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10428512 No.10428512 [Reply] [Original]

I just read this and didn't understand shit. Can someone explain to me what this was about?

Thank you /lit/ bros

>> No.10428522

There wasn't much to understand. Plot was shit but it wasn't important. It was all about the atmosphere. Did you feel the atmosphere?

>> No.10428532

Yes. I loved it. That's why I read it all. I did however feel that I was supposed to understand something more .

>> No.10428536

it's about that feeling you get when you're an INFP personality type and you go out into the city at night to observe people

it's okay for aesthetic to be the point

>> No.10428545

Sure. But the part that confused me was the TV alternate dimension, the ending and the mirrors that kept the reflex of the persona after he/she left the room. I am not saying that I didn't like the book.

>> No.10428568

haven't read it, I'll tell you right now, the Japanese are philosophically sterile as a race and have contributed virtually nothing outside of some interesting utterances regarding socialism and futurism. They're all style, absolutely no substance. Their uglier cousins across the South China Sea are the thinking Asiatics.

>> No.10428578

The thing that I like in his books, and I only read Norwegian Wood and this one, is the atmosphere. It is unlike any other book I have read before. But I understand your point

>> No.10428579

it is about a time when the sun goes down

>> No.10428778

Murakami is like the easiest thing to read. This took me 3hrs to read, his others at least a day or two

>> No.10429439

>go out into the city at night to observe people
Say what? You go out of your house specifically to observe people?

>> No.10429991
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I thought it was about young women in Japan and how they can get fucked up over all the sexual pressure. Like the main girls older sister in the quasi-coma; she's beautiful, but she's worse off for it. And the psycho office worker guy represents the bad parts of male or sadist sexuality. Also the love ho worker who shows her scars and stuff represents how women might suffer due to their desire or something like that.

>> No.10430014

aesthetics is philosophy.