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10429389 No.10429389 [Reply] [Original]

Paradise Lost, Inferno. What is the third book of the triad? Not including the bible, of course.

>> No.10429395

Mel Gibsons Passion of the Christ

>> No.10429399


>> No.10429402

What does Paradise Lost have in common with the Bible?

>> No.10429403

>believing everything needs to come in threes
god you christcucks are insufferable.

>> No.10429407

Three is the magic number edgelord

>> No.10429426

>source: the bible

>> No.10429443

Its because any singular identity demands a not-identity and the consideration of the identity and the not-identity together leads one to the complete of the triad, the not-not-identity (of the identity in the not-identity itself).

In this transcendental sense three truly is magic and hence why OP is looking for the completion here

>> No.10429450

This or unironically Dead Souls by Gogol, moreso if you know what Gogol intended with the sequels that never materialized. Less theological of course, but its a great account of the human under the wheel in the 19th century. Though do read Faust first

>> No.10429462

Don Quixote

>> No.10429472

The Faerie Queene

>> No.10429475

seraphim rose's "magic toll houses that totally aren't purgatory guys"

>> No.10429487

The thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The father, the son, and the holy ghost. The mind, the body, and the spirit. Logic, Emotion, and Morality. It all fits together...

>> No.10429511

You guys are missing the point
Jerusalem Delivered?

>> No.10429514

Pilgrim's Progress

>> No.10429525


>> No.10429538

Le Morte d'Arthur

>> No.10429601
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You rang

>> No.10429604

shoo shoo go away Protestant nigger

>> No.10429704
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>being such a fedora tipper that you blame number choices on religion

>> No.10429705


>> No.10429728

this or Pilgrims Progress or The Book of Common Prayer

>> No.10429737

'The Comedy' is more accurate

>> No.10429757

el commedia el divinio is the original i believe

>> No.10429778

my diary desu

>> No.10429798
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>> No.10429877

Is Faust the same story as The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus? I've read the play by Marlowe, but Faust by Goethe is good I hear.
I tried reading it once before, but it was pretty hard to since I got bored right away. Should I give it another shot?

>> No.10429882
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Fuck you, trilogies are fun.

Souvlaki - Loveless - Nowhere

On the Road - Fear and Loathing - The Electric Koolaid Acid Test

[3 unrelated films that go well together in order] I'm not a film guru I'm afraid.

Point is, trilogies are fun and fuck you

>> No.10430017
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The Iliad, The Odyssey & The Aeneid
The Comedy
Paradist Lost
...Maybe Clarel, though I have yet to finish it
>It's more than 3

>> No.10430062

A challenger appears:
>Orlando Furioso
>Gerusalemme Liberata
>Chanson de Roland

>> No.10430400

>Jerusalem Delivered

>> No.10430658

Le repondre:

Up from Inferno
Through Purgatorio
Into Paradiso

>> No.10430675

Sex, Drugs, Rock n' Roll
The true holy trinity