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/lit/ - Literature

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10427734 No.10427734 [Reply] [Original]

>Ecclesiastes 6

> A man might have a hundred children and live to be very old. But if he finds no satisfaction in life and doesn’t even get a decent burial, it would have been better for him to be born dead. 4 His birth would have been meaningless, and he would have ended in darkness. He wouldn’t even have had a name, 5 and he would never have seen the sun or known of its existence. Yet he would have had more peace than in growing up to be an unhappy man. 6 He might live a thousand years twice over but still not find contentment. And since he must die like everyone else—well, what’s the use?

>Everything has already been decided. It was known long ago what each person would be. So there’s no use arguing with God about your destiny.

> In the few days of our meaningless lives, who knows how our days can best be spent? Our lives are like a shadow. Who can tell what will happen on this earth after we are gone?

>Ecclesiastes 4
>I observed all the oppression that takes place under the sun. I saw the tears of the oppressed, with no one to comfort them. The oppressors have great power, and their victims are helpless. 2 So I concluded that the dead are better off than the living. 3 But most fortunate of all are those who are not yet born. For they have not seen all the evil that is done under the sun.

>Ecclesiastes 5
>People leave this world no better off than when they came. All their hard work is for nothing—like working for the wind. 17 Throughout their lives, they live under a cloud—frustrated, discouraged, and angry.

>Ecclesiastes 3
>I also thought about the human condition—how God proves to people that they are like animals. 19 For people and animals share the same fate—both breathe[a] and both must die. So people have no real advantage over the animals. How meaningless! 20 Both go to the same place—they came from dust and they return to dust. 21 For who can prove that the human spirit goes up and the spirit of animals goes down into the earth?

>> No.10427752

The primary people that say Ecclesiastes is there favorite book are "agnostics" who haven't read the Bible and want to appear literary and intelligent. Bonus points if they say their other favorite is Job.

>> No.10427777

>But most fortunate of all are those who are not yet born. For they have not seen all the evil that is done under the sun.

And then we invented abortion. Lord have mercy.

>> No.10427782

It's my favourite because it espouses a heavy antinatalist sentiment.

I'm not agnostic, but you do have me pinned down with the rest. I've never read the entire bible, but probably more than most.

>> No.10427785 [DELETED] 

The best is fucking Leviticus where God BTFO fags. Degeneracy has no place in a white world

>> No.10427797

I don't even agree with that anon but this is a terrible reason, especially considering the whole book is meant as the opposite of your nihilist degeneracy.

>> No.10427845


>> No.10427847

I don't believe life is meaningless, I just believe it's one big horror show. Nature is a giant abattoir of suffering, death, adaptation, and death again. Each species (including humanity) enduring innumerable hardships just to reach the stage of reproduction so we can offset the burden of living to a new generation. Better to have never been than pointlessly continue the cycle.

>> No.10427861
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Job > Ecclesiastes.

>> No.10427866

Double bonus points if they think it's super ahead of its time and out of place in ancient religious book. Read some ancient Babylonian wisdom texts, they have the same sentiment. What's usually called the Babylonian Theodicy is basically Ecclesiastes and Job rolled into one. The Dialogue Between a Master and his Servant says that life is farcical and people may as well commit suicide.

>> No.10427868

Sounds pretty meaningless to me.

>> No.10427875

God is the most degenerate being there ever was, who else could be?

>> No.10427877 [DELETED] 

Women, Jews, blacks, liberals, fags?

>> No.10427879

I think you're projecting.

>> No.10427881

I can conceive of a being that is ultimately degenerate. Said being would be more degenerate if it exists than if it doesn't exist. Therefore, the ultimately degenerate God exists.

>> No.10427890

>doesn't even get a decent burial
>well, what's the use?
What shit tier translation are you reading, The Message?

>> No.10427895
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>> No.10427899

>the Bible was written in Jacobean English

>> No.10427901

I believe you can find meaning in this horror show. Maybe even transcend the suffering. You could even argue it's your duty to do so once you're here. When it comes to reproduction though, you're rolling dice with another conscious being. You can't guarantee its happiness, in fact, the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against that being the case. Anything but non-reproductive sex would be unethical.

>> No.10427909

Fuck off.

>> No.10427910

>>the Bible was written in Jacobean English

>> No.10427955


why would you post verses from some new age blog post retard version of the bible and not the KJV?

>> No.10427978

KJV shills fuck off english will never be a poetic language

>> No.10427984

Why do you assume the world is inherently horrific? What is your assured determination of happiness that you believe a future person to be is likely not to attain? I don't believe these ideals have any more weight than any other human ideologue who thinks his limited experience, degree of thoughts, and innate predispositions are good enough to pass a solution on humankind and all existence.

>> No.10427988


go read a fucking sparknotes summary faggot. style matters and the KJV is one of the most monumental works of english literature largely because of this.

>> No.10427993
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>> No.10427994

What does happiness have to do with it?

>> No.10428014
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I have some times believing you are rael

>> No.10428040
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Is Hamlet the most /lit/ of Shakespeare's plays?

>Hamlet act 3 scene 1

>Should I live or shouldn't I? That's the topic I'm currently contemplating.

>> No.10428054


>if a translation can't be better than the original then all translations of that work have equal merit

>> No.10428057

not copping ezekiel and revelations for the ufos.

fucking amateurs.

>> No.10428061

Ok faggot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdKQh7pHlwc

>> No.10428069

>ezekiel and revelations
Those were my favourites in primary school. Loved all the spooky creatures. I think I read at least 20 times in 3rd grade.

>> No.10428075


>> No.10428084


>> No.10428089

Antinatalism belief is the ultimate way to rank people according to their level of docility. Antinatalism is in fact the number one priority in the agenda of the elite.

>> No.10428106

>tfw your edgy philosophy was actually just the status quo

>> No.10428122

"Nearly 1/2 of the world's population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty."

In the first world, roughly 1 in 10 people are diagnosed with depression. Anxiety and stress are no less common. It's fair to say the sedentary first-world lifestyle you and I hold fails to solve this discomfort with existence.

We know many animals share similar neurobiology with humans. Many mammals are capable of empathy and vast gradients of emotional experience. I don't think I need to explain to you how stressful the constant predator-prey struggle for survival is on these animals. It's clearly not an ideal existence if we think about the possibilities of conscious experience.

>> No.10428126
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Douay Rheims > KJV

>> No.10428133

I read ESV, fight me faggots

>> No.10428144

>Things internet "Catholics" say

>> No.10428149

The babylonian stuff you mentioned is nice

>> No.10428170

only God demands your complete worship like an autistic child screeching for attention

btw God never grows up he will always be the God of the OT, at least those people you mentioned will mature into oldfaggots

>> No.10428187

>I haven't read either: the post

>> No.10428200
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>antinatalism is nihilistic

Time for you to go back to school

>> No.10428225
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They are the elite for a reason. They know what they're doing and understand esoteric realities better than any of us.

>> No.10428271

OP obliterated

>> No.10428279

Wow, man... that's like, so ahead of its time, you know? Hard to believe people were having modern thoughts like this 700 years ago.

>> No.10428303

yes ive read the norton edition english bible as well. You didnt think anyone would see through your bullshit, did you faggot?

>> No.10428339

if a nigga can't get a holla, ain't no use in even tryin', nah mean?

>t.worldstar edition

>> No.10428349

>brings up statistics
Okay, dude; these don't make life inherently horrible, what makes it horrible to you is the thing that's causing you to interpret those facts as why existence is horrible and conclude death. You have to remember you are you and the conceptions of the people effected by those facts can and probably is entirely different. Your statement on animals doesn't mean anything because they're not capable of sentience, they're instinctual cannot make judgements on life.
it being 'not an ideal existence' doesn't justify an ultimate conclusion of nonexistence for every other autonomous creature is or to be either.

>> No.10428368

Lol. If you have a 100 kids you won the evolution, you won life, you will have so much offspring your legacy will live on in your bloodline until human extinction. You already won life, you don't need to be happy. This is why the Bible is such low test horse shit.

>> No.10428373

Wow guys was Ecclesiastes actually Arthur Schopenhauer????

>> No.10428381

>lol bro poverty isn't real
>it's all in your head lmao
your post

>Your statement on animals doesn't mean anything because they're not capable of sentience
This might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.

>> No.10428406

I wish I could raise 100 kids, I would feel like I had the biggest dick in human history

>> No.10428408

just spend your life donating to sperm banks

>> No.10428414

How many kids can a single woman have? Between 7 and 10 I'd guess? If she starts having kids at an early age that is, let's say 20 years old. I mean, if you need at least 10 women to have 100 kids, that sounds like a terrible headache

>> No.10428444

i said i want to RAISE them. if i didnt care about that i would just impregnate whores around the globe

>> No.10428449

>cannot comprehend subjectivity and the worth of everything must abide by my material/statistical measure
Also you still haven't answered *what* it is that makes you see life as inherently horrible. Do you really think the emotion of horror in you makes life universally horrible?
Also yes, animals cannot conceive of something like 'I am not going to have children because life is inherently horrible'

>> No.10428456

Ecclesiastes isn't a guy. The words are King Solomon's

>> No.10428462
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nigga please
>mfw 100+ kids, 500+ grandkids, 0 headache

>> No.10428474

Are you using this idea to justify your own laziness/immorality? It's easier to think like this than to try and be good, I suppose.

>> No.10428482

>0 headaches
the imment octopus attack suggests otherwise

>> No.10428487
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>> No.10428492

It's a very Hellenic text from the bit of research I did on it a while ago. It comes from the first centuries AD (if I recall right) and was almost certainly written by a Jew who studied Greek philosophy.

Pretty cool mang.

>> No.10428498
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>to live is the same as to be

>> No.10428499

an early age to start having kids is 13. which is the avg for latinos in the US and close to the average for african americans. spics average 7, niggers average 5, og niggers like somalis are up to 10. with modern medicine you could bump both those numbers up to 14 easily.

get this population replacement underway real smooth and gentle like. 100 years from now, the "white problem" is completely solved.

>> No.10428509

The very existence of suffering makes the choice between giving existence and non-existence obvious. The superior moral position is always not engaging in procreation. Suffering is inherently negative, whereas well-being or happiness can be considered positives for those already in existence, but these are not sufficient justification for giving life, since you cannot deprive someone of something they never had.

>> No.10428519

fuck are you talking about, not being born is the greatest suffering possible, because you cannot even exist. it transcends all other sufferings by your own definition, because the absence of a thing is it's own greatest negation.

they figured this out by like 500 bc, how are you not aware of it still?

>> No.10428523

almost all of the Bible was written by Jews anon. most of the main characters are Jews, the Messiah is a Jew and the religion that the NT is based on is Jewish. But yes it is very neat

>> No.10428528

You need to exist in the first place to experience suffering, dumbo.

>> No.10428531

The most aesthetic books of The Bible are:

>> No.10428537

>no Matthew
>no Revelation
>no Daniel
please fuck off you stupid fucking convert

>> No.10428563

you're not wrong but Ecclesiastes is really good. Proverbs is the GOAT book of wisdom, though

>> No.10428590

>suffering is inherently negative
Yes, but that doesn't mean it is completely negative. Your suffering teaches and develops you if you're willing to bear it and learn. It also ennobles you when overcome.

>> No.10428604

You're assuming the potential for negative outweighs the importance of the potential for positive. I don't think this is right though, since I believe the positive is capable of justifying the negative and usurping the negative, and surpassing it more so than the negative is the positive. Ultimately I think the positive is grander since it can achieve sublimation and transcendence of the negative, so that it's worth a shot at achieving.

>> No.10428656

Wait, what? The average age for latinos to have kids is 13? What the fuck

>> No.10428665

>what is shitposting

>> No.10428673

I've literally never owned or read the Norton edition, I've read the primary Babylonian texts though. Nice try yourself, faggot.

>> No.10428674

its like 16, but its still repulsive.
>i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.10428830

the average age at first birth is well above 20 for all races


i'm not too sure about that...

>> No.10428854


Ah yes that paragon of virtue

>> No.10428858

>haha I know you just learned that information from reading a book you faggot
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10429185


>> No.10430149

You only say that because you don't have it. Solomon had 1000 wives and thousands of children.

>> No.10430158

lol in America mayb

>> No.10430419

What's the point in fighting for an order in the future if you won't secure it?

>> No.10430428

I don't get this argument because you could just be wrong

>> No.10430430

Judge me, /lit/, I've only read the KJV New Testament, tried reading the OT but it just fucking drags on so much

>> No.10430432

>Why do you assume the world is inherently horrific?
I always like to take an impersonal stance and reference entropy and the second law of thermodynamics. Everything in the universe is slowly falling apart and all order is only obtained at the behest of something else's destruction.

>> No.10430451

>Uses a catholic/orthodox picture
>reccomemds an incomplete protestant version of the Bible

>> No.10430471

Dude get this shit out of here nonexistence would be an awful fate. One worse than hell.

>> No.10430797

Every single one of those 3 is a forgery. Also, the Revelation of "John" is appallingly written. Not even Mark uses that poor a Greek.