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File: 47 KB, 416x680, poster_1984_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10438763 No.10438763 [Reply] [Original]

How come in 1984, Orwell always portrays follows of the party as looking physically weird and fat? Look at this description while Winston is in the cafeteria

Nearly everyone was ugly, and would still have been ugly even if dressed otherwise than in the uniform blue overalls. On the far side of the room, sitting at a table alone, a small, curiously beetle-like man was drinking a cup of coffee, his little eyes darting suspicious glances from side to side. How easy it was, thought Winston, if you did not look about you, to believe that the physical type set up by the Party as an ideal — tall muscular youths and deep-bosomed maidens, blond-haired, vital, sunburnt, carefree — existed and even predominated. Actually, so far as he could judge, the majority of people in Airstrip One were small, dark, and ill-favoured. It was curious how that beetle-like type proliferated in the Ministries: little dumpy men, growing stout very early in life, with short legs, swift scuttling movements, and fat inscrutable faces with very small eyes. It was the type that seemed to flourish best under the dominion of the Party.

And look at these descriptions of Winston after he gets tortured

>As the gin rose in him he belched through purple lips. He had grown fatter since they released him, and had regained his old colour — indeed, more than regained it. His features had thickened, the skin on nose and cheekbones was coarsely red, even the bald scalp was too deep a pink.

And of Julia:

>Her face was sallower, and there was a long scar, partly hidden by the hair, across her forehead and temple; but that was not the change. It was that her waist had grown thicker, and, in a surprising way, had stiffened
>Her feet seemed to have grown broader, he noticed.

Why does Orwell connect party loyalty with physical ugliness? What exactly is he going for? It's never really explained so I don't understand the meaning behind it, but I feel like it has to mean something

>> No.10438771

winston is a schizo, surface readers get the heck out

>> No.10438789

i remember high school. i didn't struggle as much as you do.

>> No.10438795


I'm genuinely just curious. Orwell doesn't seem like the kind of writer who cares much about physical attractiveness so I don't get why he always describes people as ugly when they become party-loyal.

>> No.10438801

people that depend entirely on the party for their status are more loyal. hence they recruit dumb, ugly, incompetent, vicious, spiteful, and minority people for the outer party.

this is a solidly entrenched communist principle

>> No.10438932
File: 6 KB, 209x241, Mosley1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airstrip One is populated by ANGLOS

>> No.10438966

the party is representative of fascism and communism anon, Orwell as a socialist himself and wasn’t merely criticizing the USSR I know you fucking idiots give this book out to other idiots like that’s the case but its very clear the Party represents Nazism and Communism

>> No.10439152

national socialism is socialism, and communism is bolshevist socialism. 1984 is about socialism, not fascism you retard.

he stopped being a socialist after fighting in spain

>> No.10439184

1984 is about Socialist party hegemonic thought, including both the Fascists of Italy, Germany and Greece and the Communists of China and Russia. Its not directed at the USSR in particular

You just side-stepped what I said and then attacked a strawman. I never said that it was about fascism. I said that it was a critique of the Party thinking, the group thought of both regimes. Orwell never stopped being a socialist that's absolute crap

>> No.10439214

>Reddit spacing
Go away and talk to your classmates about it child

>> No.10439241

i'm not OP but what's your problem dude? why are you being so mean?

>> No.10439249

I believe it's meant to represent how to succeed in the party, one must become uncaring about himself, thus becomes fat.
It's something I've wondered myself OP, and I agree with you. Orwell doesn't seem someone to equate physical ugliness with moral one.

>> No.10439253

Winter break is here. Kids flood the board at his time.

>> No.10439262

italian fascism is completely different to socialist dynamics. there is NO indication at all that 1984 is about "party politics"

it is specifically about socialist/communist dynamics

ingsoc literally stands for english socialist party you fucking faggot

go hang

>> No.10439282

Because the people didn't live haelthy.

>> No.10439301

>Freaking newfags stop making threads about books! I wanna post about Cat Person and Jordan Peterson instead! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>> No.10439341

You're the one sperging out in the thread about books and not cobtributing to the discussion, child