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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.51 MB, 432x480, clickbait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10432817 No.10432817 [Reply] [Original]

Writing exercise: Post variations on 'who is this semen demon?'

>> No.10432828

who is this mucus succubus?

>> No.10432833

how does one acquire perfect skin?

>> No.10432840

>who is this seed stead?

>> No.10432841

Combination of good genes, good parent epigenetics (parent lifestyle influences the infant physically throughout his life has been found recently), good diet and lifestyle and finally good make-up and digital editing.

Also be cute otherwise no one will care.

>> No.10432847

Who is this juice sluice?

>> No.10432851

Of what is this hussy pus?

>> No.10432853

Who is this sex pig?

>> No.10432854

who is the one who haunts my my seemingly endless desire for something better than what is tangible?

>> No.10432855

i wanna cum in her vagina

>> No.10432857


>> No.10432863

Bho bs bhis bemen bemon?

>> No.10432865

who is this jizzebel?

>> No.10432866

I request of thee, carried out with great haste, whom is that urn of men's discharge in said Giph?

>> No.10432878


>> No.10432879

new phone who dis?

>> No.10432883

now that there is a spunk trunk

>> No.10432908

Who is this moisture cloister?

>> No.10432919

>(parent lifestyle influences the infant physically
jean baptiste lamarck pls stay dead

>> No.10432936

dayum gurl u wan sum fuk???

>> No.10432937

it's true though.

stop being dat.

>> No.10432944

Overwhelmed by the impossibility of an actual sensual encounter with this woman whose virtual appearance is but my only solace, I'm left with no choice but to ask the one who has graced me with her image: oh dear anon, I am here with my heart shattered by her smile, taken by the fever of my own erotic desires evoked by this glimpse of her soft skin and what is left for me to imagine. I ask you, please, aid me with a clue of her identity so that I can dream a way to bring this distant encounter closer to actuality, or if only to further the illusion, which is alone deserving of all my energies even to my own personal destruction. I ask you, dear anon, to show me the route so that this does not end here, for I'm but a fool mesmerized by this vision, as if haunted by a succubus whose name I do not know.

>> No.10432946

what species of fluid druid has appeared before me?

>> No.10432948

Who is this ooze flooz, this shaft-gripping siren-sibling, this penis peculator, this oubliette coquette, this pants perfricator, this dick delectation, this prick polyplectron, this fleering fuckdoll? What meretricious minx, what rod-quop-thot, what tit-mass alloplast bearer is she? Which lubricious lass, which ribaldry recrudescer, which load-lodestar is she, Muse of my assignation invitations?

>> No.10432964


>> No.10432965

who is this hole mole?

>> No.10432968

who is this booty beauty?

>> No.10432970


>> No.10432972

(No seriously, she is too pretty, tell me who is her anyway)

>> No.10432979

who is this gene cantine?

>> No.10432995

Actually good

>> No.10433002

Who is this cellulite troglodyte?

>> No.10433010

Who is this goo Jew?

>> No.10433024

Who is this Jesus juice sleazy flooz?

>> No.10433030

Who is this life sludge wifey pudge?

>> No.10433050

who is this dick puke duke?

>> No.10433057

Who is this ethereal dipository of my genetic material?

>> No.10433058

anon transgenerational epigenetic inheritance is still a topic under discussion. it's not mainstream thought yet

>> No.10433060

The thought of pricking this fair maidenhood tears feverishly at my clammy clothes. I climb atop my swivel chair, perched like a beady eyed dolphin, blowhole glistening with the whispered promise of sweet release. Her name is like a rotten fish beached by low tide and driven by the wind, carrying me to ruinous shores.

I dive deep, and rub myself upon the coral to completion.

>> No.10433073

confirmed in animals though femme

>> No.10433074

i like

>> No.10433083

Had to actually look up words, 10/10

>> No.10433084

same fag

>> No.10433090

bwak bwak
HO wh o is

the woman


woman, stare -ing at me
breats BIG
Like H

>> No.10433091
File: 19 KB, 263x400, 996449[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Lamarck was right!

>> No.10433101

who is this ejaculate bait?

>> No.10433104

>be cute

>> No.10433111
File: 1.14 MB, 1004x1088, 1513442901912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch slice of life cute anime girls and learn

>> No.10433120

Who is this my seed does feed (formerly Sneeds)?

>> No.10433124
File: 131 KB, 1080x1118, 9RvDOOm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sierra skye

>> No.10433132

wrong, my work speaks for itself

>> No.10433165

Thank god she's a good christian girl, I was worried for a moment

>> No.10433166
File: 183 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-12-21-21-51-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433173

who is this aurantiaco sheath to which i would beat'th my meat?

>> No.10433176

who is this juicy Luci?

>> No.10433181


>> No.10433184

who is this ween fiend

>> No.10433481

who is this ejaculate encapsulate?

>> No.10433516

Who is this chick that craves only the biggest, blackest dick?

>> No.10433526

Who is this frottage cottage?

>> No.10433530

Who is this libido torpedo?

(Oh shit, Freud would have a field day.)

>> No.10433537


>> No.10433541

this thread's starting to make me ill

>> No.10433546

I like it

>> No.10433550


Would this be that sheath I have heard so much about?

>> No.10433566

I wanna hit her with my big ole dong

>> No.10433574

Who art her, she sperm-cell feasting miss, this jezebel?

>> No.10433578

Who is this fluid druid?

>> No.10433581

who is this goo jew

>> No.10433639

Might I inquire into the identity of this pulchritudinous prostitute whose full voluptuous figure, supple skin, and enchanting expression have all contributed to initiating the arousal phase of the sexual response cycle in my brain and causing my blood pressure to drop and my genitals to become turgid and sensitive as I prepare to simulate the act of coitus with rapid movements of my right hand across my glans and shaft.

>> No.10433650


>> No.10433653


>> No.10433655

Never heard of it?

>> No.10433656

Who is this jism prism?

>> No.10433666

Who is this spunk punk?

>> No.10433670

Who is this spire umpire

>> No.10433698

chloroform and a flensing knife.

>> No.10433707


>> No.10433739

Who is this man-milk maid?

>> No.10433787

Who is this cream dream?

>> No.10433823

whom is this ejaculate vacuum pit

>> No.10433842

Who is this ejaculate speculate?

Who is this testes orestes?

Who is this 'mirin siren?

>> No.10433848

General Lamarque is dead.

>> No.10433940

We want to question, we don't want the answer.

>> No.10433962

Who is this erection confection?
Who is this sperm worm?
Who is this boner toner?
Who is this spunk monk?
Who is this cock dock?
Who is this erection ejection?
Who is this dick tick?
Who is this cum plum?
Who is this seed steed?
Who is this prick chick?
Who is this cock stock?
Who is this seminal sentinel?
Who is this phallus chalice?
Who is this anus ignoramus?
Who is this smegma enigma?
Who is this beef curtain hurtin?
Who is this cunt runt?
Who is this jism prison?
Who is this ballbiting ballerina?
Who is this dongle mongle?
Who is this penis machinist?
Who is this chin chin bin?
Who is this scrotum sorceress?
Who is this wiener cleaner?
Who is this pole populator?
Who is this stiffy stimulator?
Who is this pillar pimper?
Who is this column culminator?
Who is this testicle tamer?
Who is this sperm specialist?
Who is this glans gladiator?
Who is this frenulum fractionizer?
Who is this foreskin fornicator?
Who is this penile private?
Who is this smut sergeant?
Who is this cock captain?
Who is this orifice officer?
Who is this rear admiral?
Who is this cummander?
Who is this lewd lieutenant?
Who is this meat major?
Who is this cunt colonel?
Who is this wiener witch?
Who is this phallus phalanx?
Who is this cock commandant?
Who is this dong deity?
Who is this seminal fluid druid?
Who is this jizz wiz?
Who is this benis burglar?
Who is this wang waxer?
Who is this schlong sentinel?
Who is this dick dastard?
Who is this jizz jezebel?
Who is this cock cream captivator?
Who is this man milk mephistopheles?
Who is this smegma smuggler?
Who is this cum connoisseur?
Who is this semen sommelier?
Who is this urethra barista?
Who is this scrotum totem?
Who is this juice moose?
Who is this solution confucian?
Who is this stiffen vixen?
Who is this slobber macabre?
Who is this masturbation invitation?
Who is this ejaculate immaculate?
Who is this broth goth?
Who is this stain jane?
Who is this penis venus?
Who is this mattress actress?
Who is this tally wacker packer?
Who is this schlong sorcerrer?
Who is this weenie genie?
Who is this chode road?
Who is this male repoductive organ gorgan?
Who is this shaft shaft?
Who is this ding dong dungeon?
Who is this scrotum totem?
Who is this ballsack knapsack?
Who is this testicle vestibule?
Who is this ball butter nutter?
Who is this cock cream captivator?
Who is this man milk mephistopheles?
Who is this smega smuggler?
Who is this cum connoisseur?
Who is this semen sommelier?
Who is this urethra barista?

>> No.10433964

>choad road

>> No.10433977

Who is this splatterer of man-batter?

>> No.10433978
File: 72 KB, 450x360, hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how fit this gal is, not even hard to find better semen demon

>> No.10433986


>> No.10434058

Who is this spermatozoon harpoon?
Who is this fart tart?
Who is this fuck hound?
Who is this fluid exchanger?
Who is this areola gondola?

that's all i got

>> No.10434077


>> No.10434079

The seed desires to discharge to which Siren?

>> No.10434082

>not using seed steed

>> No.10434087

take all my reddit gold

>> No.10434128

uh someone is insecure

>> No.10434138

I would dig in her asshole with my tongue even if she had gastroenteritis.

>> No.10434174

Who is this fun laden cum maiden?

>> No.10434186

Who is this teat feat who makes my heart beat?

>> No.10434229

> Who is this juice moose?
Somehow the dumbest ones get me the most

>> No.10434232

Who is this slime swine?

>> No.10434241

This harpy of ejaculate, what is her name?

>> No.10434246

Who is this yoghurt bogart?

>> No.10434313

dumbass, he isn't saying that the parent's lifestyle will literally alter their genotypes, which altered genotypes will be passed on to the infant.

he's saying that the decisions made by the parents during the child's early life have an effect on the outward expression of the child's genotype. In other words, a single genotype can give rise to multiple phenotypes.

this is why identical twins are never perfectly identical

back to /vg/ you go

>> No.10434342

expose is this discharge barge
who is this cock sock?
reveal this pleasure treasure

kek noice m8
>penis machinist?
sounds painful desu
>urethra barista
i'm crying tears of joy and awe

>> No.10434352

It has been found that an obese male’s sperm increases likeliness of type 1 diabetes in the offspring while the same man breeding while slim would not do so.

Interesting times. We’re about to open a whole can of guilt on the normies.

>> No.10434486

Gass would be proud of this thread

>> No.10434529

i seek respite in this sausage cottage

>> No.10434542

Identify this cream queen.

>> No.10434545

Who is this zygote tote?

>> No.10434556
File: 1.86 MB, 2453x3480, calculator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who am I to call her “semen demon”?

>> No.10434560

> Who am I to this semen demon?

>> No.10434570

It is my will to know that nature and identity of this chtonic being, cast out from the Glory of our Lord into the depths of hell for the sin of lust, of fleeting beauty and great hunger for the vitality of man.

>> No.10434590

Thanks for this.

>> No.10434600

The demon
She has a name
The semen is out.

>> No.10434638

I would, but Tolstoy and Dostoevsky have already wrote their only collaborative novel, “On Semen and Demon”.

>> No.10434645

where are those blood fauns?

(variation on every word)

>> No.10434651


>> No.10434652

Who is this cum chum?
Who is this procreation station?
Who is this creampie sempai?
Who is this cheese tease?
Who is this ejaculate particulate?
Who is this sap trap?
Who is this sex Mexican?
Who is this urethra diva?
Who is this sack miner?
Who is this shaft crafter?
Who is this dick exploder?
Who is this start tart?
Who is this ovum orchestra?
Who is this spore whore?
Who is this particle collider?
Who is this cummy collector?
Who is this cummy honey?
Who is this jizm bee?
Who is this pollen coffin?

>> No.10434653

What is the brand of her underwear ?

>> No.10434654


>> No.10434655

What is the brand of the underwear she's promoting ?

>> No.10434657

Fix your copypasta. Several are repeated.

>> No.10434660

Thank you :3

>> No.10434673

Who is this oneiric onahole?

>> No.10434730

Like a mollusc

>> No.10434794

All pretty good, but
> load-lodestar
got me.

>> No.10434832

I kek'd

>> No.10434977


>> No.10435001

who is this?

>> No.10435002

What's her name?

>> No.10435054
File: 105 KB, 907x960, bummed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try pic-related

>> No.10435188

Who is this sailor nailer?

>> No.10435201

i know this is a joke... but the people saying this is actually good got meme'd

>> No.10435208


>> No.10435293

thanks, didn't know about that. can you link to paper or describe the title or something?
>can of guilt
don't worry, people will find a way to rationalize their continued ignorance

>> No.10435309

holy kek
>"harry the wolfman harrington"
i have a cold you faggot and it hurts to laugh

>> No.10435337

its alright it would require a modicum of verbal intelligence well above the average even on this board to produce that without taking much time to do so. Its nothing worthy of praising

>> No.10435341

Who is this yeast beast?
Who is this knob goblin?
Who is this SUCCubus?
Who is this pole troll?
Who is the dome gnome?
Who is this spunk skunk?

>> No.10435395

If there is a man who is alpha that is this Wolfman, holy shit. A hairy 6'7" monster raping other men around in a "notorious" way. Imagine the kind of confidence this man display walking around.

>> No.10435419

really gets the prostate quivering don't it

>> No.10435422

being fat and hairy is universally condemned as gross, but ripped and hairy is ancient aliens tier alpha

>> No.10435444

My anus just winked

>> No.10435486

my taint just fluttered

>> No.10435537

How does it feel knowing that you're despised by all who know you?

>> No.10435651

man.. they sure do look bummed out

>> No.10435668

>male reproductive organ gorgon
this is probably the best I've seen

>> No.10435678

I unironically want source on that semen demon

I'm not playing the game, just don't let this thread die without source on this beauty ;_;

>> No.10436090
File: 106 KB, 540x810, e8310d6557ab0a6663ce3408037bf50a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sierra Skye

>> No.10436476

Look up carl panzram

>> No.10436505

oh ye mighty gods, verily lay upon me the true identity of the phantasm who has stolen the likeness of Venus!

>> No.10436677

inside her butt would probably be pretty nice, too

>> No.10436679

fuggggggggggggggggggg you gonna ruin my nofap you motherfuckerrrr

>> No.10436690
File: 188 KB, 665x370, A0F43DCF-2FC0-4D8B-A44E-B62EF055935F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that guy was quite possibly a demon who devoured the soul of some child long before he’d ever laid hands on another person. i’ve never seen so much hate in someone’s eyes

>> No.10436753

hnnnnnnnnnng thanks anon, you're great

>> No.10436867
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>> No.10436877

who this lewd lady

>> No.10436904

That’s what rape does to a helpless child

>> No.10436919

I don't know if this is pasta or not, but whoever wrote this is too smart to be on this board

>> No.10436975

>Who is this male repoductive organ gorgan?

>> No.10436978

What is with people feeling like they have to point copypastas out? wow you guys have street cred and have seen it before... let other people enjoy it, you don't look cool for spending lots of time on 4chan and knowing the "ropes".

Wow, I wish I was you. You probably talk to people about Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird and other highschool literature and think you are so fucking intelligent and deep. You aren't. You are a faggot that has to ruin the fun for everyone else with the premise that if everyone is as unhappy as you, life has meaning and will get better.

But no one can be as unhappy as you, because you wallow in a shit and self-pity filled ditch that you dug out with your own mouth you fat fucking loser. Hey guys, I'll tell you how this movie ended... no that I actually saw it with friends in public, rather I downloaded it and saw it in my dank fucking basement with tinfoil blocking out the windows so I don't have to see the real world reflecting on my monitor as I see how much gold I can mine or something as equally time-wasting and asinine.

Yet you still think you are superior. I bet you also sage threads and feel like the god damn enforcer of the internet. Well you know what buddy, you can have your tiny, fictitious internet niche while I choose to live and enjoy the company of others.

You are what is wrong with 4chan, the internet, the world, and the existence of matter and we all see you for what you are you fucking dipshit faggot asshole. Why do you even have caller display, let alone a phone? NO ONE CALLS YOU.

>> No.10436984


>> No.10436989


>> No.10436993

What is with people feeling like they have to point copypastas out? wow you guys have street cred and have seen it before... let other people enjoy it, you don't look cool for spending lots of time on 4chan and knowing the "ropes".
>Wow, I wish I was you. You probably talk to people about Catcher in the Rye and To Kill a Mockingbird and other highschool literature and think you are so fucking intelligent and deep. You aren't. You are a faggot that has to ruin the fun for everyone else with the premise that if everyone is as unhappy as you, life has meaning and will get better.
>But no one can be as unhappy as you, because you wallow in a shit and self-pity filled ditch that you dug out with your own mouth you fat fucking loser. Hey guys, I'll tell you how this movie ended... no that I actually saw it with friends in public, rather I downloaded it and saw it in my dank fucking basement with tinfoil blocking out the windows so I don't have to see the real world reflecting on my monitor as I see how much gold I can mine or something as equally time-wasting and asinine.
>Yet you still think you are superior. I bet you also sage threads and feel like the god damn enforcer of the internet. Well you know what buddy, you can have your tiny, fictitious internet niche while I choose to live and enjoy the company of others.
>You are what is wrong with 4chan, the internet, the world, and the existence of matter and we all see you for what you are you fucking dipshit faggot asshole. Why do you even have caller display, let alone a phone? NO ONE CALLS YOU.

>> No.10437005

Best in thread

>> No.10437008
File: 125 KB, 627x811, 1507939602712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Semen Sommelier
Made me snort.

>> No.10437009

This lovely female
Her identity unknown
I sigh in sadness

>> No.10437012

LMAO wut?

>> No.10437028

>procreation station

>> No.10437160

Make sure you don't go out in the sun too much.

>> No.10437237

Who is this sharpie harpie?

>> No.10437528

Urethral urge
Inferior feminine form with festering seed infested
Idolised jizzjug
Dogs have names, what's this one's?

>> No.10437571

And that piece of meat is?

>> No.10437577

I don't know when but I'm going to post this shit on /gif/ next time I ask for source.

>> No.10437583
File: 56 KB, 382x358, 1508501643804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10437854

who is this ball bursting biped?

>> No.10437929

t. japanese aristocracy

>> No.10437956

they always ask who is this semen demon

they never ask HOW is this semen demon

>> No.10437968

Who's this gamete magnet?

>> No.10437970

Who's this offspring wellspring?

>> No.10438153


>> No.10438174

this is art.

>> No.10438238

Who's this bonerrider bonafide?

>> No.10438387

she's fine

>> No.10438496


>> No.10438596


>> No.10438677

Who's this anal vore semaphore?

>> No.10438698
File: 559 KB, 400x276, Jake Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10439044

who is this seminal vesicle?

>> No.10439083

Who is this boner condoner?

>> No.10439116

Who's this smeagle beagle?

>> No.10439131

ah now here is a gud one

>> No.10439148
File: 214 KB, 345x336, 1433211987005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10439149

t. Goethe

>> No.10439445

Who is this plasm phantasm? This specter erector, this celestial vesicle, this semen-heist poltergeist? Who is this prognostication of ejaculation? This "not asking for it" conduit? What type of scantily-dressed flesh nest, of seminal theft thigh-cleft is she? Where can I find this sodomy prodidgy? Who is this knob goblin, this ass-titty entity, this double-X-chromosone-triple-X-ready-to-bone beauty, this frequently fucked semen duct?

>> No.10439473

Who is this immaculate target of ejaculate?

>> No.10439479

Any books that deal with animalistic lust?

>> No.10439496

this thread is repulsive

>> No.10439513

who is this jerk perk

>> No.10439691

i too dumb to think of one

maybe you post sexier dong mong

>> No.10439716


>> No.10439784

Who's this orgasm denial belial?

>> No.10439807

Pulse quickening, face aflush. I stumble over my words and hide my shaking hands in the pockets of my Harris tweed jacket. The perfect obiform gluteus maximus. The globose breasts sitting way up firm and high on her muscular frame. The rift between her silky inner thighs. She walks away and I cannot bring myself to attract her attention.

I turn to my colleague and demand: Who,I must ask, who art that slam clam? From where has this whorehouse spouse with the heavenly puncture juncture emerged? Such a cumshot kumquat I have never bore witness to, until this day; this day where my eyes have seen an unprecedented beauty. I am forever changed by this spawn swan, this lewd brood shrewd, this bukkake jockey, this ooze flooz, this splash trash, this balldrain birdbrain, this cumspecked wreck...

>> No.10439833

Nut glut
Spunk punk
Ooze cooze
Load toad
Wad Broad
Splooge scrooge

>> No.10439838

>Pulse quickening, face aflush. I stumble over my words and hide my shaking hands in the pockets of my Harris tweed jacket. The perfect obiform gluteus maximus. The globose breasts sitting way up firm and high on her muscular frame.

You were talking about yourself than you moved to her without warning. It reads as if you were the one with the perfect obiform gluteus maximus.

Well do ya?

>> No.10439997

What pornstar looks most like her? I need some like right now

>> No.10440138


>> No.10440391

who dis cunt?

>> No.10440432

damn nigga that was gay

>> No.10440655

I like the bit about him being a bogeyman children warn each other about.

>> No.10440694

What is this dame's name?

>> No.10440851

Cumshot kumquat, formerly bukkake jockey.

>> No.10441130

>Spore whore
Damn that's a good one

>> No.10441140

Who is this splurge dirge?

>> No.10441158

The sultan of succ, the Titan of tits, the colossus of cunt (the colossus of cunt!), the queen of gash.

>> No.10441159

who is this ifrit of ejaculate

>> No.10441281

Who is this jizz in pantser necromancer?

>> No.10441299

Who is this daimonion I'd blow upon?

>> No.10441301

who is this goose of letting loose?

>> No.10442052

What Shakespeare play is this

>> No.10442112

Who is this phallus magnet ?

>> No.10442125


I want you to know, I saved this for future reference

>> No.10442127

who is this future kin bin?

>> No.10442157

Who is this wench, the one bespattered with man-batter, face shining with the lacquer from a man's whacker?

>> No.10442182


She's a slam ham alright, that's all I know.

But all jokes aside, who is this cumfart tart?

Who is this cream dollop trollop?

>> No.10442237

anon must ponder for he is confused, who this bane of big guys, whose succulent lips have no doubt tasted multitude of china stemming from men hailing from faraway lands is???

>> No.10442317

Actually good

>> No.10443805

>froth thot
>moisture minx

>> No.10443821



>> No.10443974

Who's this descendant crescendo?

>> No.10443975

I learned a lot of these words from Darconville’s Cat if anyone is wondering

>> No.10443992


>> No.10443997


>> No.10444034

holy shit

>> No.10444061

best ones

>> No.10444145

who is this dollop trolop

>> No.10444155

Seriously, I'm trying to recover from an unhealthy asian porn addiction. I'm so close to just blocking all images. I thought I was safe on /lit/.

>> No.10444163

shell be fine

>> No.10444198

How many damn explosives do I have to rig to plow this slam pig?

>> No.10444255

Reveal to me the name of this hoary harpie

>> No.10444592

Read delicioustacos

>> No.10444665

He's so damn lucid and honest.

>> No.10445190
File: 120 KB, 1035x913, E56B5401-3E95-43B0-B8BF-280E33C861DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10445218

This woman is unreal. I don't think I'll ever recover from seeing her. Her body is a more significant work of art than any novel ever discussed on this board.

>> No.10445219

ho lee fuck
we have just witnessed greatness

>> No.10445437

>All that setup to eventually get to "slam clam"


>> No.10445443

such a lust for progeny... WHOOOOOO!!

>> No.10445558

get out of the internet anon, cut it by its roots

>> No.10445585 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x358, 1c908e_gumby_anal_fisting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wise man in touch with the source.

>> No.10447020

An entire thread devoted to a chick with bolted on silicone implants. Quite sad.

>> No.10447792

by jove

>> No.10447860

>man-milk mephistopheles
/lit/ needs to be stopped

>> No.10447873
File: 503 KB, 603x1471, Who is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like freshly baked bread

>> No.10448028
File: 3.87 MB, 4397x3261, 1742_anon_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this piped mess marquess?

who is this dollop trollop?

who is this man paste money waste?

who is this treif paste naif waif? (only for use by Jews)

who is this curd bird?

who is this frothed lave white slave?

who is this spume tomb?

who is this testicle batter flesh matter?

who is this precum premium?

who is this syrup prenup?

who is this spackle grackle? (only if black)

>> No.10448207
File: 215 KB, 937x528, 1514243439928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A+ for effort

>> No.10448208

How is she though?

>> No.10448220

What your parents and grandparents do will cause certain genes to be methylated (deactivated) and demethylated.

>> No.10448328
File: 755 KB, 1062x768, tfG7hzk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smithers, who is that ignoramus?
>Smithers, who is that lollygagger?
>Who is that blubber-pot?
>Who is that bafflewit?