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File: 53 KB, 450x600, 450px-Ernest_Hemingway_1923_passport_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10433200 No.10433200 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he think basic writing was a virtue?

>> No.10433211

What is basic writing to you?

>> No.10433216
File: 15 KB, 220x309, Carl_Van_Vechten_-_William_Faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"lol is this a fuckin kids book or something?"
>~Faulkner on Hemmingway

>> No.10433220

Because he was a repressed homo who didn't want his faggotry to be revealed if he tried to write in a sophisticated fashion

>> No.10433244

Keep in mind he was the only guy doing that style at the time before it became the go to cover up style for weak writers. If I were to take a guess its origination was probably due to a reaction against writers like Henry James

>> No.10433245

I'd guess that he relates it back to ego. Ego is a huge flaw in a lot of writers, and in a lot of writing.

Writing something sincerely often means getting it down to its essence, and thus the essence of the emotion and story. Dressing it up is just an exercise in masturbation for the author rather than focusing on the story itself. That'd be my guess.

I like Hemingway, but obviously there's a place for him the same as Joyce, Pound, Woolf, etc.

>> No.10433252

>He never sent anyone running to the dictionary
>Faulkner on Hemmingway

>> No.10434370

because it is

>> No.10434399

I absolutely hate this Hemingway basic writing style and its promotion has done enormous harm to literature, lowering the standards and making it so any idiot can, to the jewish publishing industry's choosing, fake it and make it, meanwhile blurring the line between good and bad writing/writers. It's why the style-focused people are right to make that the only deciding factor in a sea of mediocrity where well-edited 9th grade drivel can be passed off as "literature." I actually liked Hemingway a lot when I was younger, too, but can't overlook the damage anymore.

>> No.10435179

he was a drunk who couldn't sober up enough to write sentences longer than ten words

>> No.10436178

I've noticed /lit/ hates every book which is an easy read.

>> No.10436193

It is. Language is just a tool. Only incompetent appendices glorify tools.

>> No.10436198

Read his book about bull fighting? The depth of analysis using simple language os astonishing.

>> No.10436207

Literature for them is prose. How sad. That is the work of a frankenstein education system.

>> No.10436231


Opinion disregarded.

>> No.10436234

I'm surprised you're upset by lowered standards because you write like a total retard

>> No.10436247

Orwell does basic better than Hemingway.

>> No.10436397
File: 704 KB, 382x450, 1512473875432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ snobs can't see the appeal in mass appeal.

>> No.10436454

>I used run-off sentences, complicated syntax and flashy words
>therefore my writing is intellectual (tm)!!

There can be great beauty in simplicity, and I say that as a Lovecraft fan.

>> No.10436464

He was the worst thing that could have happened to writing, along with people lik Anne Beattie and that Barth guy.

>> No.10436481

>that Barth guy

Agree with the first part but could you elaborate here?

>> No.10436822


>Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?
>Hemingway to Faulkner

>> No.10438053

cause most people cant

>> No.10438054


>go to cover up style for weak writers

This is probably true because I definitely write more dryly out of fear for daring outside of my capabilities, but it's all in hopes that I'll develop a more personal voice overtime. Anyone else do this?

>> No.10438062

why Beattie?

>> No.10439213

Right back at ya

>> No.10439218

Faulkner actually liked Hemingway and praised him publicaly. Hemingway was insecure