" and becomes more or less miserable and totally unrewarding. I have no doubt that there is a lot of potential on this board that for whatever reason won't pan out.

I never tell people that I write or once wrote because I never finished anything. Sometimes I'm humiliated about it, other times I just don't want to explain to somebody why I write or what my stories are about. I've never gotten along with "intellectuals" pseudo- or not. When you talk to people like that, every utterance is like a pissing contest and very little real discussion happens. The best storytellers in my experience have been ordinary people whom you can get to be perfectly honest for five or ten minutes. AA meetings, homeless shelters are good for that. I've always gotten along with the "lowbrow" crowd, and always will. The past few years have been very humbling for me, and part of growing up is realizing that you're not as smart as you think you are. I try to remember this every day.

>> No.10445084 [DELETED] 

Not him, but do you have no self awareness whatsoever? kek

>> No.10445164

"Friends" are an effeminate social structure for the weak minded who need constant group direction.

>> No.10445177

>The best storytellers in my experience have been ordinary people whom you can get to be perfectly honest for five or ten minutes. AA meetings, homeless shelters are good for that.
lmao fuck off dfw

>> No.10445329
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I am breaking through. Love. For the love of god love. Follow the Tao.

>> No.10445337

lol, what a sperg
he even made a post about his autism on 4chan to feel better

maybe it's you who makes her stop caring about English history, or maybe you just come off as an autistic creep

>> No.10445366

I want to die.

>> No.10445368

What's the most important thing to take away from understanding the Greeks?

>> No.10445370

>Learn self-awareness, and maybe you'll see that it's just you giving off standoffish vibes

how ironic, literally autistic hypocrisy the post

>> No.10445372
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this, so much this

>> No.10445374

Shut up you fucking retard, what I mean is that you shouldn't attempt to explain to people things you don't know yourself. Obviously I don't mean you should sit with your mouth closed whenever there is a topic being discussed you don't know extensively.

>> No.10445376

Yeah, I'm also a teenager.

>> No.10445388

What says teenager?

>> No.10445417

He just wants to signal his superiority, leave him alone