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10439265 No.10439265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is masculinity just a social construct after all?

>> No.10439271

No, it's the essence of Man.

>> No.10439279

Yes. partly, but nothing is "just" a social construct. Pointing out that something is a social construct does not, in itself, reduce that thing's complexity, just as it does not immediately deconstruct something.
In this case, the answer is yes, but what that means is totally open. For example, you could argue social constructs are not just social, not divorced from biology and genetics and so on

>> No.10439283

Yes, but its useful to be anyway.

>> No.10439291

Femininity is a social construct, masculinity is not. Masculinity is the default state of a pure ego and is by definition asocial.
Don't confuse masculinity with machismo

>> No.10439308

>t. dopey numales repeating jewish propaganda

>> No.10439314

Is mayonnaise a social construct?

>> No.10439321
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>don't think about things that make me uncomfortable

Femininity is a beautiful art of being not a natural state. Its why it needs to be encouraged and cultivated and why resisting Jewish education is so important.
There is no feminine Gorilla

>> No.10439328

No, it's a biological phenomenon. Sexual dimorphism doesn't stop at the physical.
In fact all traditionally masculine behavioral and mental traits can be connected to the effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone

>> No.10439332

>In fact all traditionally masculine behavioral and mental traits can be connected to the effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone

This is Nigger logic, acting like a stupid ape is not at all traditionally masculine

>> No.10439333

No Derrida, Mayonnaise is not a social construct

>> No.10439334
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Makes you think, doesn't it? The system regards masculinity as a 'toxic' threat to its existence. Wonder why 'masculinity' is a 'social construct' and yet 'the future is female', wonder why essentialism is applauded when it concerns the politically correct lgbtsjw community? The pride rainbow itself is a post Christian symbol of virtue. Christ on the Cross replaced by the screeching, victimized genderqueer, the form changes but the content remains, that is, guilt tripping and slave morality, a fundamental hatred of strength and of the strong.

>> No.10439338

It literally is though

>> No.10439339

There is a difference between "toxic masculinity" and "masculinity is toxic".
The former is stapling gender to a negative trait due to correlation and the latter is penis fear.
Although since you're sharing a Facebook tier meme I imagine you didn't come to this thread for nuance

>> No.10439340

not really, the fundamental characteristics which we see as masculine (competitiveness, agression, authority) exist in other animals. chimps are our closest living relatives and they exhibit notorious capability for organized violence

>> No.10439343

Liberals are right though, degenerate heathens are natural. Nature is an ugly shitshow and not something to be cherished but held in high suspicion.
It wasn't until Rousseau are the rise of alienated naive cosmopolitanites that nature became fetishized before then it was rightfully held to be the domain of evil and lecherousness

>> No.10439345

It's a physical construct, isn't it?
Although I don't understand the nuance of the social construct concepts since i haven't reached the post-modernists yet in my book list

>> No.10439349


Testosterone doesn't make you act like a stupid ape. Actually it makes you more grounded and mentally stable.
A combination of high testosterone AND high cortisol will make you irritable and volatile though.

>> No.10439353

There are natural things that exist in the world and just are what they are, and then there are jews who attack those natural things and try to make people think they aren't natural or real and say they are instead "social constructs." That's the only dynamic one need understand in this debate.

>> No.10439354

You should read Rousseau instead of spoutning bullshit.

>> No.10439357

Interesting. I still hold though that masculinity is in its definition counter to biologization. If you act well out of hermones you're not acting like a man

>> No.10439359

>sex is a social construct
>race is a social construct
>nationality is a social construct
>morality is a social construct
The more I look at this the more right you sound

>> No.10439360
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>If you disagree with my pet thinker it means you haven't read him

Suck a cock, I bet I read more of him than you have

>> No.10439365

It also makes you less risk-averse
Female stock traders outperform male ones on average because they make less trades.
Don't have a citation for this tho

>> No.10439368

>If you act well out of hermones you're not acting like a man
You are.
Research shows that testosterone and DHT give you the effect of this "calm confidence", a kind of grounded assertiveness. Are there more masculine archetypes out there?

>> No.10439374

You're completely missing the point, a person who is a slave to his glands is not masculine, doesn't matter if they act in a stereotypically manly way. Any nigger can do that.
Its reason that defines masculinity.

>> No.10439376

Yes, but less risk-aversion is not necessarily ape behavior.
Enterpreneurship is a risk. Leadership is a risk. Any "manly-man hero" archetype takes risks that no one else would.

>> No.10439380

That's really all it boils down to. The jew attacks and inverts all that is normal and natural. That is the jew's nature, which is why the jew has been so universally reviled throughout history, this constant attack on the norms of others.

>> No.10439381
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Leftoids are not even consistent postmodernists, as they remain fundamentally grounded on and represent the logical conclusion to Christian slave morality. Foucault, Butler and their ilk are nothing but a shrill moralistic repackaging of Nietzsche, a defanged pussyfied Nietszce stripped from anything remotely subversive. Notice how 'Victim' identities are good, natural and inherently commendable?

>> No.10439387
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Kill yourself

>> No.10439403

>slave morality

Shut the fuck up you retard. Nietzsche is babies first philosopher for brainlets

>> No.10439404

>Its reason that defines masculinity.
"Reason" is comically overrated outside of sciences.
You can't "reasonably" justify any kind of morality or value statements (good/bad). You need an underlying paradigm which is, by nature, unreasonable.

>> No.10439420

Yeah this

>> No.10439423

>You can't "reasonably" justify any kind of morality or value statements (good/bad). You need an underlying paradigm which is, by nature, unreasonable.

Hence why we need Jesus or there's no real justification to do anything and we may as well be dead, you're not disputing my point at all

>> No.10439424

masculinity is an archetype so I suggest YOU kill yourself

>> No.10439429

If you define masculinity as
>using reason and self-control in following the teachings of Jesus
then how do you define femininity?

>> No.10439432

No it isn't. Otherwise how would we come to identify it in the first place?
You're basically admitting that SJWs are right by this category

>> No.10439442

Submission and adoration to the superior mind. The suspension of reason for the sake of reason. And thus a sort of beautiful madness

>> No.10439443
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Everybody here start arguing like retards the second this thread started, BUT
you forgot to D E F I N E M A S C U L I N I T Y

>> No.10439444

not literature

>> No.10439446

Masculinity is an archetype that stems from natural behavioral characterstics of biologically male healthy humans