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File: 191 KB, 1024x576, Blachilles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10431333 No.10431333[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"AYO HECTOR HOL UP!" - Achilles Son of Peleus

>> No.10431344

>When he be givin his gay lover dat gud dickin
uh huh

>> No.10431357


>> No.10431362
File: 100 KB, 620x349, XP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good, only I hope they add a transgender warrior to the film. You know, the history of transgenderism go back to the beginning of man, so it would be historically fair to include one. If not, you'll see me throwing an online fit with the producers.

>> No.10431364

>You know, the history of transgenderism go back to the beginning of man
It does though

>> No.10431368


As has mental illness

>> No.10431371
File: 116 KB, 602x452, blachilles2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Never let me slip, cause if I slip, then I'm slippin." - Homer

>> No.10431376

Not really, that's quite a recent invention.

>> No.10431386

Perhaps Blachilles identifies as a Strong Independent Womyn?

>> No.10431387

[citation needed]

>> No.10431390


>> No.10431439

>anon's face when if you look at the cave drawings of stone age man, most of them are furverts
i don't see why people think history is boring
why did they make achilles black when eurybates is actually black? next they'll include the fall of troy.

>> No.10431458

I like it. He looks fierce and shit. 4chan is such a racist hole, I'm not SJW, but clearly this is as close to Achilles as Brad Pitt was (ie very little but who cares) though no one was complaining then.

>> No.10431468

Eurybates is the only black man among the greeks that we know of

>> No.10431484


I think Brad Pitt was bad casting too. Both are bad casting. The problem is that this is obviously politically motivated and is not a retelling but a rewriting.

>> No.10431490

>clean shaven negro with no scars, sweat, or grime looks feirce
I think blacked.com is mroe your speed

>> No.10431491
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No worse than casting a fucking ANGLO
like they USUALLY do

>> No.10431494

The previous one wasn't a retelling either. Not defending this one btw, I don't expect anything other than trash from hollywood adaptations.

>> No.10431497



>> No.10431510
File: 33 KB, 512x512, we were jews and shite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi there
fancy this
we were Jews and shite

>> No.10431518
File: 33 KB, 400x250, ghengs and shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy pardner
we were ghengs and shit

>> No.10431534
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nos sunt lupi et stercore

>> No.10431543
File: 205 KB, 1000x1000, zulu and what have you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup brah
we were zulu and what have you

>> No.10431545


Still, I agree but this is a politically motivated rewriting.

>> No.10431552


Hey, samefag, I don't think any of us are defending this shit in the reverse either. Races should represent their own races. Obviously this annoys us more because it's a nigger replacing Achilles.

>> No.10431561
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Somebody doesn't find my jokes funny
why weren't you mad when they let angos and slavs play greeks in movies?
is it possible that melanin matters to you more than the rest of the gene pool?

sounds like it's the case... bitchass waiboi

>> No.10431571
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PS: my whole point isn't that "look the other guys do it too" so much as "cultural appropriation is a silly non-issue, regardless of who's talking about it"

don't get so triggered
it's literally the only edge you have over SJWs

>> No.10431572

pipe down nigger, you‘re the only one that‘s assblasted ITT

>> No.10431576

I wrote a piece like this called the Drilliad

>> No.10431584

Although I don't generally like Hollywood productions, I am not particularly against neither Brad Pitt nor this guy. That's why I say "who cares". If you're not going for the documentary vibe, I don't mind if a story is historically inaccurate as long as the main gist of it is there and that depends on what they are going for, what attracts them to this story. This is not something that happened 30 years ago with known people, there are no friends and descendants of Achilles who could complain his true self is undermined by neither actors.

My point is not that this is not politically motivated. The point that is often missed is that casting Brad Pitt is also politcally motivated.

You can think of Achilles not as that one true person who did this and that, but a symbol of great strenght and so on. When people are to cast him they surely think "hmm who could inspire that feeling in people?" and both Brad Pitt at that time and this guy in this time seem to fit the bill according to the mindset of the audiences they are trying to approach. There is no "normal" approach there is no approach that is not politically motivated. The white heroes of 99.99% of all films and series prior to a few years are all equally stupid in that regard to this that is happening. Think of all the Fu Manchu stereotypes on screen, or all the films with black people emptying their ak-47s, they are just ridiculous and naive. This stupidity is a characteristic of Hollywood and other mass media stuff and this is just a new turn of events with new parameters, but the same logic.

the helmet is cool and he looks angry, idk man I just saw the pic

>> No.10431594

Athena came down from heaven (for Hera had sent her in the love she bore to them both), and seized the son of Peleus by his yellow hair, visible to him alone, for of the others no man could see her.

>> No.10431601

Surely it’s eramus

>> No.10431602
File: 126 KB, 884x884, 1502389222374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the BBC (clue is in the name lol) always pick Blacks, never Indians or Chinese who actually outnumber blacks in Britain.
Its almost like it has nothing at all to do with representation

>> No.10431605

And Brad Pitt wasn't? Like most of the holywood movies in general? Neither Pitt nor this black mang has anything to do with ancient greeks. Save that "i agree" shit for another post, you said that this one's a rewriting and implied that the other one was a retelling. Get a grip. >>10431584

>> No.10431607
File: 1.99 MB, 300x225, fitty_grin&run_zoom_edition.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he isn't towing the 4chan line
>he must be a nigger or jew

>i subvocalize his words in a triggered tone
>therefore he must be triggered

>i made a thread to complain about cultural appropriation of European heritage
>the guy who says "who cares" is the triggered one

>> No.10431625

>our they are wolves and away from shit
if you were going for "we wuz wolves and shit" you missed

>> No.10431626

No, because in Pitt's case, both the character and actor are blond

>> No.10431641
File: 240 KB, 1066x600, 1512829012780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I read this the funnier it gets
"Hey samefag I hate the racism in both directions, it's just... I'm pissed about the NIGGERS in a show I'll never watch anyway."

the fucking cognitive dissonance of you SQWs

>> No.10431643

>the character and actor are blond
[citation needed]

>> No.10431649

This is laughable. Καρkίνο σε σένα kαι στο σόι σου, πουτάνας γιε. Τ'αρχίδια θα σου ξεριζώσω, ωμά να σου τα φάνε τα σkυλιά.

>> No.10431656

ayy yo Athena grabs him by his nappy ass hair

>> No.10431660

In the Iliad, Achilles' hair is described as ξανθῆς (ksanthēs), usually translated as blonde, or golden but sometimes as red or tawny. His son Neoptolemus also bears the name Pyrrhus, a possible reference to his own red hair.

>> No.10431666

Not that anon, but that doesn't matter much.

It's not like making a movie about Hitler and forgetting about the moustache. Or a movie about Don Quixote with a young actor in his twenties.

There are light haired and dark haired Hamlet interpretations, no one really complains about it either way. Jack Nicholson played McMurphy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, although in the book he is a ginger with a huge bandaid on his nose for the greater part of it. I wouldn't want them to dye his hair or cast another actor. It's not important at all and if you focus too much on that, you lose what you really want to say with the story.

>> No.10431672

The Irish roots of the Ancient Greeks finally coming to light

>> No.10431679

i rike some purp

>> No.10431680
File: 520 KB, 500x280, fPLgGR9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iliad book I verse 197
You are. ξανθῆς δὲ kόμης
>It's not like making a movie about Hitler and forgetting about the moustache.
So it's more like pic related?

>> No.10431683

So your reasoning for the previous movie not being a retelling is that both Achilles and fucking Brad Pitt are blonde?
Where did you get that it's a reference to his fucking hair?

>> No.10431686

that's a maybe ginger maybe blond for achilles (though of course the heroic traditions could affect that colouring), now, cite for brad pitt, especially since he didn't go strawberry blond or full blond for the movie.

it's not an accurate representation for that movie either, and if they really wanted to be accurate, they'd have cast simon pegg.

>> No.10431694

>Iliad book I verse 197
and when did brad pitt make his hair ginger?

>> No.10431699

Sick wikipedia skills, buddy. Stay triggered, this doesn't change that you're getting caught up in this black/white dichotomy and are selective in which propaganda you're getting mad at. Pro tip: both of them are/will be. Same with shit like 300 (Persians were monsters apparently, but hey the good guys were whites so whatever heh) or other "historical" movies that you're not mad at, like the previous Troy. Πήγαινε να kρεμαστείς, σkουπίδι.

>> No.10431703

If it really upsets you, boycott it

>> No.10431709
File: 1.03 MB, 286x258, 149444536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No worse than casting a fucking ANGLO

This is truly the worse take on this. Even some pretty boy britt is WAY better than a goddamn African.

>> No.10431710
File: 139 KB, 971x565, Anaximanderian evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread is essentially whataboutism

over casting choices

in things that shouldn't be popular anyway but are because people are dumb

elite tip: Never complain about pleb taste. Just capitalize on it

>> No.10431712

Yeah, both of them are ancient greeks as well.

>> No.10431713

>Africans aren't Greek
...nigger what did you think alexandria was doing so far south of the islands?

>> No.10431717
File: 96 KB, 900x729, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I care about what color Achilles is in the 29449345345th lame TV production of a thing only normies are going to watch anyway

>> No.10431720


>> No.10431723

its just wrong that a theatrical version of homer is not made with the same standards as Apocalypto with real race and language used

>> No.10431725

Stop trying to be "accurate". There is no way that things are "meant to be represented". I'm not saying this solely to justify this casting, but to justify all castings. It's not that stories should be taken out of context, but any film in whatever way you make of it is itself a new context. The question is not how do we better reproduce the story as it was, but how do we reproduce the story for us today. It's a new story, always. Those who don't realize this are bound to tell a new story thinking they are telling the old one and the differences will be on their blind spot everytime, their ideology will show up the more neutral they try to be, making the new story more confusing in terms of priorities of effects you are trying to evoke.

>> No.10431730

Mel Gibson should make more movies desu

>> No.10431731

There is strong evidence that red hair and blue eyes were common caucasoid phenos before they were bred out with time. The Ancient Greeks weren’t nords, those phenos are just recessive and disappeared with time.

>> No.10431733
File: 22 KB, 485x443, 1489549482502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too cool and above it all to care how state funded media is altering history for the sake of social engineering

>> No.10431736

>There is no way that things are "meant to be represented"
well, there is, but none of these people complaining about casting choices really want a blind guy singing at them in greek for the length of an epic without actors.

>> No.10431746

I care somewhat. But not that much. I'm not going to watch the show.
I'm just against their idea of diversity and how they are using it, the same idea that are used in other parts of society.

>> No.10431748


I won't be watching it.

>> No.10431759

The Iliad is history now? Interesting.

>> No.10431760
File: 31 KB, 350x271, splesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people will actually believe achilles was black because the BBC once casted a black dude as achilles

>you must think highly of yourself because you won't get pissed about cultural appropration

>> No.10431771

it's not they were bred out with time, it's that the celts moved. you still find people in what used be illyria who still have red hair, and further east, but they're not caucasoid. keep in mind that caucasians from the actual caucuses aren't white necessarily. iranians would be caucasians but wouldn't pass as white most places. same with turks and others. the idea of a caucasian race is really misfounded.

>> No.10431773

I'm a red head and therefore more engaged in studying this and I can tell you that this whole narrative that red heads were more common or that they are going to disappear is a myth. Recessive genes don't work that way and while there might be differences in population over time, it's negligible. Those who say otherwise are just cherry picking examples of red heads in cultural representations and making their case upon it. I believe red heads were always more represented in culture than their actual number, because depending on the time and place they were seen as either divine people or demonic outcast retards. It's also a cheap way to make a character a bit more interesting, like adding an eye patch or something like that.

>> No.10431797

No, my reasoning is that if I am told by the poet that a character is blond, the least I could do is cast a blond actor in the role. Or at least give the man a wig. Likewise I would make sure thick, dark eyebrows would be on the face of whoever plays Zeus.

It doesn't mean ginger.

I am simply baffled that the actor for Achilles forgot his wig.

>> No.10431798

Were you against the previous show when every Greek warrior from different parts of the country (plenty of them came from different φύλλα as well) but looked like they're from London? Whitewashing was a thing, and now there's this fake, forced diversity so that the coons and the neoliberals will shut the fuck up and ignore what actually happens in a society that they're no part of. All this makes neither show true to Homer's epic, and both are political choices like most of the "entertainment" that comes out of holywood productions.

>> No.10431801

>I am simply baffled that the actor for Achilles forgot his wig.
That's because we're still in BETA

>> No.10431806

But isn't Achilles yellow-haired in Homer's epic?

>> No.10431813

Its still a manipulation of history and a normalization of the current state of affairs as eternal.
Perpetuating the delusion that sub-90 IQ negroids who never managed to build anything more impressive than mudhuts could be legitimately associated with the works of Ancient Greece and the foundations of the West.

Its all very silly for a hyper-ironic lastman like yourself until the day comes when the comfort you rely on becomes undermined by the lecherous brown hordes

>> No.10431814

He is.

>> No.10431819

>the celts
hmm im not entirely convinced these were celts anon, i believe in the med-pie-semite-eurasian diaspora theories but i’d need a little more than what you’re offering here. circa 700 BCE id imagine the Celts would still already be in Western europe and not Anatolia and Greece. Please provide me with your information, i don’t claim authority here. I just don’t like nordicism or idiot liberals who deny the prevalence of blonde hair and blue eyes south of Scandinavia and the Rhine
>im a red head
>im an authority
are you a geneticist
>recessive genes don’t work that way
explain what you mean by this
>the red heads were overrepresented in art
i find this terribly hard to believe considering their near constant depiction in works of little significance all over the Aegean, Macedonia, Anatolia and as far away as Persia.
>ancient Persians and Indians weren’t whyte
ok since i assume both of you aren’t nordicisist /pol/ niggers i can be vaguely open with you. when i say whyte i don’t really mean nordics or Germanics, which is the most anti-intellectual absurdity i’ve ever seen advanced in the study of physical anthropology and population genetics. i just mean pale skinned, progressive skull, higher intelligence and can have blue or green eyes, traits extremely rare away from eurasia.

when i say Aryans i mean black haired (and sometimes reddish-blonde baired), pale skinned, blue-green-grey eyed horse taming warriors from Pakistan, India, Iran, Anatolia, Assyria. Their cousins the Semites, Germanics and Slavs are caucasians and the Germanics and Nords seem to have retained significantly more of the Steppe genes than the Semites and Slavs who seem to have been sublafed into native farming pops which is why they’re less progressive looking, physically less robust, darker skinned etc.

Whyte is basically the caucasoid populations who kept the robustness and skull morphology, height and ferocity that the other caucasoids lost. Im aware that ancient Vedics would not have seen Nords as their relatives and that ancient greeks on the whole looked much closer to paler skinned native Greeks today than some curly haired Swiss athlete which is the type of meme’ing you get on rw forums. Germanics likely broke off from the IE migrations and also inbred heavily with European HG which is why their faces are so gaunt and sharp and why nords look like ayys compared to depictions of the ancients.

The anatolians and assyrians look like Aryan analogues to Semites, the Vedics look like gracile Aryans. Im not trying to steal history. I just do believe firmly that there was a huge loss of whyte phenos after the bronze age collapse. Even the phoenicians who were Semites looked extremely aryanized compared to ancient Jews, Babylonians, Arabs etc. Again, you don’t have to worry about nordicist meme’ing i don’t have a horse in this race at all.

>> No.10431823

The jump from greeks to africans is way more obvious.

>> No.10431827

>It doesn't mean ginger.
Well I presumed when you cited a line which is about god not driving off sickness from the Danae that you weren't referring to him being blond. However, if you want the word used in the Iliad to describe Achilles, it does say ginger. Just like Alexander.

>> No.10431831

Yeah, I know, but hear me out on this. Suppose we could talk with the ancient Greeks about it and I asked them how this story was meant to be told. They would clearly say it is meant to be told in that way. But then, what if we could ask them why that's the best way to tell the story. You'd see that's the way that the people of that time had to appreciate the story. It has to do with language, with how we spend our time, what is engaging for us.

Suppose I translate the story quite well and then proceed in present it in this way. Who of us today would not be bored of it? I myself would rather just read it. In that sense, isn't making a movie or a series more "accurate" to how the story was "meant to be represented"? In this case, it is not the method of storytelling that is reproduced in an accurate way, but the level of engagement to the experience.

Of course, some is lost in it, but that is true to any translation or reproduction of anything. To sit by the fire with other people and listen to some guy may have no counterpart today, but you'll see that if you actually reproduce this setting today, everyone would just be on their phones. And if you think that by not allowing phones in, you'd make it as it was, then you'd have a bunch of people anxious to go back to their phones. Because it is the people themselves that have changed along with the world.

>> No.10431834

>hmm im not entirely convinced these were celts anon, i believe in the med-pie-semite-eurasian diaspora theories but i’d need a little more than what you’re offering here. circa 700 BCE id imagine the Celts would still already be in Western europe and not Anatolia and Greece.
Literally look up Illyria. Wikipedia will give you a basic understanding of why Alexander who's from a state that side might well have shared a gene pool with them.

>> No.10431840

How about you look up Zenodotus and the origin of genres and the current text of Homer we have. Turning the epic into a theatrical event stops it being Homeric.

>> No.10431849

if the muse sings through the director the film will be truly Homeric, on an epic scale like lord of the rings

>> No.10431852

>yfw most of what you think is the director is the editor
>yfw it's probably a girl editor too
pls prost

>> No.10431856

>are you a geneticist
Are you?

Jesus, you can't even half-joke in this place.
I just searched online about it in a potentially more interested and slightly deeper way than most people who are just trying to make a point about it online, while the subject concerns me personally.

>i find this terribly hard to believe
Then don't.

>ok since i assume both of you aren’t nordicisist /pol/ niggers
Genuinely stopped reading there, you talk like a dickhead.

>> No.10431858

would you mind explaining what you mean tho? the celts are a germanic tribe who would’ve entered europe from the north and poured down into iberia and gaul, crossed over into albion. they wouldn’t have passed through the asia minor like the anatolians and greek IE peoples. Im just not seeing how the Greeks were celts when they morphologically look completely disrinincr from Celts in nearly all of the Doric and Ionian depictions of their ancestors. I just checked wikipedia and also looked at their garbage prehistory of the Balkans there’s no mention of Celts at all. Just uncited insinuations about Dorians and the Kurgan hypothesis which is a tenuous theory in phys anth and isn’t entirely supported by pop genetics. by the time of Alexander and way before, the time of Homer, there is no evidence there was a significant presence of Celts in West Asia. I need you to do a little more leg work and convince me otherwise. I don’t believe that the Germanic tribes necessarily passed through that part of Eurasia and left significant genetic influence in those populations. It seems really unlikely to me that the groups we associate with the Celts and Germanics didn’t just head right through eastern europe, cross the danube and the rhine and then the english channel into Albion and down into Iberia and Gaul.

>> No.10431860
File: 53 KB, 750x500, 3261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But dude just look at this statue, clearly the Ancient Greeks had no connection to modern Europeans as much as sub-saharans

>> No.10431862

>would you mind explaining what you mean tho?
I mean literally every contemporary source from the Greeks on up through the Romans says that your history of the Celts is wrong and poorly researched, even by the Roman "make shit up about peoples you've never seen" standards.

>I just checked wikipedia
In the picture for that page I recommended, it clearly marks the Keltoi on the map. It's not my fault you're too dumb a fuck to read a map.

>> No.10431864

I just hate niggers, what’s so wrong with that?

>> No.10431866

nothing, it's just a different book

>> No.10431873


>> No.10431876

Actually yes, you should leave this board if you can't understand the historical significance of the Iliad

>> No.10431883

Clearly. Also, sub-saharans culture take just as much from the greeks as the western Europeans.

(skipping the irony a little, hey, maybe this show will get the immigrants interested in reading the greeks)

>> No.10431891

>are you?
no i just don’t really listen to people unless they cite their sources from academia or scientific studies and what your suggesting seemed implausible. now im wondering why you’re shutting down
>can’t joke
>concerns me deeply
what? who cares!
>then don’t
why make an empirical claim if you don’t want to talk about it?
>gets offended by calling /pol/ what they are on a Bangladeshi Tiger Skinning Forum
this place is so anti-intellectual. im not attacking either of you. i just want sources and well formulated arguments

my claims:

yes the ancient greeks and anatolians had significant numbers of people with blue eyed and light haired phenos

no they absolutely were not germanic or nordic, look at their phyisongomy and hair texture, their build relative to Scythians and Gauls and Germanics. they’re not the same race

yes Ancient Aryans were whyte; no they were not Nords or Germanics they’re groups which are tangentially related by being from the same giant range of caucasoids who left Africa and developed up in those higher lattitudes of the Caucasus

no the Celts probably didn’t leave significant traces in Greece and since they probably skipped over Greece since it logistically made no sense for a human migration to move in such a way, a different wave of IE people’s likely contributed those light haired and eyed phenos.

yes moderns are darker and swarthier from turkics and breeding out a lot of those traits

no it is not signficant enough to constitue racial replacement, just studing the oldest Mycenaen art shows us they were simply higher fitness, more robus versions of the moderns

I want studies, arguments or convincing rhetoric. if you’re going to shy away like schoolboys being asked to prove they actually saw a leprachaun then the discussion is over

NO wikipedia and “i have red hair m8” is not convincing to me.

>> No.10431894

I know, anon, I agree.

My point is that there is no way to be Homeric today, not even if you do it exactly like it was in the old times, because we are not in the old times.

I'm not saying we should make it theatrical, just that if you want to truly respect a piece (of literature or any other) that you want to reproduce, you ought to consider a bunch of other things besides how it was done in a particular time (not in spite of it, but along with it). We can negotiate those differences to reach a better performance of it, that means both casting choices as choices of format, language, and so on.

If you perform Shakespeare in English to an audience that doesn't speak English, then the play will be nonsense no matter how brilliant it is in the original. A translation might not be the same as how it was written, but it would do more justice.

>> No.10431904

>Its still a manipulation of history and a normalization of the current state of affairs as eternal.
Welcome to what every society ever does with its propaganda

>Perpetuating the delusion that sub-90 IQ negroids who never managed to build anything

"Unlike those niggers who I hate so much I personally built all those marble statues and composed all those sonnets."

Look jack. Just because you're white doesn't mean you achieved anything. Just because something is in your heritage doesn't mean you aren't a "sub 90 IQ" piece of shit yourself. You are on 4chan complaining about the fact that a black dude has accomplished more than you by being casted as Achilles.

Start your own media company and cast some strapping young white lad as achilles

stop bitching about blacks
stop leeching off of white identity
your accomplishments do not belong to your race
your race's accomplishments don't belong to you
welcome to individualism

>who never managed to build anything more impressive than mudhuts could be legitimately associated with the Works of Ancient Greece and the foundations of the West

so much anger
so much hate

>> No.10431911

>what? who cares!
Someone or no one. Not you though, but it's alright.

>can’t joke
>why make an empirical claim if you don’t want to talk about it?
It's not an empiracl claim, it's a half-jokingly personal claim, you autist fuck. Chill.

And it's not that I don't want to talk about it, just not with you
as fuck
>when people talk
like this
and you have your head so high up your ass you don't even realize it

>my claims:
Literally stopped reading there

>> No.10431912

Individualism sucks btw.

None of those actors got casted because of "individualism".

>> No.10431914

Rage—Goddes. sing the rage of Peleus' son Achilles, murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses,...... the hate and anger is appropriately Homeric

>> No.10431916
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>which is about god not driving off sickness from the Danae


>Just like Alexander.
The Alexander the Great of Aelian, Pseudo-Callisthenes, and Plutarch, whose hair is yellow and "lion-colored."

>> No.10431918

The facts are facts. If you went back in time and placed people like me, verifiably high IQ whites with naturally constructive sensibilities in the place of Greek babies we would grow up and contribute to society that made Western Enlightement possible.
If you were to do the same with negorids, assuming the Greek parents wouldn't rightfully drown the animals at first glance Greece would have quickly decayed into a raucous shithole just as every African nation did as soon as the guardianship of whites was taken away.

It may not be a comfortable fact to face but it is clear as day to anyone with the mind and intellectual integrity to admit it. Blacks are simply not neurologically wired to be anything but concerned with anything but being fruit picking apes.

>> No.10431922

>no the Celts probably didn’t leave significant traces in Greece and since they probably skipped over Greece since it logistically made no sense for a human migration to move in such a way, a different wave of IE people’s likely contributed those light haired and eyed phenos.
m8, claiming the Celts never came near Greece is going to get you laughed at by anyone who knows about Thermopylae, which is usually taught to twelve year olds.

Are you an Americunt?

>> No.10431927

Not him but you're missing the point about heritage, broadly speaking

>> No.10431933


>> No.10431939

it's me missing the point
you kids got it
I'm sure you complaining about blacks on 4chan is really gonna change the BBC's mind

>> No.10431945

1st person pronoun with 3rd person verb? Stultus anon!

>> No.10431948

line 97 in book one of the iliad:
>οὐδ᾽ ὅ γε πρὶν Δαναοῖσιν ἀειkέα λοιγὸν ἀπώσει
but not at least before thrusting unseemly ruin on the Danae
(it's an if you don't give it back, you'll get ill curse)

So, yes, ginger, yes, you cited a line without any relevance, and yes, you are so butthurt you don't understand classics that you've convinced yourself nobody else does either. Enjoy being laughed at by people you're envious of and who know better than you.

>> No.10431959

couple of things:

you’d have to dig into the articles on the Celts or the Celtic invasion of SE Europe to see that. the map shows Celts in Galatia and Thrace not the Aegean and this invasion happened and was completed between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BCE. The Dorics invaded Greece and conquered the Pelasgian population probably 500 years prior to that. the Celts are described by nearly all modern scholars as deriving from central europe, probably between the Alps and the Danube, probably closely related to the Scythians and not passing through the the Middle East, across the Iranic plateau and originating in the Pontic Steppe, which is exactly where the Dorians came from which I don’t dispute even a little bit.

You’re getting angry because you can’t turn me around and you are attached to a particular narrative. I’ll ask you again, what evidence is there that the Dorians were celts and that the ancient anatolians and Iranians, Vedics are celts? I don’t see any at all. It seems like my ideas about this are more in line with population genetics and linguistics than yours are. Also Thrace and Galatia aren’t Macedonia and Alexander died by the time the Celtic invasion of that region was complete you twit.

>> No.10431960

Do you disagree? Do you think a black man would have grown up and came up with Aristotles Organon?

Of course the question doesn't matter to you because you're only interesting in re-affirming your own liberal middle class complacency. Anything to kill a bad thought

>> No.10431966

>ITT: *nglo subhumans and their american offspring think they are in any way more related to an ancient greek than a nigger

>> No.10431973

you made a bunch of claims, they’re absolutely fucking retarded. Galatia and Thrace were made Celtic briefly after the fall of the Macedonian empire. These tribes never penetrated the heart of the Aegean, they hadn’t even left central europe until like 400 BCE. The Dorians would’ve all already been in their graves. You’re lying as much as a /pol/ nigger now. Goodbye idiot

>> No.10431977

>the Celts are described by nearly all modern scholars as deriving from central europe, probably between the Alps and the Danube,
Those are the same Keltoi mentioned much earlier by the Greeks, since the Battle of Thermopylae is in the 4th C BC. That's not digging deep, that's history they teach to school children. You've also now reversed your position that the Celts were all further west and not to be found in the area in that time period, so I and everyone else following this chain knows you've got no background and are trying to make up history on the fly.

I'm not angry, you are too dumb to read a map when someone spoonfeds you a wikipedia article. Getting mad at you would be as worthwhile as getting mad at a block of wood. It is not my fault you're not educated and trying to pretend you are, that's all shit I never have to deal with and yours to have.

>> No.10431978

Tacitus (Germania, 3) relates how the Greek heroes wandered to Germany and influenced German culture:

“They say that Hercules once stopped among them, and those who are about to enter a battle always sing his name before those of all other brave men. They also make use of songs, the recital of which (called the ‘barditus’ or ‘war cry’ by the Germans) inflames the spirits of the soldiers and foretells the fortune of the battle to come by its sound. They either instill terror, or shake with fear as the battle-line has sounded, and it sounds less like the sound of a voice than of manly ardor itself. A broken murmur and harshness of sound are also produced when their shields are lifted to their mouths, so that the voice can sound more fully and gravely by the reverberation.

Moreover, some speculate that Ulysses, driven on that long and fantastic journey to this Ocean, had himself come to the lands of Germany, and that Asciburgium, which was located on the bank of the Rhine and is inhabited even today, was founded and named by him. Nay, even more, they say that there was found in that same place an altar consecrated to Ulysses, which bears also the name of his father Laeertes; further, there are monuments and tombs bearing inscriptions in Greek letters which are still extant today on the borders of Germany and Raetia

>> No.10431987
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But is the point of this thread to engage with the BBC? Or is OP just trying to get a laugh or reaction out of us, a well merited one I think, casting a sub-saharan african in the foundational folk narratives of Greek and later Western civilization is bit on the nose. I'm sure even the actor felt odd about it if he had any sense

>> No.10431992

The Anglo-Saxon is morally and intellectually superior to ancient Greeks, if there's any disimilarity its to their detriment not ours

>> No.10431996

>you made a bunch of claims, they’re absolutely fucking retarded.
I'm not the anon you responded to, I just proved you wrong about when the Celts were in Greece with the most basic fact about Greece. Not knowing about Thermopylae is in Greek history is like not knowing about the Peloponnesian Wars in Roman history.
History is not some conspiracy of anons proving you wrong, it's pretty set in its ways and you just got it wrong. Stop calling other people retarded to knowing facts as basic as the one you got shown up on.

>> No.10431999

But nice collection of legends and myths you got there. Did you save that pasta for this kind of occurrence?

>> No.10432005

>no one studies african empires
>no one sees it on tv
>assumes it doesn't exist
>bitches that niggers never did anything

bitch, earth is a messy place, with a bunch of massive take overs, there were great empires and conquerors, all over the place taking over each other in a single messy war for resources

europe was not always white or christian, africa was not always just black either, muslims traded with chinese who traded with mali who traded with spaniards

portugal was the richest empire for a time, the aztecs had the biggest city in the world when cortez came to america, no0 country was like it is now, it was a bunch of feuds with rich idiots ruling over poor idiots, colonies with cowboys making their own law, tribes fighting each other for stupid reasons, walls that don't exist, new walls equally stupid

while we are talking in english here, there is literally a billion chinese guys studying the vast history of china which is almost a planet on its own

the way things are now is just the way things are now, the cold war didn't really end, the wwii didn't really end, fucking hell, colonization didn't end, medieval thought didn't end, slavery didn't end, we are all just playing with the consequences and creating more of a mess for the future centuries and so on

that's why i find racist shit so pathetic, not because of any sjw love for the foreigner or anything, just that if you think you can look around and say the way the world is the way it is today is because of some inate racial characteristic is just so naive and ignorant it's like talking to a child

>> No.10432009

No more odd than casting an *nglo subhuman.

>> No.10432034

Not everyone is as ignorant of history as you are, that post is like coming to /lit/ and trying to blow our minds with Kafka or something, we already know about it, it just seems crazy to you because you didn't

>> No.10432040

Actually it is odder by a factor of ten and you know it. I've been to Greece and if I get a tan I fit right in, more so than an african ever could anyway

>> No.10432043

yeah no thanks
>the same Keltoi mentioned much earlier by the Greeks
>you reverse your position
no you fucking lying scoundrel; the Celts entered thrace and galatia not the Aegean as a whole. they never even came close to Athens. The Greeks, the Ionians and Dorics are from fucking Anatolia and Iran, Pakistan and Northern India and southern Ukraine. they absolutely are not from central europe you massive cunt. The Celts had not left the fucking confines of the cell between the Rhine, the Alps, the Danube until Pythagoras had been dead for 300 years and the Trojan war had long, LONG ended. there is no physical way that Achilles or Pericles could have been Celtic when the Celts were inside the forests of central europe eating each other like animals. The Greeks are whyte but they are not Celtic or Germanic in any way. Northern italians are partially germanic, no one in their right mind disputes this.

Thermopylae why do you keep saying this? Thermonpylae was a battle that the Lacadaemonians had with the Persians which was insignificant in the grand scheme of the Greco-Persian wars you fucking bug nigger.

I’m done replying to you, you massive thieving, insecure white nigger cock sucker. stop trying to steal other races history. The current greeks, especially the lighter skinned ones are the ancestors of the Dorians and Ionians. The Dorians and Ionians now completely wiped out ancestors were from Turkey, the norther parts of the Middle East, Iran and the Pontic Steppe. Just because they are all caucasoids and speak PIE derived tongues does not make them Germanics you fucking little shit. Nearly all languages spoken north of fucking Alexandria are PIE derived tongues you massive retard

>Hercules according to a Roman fucking heathen with no training in linguistics or population genetics or archaeology made up a story about a mythical character the Greeks used as a symbol of their Mycenaen forebears
niggers all of you, fucking niggers

and the Keltoi are a group, that is absolutely the Celts which is first referenced around the 6th-5th centuries BCE and is always described as being native to Gaul and the Rhine-Danube region. You stupid fucking nigger

at no point to the Greeks ever EVER identify Germanics or Celts or Gauls as being their close relatives because they’re entirely different branches of the IE migratory pattern. the whole gambit of nordicism is to mix up dates and to conflated different ethnicities which have nothing to do with one another besides being from the Pontic Steppe and Eurasia which includes all the Slavs, all the Semites, all the fucking MENA peoples, all Southern euros. Its absurd, its so fucking anti-intellectual to even consider. Phenotypes you stupidly associate with nords and germanics are not exclusive to them. Red hair can be found among Bangladeshi and East african populations you fucking idiots, because they have caucasoid (not nordic) admixture

>> No.10432048

you’re subhuman

>> No.10432050
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Read again my post:
>Iliad book I verse 197
See? It says 197. Not 97. Here, I'll give you the Greek once again:
στῆ δ᾽ ὄπιθεν, ξανθῆς δὲ kόμης ἕλε Πηλεΐωνα

And where is the wig of our African-American actor? Will Athena grab the hero by the bare scalp?

>you are so butthurt you don't understand classics
My little anon can't be this cute. You need rest, anon. Look at what it's doing to you.

>> No.10432053

i believe with all my heart in the ignorance of the people here

what you say to me, i say it in reverse to you:
maybe you already know all of this, but not everyone knows it and some people do think that's crazy

>> No.10432070

>Dorics are from fucking Anatolia and Iran,
Oh, did you know something the Ancient Greeks didn't? Because they claim Dorics arrived from the north

>> No.10432071


>> No.10432089

>muh accuracy

Do you guys also get mad when women play the parts of women in shakespeare and not men?

>> No.10432092

>στῆ δ᾽ ὄπιθεν, ξανθῆς δὲ kόμης ἕλε Πηλεΐωνα
read the post I responded where I pointed out that usually means ginger, and if you're going by yellow or stone colour, it's the colour of egyptian works both on yellow and red sandstone.
see my post here >>10431827

Though I guess if we want to play around with how things are usually translated, wine is also yellow, and yellow in this instance could also mean combed.

>> No.10432159

of course, and i am disconsolate about the fact that many women of supposedly good repute infest the audience when it used be only whores. the whole of theatre is going to pot.

>> No.10432161

>“They say that Hercules
stopped right there, brainlet

>> No.10432165
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>he thinks I'm going to learn latin to tell one joke

>> No.10432173

>he thinks he made a joke

>> No.10432185

Do you think a white baby raised in a nomadic malian tribe would have grown up and came up with Aristotles Organon?

>> No.10432208

mali's kind of a big deal in philosophy (their charter for government predates the magna carta and has much the same assembly on the political front) and albinism is particularly high in subsaharan populations.
you're assuming they're not considered fathers of sociology, anthropology, and several other disciplines, and i suggest you look at the history before deciding it matches the fairy voices in your head.

>> No.10432213

>mali's kind of a big deal in philosophy
Yeah they're not though.

>> No.10432215

Yes that actually ruins the entire dynamic more so than stupid racial casting could

>> No.10432217

only they are though. even if you only count those from the maliki school which didn't even originate there, they're fucking heavyweights. compared to america, they can go another thousand years producing nothing and still be ahead.

>> No.10432219
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>he thinks he's the arbiter of what a joke is
>he thinks jokes aren't jokes when he finds them unfunny

just admit you're mad I didn't come in this thread, suck op's dick and make a bunch of hyuk hyuk kangs and quips for the 10 thousandth time

>> No.10432226

You missed my point.

No average white person isolated from civilization will just come up with masterpieces because of "superior neurological wiring" like that brainlet whom I replied to thinks.

>> No.10432280

>it's the audience that's wrong for not laughing
i'm sure

>> No.10432281

no you're wrong and untruthful wrong aspersions about what they meant and what we can confirm about them, North=Balkans, Anatolia, Black Sea. They didn't have a north-south orientation like us either. Their maps show Eurasia warped and bent along lattitudes that don't make sense at all. I believe what the physical anthropologists and linguists and pop geneticists say. Not you, or Salo-Forum or /pol/ who are known to lie for political and emotional reasons

>> No.10432283

well yeah he's a brainlet but that doesn't preclude you from being one too. you can both be wrong and deserving of my scorn :)

>> No.10432286
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>mali's kind of a big deal in philosophy

Oh man, someone wrote this with a straight face

>> No.10432288

The key words are "nomadic" and "tribe".

>> No.10432290

Which hasn't nothing to do with the argument that was made which very explicitly dealt with white people in Ancient Greece

>> No.10432297

Your argument is simply, if you're surrounded by niggers you won't end up being much more than a nigger which is hardly against /pol/'s beliefs and hence why the less of the negroids around us the better

>> No.10432299

>troy is located in western anatolia
>not black

what is he meant to be blonde with blue eyes? This portrayal is as accurate as the Pitt Troy films.

Bravo BBC for taking the right steps for a more inclusive sociétié

>> No.10432304

Which shows that it's much more than "superior" or "inferior" "neurological wiring".

>> No.10432307

This is funny and is even funnier if you aren't baiting

>> No.10432310


>> No.10432311

i know right, it's almost like you can't keep the story about the time they crashed the world's gold price without the story about the universities. it'd be awful if that part of history and philosophy didn't disappear and damn those timbuktoo libarians goin round saving shit from ISIS that proves you pleb. those meanies

>> No.10432316

the charter he's probably talking about is the kouroukan fouga, which was to deal with the organization of many nomadic tribes.

it's a bit like saying that mongols never conquered shit because ulan batur wasn't at a permanent site.

>> No.10432343

One leads to the other, the Greeks weren't handed down their knowledge systems from God, they worked generation by generation

>> No.10432349


>> No.10432352

I wonder how people are going to take this, considering Achilles (who everyone thinks is the main character of the illiad) sits in his ship for the vast majority of the story whining to his mother. Hector is more conventionally heroic (in our modern understanding) than Achilles, so the show will probably contrive something for Achilles to do and throw in the wooden horse as well.

>> No.10432357

What does it matter how they choose to portray fan-fiction? Does the amount of melanin in your skin disqualify someone from playing a fictional character?

Seriously, take your retardation to /pol/ with the other willingly ignorant and uneducated brainlets.

>> No.10432364

You talk like they chose this actor on the basis of merit and didn't specifically seek out a nignog for the role

>> No.10432386

The Anglo-Saxon received that knowledge from mediterraneans though. If the Sahara desert did not exist and that a Sahara-like one separated most of Europe from southern Europe, you know exactly who would be more civilized.

>> No.10432393

The Chinese?

>> No.10432400

Between black Africans in direct contact with mediterranean civilization and non-southern Europeans separated from mediterranean civilization.

>> No.10432404

Absolute nonsense. Northern Africa and the Middle East was far more connected to the Greco-Roman world than Britain and yet they ended up as illiterate backward shitholes while Britain came to the the centre of global science and industry. And likewise while Europe was closer to Greece Africa had far more convenient access to Mesopotamia, Egypt and Ancient India through the Indian ocean and nile river systems.
Britain was in no way geographically convenient for the spread of knowledge on the basis of mere proximity, rather it was the active work of white men to spread and accept knowledge that made it actualized.

>> No.10432415


Schopenhauer was right about how heritage is for pathetic losers.

>> No.10432419

Literally how is racial pride any different than what he wrote about women?

>> No.10432423
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>they ended up as illiterate backward shitholes
They weren't always like this.
>while Britain came to the the centre of global science and industry
Do you know how?

>> No.10432427


What if he was the best actor that they could afford for this production. Not everything is racially motivated. Were you the same type of brainlet plebeian complaining when they cast Idris Elba in capeshit Thor?

>> No.10432431


> using GDP to prove literacy

>> No.10432433

>They weren't always like this.

Yes before the caucasoid administrations were taken over by low functioning turks and arabs and diluted by negro slaves.
I can tell you how Britain came to rise as a power, through the stern and sober mind of the Anglo-Saxon who developed with his own hands and wit the modern scientific method applied towards the tenacious endeavor of exploration and homesteading whatever lands he set for.

>> No.10432444

kek, yes history is just a conspiracy against the white man. that's why the first western sociology is from mali. i'm sure the early medieval university system and libraries were just a hoax.

in fact, why not make the whole of the suda a hoax? goodbye aristotle and the rest of the greeks, we're not taking texts from the east either.

>> No.10432445

Sociology is a shitty meme science, I wouldn't be proud of claiming that

>> No.10432450

>before the caucasoid administrations were taken over by low functioning turks and arabs
Turks and arabs are caucasoid.
>negro slaves
They never "took over administration" and weren't even a significant minority of slaves.
>through the stern and sober mind of the Anglo-Saxon who developed with his own hands and wit the modern scientific method applied towards the tenacious endeavor of exploration and homesteading whatever lands he set for.
Thanks for the chuckle.

>> No.10432452

I'm sure the British Kingdom banning slavery had nothing do with the Asante Empire owning the Gold Coast and all its inhabitants.

And I'm sure the British Kingdom didn't become an Empire just because Victoria was envious of her daughter's title.

>> No.10432454

IKR no wonder we pretend the Malians came up with it to understand their vast empire!

>> No.10432458

The original Turks were mongoloids, Arabs are technically caucasoid (with spurious composition) but I used the term in reference to the former.

>> No.10432505

no they are Caucasoids racially, all Semites are caucasoids with extremely limited mongoloid admixture. They don't look like Uzbeki or Chinese or Turkomen

>> No.10432532
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Caucasoid yes but not in the usual sense, pariticularly Arabian pennisula they have a distinctive genetic set that seperates them from Europeans

>> No.10432544

>not in the usual sense
Yes, they're not from the Caucasus.

>> No.10432556

Exactly, mass didn't exist before the Higgs boson was discovered either. That's how people could build stuff like the pyramids. Moving the stones required no energy back then.

>> No.10432568

They'd both be intellectually desolate and would usher in a Chinese hegemony quicker

>> No.10432575

>I can tell you how Britain came to rise as a power, through the stern and sober mind of the Anglo-Saxon who developed with his own hands and wit the modern scientific method applied towards the tenacious endeavor of exploration and homesteading whatever lands he set for.
This got my dick hard

>> No.10432593

that income is measured in grain

before the dumb niggers salinated their rivers it had been the most fertile plaec on the planet. historical records note the unstoppably violent character of the orient

the day of the rope approaches

>> No.10432603

they're probably from the Iranic plateau and thus probably tangentially related to the people of the caucasus as there were more than just the Steppe niggers running around there. Caucasoid isn't a scientific term, it just refers to the Whytish people's who are not mongoloids or negroids or austroloids.

>> No.10432614


>> No.10432668

If these /pol/ kids were not illiterate in history or /lit/ they would probably be more up in arms at the fact that Aneas is black.

>> No.10432701

>These Indians whom I have described have intercourse openly like cattle; they are all black-skinned, like the Ethiopians. Their semen too, which they ejaculate into the women, is not white like other men's, but black like their skin, and resembles in this respect that of the Ethiopians.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.10432703

none of them are niggers. your distinction doesnt make a difference

>> No.10432708

nothing because all depictions of the Indians show them to be light skinned and he was fucking retarded and lied about tons of things he heard through hearsay. They wuz not kangz of anything but mud kingdoms

>> No.10432716

It isn't any different
Nobody said schopenhauer was right about women

>> No.10432719
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> a joke is isn't a joke because I find it unfunny
> I am everyone

He repeats a false premise, and projects his taste onto everyone else
what a philistine

I don't care if everyone in history found my joke unfunny. It's still a joke.

You cannot change the intention behind something through sheer psychic will shit-for-brains

inb4 "author is ded" meme

>> No.10432739

You have leddit spacing and looking up the quote chain the only anons that responded to you told you why the joke isn't funny. I think maybe you're not funny in Latin?

>> No.10432999
File: 107 KB, 600x800, debre_damo_monk_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where the south declines towards the setting sun lies the country called Ethiopia, the last inhabited land in that direction. There gold is obtained in great plenty, huge elephants abound, with wild trees of all sorts, and ebony; and the men are taller, handsomer, and longer lived than anywhere else.

>> No.10433021

>w-we wuz greek n western civilization n shit
Fuck off angloscum

>> No.10433034

Greeks are exponentially closer related to Anglos than niggers. I don't know why this fact triggers you so much

>> No.10433054

African nigger? Yes. Nigger that has grown up in *nglo country? Not by much. I'll go as far as saying that a nigger who grew up in a med country has far more in common with an ancient Greek than a anglosaxon who grew up in a hellhole like Australia or South Africa. And you're the one who's triggered, I'm simply stating facts and putting the *nglo wewuzzers in their place.

>> No.10433064

>Greeks are exponentially closer related to Anglos than niggers
I'm really beginning to think that 'Murrica edits out Briseis' delivery and Odysseus' batman.

>> No.10433094

Did you get this from Google translate? Just curious

>> No.10433131

black guy plays zeus

>> No.10433138

Modern Greeks are Turkish rape babies. They can claim Ancient Greece if they break their millenia long streak of doing absolutely nothing

>> No.10433161

I think we're all overlooking it's 2000 and 17 years past the supposed year of Jesus' birth, and after nearly three millennia, we still have no HD telling of the Odyssey where the sirens are birbwomyn.

Fucking humancentric pieces of shit, I hope all colours of you drown.

>> No.10433195

>Iliad actually has Africans in it
>lmao fuck it just make Achilles black we wuz greeks n shit

>> No.10433196


>> No.10433206

>trusting human calendars

>> No.10433321

>Thermopylae why do you keep saying this? Thermonpylae was a battle that the Lacadaemonians had with the Persians which was insignificant in the grand scheme of the Greco-Persian wars you fucking bug nigger.
....m8 you know there's more than one battle there right? There's a series over centuries because it's a tactical point. He even said it's the 4th Century one he's talking about; the one with the Gallic Celts at Thermopylae after they'd already descended to invade Illyria. You're so mad you can't even see which battle he's talking about when he's given you the time, place, and people involved.

Calm down, it's not that big a deal, and you're not right about that or the Illyrian thing either so you really don't want to treat it like a big deal. It's okay to be wrong, but, jesus, bro, take a breath before you write a wall of pointless text that doesn't address what you're responding to. He's talking about the 4th Century BC invasions of Greece by the Celts. The one's that are written by people one generation away from Plato. By the next generation large areas have been Celticized. That's the first time we ever hear of Illyria, when the Celts invade. From then on, writers are pretty sure they probably are the same people because they look so much alike.

I'll also point out that why there's not an invasion before that is because even the Celts aren't mad enough to attack Macedon when they're slaughtering everywhere between Greece and India. The Lacedaemons and the Celts are the only people not getting invaded by Phillip/Alexander for the preceding period to the Celts invading Greece.

>> No.10433377

The French really helps ring in the sarcasm

>> No.10433528
File: 15 KB, 206x213, 819A3DC2-6DC1-4D4C-9B2F-DB6463A951FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433531

this is hilarious in an iliad thread

>> No.10433567

>....m8 you know there's more than one battle there right? There's a series over centuries because it's a tactical point. He even said it's the 4th Century one he's talking about; the one with the Gallic Celts at Thermopylae after they'd already descended to invade Illyria.
"A Greek coalition made up of Aetolians, Boeotians, Athenians, Phocians, and other Greeks north of Corinth took up quarters at the narrow pass of Thermopylae, on the east coast of central Greece. During the initial assault, Brennus' forces suffered heavy losses. Hence he decided to send a large force under Acichorius against Aetolia. The Aetolian detachment, as Brennus hoped, left Thermopylae to defend their homes. The Aetolians joined the defense en masse – the old and women joining the fight.[17] Realizing that the Gallic sword was dangerous only at close quarters, the Aetolians resorted to skirmishing tactics.[4] According to Pausanias, only half the number that had set out for Aetolia returned.[5]

Eventually, Brennus found a way around the pass at Thermopylae, but by then the Greeks had escaped by sea." this is the battle of Therompylae from 279 BCE not from the 4th century BCE (first lie)
>they'd already descended to invade Illyria
yes but they never conquered Macedonia until Alexander and his generals' heirs had all died already.
"The Celtic military pressure toward Greece in the southern Balkans reached its turning point in 281 BC. The collapse of Lysimachus' successor kingdom in Thrace opened the way for the migration.[4] The cause for this is explained by Pausanias as greed for loot,[5] by Justin as a result of overpopulation,[6] and by Memnon as the result of famine.[7] According to Pausanias, an initial probing raid led by Cambaules withdrew when they realized they were too few in numbers.[5] In 280 BC, a great army comprising about 85,000 warriors[8] left Pannonia, split into three divisions, and marched south in a great expedition[9][10] to Macedon and central Greece. Under the leadership of Cerethrius, 20,000 men moved against the Thracians and Triballi. Another division, led by Brennus[11] and Acichorius[12][13] moved against the Paionians, while the third division, headed by Bolgios, aimed for the Macedonians and Illyrians.[5]"
and previous to that they weren't able to secure Illyria, because Cassander kept them at bay, this was in 298 BCE
>Calm down, it's not that big a deal, and you're not right about that or the Illyrian thing either so you really don't want to treat it like a big deal
The Illyrian thing was fake and a complete misunderstanding of chronology, the Balkans and Macedonia were Celticized after the Greek Golden Age, the invasion of the Ionians and Dorians, the Trojan Wars, the Peloponnesian war and Alexander's Invasion of Asia. He just made it up or misheard it from some idiot nordicist.
>t's okay to be wrong, but, jesus, bro, take a breath before you write a wall of pointless text that doesn't address what you're responding to

>> No.10433594

This is why The Holocaust was justified.

>> No.10433600

the walls of text are there so you can't lie easily, if I leave evidence that you're being deceitful other people will take the time to see if you are being an ass.
>He's talking about the 4th Century BC invasions of Greece by the Celts.
that's not when the invasions of """"Greece""""" (Thrace, Macedonia and Galatia) happened at all it was in the 3rd century and their campaigns into Greece, the Aegean proper, were totally disastrous because they're fucking forest niggers.
"Most scholars deem the Greek campaign a disaster for the Celts.

Some of the survivors of the Greek campaign, led by Comontoris (one of Brennus' generals) settled in Thrace. In 277 BC, Antigonus II Gonatas defeated the Gauls at the Battle of Lysimachia and the survivors retreated, founding a short-lived city-state named Tyle.[21] Another group of Gauls, who split off from Brennus' army in 281 BC, were transported over to Asia Minor by Nicomedes I to help him defeat his brother and secure the throne of Bithynia. They eventually settled in the region that came to be named after them, Galatia. They were defeated by Antiochus I, and as a result, they were confined to barren highlands in the center of Anatolia.[22]"
The Greeks themselves, the people you're trying to write over also completely deny that they were ever defeated by the Celts.The Celts ruled in the Northern Balkans for a while sure, but it was never a total domination of the region and it was again well after Alexander and his Generals had died, they were able to Celticize some parts of the northern balkans. They did not Celticize Thrace and Macedon much less Greece itself
>By the next generation large areas have been Celticized.
no the Celticizing happened sporadically and did not involve Macedon or Greece, the two places he was targeting originally.
>That's the first time we ever hear of Illyria, when the Celts invade
source? that seems extremely implausible
>From then on, writers are pretty sure they probably are the same people because they look so much alike.
no they don't at all and you made this up. Greeks, Macedonians, Thracians and Celts don't look the same, they all have distinct phyisognomy that's shown in their art work and they're not described by historians as the same races. You're making things up again.
>I'll also point out that why there's not an invasion before that is because even the Celts aren't mad enough to attack Macedon when they're slaughtering everywhere between Greece and India
No they didn't do very well in Anatolia or Greece and they were crushed within 300 years of their little venture into the Balkans by other retard tribes. They basically steamrolled weaker forest niggers.
>The Lacedaemons and the Celts are the only people not getting invaded by Phillip/Alexander for the preceding period to the Celts invading Greece
Sort of, he wasn't able to invade India properly either, so you'd have to include them too. But, that really means nothing as its irrelevant to the topic

>> No.10433615

Jesus, look at my post again.

I don't say the 279 BC battle is in the 4th Century BC, I'm talking about the 4th Century BC invasions of Greece (the Illyrian ones). The Battle at Thermopylae is the end of their successful invasions into Greece, when like what often happens at Thermopylae, the navy matters. >>10433567
>>they'd already descended to invade Illyria
>yes but they never conquered Macedonia until Alexander and his generals' heirs had all died already.
Which is why he is telling you they are in Greece invading Illyria in the 4th Century BC, and why I am telling you that the reason there is not an invasion prior is because the Celts are not that mad.

Again. Read what you're responding to before flipping out and deciding quoting things from wikipedia which support what I've tried to clarify for you are relevant. Did you not reach the paragraph of my post which I dedicated specifically to Macedonian expansion under Alexander and Phillip?

The reason why you have a problem understanding what that anon is saying to you is because you think you can brute force history into a new shape if you just wikischolar hard enough, regardless of what you're responding to. Seriously, take a breath, read what's in front of you, and fucking think before responding.

>The Illyrian thing was a fake
The last person who was this mad about the Illyrians I've ever seen was convinced archaeologists just hadn't realized they were the Ur-race, and that it was, apparently, "obvious why".

>> No.10433623

>be inspired by emily wilsons feminist odyssey
>start working on my own ebonic translation of the odyssey
>see this


>> No.10433631

basically you and him, and I you both talk like retards from yurope, lied repeatedly. Thrace was never really completely celticized and the abosrption of Celtic dna happened in the 3rd century and probably was not significant. Macedon could hardly be said to have been celticized. And then the body of Greece itself was not Celticized. They had a genetic presence for sure in the Northern Balkans where they genocided the Pannonians and they also seem to have penetrated into Anatolia, well after the Hittites were on their way out. The genetic signature they left in both of these places is not significant.

Plus the chronology is ass backwards. Golden Age of Greece was already over, Alexander and Philip and their idiot Generals' sons were all dead or dying off from infighting and incompetence. Greece itself wasn't in the state that it'd need to have been in for them to have been the Greek ancestor race. This is a Greece about to become Ptolemaic Greece and they most certainly were not Celts or Gauls or Germanics of any variety.

You just sort of made a bunch of stuff up, the dates are wrong, the claims are not backed up by evidence, you're using weird red herring tactics to draw attention away from the core premises of the "argument" its just fucking ridiculous. No one's claiming there couldn't have been blondes or redheads in Greece, there certainly were in Anatolia and in Iran well removed from this period in history. Its just not evidence of Germanics or Nords, thinking that it entails that is a sign of poor logical reasoning skills.

Greeks were whyte but not nords, that's it. There is nothing else to argue about. The Dorians came from Thrace and wrapped around the Black Sea. The Ionians probably did too and they probably also crossed over from Anatolia, considering how much they look alike its not implausible. There were many large tribal coalitions and migratory groups of IE people's it just doesn't mean what you or other people want it to. There's nothing else to say. You lied a bunch, the others did too and you're trying to erase a whole race's legacy to boost the poor, rather shameful conditions that the Gauls and Celts and Germanics existed in for a long time before the Romans and Christians happened on the scene.

>one generation removed from Plato
try over a hundred years after his existence

>> No.10433634

>Thrace was never really completely celticized
I said large areas were Celticized, and I did not say Thrace was completely Celticized. Your first sentence I literally cannot make sense of. I get the sense you're drunk, and perhaps might not even read this post.

>>one generation removed from Plato
>try over a hundred years after his existence
If anyone wants to check the first reference to Illyria in Greek texts, they can. I think you maybe need to stop.

>> No.10433646

The TL is still fucked, they never conquered Macedonia or Greece my friend. They may have left some presence there, but they did not actually take Greece or Macedonia at all. They fought at Thermopylae as allies, but that's not the same thing as defeating Greeks. It seems like they just played power politics from the Northern Balkans and intermixed with the Macedonians. Alexander himself wasn't a Celt and his father wasn't the Spartans and Athenians, the Thebans and Corinthians weren't either. What is the point you're trying to make? He was trying to say Alexander was a Celt and that the Greeks were Celts. You're pivoting away from the premises of his argument now completely. So, assuming they left a significant presence in the northern Balkans and had enough of a presence in northern Macedon to leave some genetic lineage, what exactly is this supposed to prove? that they weren't a homogenous population? It doesn't mean that Achilles, Pericles, Solon, Dionysius, Philip and Alexander were Celts at all. Not even a little bit. His family hated the Celts and the Persians and rebuked peace with them repeatedly. So, what's the point being made here? They didn't conquer Macedon while Philip II or Alexander were on the throne, they never conquered Sparta or Athens, Thebes or Corinth. So who fucking cares?

>> No.10433651

>The TL is still fucked, they never conquered Macedonia or Greece my friend.
I did not claim they did. Please, just read the post before spamming a wall of text that makes little sense and less reference to what you're responding to.

>> No.10433659

what are your claims then?

the original poster claimed that the Greeks were celtic and that the Macedonians were too. So what are you claiming? that Illyria became partially celtic?

>> No.10433754

Nobody ever claimed that you insufferable cretin, simply they shared an immediate common genetic lineage to the Celtic peoples North of them which is hardly a wild claim

>> No.10433757

I'm saying the way I read "him" is that he's saying
>the celts did come to greece
>when they came to greece there were also illyrians
>illyrians are red heads
>celts are red heads
>all of these are known to slaughter people like maniacs/beasts of unknown world
>since ancient greeks didn't know shit about genetics they assume these are related
>the people who came up with caucasoid are also misfounded

My main additions:
>he's pointing to when celts start getting confused with illyrians by the greeks, bookending their invasions into greece
>especially since first time illyrians come up they're being part celticized and already have red hair/similar features
>whence all the greek scholarship/myths on illyria giving birth to all races/the celts/other "obvious why" reasons the greeks gave to them being celts or celts being secretly illyrians

Like the idea of "white" the idea of Illyria progressed from invaded by the Celts, when they first get mentioned, to giving birth to the Celts by the time the Greeks knew more about both of them. I'm using the first mention of Illyria ITT here >>10431771 as the start of what you think is an argument with one anon. He says you still find people in that region who have red hair, who are not Caucasoid. I assume he means Illyrians.

I came in to say I think he's talking about the Illyria/Celt confusion timeline, and that not just one big battle happens at Thermopylae. Here >>10433321

I think you've mistaken anons saying the Celts have been to Greece, near Alexander, and near Illyrians and all these things are redheads for anons saying
>and that's why Greeks were totally right for racially linking those things
I think anon's saying that's why thinking Illyrians are Caucasians or Celts based off their hair is dumb. It's probably not unique to any of them and the confusion of the Illyrians with the Celts, or conflating Alexander's hair with spitfire personalities, is probably not a reliable genetic system.

I hope greentexting helped. I'm not very good at it.

>> No.10433777

>that they
so the Macedonians or the Greeks or both?

The Greeks were never conquered by the Celts so that wouldn’t be possible and it also would make no sense in the context of the original post where that poster was referring to blondes and redheads in greece in reference to Hercules, Achilles, Perseus, the Spartans an the Athenians. So they actually did claim that and its completely false. then they tried claimin “Alexander might share blood with them” but that’s not true his dynasty didn’t interbreed with them and he and his father despised them and put them to the sword multiple times to keep them out of Greece.

So what you’ve established is that the northern balkans experienced periods of celitcization. Illyria and Thrace probably absorbed some of those genes but they definitely weren’t Celtic during the Golden Era at its height and Plato, Solon, Pericles etc certainly wouldn’t have been celts at all.

Then, Troy, the subject of this thread, that war was so far back the Celts would’ve had no presence in the region at all. So, circling back:

the poster in reference to the original post about those phenotypes disappearing made mention of the Celts and Alexander sharing blood with them. He didn’t and then when pressed about it especially in regards to the Dorians and Ionians who arrived about 600-800 years prior, they tried to insinuate they too were germanics.

Then they pivoted back to the Illyrians to try to push for the idea that the macedonians and specifically and especially Philip II and Alexander the Great would’ve been celts, so they could say they were Germanic. but, that’s impossible because Philip’s parents were Greeks, they were Macedonians not Celts. Finally, there was the general sense that they thought they could argue that greece and macedon were germanic-celtic from the period of the Dorians but this is totally fucked and now you’re backing off that claim.

You’re now going back to just sort of hoping you can get away with saying “they” (notice the vaguery, so i have to ask you to clarify if they is illyrians, macedonians, philip’s dynasty, the greeks as a race or the Dorians/Ionians specifically) probably shared blood with the Celts.

But, as established only the Illyrians and Thraciand really received a large dose of that blood and the important dynasties of Macedon were pure Greek and really did not apprecite the Celts at all.

So, who had what blood and how did they share it with celts? and further still, if the Mycenaens and Ionians were absolutely not Celtic and the Celts were invaders who never took Boetia, Corinth, Athens, Sparta, why should I care at all?

Greeks were not germanic in origin or in blood. incursions in Macedon were crushed over and over and their presence in Illyria, a frontier nation which wasn’t Greek anyways (and were considered barbarians) it wouldn’t even make sense to bring it up. they were just barbarians who influenced Greek politics

>> No.10433797

>Greeks were not germanic in origin or in blood.

Neither were the Celts. You seem to have a very muddled perspective of what is being proposed here.

>> No.10433802

The Illyrians, from context.

Though the Illyrians probably did share likewise with Macedonians. Some of it was probably rapey sharing since they killed the first Philip.

I'm going to specify I'm not the anon you're quoting with this post.

>> No.10433804

>Like the idea of "white" the idea of Illyria progressed from invaded by the Celts, when they first get mentioned, to giving birth to the Celts by the time the Greeks knew more about both of them.
no that's wrong and not what my original post said, I said that the Greeks and Macedonians had red and blonde haired phenos in their midst which is why Achilles and Perseus and others are described as very white in appearance w/everything that entails. They then said:
'its not that they were bred out with time, its that the Celts moved" so either they are suggesting:
a)something that has nothing to do with the Mycenaeans and Greeks and we think of them and is completely fucking irrelevant to the discussion
b)the greeks were celts, that's where the phenotype comes from, they moved and so that pheno left Greece
which is absurd and already been dealt with. So which is it? you're muddying the waters now. Stick to what I said and what they meant and look at them whining about the dorics afterwards, its obvious that b) and not a) is what they intended
>I came in to say I think he's talking about the Illyria/Celt confusion timeline, and that not just one big battle happens at Thermopylae.
>that's the first we ever heard of Illyria
>invasions of greece by celts
>large areas celticized
>writers say they are the same people
if by Greece you mean Thrace, northern Macedon and Illyria then I guess? But, two of those three areas aren't Greece and Macedon was never conquered and Philip's dynasty crushed them and they stayed the fuck away from Alexander. The Celts were still attacking Illyrians during Alexander's conquests. and then you and them both said Alexander probably shared blood with them which is just wrong, and you tried connecting it to Athens too and that's wrong too. They tried connecting with the Dorians and that's wrong also.
>He says you still find people in that region who have red hair, who are not Caucasoid. I assume he means Illyrians.
the Illyrians weren't caucasoids? First of all, what has this to do with the argument? second of all are you fucking retarded? Caucasoids had long since settled the Mediterranean, those were probably Caucasoids they slaughtered. Just a different tribe of primitives.
>I think you've mistaken anons saying the Celts have been to Greece, near Alexander, and near Illyrians and all these things are redheads for anons saying
>and that's why Greeks were totally right for racially linking those things
Wait what? the Greeks never racially linked those things at all. who racially linked them together? Me? I never suggested the Celts had anything to do with that shit. I said that the Greeks and Macedonians were absolutely whytes and that they themselves contained the blonde and blue eyed, redhead phenos, which are recessive and died out. Most of them did not have that at all tho.
>I think anon's saying that's why thinking Illyrians are Caucasians or Celts based off their hair is dumb.
Never brought that up

>> No.10433811

>conflating Alexander's hair with spitfire personalities, is probably not a reliable genetic system.
why didn't they just say that in the first place then? What a fucking load of shit. what a waste of my time. Why insert the Celts, why insert the Illyrians if you're just upset that I claimed Alexander had blonde hair and that the Mycenaeans did too? What a fucking bunch of trickery. Especially by trying to suggest the Dorians were Celtic and that the Celts conquered Greece well before the Golden Age and were one and the same as the Dorians. That's so fucking dishonest and stupid.

Now all you have left is just your inability to keep as story straight
>illyrians are red heads, Greek thought something
no, not at all. The Greeks didn't fucking depict people as redheaded or blonde because of Illyria at all. You're mixing shit up.

Pay attention or don't fucking reply

>> No.10433820

>Neither were the Celts. You seem to have a very muddled perspective of what is being proposed here.
Celts had nothing to do with the Greeks everyone knows about including the dynasty of Alexander he descended from. That's what was claimed 3 times now, also that the Dorians were Celts.
>Though the Illyrians probably did share likewise with Macedonians. Some of it was probably rapey sharing since they killed the first Philip. I'm going to specify I'm not the anon you're quoting with this post.
But, not Alexander or Philip II and not any of the famous Greek kings. So what's the point of all this. You're all just running in circles. The last 3 replies you've given are short and say the same thing over and over. Illyrians, Celts, "oh hey they were probably mixed into the Macedonians and also forget what was said about the Greeks as a race, also a bunch of nonsense about hair color" the Greeks didn't get any admixture from them and their perception of hair and eye color goes back to Crete and the Minoans well before all of this. Colored Greek statuse show Kore with red hair and blue eyes. There was a red haired group in Greece, they died out or their pheno was just taken over by the dominant dark eyes and hair. I don't even know how to express how fucking aggravating this kind of snake behavior is. You know exactly what you're driving at the both of you

>> No.10433821
File: 26 KB, 560x340, img_vinobianco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>usually means ginger

>wine is also yellow


>> No.10433852

>>Like the idea of "white" the idea of Illyria progressed from invaded by the Celts, when they first get mentioned, to giving birth to the Celts by the time the Greeks knew more about both of them.
>no that's wrong and not what my original post said, I said that the Greeks and Macedonians had red and blonde haired phenos in their midst which is why Achilles and Perseus and others are described as very white in appearance w/everything that entails. They then said:
It's not wrong, the idea of Illyria did progress from being invaded by the Celts to giving birth to them. There's a lot of poems about a female Illyria giving birth to (amongst others) Celtus, her son. What you've said in response does not refer to that being wrong or at all.

>the Celts moved
That is true. The Illyrians didn't move. They're still fucking up the Balkans and being redheads. You have not disproven shit, you have not read shit again, and again with the wall of text. It's like if you think you babble enough people won't notice you're not responding to anything the other person says. You sound deeply confused about what is going on, because you're answering in complete non sequiturs.
>first we ever heard of Illyria
There is literally no place called Illyria in Greek history until around the 4th Century. Literally think before you post. Herodotus lives in the 5th Century. We don't have Greek history before him.
>the Illyrians weren't caucasoids? First of all, what has this to do with the argument?
It's the post that started this "argument". Considering how you try to argue, I'd say that post has nothing do with anything you're responding to.

>invasions of greece by celts
>if by Greece you mean Thrace
No, by "bookending their invasions into Greece", I meant between their invasions into Illyria and the battle at Thermopylae is the time span being indicated. I should have qualified successful, since they do go on to get cursed at Delphi and other failures but that's afterwards.

>Wait what? the Greeks never racially linked those things at all.
Yes, they did. It moves from assuming they're related, to Illyria causing them. Polyphemus and Galatea give birth to Illyria (from which we get Illyrians), Celtus (the Celts), and Galas (the Gauls).
>>I think anon's saying that's why thinking Illyrians are Caucasians or Celts based off their hair is dumb.
>Never brought that up
It's the start of the quote chain and what the majority of it seems to be trying to explain to you. It doesn't surprise me that it never came up for you. You don't read shit.

>> No.10433853

>>>10433802 (You)
>>Neither were the Celts. You seem to have a very muddled perspective of what is being proposed here.

m8, that's not in my post, have a looksee.

>Anonymous 12/22/17(Fri)07:03:12 No.10433802▶>>10433820
>The Illyrians, from context.
>Though the Illyrians probably did share likewise with Macedonians. Some of it was probably rapey sharing since they killed the first Philip.
>I'm going to specify I'm not the anon you're quoting with this post.

>> No.10433870

>>wine is also yellow
That makes the wine faced sea awkwardly like a swimming pool.

>> No.10433879

i know you’re lying now, fuck off you fucking idiot.>>10433853
fuck off retard you’re lying again. there’s attestations of the Illyrians from the 8th century BCE, they weren’t celts and the two people you just named weren’t real people at all. Celtus is a fucking made up person and has nothing to do with the fucking Illyrians and Celts actual history. The celts conquered the Illyrians in the 3rd century BCE. fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.10433890

>>conflating Alexander's hair with spitfire personalities, is probably not a reliable genetic system.
>why didn't they just say that in the first place then?
They did. Everyone's been trying to explain to you that anon said being a redhead doesn't make you Caucasian or Illyrian or Celtic or Alexander. Apparently for hours on top of when I came in this thread which is ages ago. It's bizarre that you might have assumed your "opposition" is also continuing this long. I almost don't want to trust your seeming continuity, because it means you've been wall of texting this for well beyond pointless hours.

>> No.10433900

>you must be samefag
>that's why I quoted some other anon
Wat? You responded to my post with a misplaced quote, that's not from my post which you were trying to quote.

>> No.10433909

>fuck off retard you’re lying again. there’s attestations of the Illyrians from the 8th century BCE, they weren’t celts and the two people you just named weren’t real people at all.
There's plenty of evidence of the Illyrians (even before that), but the first time they get mentioned by the Greeks is the 4th Century. As I've been saying forever.
I assume by not real people you mean that in the myth the Greeks made up about races, there's a cyclops. That happens with a lot of Greek races, and I'm talking about how their myths and racial classifications changed over time. The Spartan requirement for you to descend from Heracles to be a citizen never really got tested scientifically by the Spartans either.

>> No.10433925
File: 47 KB, 522x350, sunset-over-the-aegean-sea-aiolos-greek-collections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10433941
File: 54 KB, 512x512, 1435215317477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defacing the flag that your own party foisted on us in 1965

I hate Trudeau so fucking much

>> No.10433972

Get tha fuck outta here Foucault, that ain't science.

>> No.10433990

They literally are, by blood, far closer to ancient greeks than subsaharan africans.
To imply the opposite is to have creationist-tier ideas concerning genetics.

>> No.10433992

fucking idiot

>> No.10433994

>by blood
Spotted the *nglo.

>> No.10434005

"by blood" is a common way to refer to ancestry/DNA/whatever.
Yes, anglos are genetically closer to ancient greeks than subsharan africans are.

>> No.10434008

you’re both absolute retards and the idiots in this thread have no respect for history. the only people who should be depicting greeks are people from Greece. Greeks are the closest living relatives to the Mycenaens. Don’t believe me? Go look at their art, not art of their heroes. Look at normal Minoan pottery and engravings and reliefs. What do you see? Anglos? Nope. Germans? Nope. Nords? Nope. You see fucking Meds. A totally distinct taxa of humans. Egyptians and Greeks were not Nords, they were not Germanics, they were not niggers. they were Meds and Nile Valley peoples. Stop talking you’re both retarded and have done no research and are pushing cultural engineering and fake history.

>> No.10434013

Black curly hair or gtfo

>> No.10434014

>the only people who should be depicting greeks are people from Greece
I've never denied this. The only claim I was disputing is that subsaharan africans are somehow as unrelated to ancient greeks as anglos are. This is patently false.

>> No.10434025

>the only people who should be depicting greeks are people from Greece
Not just Greeks but descended from the same tribe. The same family. Fuck it, the only people who should be depicting these characters are the original people they're based on. At the ages they were at the time of the story. In the mediums available at the time.

>> No.10434027

Nice strawman. Are you now going to use the "hmmm sweetie, there are gods in the movie, are you going to say a black man is unrealistic?" argument?

>> No.10434031

It's not a straw man it's reductio ad absurdum you stupid faggot.

>> No.10434035

lol what a dumb argument to not be able to seal up in one or two posts
you fucking subhuman retard never talk about art again. how about i make a play on Broadway about Mansa Musa and everyone is Swedish? Would you like that honey?

>> No.10434040

Sure, that would be about the most original thought you're capable of producing.

>> No.10434041

It's a strawman because it completely misses the point people are making when they say what you quoted. Saying that greek actors>anglo actors>>>>black actors has nothing to do with belonging to the right tribe or being the exact age, and you know this perfectly well.
You are literally only pretending you don't get the argument because it's a black guy playing a white guy part. If it was the reverse, I wouldn't need to explain this to you.

>> No.10434045

>Ancient Greeks
The only "point" you think I'm missing is your general racism. Not all Greeks look the same, just using one for that role isn't going to be significantly more accurate than any random person. It's not "realistic" until they're identical. But that's impossible.

>> No.10434051

>asian tony

>> No.10434053


>> No.10434066

>it's not less realistic if
I guess you're one of those morons who think saying the earth is a sphere is as wrong as saying the earth is flat. Point is, you're probably not as moronic as this, again you're only doing it because it's a black guy playing someone who was literally described with traits we attribute to white guys, in other words a white guy.

>> No.10434068

Except for the trait of being an Ancient Greek and of Mediterranean descent so explicitly not white.

>> No.10434084

Do you get equally upset when somebody steals your bike as when they steal your neighbor's?

>> No.10434085

Even if we say greeks aren't white, it's still more realistic than having him played by a subsaharan african, the same way having them fight with 200 bc weapons is more correct than having them fight with assault rifles.

>> No.10434489
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>he hasn't read Kant

>> No.10434631

>he only people who should be depicting greeks are people from Greece
>nobody's ever invaded greece since and they definitely didn't kill off some of the people involved
I'm not sure what you think the modern Trojans have to gain by hiding Troy, but I wish you'd give them a phone call and ask them to kindly inform the rest of us.

>> No.10434740

>guy playing someone who was literally described with traits we attribute to white guys, in other words a white guy.

>implying the Irish are white
Achilles isn't generally depicted as black, but in all honesty, I'm not sure that anyone wants to see a carrot top play Achilles like he's usually depicted in art, or to get someone to dye their hair yellow with turmeric.

I mean, would you be okay with the black guy playing him if he had literally yellow hair? I doubt it. And you're probably chimp out that Eurybrates didn't have the right kind of black hair to play him if they got a black guy to play him either.

There's a little something invented in the 1800s called the suspension of disbelief. I suggest you try it.

>> No.10434759

It's amazing how shitty the arguments your side is making are. Like, mind-boggling stupid.
>Achilles isn't generally depicted as black
Achilles wasn't black, full stop. The character of achilles wasn't meant as a subsahran african. That's it. That's why you're right in doubting I'd like an african with yellow hair to portray achilles, because achilles wasn't african.
>There's a little something invented in the 1800s called the suspension of disbelief
>hey, they're fighting with bazookas, that doesn't seem right
>uuuuh sweetie, how about suspension of disbelief mmkay?
No, this is garbage and it's only done to push an agenda.

>> No.10434779

>Achilles wasn't black, full stop.
Achilles wasn't fucking real, you nignog. The only description we have of him means he's likely ginger, and not likely blonde.
Blondes are really not described as he is, and even later sources that say lion haired if you said to a native English speaker now would fit better to someone like Rebekah Brooks than Unity Mitford.
>Coleridge is garbage
I'm sure you're the height of western civilisation, saying things like that.

Why are you so butthurt that they're not putting enough gingers on screen? You a ginger and upset it has the same letters as nigger?

>> No.10434805

>Achilles wasn't fucking real
No shit? Great argument yet again.
>Coleridge is garbage
Can you read?

>> No.10434911

>Achilles wasn't fucking real

Imagine resorting to this as an argument. Why don't we get Danny DeVito to play him since the Illiad never specified his height

>> No.10434921
File: 38 KB, 600x568, didntsignupforthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Achilles wasn't fucking real

>> No.10434926

Ak Lays iz da OG runnin nigga mah nigga *smacks lips* Ainno whypypo catchan him mah nigga.

>> No.10434941

Imagine actually thinking this is funny.

>> No.10434956

Its not meant to be funny it's meant to be belittling

>> No.10434962

Spit, bitches, of Achilles’ wildin,
Black and murderin’, that cost the crew
All this pain he brought, sent bodies pilin
True G’s straight to hell through,
And left the niggas in the street
For dogs and shit, God’s will can’t be beat.
Starts with the beef Agamemnon--
The Kingpin--and the realest nigga Achilles.

>> No.10435046

It actually works because all the characters in the Iliad think and act like hood niggers. I want a movie called the Illiad about two rival gangs who start a war because one stole the other's best ho and they drag their respective friends and families in. When they mention chariots replace it with a tricked out Mustang, the charioteer drives while the passenger does a drive-by with his Glock.

>> No.10435061

Furthermore the Homeric epics were not works of high literature, they were bawdy pieces performed for intoxicated crowds and heavily improvised. The film could have the meta-narrative of a freestyle rap concert.

>> No.10435099
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That's the worst citation I have ever seen

>> No.10435105

I... I think I would actually watch this.

>> No.10435129
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>> No.10435140




>> No.10435163

God, this shit is so forced and cringey.

>> No.10435184

the ancient Greeks were absolutely whyte you idiot, did you not see the arguments in this thread? there was a whole substrate of them with red hair and blue eyes. they were whyte. just not nords or germanics. whytes are pale skinned caucasoids with progressive physiognomy and usually from the R1A or R1B haplogroups. That’s all evidence we’ve found about them. they weren’t africans at all. They came from the Black Sea and Anatolia. The Ionians crossed over from Anatolia and the Dorians probably came down from Thrace and across from Anatolia. they weren’t from africa. The Carthagians were Semites, also caucasoids and they too wouldn’t have at all looked liked Sub-saharans. So between the Greeks, the Carthagians and the Phoenicians and Anatolians there are zero sub-saharan taxa. Fuck off you pernicious racist faggot. You know EXACTLY what you are doing. The whole point of casting Achilles as black and Paris as black is to blur the lines between the ethnic groups and to insinuate: Egypt was black, Libyans were black, Minoans WUZ blaq, Mycenaens WUZ blaq and written ova by da whitey, and that the Meds are a nig race


you’re brain dead and unfunny

i would be totally fine with a Greek actor of athletic background dying his hair red or blonde to play Achilles and wearing contacts, i’d also be ok with a Swiss or northern Italian playing him since their genetic distance isn’t absurd like it is for Anglo goblins and Nig monkey people. Im not ok with: Anglo faggots like Pitt and others playing the Greeks OR niggers playing them.

>> No.10435197

>verifiably high IQ

>> No.10435246


>> No.10435251

>>Achilles wasn't fucking real
>Imagine resorting to this as an argument. Why don't we get Danny DeVito to play him since the Illiad never specified his height
Imagine trying to argue that a fictional character must only be played by an Anglo Saxon actor, because that's what you think Greek references to Achilles hair colour meant. It'd be hair to explain why when Romans came across blonde Angles they thought they were like nothing else in the whole empire, I'm sure Homer would have recognised what you're arguing for- being blind as if you trust that history.
>>Achilles wasn't fucking real
It makes it hard to be the first real Angle in Greece when you're not even real. It makes it double hard when the Greeks didn't say he was AngloSaxon, and instead say he's ginger.
But what would the Greeks know, they only wrote that shit down, you, the movie going audience must know they were just wrong about Achilles and really really meant that he was an Anglo blond. Truly preserving the fiction as intended.
Now all we need to do is get them to understand that Troy was actually in Basingstoke, and the epic will be properly honoured.

It's hilarious people want him to be played by a race that didn't even exist at the time, in the Greek known world. Are you all planning on getting them to put a Circassi ginger in the show as the actor? No of fucking course not, because you're ignorant tits who think that the Greeks just got it wrong and meant to say blond like an Anglo. I'm thinking the Greeks didn't get Achilles wrong, and you're butthurt that the show is getting him about as wrong as casting an Anglo would be. Though the Greeks had actually met black people and gingers, the AngloSaxons you want to go in the role didn't exist at fucking all for them. Would you bitch if there was a fully AngloSaxon White Protestant cast? No, of course you wouldn't. You're the kind of racists that prove AngloSaxons subnormal to the Greeks.

>> No.10435261

>Imagine trying to argue that a fictional character must only be played by an Anglo Saxon actor

Literally nobody argued this. Only that a fellow European makes extraordinary more sense than a nigger. Its justified picking an Anglo-Saxon because its produced by the BBC and English actors are more abundant and relatable to their predominantly white audience.
If Nigeria wants to stage an adaption of the Illiad they're free to cast all the blacks they want but it'll never happen because Africans are incapable of staging anything more sophisticated than genocides

>> No.10435264

>i would be totally fine with a Greek actor of athletic background dying his hair red or blonde to play Achilles and wearing contacts, i’d also be ok with a Swiss or northern Italian playing him since their genetic distance isn’t absurd like it is for Anglo goblins and Nig monkey people. Im not ok with: Anglo faggots like Pitt and others playing the Greeks OR niggers playing them.
They need to get a Circassi, bro, I feel you on that for accuracy, but there's never been any accurate portrayal ever. Swiss isn't realistic, he's probably one of the Med races with red hair not one of the northern ones, and certainly not AngloSaxon. The problem is they're not going to do that ever. They're also not going to air it in Ancient Greek.

Complaining about who's black being inaccurate though only has legs if you say Eurybates should be black. Because he is black in the text, and blacks were known to Greeks and Meds at the time, while Anglo blonds were not. Swiss or Anglo is more absurd distance than Ethiopian blacks because there's not trade route to those people til much later but the Ethiopians and other blacks had been trading with them forever.

>> No.10435265
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>he is still in this much denial about the existence of Achilles

>> No.10435271

>Literally nobody argued this. Only that a fellow European makes extraordinary more sense than a nigger.
No it doesn;t. The Greeks had niggers, they did not have Swiss or Angles. Most of Europe was completely unknown to them. Their expansion is east into nignog land and perians and other towelheads not west into Switzerland ffs.

>> No.10435273

Gingers are an abomination, we shouldn't officially recognise them as extant.

>> No.10435281

>The Greeks had niggers

Yeah as fucking slaves not human beings, the Greek traders had to be given diagrams not to mistake apes for niggers when looking for slaves they're not about to call one of the smelly half-beings a hero.
Meanwhile a Greek born with relatively pale skin is totally within the realms of reason.

>> No.10435298

>Yeah as fucking slaves not human beings
fucking read the Iliad and Odyssey, Eurybates the herald is black, with hair like sheep's wool and melanin-enriched. Odysseus literally describes him as melanin-enriched if you thought that's just /pol/ coming up with new words.
Read the fucking book, you doublenigger.

>> No.10435304

>Swiss is more absurd than east african mongrels
no its not at all because the distance from Greece to Switzerland is about equal but the genetic distance between Caucasianized (they’re literally the Whytest africans) Africans and Swiss-Italics to Ionian and Doric greeks is not the same.
>Eurybates should be a kang
i agree I hate any depiction of this kind of work that’s not accurate they should have gotten a brunette for Odysseus whose hair was dyed blonde and turns brunette, they should have gotten a black Eurybates whose Tigre and they should have gotten a Greek or at least South-Central blonde Euro to play Achilles. the person they put as Achilles is a sub-saharan congoloid and it looks fucking absurd.
>the greeks had niggers
lol stop using that word to disarm me, you’re advocating for a congoloid playin a whyte blonde blue-eyed hero, an icon of the whyte race.
the Greeks didn’t treat the nogs like the Egyptians did because they barely had to deal with them. the Egyptians absolutely despised niggers whereas the Greeks much like the Nords saw them as odditties and didn’t hate them. the Ethiopids of Mycenaen Greece would’ve had heavily caucasoid physiognomy with smooth black radiant skin and whytish negro hair. They’re the whytest of all the nog races. But, they absolutely should nt be used as a post-hoc reason to depict Achilles as a congoloid (which is a different race of blaqs entirely from ethiopids and are significantly more distant genetically than Ethiopids) it looks fucking absurd and we all know why they did it and that it was specifically targetted at dumb liberals who try to make excuses for this behavior going forward.

>> No.10435312
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>Anglos can't look Gre-

>> No.10435314

What's that have to do with Achilles?

>> No.10435319

that’s an Atlantid, not a Med. coastal Germanics and Gauls look like that. Just because /pol/ is so fucking dumb they can’t even to racial taxonomy right doesn’t mean we should blur the lines so badly that we can’t make sense of things anymore. there’s an art to all of this.

>> No.10435330

>doesn’t mean we should blur the lines so badly that we can’t make sense of things anymore
But we should cast a congoloid nigger as a Greek hero with white traits?

>> No.10435333

>>Swiss is more absurd than east african mongrels
>no its not at all
You should really tell the historians and geneticists that they need to stop finding niggers and start finding more Swiss if you want anyone to believe you. The Swiss were highly fucking inbred and isolated by the Alps even into the last fucking century you utter moron. They used be where you went to study inbreeding distinct from other Euro populations, until scientists realized Finns were more inbred. They are not the whites of Africa or Greece, or even fucking France or Germany.
>you’re advocating for a congoloid playin a whyte blonde blue-eyed hero,
No, I'm saying that you're advocating for races the Greeks had never and could never meet because they're far too recent and distant and unnamed in the Greek codices to be known to the Greeks. Achilles is probably a ginger, and there's plenty of Med races, including the Semites, who have gingers. Placing a Swiss or Anglo in the role as bad as placing an Abo from Australia in the role: they didn't know about those, but the Greeks did know about gingers and niggers and that's why the gingers and niggers in the story are not Swiss or Australian, but fucking Anatolian and African.

I'm not the anon you're talking to about barely having to deal with niggers, but you're wrong there too. Their trade routes to the east are mostly managed by the Ethiopians, and they have to sail past an entire fucking empire of niggers to get a lot of oriental goods.

>> No.10435336

Achilles is also in that book that anon didn't read. He's the one with Achilles and Briseis. Fucking read the book in question.

>> No.10435344

>and there's plenty of Med races, including the Semites, who have gingers.
I want to believe /pol/ would be more trolled by Ashkenazi Achilles, and I want to see it happen. Who do we pitch these things to?

>> No.10435354

Have you ever been to Greece? Ever met a Greek person in your life?
Anglo-Saxons are not such alien beings that they couldn't blend in among Greeks, you're seriously fucking deluded

>> No.10435358

>. Fucking read the book in question.
I did, and just as a negroid traits are mentioned so are actual nordic ones, the latter explicitly for Achilles, and even then no ones clamoring for him to be played by a blonde haired white guy, which would be infinitely more accurate than a negroid. I don't see how this argument could go on for so long.

>> No.10435361

no that was the other anon, pay attention to diction to differentiate posters
for fuck’s sake you’re playing a game again, i mentioned the Swiss because they’re the closest robust race of whytes i can think of
there are no robust Israelis, Druze, Phoenicians or Assyrians I can think of who would fit this description w/reddish-blonde hair, tall, lean, fit, progressive physigonomy. The ones who might probably can’t act for shit. You’re right that those are the groups in addition to the Greeks to look for
>Semites are meds
not in the same way as the Greeks were but sure ill grant a tenuous connection
>completely skips over the fact that the actor is a Sub-Saharan african congoloid and not a caucasoidal, Ethiopid
>also obfuscating that either way its absurd to put a nog in as Achilles even if they were an ethiopid because Achilles was a Mycenaen Greek with whyte skin and blonde hair, not a dadk skinned african with “wooly hair”
>the Greeks trade routes were “managed by Ethiopids”
>the Greeks dealt with them like the Egyptians did
go look at how the Egyptians treated the Nubians its fucking hilarious, they treated them worse than European colonists did. Like bugs

>> No.10435364
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>An Englishman would be just as out of place in this picture as a nigger

>> No.10435370

>Placing a Swiss or Anglo in the role as bad as placing an Abo from Australia in the role:
No it wouldn't you fucking imbecile they have entirely different traits, it makes more sense to cast a causasoid for a caucasoid how is this hard to understand. I've been to Greece they have white people, or atleast people that look white

>> No.10435373

you can literally see a robust greek man in the lower left section. there’s zero reason to have a nog playing Achilles

>> No.10435382

>so are actual nordic ones, the latter explicitly for Achilles
>he thinks the only red heads with blue eyes are Nords
You're shit at eugenics even by Nazimemer standards. He's ginger, but that doesn't mean that he's Nordic. If he were Nordic that would be a way more interesting story than the Iliad. As it was, and is, though, redheads aren't rare round Anatolia or even in Greece. Circassians, Jews, Illyrians and lots of others from the area have red hair and it does not stop them getting denounced by Nord fanciers.
>Have you ever been to Greece? Ever met a Greek person in your life?
Yes I have and they all thought my red haired companion was from Israel. Apparently Greeks can't tell Nordic from Jew.
And Anglos were such alien beings that the wig trade in Rome specifically bought them as slaves for their rarity. The first joke we have recorded in Britain by the Romans is the Pope saying they look nothing like people called Angles but look like angels, because their colouring was otherworldly.
Probably, try the BBC.

>> No.10435388

>The first joke we have recorded in Britain by the Romans is the Pope saying they look nothing like people called Angles but look like angels, because their colouring was otherworldly.
awww that's so sweet :)

>> No.10435410

>there are no robust Israelis, Druze, Phoenicians or Assyrians I can think of who would fit this description w/reddish-blonde hair, tall, lean, fit, progressive physigonomy
>The ones who might probably can't act for shit.
This is probably why you're not a casting director, when you can't find people of that type within four races worth of people. If you're complaining about how /fit/ they need to be, there's no fucking modern actor who could perform any of the Greek warfare, because nobody trains hard enough. They've tried to recreate Attic rowing with Olympic athletes in fair weather conditions and they just about managed to not capsize. The Attic navy used do that at speed in any conditions, while under napalm attack. If you want an actor who can do that or anything else comparable to the even more mythically adept at warfare Achilles, well, good luck with that invincibility potion, I guess?
>>completely skips over the fact that the actor is a Sub-Saharan african congoloid and not a caucasoidal, Ethiopid
Ethiopians are not from the Caucasoid race, and you're a retarded nigger who thinks niggers must all come from the Congo. You should go back. You know you'd bitch if they put an Ethiopian in the role just as much.
It's not obfuscating. I clearly said Eurybates is described as wooly haired, and Eurybates is not another name for Achilles. You seem to have confused the two, which is not my obfuscation, it's your brain not working.

>>the Greeks trade routes were “managed by Ethiopids”
Except the Greeks say yes and I'mma trust them not your dumb ass.
>>the Greeks dealt with them like the Egyptians did
I didn't say that, that's your brain being broken again and thinking you can make up quotes.

>> No.10435417

"non sunt angli sed angeli" is how I heard it recounted to me, but you might want to check the specific wording to be historically accurate.