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/lit/ - Literature

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10429682 No.10429682 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, when you're browsing 4chan you're basically reading doing the same as reading a book, right?

Personally, I sincerely believe that there are some posts now and then that contain the same (if not superior) literary merit of many respected writters of both old and modern literature. And the intellectual aspect of 4chan literature can be noted and grasped by the fact that normies don't visit 4chan because they can't handle the artistic merit of 4chan, and opt for literary alternatives that are more suitable for their inferior ability of analysing well-written text, such as browsing reddit and reading genre fiction, the former being a typical ocurrence with indivuals of the male gender who are too normie for 4chan but not normie enough to be a representation of the normiests of normies, and the latter being a much more common case along individuals of the female gender).

What does /lit/ think?

>> No.10429689

I think you can't spell for shit and have an inflated sense of what 4chan is. Do not for a second think that this is some bastion of great literary works; for God's sake, you're two clicks away from seeing a cartoon horse with a giant dick fucking a Pokemon.

>> No.10429696
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>this entire post

>> No.10429697

Sometimes this is the case. The discussions, when they exceed their normal quality, which is below that of a fucking coffee shop, are at times extremely engaging. So, in a certain sense you are getting intellectual stimulation on par with some salon banter but its never the same as irl or twitter dm groups or just reading by yourself.

>> No.10429722
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>so someone told me about this audiobook they listened to; that conversation was pretty much literature, right?

>> No.10429747

Wait, strangers talk in coffee shops? I thought you went there to sit alone hoping someone would come up and talk to you or sit next to you with an interesting book.

>> No.10429792
File: 326 KB, 700x416, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A crow's divine eye, nested in a symbol sitting atop a hill of black plastic garbage bags. I was there because I needed to rid myself of these Mongolian baskets I'd failed to weave. And I was there changed. Transformed ever so slightly by that eye; an eye transformed into chthonian portal. Or the symbol of the crow making me reconsider all those silly, irregular weaves that had once been the product of a straight-line rage, a cold mathematical desire to find some way to contain. But caw the crow did atop the growing heap at my wasted attempts, cawing with a fixed eye on a fleshy waste of a man. Cawing and flapping and feasting at waste while I fed it more; yet not enough, never enough.

>> No.10429802

Were you the guy who was here last night green texting stories about my fucking cabinets?

>> No.10429810
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OP, there is actually some good stuff on /x/

4chan is going to be "Bit-mined" for information of the arts in the future.

Because we spell the future, and I'm going to create the system to do it!

>> No.10429816

I want to say no. Hopefully not. What did he say? Assuming this was a person?


>> No.10429818

Does anyone else agonize over shitposts?
Sometimes I write them days in advance, or wait hours to post at a time when I know they'll receive the most exposure.
I've literally cried when a joke I felt to be exceptionally clever garnered no (You)s.
This is why DFW offed himself, isn't?

>> No.10429821


One of the better threads I had on lit. It was fun. Wish some more people joined in.

>> No.10429886

I do.

Most of shitpost ideas come to me when I'm struggling to sleep at night, which happens very often. In my head, I carefully plan of what my shitposts will be like for about an hour and I audibly laugh at the cleverness and subtleness of what I just came up with. I visualize how people will react to my shitpost, and all the (You)s I'm going to get.

I write my perfect shitpost, usually on the very next day, and I chuckle as I type every single letter, and then I post it. The amount of (You)s I receive are, in most cases, disappointing. And it doesn't help that they usually get deleted very quickly.

The ironic thing about this, however, is that the majority of my shitposts that do achieve a respectable quantity of (You)s are the ones that I come up with on the spot, with little to no effort.

>> No.10429899
File: 25 KB, 529x334, mans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, this is awful. An utter pseud's idea of a poetic tone. Is this what watching too much anime does to people?

>> No.10429900

Nay, not I. My stuff fits in a sack and the back of my car. And i saw that post as another attack, so I left it alone after a few glances. Wasn't in the mood, nor had a sceptical mind. Be bludgeoned to death by the deamons I've unleashed someday, and unfortunately not in a rage but in slow, systematic tapping on my left shoulder as they pass around the right and disappear into my ear. Could be I box the critters, but I can't help getting to know them first.

>> No.10429903

Is the grocery list on the fridge literature? The ingredients on the bottle of shampoo? How about a sentence or two scrawled into the sand?
All literature is writing; not all writing is literature

>> No.10430098

(You) for solidarity, brother.

>> No.10430337
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Stupid dumb hamsterposting scum

>> No.10430357
File: 68 KB, 882x960, 1414966854302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, when you're browsing 4chan you're basically reading doing the same as reading a book, right?
No, 4chan rots the mind and isn't even fun nor comfy since it became a twitter/reddit colony.
>the fact that normies don't visit 4chan

>> No.10430385

Kill yourself

>> No.10430871

Not him, but feck off, m8. Post may be clumsy in spots but it still manages to convey the desperate misery of the shitpost addict better than anything else I've ever read. Boi done gud, and you know it.