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10430795 No.10430795 [Reply] [Original]

I dream about success but lack the discipline to put in the work. I can't schedule my day properly. I'm sick of not following through on my plans. Is there a book that can help me stop being a pussy?

>> No.10430821

No book will help you, unfortunately. The single best advice I can give that's not bullshit, is to stop searching for long lasting motivation in other things or other people.

>> No.10430822
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>> No.10430838
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I know that feel bruh. If you're anything like me you'll never do anything but always dream of doing something important only to let the crushing reality of your failure remind that you haven't done anything which in turn will consume your thoughts of doing something only to have the pressure and stress force you to inaction until you fall asleep and wake up to repeat the process again. Feels Bad Man.

>> No.10430857

I know that feel. You have to break the circle by finishing something for once.

>> No.10430858
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Fucking awful. I can't stand this type of edgy sweary 'get motivated' stuff

>> No.10430873

How do I pull it out from within?

>> No.10430874

>I just gave you a dozen easy-to-understand directives
>you still can't find a reason to motivate yourself

See a doctor faggot.

>> No.10430878

reason it out

>> No.10430963

try biphasic sleep. you know how much shit I get done between 1 and 3 in the morning since switching to this? Reading, writing, studying, etc. are all much easier and the rest of the day is more productive too.

If you aren't a wagecuck like me, you may even try more aggressive alterations to your sleep schedule (I need to be available during normal working hours so I'm limited).

>> No.10430981

You are either aren't thinking enough, or you're thinking too much.

Not thinking enough: Nietzsche
Thinking too much: Epictetus/Daisetz Suzuki

Though really I can sum where all three of them take you pretty quickly: your lack of motivation is a subconscious sabotage, and any thinking you do to dissuade yourself from action is likely a deeper way of your mind achieving its end (thinking really hard, even about nothing is tiring; tiredness makes it harder not to be a lardass). No matter how much you think, it will never become an action. No matter how much you act, it will never be a thought. You can continuously halve the distance between yourself and a door and never make it there, or you can stand up and walk through.

Just go, pick a direction and follow it, if you fuck up or have a shit day, jump back on as soon as you notice.

>> No.10431021

Your point about self-sabotage is spot on.

I definitely feel like I'm thinking too much, I've been obsessed by this problem for the past two years. I'll pick up Epictetus. Do you have a specific recommendation for Suzuki?