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/lit/ - Literature

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10426992 No.10426992 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people on this board so fucking well-read and intelligent?

I want to know how old you fucks are and how often you read.

>> No.10427001 [DELETED] 

I just come here to post frogs and redpill the cucks on here on the Jews

>> No.10427005

>well-read and intelligent

>> No.10427007

I am redpilled. I don't need Jewish literature when I've got Sam Harris and Kevin MacDonald

>> No.10427009

Age 23
1 book a month for the past five years.
You just sit down and force yourself to meet a quota.

I also had to do a lot of reading in college so realistically it was more like 1 book a week but no one wants to count things you where forced to read. It was a lot of engineering books.

Though I'm aiming for one a week now that I've graduated.

>> No.10427016
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I am not redpilled, but I hate everyone anyway.

35yo (trigger warning) WHITE MALE, I've read at least an hour or two of theo/phil/lit almost every day for the past 10 years. Was into children's books and shitty genre before that.

>> No.10427021
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>everyone around me at work thinks I'm a well-read intellectual
>I'm actually a brainlet retard

>> No.10427070
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>false flagging/satire
all your efforts are in vain
the alt right is here to stay

>> No.10427076

Sowell's not a bad dude, anon. He makes economics accessible.

>> No.10427078

>Basic economics

>> No.10427082
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>well-read and intelligent

>> No.10427085

He's more a propagandist than he is an economist.

>> No.10427156

realistically, in how much time would you say you could you read a book like "the catcher in the rye"?

>> No.10427182
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they aren’t at all, most posters are around 16-20 years of age and write exactly like every single MFA i’ve ever met but cruder.
>Domas Sowe madez egonomigz assessible

>> No.10427352

We're really not that well-read or intelligent. Just a bit above average.

t. 20-year-old who reads between 20 and 50 pages a day.

>> No.10427390

Agree with 1, disagree with 2

>> No.10427395


my favorite book is Busty Babes 4

>> No.10427401

also the sequel, CUM FOUNTAIN

>> No.10427406

32. I read about a book a a week.

This board isn't well read. It's full of pretentious teenagers that can't pick a fucking book to read without a goddamn chart to tell them what to do.

How do these people even wipe there own ass?

>> No.10427419

>I was never an easily impressionable teenager. Please approve of me /lit/, I really need it.

>> No.10427425

Maybe 10% of /lit/ posters are well-read and intelligent. That said, that's probably 5 to 50 times the proportion of well-read and intelligent people you'll find on most other 4chan boards (certainly more than on the larger boards like /b/, /v/, /pol/, and /r9k). That relatively high proportion elevates a few thread so that there is interesting content and discussion in them. But don't forget the large number of shit threads we have as well (bugs easy on the carrots, rupi threads, cliff threads, etc).

My demographics: 34 white costal american, read somewhere around an hour a day of literature (on top of probably 2-4 hours a day of general news, magazines, and texts related to my non-/lit/ job).

>> No.10427426

20 something. I'm well read because I've been reading for 20 years, and as a native french speaker I got a headstart with the french classics. I also lived in the US and went to a great school with great teachers. I'm intelligent because genetics I guess, genius iq masterrace aquí.

>> No.10427447


This is wonderful bait

>> No.10427475

I read Sparknotes and Schmoop

>> No.10427480

So are you.

>> No.10427512

My parents just loved me enough to educate me. Most of what passes for well read and intelligent here is just an edgy EM Forester reader who's fourteen.

It bothers me the amount of people who have reached eighteen and have never read more than a handful of books, in the same way someone might get bothered if you told them you'd never seen a TV despite otherwise seeming quite ordinary: how did someone not introduce you to it before me? are you in a cult? does nobody leave you in their living room?
I think it's in part a cultural thing, because I know and see so many people who habitually read, and that's not the case globally. Still, how are you eighteen and have only read three books? It boggles me.

>> No.10427514

I think autocorrect disapproves of Maurice.

>> No.10427520

21, a couple of hours a day work permitting. Usually finish a book every five days or so.

Why is Forester your first association with "edgy fourteen-year-old"?

>> No.10427549

>Why is Forester your first association with "edgy fourteen-year-old"?
He attracts edgy fourteen year olds, especially the ones who are going to grow up into vicious faggots (by faggot I mean literal cocksucking males).
Consider this quote from A Room With a View
>I fancy they know how to read – a rare accomplishment. What have they got? Byron. Exactly. A Shropshire Lad. Never heard of it. The Way of All Flesh. Never heard of it. Gibbon. Hullo! Dear George reads German. Um – um — Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and so we go on. Well, I suppose your generation knows its own business, Honeychurch.
That's not all the name dropping in the work, but he is the model of a pubescent snaky gay man, complete with Beethoven. It's not a bad thing, since he's educated many young traitors and politicos, but it's also not a wild assumption. Most references to Forster are an implied "gay" or "snake" or "gay snaky intelligentsia", and all of them carry with them a sense of having gone to a "good school".

>> No.10427659

I'm a 27 year old virgin, I read one book per week, depending on the book, some take a couple of days, others the whole month. I also consider myself to be a fucking idiot.

>> No.10427675


Anyone who has an opinion and tries to convince others that it's true is a propagandist. Instead of acting like this is a bad thing perhaps you could give reasons to believe his opinions are wrong.

>> No.10427678

>I'm a 27 year old virgin,
Go read the Game
> also consider myself to be a fucking idiot.
Have you read Dostoevsky

>> No.10427680
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uh, i brouse sffg. thx, lol

>> No.10427689

this but unironically

>> No.10427697

I read 5 or 6 books a month and I still don't feel like a don't know anything. Everyone else is getting dumber though.

>> No.10427700

18 year
i read at least 9 books per/month

>> No.10427726

I don't even read too much (though I am absolutely flying through Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 right now). I've read 15 books this year (though I mean 2 of em were The Recognitions and JR) and a lotta history-related excerpts for school (which is old and prestigious)
The fact that this board is intelligent is that its posters (for the most part) read far above the national/international average, and those who don't are easily weeded out and disregarded

>> No.10427929

we skew towards late teens, with the occasional 30 something pedo who wants to romance underage girls.

reading to most americans is a status symbol, like a fashion choice or a silent message you are shouting to the world. because american scholastic tradition was disrupted by both world wars and the influx of continental jewish intellectuals, what used to be traditional reading requirements:

>a bit of euclid, plato, shakespeare, geography, math, history

got displaced by the progressive movement:

this had two effects, it created a disinterested public who became obsessed with the self (identity, psychology, self-help/improvement) and consumerism, and it destroyed the quiet thoughtfulness that americans who had lived in difficult times around the turn of the century took as a matter of pride and dignity. like wearing your best clothes when you went out in public, or being courteous but guarded with strangers, chaperoning young girls and allowing young boys some leeway to rebel, strict discipline and hard work ethic instilled into children to create a productive and efficient population, and so on.

it was a great leap backwards, which is why america hasn't done anything interesting since the 1960s. computers are just here to carefully record the fall.

>> No.10427970

>like wearing your best clothes when you went out in public
this is nigger tier though
only niggers care about how people see their threads

>> No.10427975

Think of a well made suit or a beautiful but modest dress, anon. Not a gaudy Adidas tracksuit that is perhaps more expensive but shoddily made.

>> No.10427982

>the occasional 30 something pedo who wants to romance underage girls.
th-they don't HAVE to be underage, he he

>> No.10428092
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>force yourself to meet a quota.
>but no one wants to count things you where forced to read.

>> No.10428124

I'm 28 and read about 16-1700 pages a month. Only started in July though.

>> No.10428163

Since when does /lit/ skew towards late teens? The demographic threads used to be filled with people in their mid 20s, and even a fair amount of men in their 30s. I suppose it became younger and dropped in quality with the influx of the alt-right posters.

>> No.10428211

Turning 24 on february. You can read a lot when you have no friends

>> No.10428358

I’m a professor of English Literature and I read every day of the week.
I am 34 years old.
If you have any questions about literature, especially questions about Shakespeare or Marlowe, ask away. I will do my best to respond to your inquiries or comments in a timely manner.

>> No.10428366

Me too bud

>forever a pleb
>Wikipedia article skimming knowledge level on my best day
>will never be able to interpret complex themes or any of that horseshit
>will never be capable of having a conversation like this


At least I can seem kind of smart to dirty construction workers

>> No.10428374

>meet a quota
Don't do this. Don't turn reading into a chore. Find some themes that interest you, then read something that explores said themes.

>> No.10428376

What do you think are his best plays other than Hamlet, Othello and Macbeth? What do you think of reading plays as a literary medium opposed to novels or verse?

>> No.10428377

Hey Dylan

>> No.10428402

Most people here are 16-21 year old """"intellectuals""""
T. 19 year old one such """well-read and intelligent""" poster.
It's easy to seem smart when you're posting on a fart sniffing circle jerk board where everyone has the same favorite books and so on.

>> No.10428422

there aren't actually that many good books or philosophers or works of art or musicians. Humans are a tiny minded race

>> No.10428439

How should one approach and read contemporary poetry (not Rupi Kaur, I mean legit good shit)?

Yeah, whales completely btfo us when it comes to music, for example.

>> No.10428451
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Why are people on this board so fucking well-read and intelligent?

>> No.10428470

King Lear, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Tempest, which would be categorized with 3 different genres, are great plays that exemplify a complete command of the language.
Shakespeare's plays have unique contexts in their time of writing, performance, and influence. The plays are assumed to have been written for the stage, particularly stages in England like the Globe Theatre. This goes for all dramas, whether the plays were intended for a performance or only theoretical performances and dialogues. There is a presumption of context when reading literature structured as plays, monologues, and dialogues. Shakespeare has an inescapable influence over literature, from James Joyce's Ulysses to Herman Melville's Moby Dick, and any storytelling medium, including film.

>> No.10428525

Which version of the three big versions of Hamlet do you find the most satisfying on a narrative level?

>> No.10428556

birds too. and if insects, trees and fungi could tell stories they'd likely exceed anything the Vedics ever came up with.

>> No.10428632

Read the poems. Sometimes it helps to read articles and analyses about the poems after you read them. You may also discuss poetry. Write an email to one of your professors. Take the opportunity to discuss poetry when the course involves poetry. Know the spectrum of opinions are not equal, but be humble.
The tried and true approach of reading any poetry is to read them, in silence, aloud, or with other means of reading.

>> No.10428651

I read about a book a month, but i also read at least one essay, article, or short story a day.

I've also gleaned enough from here to shitpost about authors I haven't read.

>> No.10428681

/lit/ is only intelligent if compared to other boards, but it's just plain stupid compared to the real world. There are great advantages to anonymous posting and shit, etc, but also makes people just post whatever even if they don't know shit. In /lit/ there are people who know a bit of something that speak as if they knew all of it. Others believe it and say "thanks anon, you're so smart", because what the anon said makes so much sense, but it makes so much sense only because it is coherent in itself and the rest of the anons don't know shit. But now they think they know and will repeat that process. People pretend to know, others pretend that they believe it so that others will believe them later. It's a way to circlejerk within the anonymous system.

I'm 27.

>10/10 great post thx for the wall of text anon, now i can tell philosophy from bs

>> No.10428696

All three prominent versions should be read; although, the 1604 Second Quarto and the 1623 First Folio are more substantial than the 1603 First Quarto. Nevertheless, dedicated scholars of Shakespeare will have to read all three editions as they have been operating since the early 17th Century.

>> No.10428848

I'd say in about 3-5 days.
But depending on whether or not I actually like it.

>> No.10428855

I think of it more like lifting weights.
You do it because it's part of being healthy.
Like brushing your teeth. In importance I'd say.

Brushing teeth=exercising=reading books

You just got do it.

>> No.10428870

>thinking /lit/ is actually intelligent
>thinking /lit/ actually reads
you got rused

>> No.10428896

>Read a lot in university like a book a week
>Now only read every few days for an hour or two
>I just try and be decently mannered on /lit/ to conserve its boardculture

I may be out of the loop, how infected by /pol/ is it?

>> No.10428916

I'm 27 and I've read at least 45 hours a week for the last 6 years and I read before but not as heavily. I still would not consider myself well read.

>> No.10428917

You don't just assert your opinion on books you haven't read?

>> No.10428923

I'm 32. I've read at least one book a month since I was 16. Since then, ive read 'classic' literature, philosophy, or theology almost exclusively, with some guilty pleasures here and there for fun (mostly 40k stuff). I studied the "Great Texts" in college. I'm reasonably intelligent, but intelligence Goes beyond simply Knowing about books.

>> No.10428926

It has it's moments.
There was this one dude who was R9k incarcerated and wanted to publish his lonely guy "red pill".
It's overall still very self aware.
So long as we all accept that we are just psuedointellectuals regardless of our station in life we are good.
The second we start to think that our shit doesn't smell is when the board becomes /pol/ & /r9k/.

>> No.10428937

It's just as
>fashionably reactionary
as it was around 2013. It's mostly been plagued by summerfags that keep making the same threads complaining about Rupi Kaur, asking about bookmarks and reading habits. In a lot of ways it's gotten stupider and stupider. The most that /pol/ has done is gotten this board hip to Jordan Peterson. The posts about Jung and muh downfall of western civilization have worn on me. At least before, all these threads had to do with Mishima or something.

I miss when we would post about the time that Pynchon came here.

>> No.10428941

>implying he's not still here - anonymously

>> No.10428949

>tfw brainlet
>tfw all my normie friends think I’m a genius because I read novels and philosophy meme’d on /lit/

Am I actually really smart? Blood Meridian isn’t some huge achievement.

>> No.10428955

To an extent sure. But I lift exclusively free weights because I enjoy it.

Same reason I don’t particularly read much gothic literature.

>> No.10428980

Yup but my point is that you should just read and exercise in general.
Regardless of preference or types of books and exercise.
Read Dr. Seuss books and do yoga.
By my very vague definition of health your probably okay.
But you will probably be...."that guy".

>> No.10428987

I'm 19 and I read for about 2 hours before I go to bed and I carry books around with me where ever I go so I have something to do if I get stuck somewhere or something

>> No.10429066

Not really related to literature but how does one climb the ladder in academia (assuming you're a uni prof), especially in humanities since it seems to rely so much on others' perception of your ability rather than your actual ability

>> No.10429077

no I'm not

>> No.10429081

how do you feel about progressives who want to do away with Shakespeare in high school because "he's just an old, dead, white guy"?

>> No.10429129

Lol. You don't enjoy lifting weights. You like the results.

>> No.10429141

Hey sexy

>> No.10429149

/lit/ wasn't reactionary in 2013. We were mostly atheistic leftists back then, which is why it didn't have the anti-intellectual culture that now prevails here.

>> No.10429154

How terrible is the job-market and how bad do you feel for Teacher Assistants that get cucked by contractual work?

>> No.10429158

Nah, m8s, 2013 was the year we were all shinto animists. That's why we had to get the robes made up, remember?

>> No.10429194

Honestly, OLY lifting is fun. Competing with my gym bro is genuinely entertaining.

Diddlylifts are also fun.

>> No.10429220

>no Culture of Critique

>> No.10429232

The charts are a /mu/ thing to help understand a composer's output. I don't know why you would need them here.

>> No.10429286
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this is a highly underrated post

>> No.10429300

sure, that's all great for most books
but I can both say Evola is a great read and miserable to read
some books are dense as fuck and you really need to force yourself to get into the thick of it so that you get to the point where you can start digesting insights and enjoying yourself.

>> No.10429335

>I want to know how old you fucks are and how often you read.
18 yo white male
read 1-3 books a month if Im not busy with other shit which I sadly often seem to be
I do start more books than I finish. I'm maybe a few hundred pages into like a dozen books, All of which I wanna get back to.

>> No.10429360

thanks anon, you’re so smart

>> No.10429385

Sometimes I'm drunk for a month sometimes I read three books a day come at me faggot

>> No.10429435

are you me?

>> No.10429438


>> No.10429593

The issue for me is that nothing really interests me, so reading is the only choice, since it is some doable and "productive" chore, even though it can be painful.

>> No.10429603

Everyone around me thinks I'm well-read intellectual and they envy me, hate me and think I'm pretentious and conceited. I really don't think I'm intellectual or want to present myself like one, I just drop some titles/authors in conversation as a funny memes and that's all.

>> No.10429608

>Why do people on the literature board read a lot
Gee I wonder

>> No.10429611

>every single girl i meet thinks im a genius but i can’t even do graduate level math and wouldn’t pass a physical chemistry course unless i akshually studied hard for it

>> No.10429614

whoa...that read like a Viotti or a Veracini

>> No.10429620

I only read a lot so I can incorporate my studies into a novel to impress dead men whom I speak to and keep alive as I have no friends or family to share my literary passion with.

>> No.10429658

this board is full of fucking retards OP

>> No.10429709
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This. I estimate that 75% of posters here are newfag reddit crossposters that don't actually read. 15% are people who actually read and enjoy it and the rest are the people who are actually "well-read intellectuals."

>inb4 ah yes I'm in the top percentage

>> No.10429719

no way, /lit/ is mostly /pol/ nowadays, theres no reddit vibe at all really

>> No.10429746

Do we browse the same board? All I see are whiny leftist types shitting up discussions with their lowercase, punctuationless posts. Hey, wait a moment...

>> No.10429969

ask me how I know you're new

>> No.10430117

You start with graduate school, and you work hard consistently.

>> No.10430133

I do not teach secondary school. I am a professor of Literature.
With that said, I would tell the students that everything they know, including their hobbies, have connections to the past, and then I would let the students watch selected scenes of Romeo + Juliet to eventually point out the fact that Shakespeare, like the architects of the great cities, has made his mark on the world, one that you can see.

>> No.10430134

The field is competitive. It's been this way for decades. Teacher Assistants are there because they want something. At the university I work in, nearly all TAs are PhD candidates.

>> No.10430155

/pol/ is reddit

>> No.10430162

this is gr8 post
wow the horror
>shitting up discussions
yea the board should just be a place for indoctrinating lesser intellects into a death cult that’s what its for. you and the other rw’s and your twitter counterparts are highly intelligent people. i love all 2 rw authors that you could offer up to us. culture of critique? gr8 book m8. Mein Kampf? made me cry so beautiful.
>no punctuation
lol no soul, no elan, no VACH just a limp goebbels style rat man. the image of projection, the ugly, physically weak, spiritually crippled WASP lib-arts faggot.

>> No.10430163

>still shilling this coon's "books"
/pol/acks, everyone

>> No.10430186

>get an English degree
>suddenly hate the arts

>> No.10430226


>> No.10430233

Nahhh, from what I remember, that was the year that the "Conservative Lit" chart got made and Evola started getting dropped all the time around here. It was the year of the ritual suicide.

>> No.10430236

>degrading people for their grammar

Nigga who are you calling Reddit?

>> No.10430245

People actually read here, other people don't.

>> No.10430266

how many people did you all end up “helping” ? 10? is this board cursed now?

>> No.10430280


>but it's just plain stupid compared to the real world

In the real world people barely read 10 books a year and spend their lives hooked up on social media, netflix or TV.

/Lit/ by comparison is filled with geniuses

>> No.10430281

>not reading Mankiw
Sowell is only for plebs, real men read textbooks on economics

>> No.10430689
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>Pol can read

>> No.10430711

>inb4 brainlet pseud
I just wanted to bounce off my reading of Hamlet on you and see if the reading is considered Canon or not. Not going to give it any justification as six feet under is a good place to start. It seemed, that Hamlet represented Shakespeare's attempt to write his pysche, one of fantasy and drama, into a character that seeks to reconcile its own existence through the medium of its own creation- i.e. theater, which in a broader sense means that Shakespeare used his plays as a type of pursuit against life that he, in the end, conceived as fantasy that justified itself within fantasy. This would be a very similar reading to Don Quixote, which would explain me being overly narrow-minded and the probably egregious misreading.

>> No.10430713

desu, these people are brainlets and sound like undergrads bickering with brittish accents and a better memory of the play

>> No.10430718

1000 times this
3.'d honors linear algebra, I ain't shit
also, 21, I've read 60 books this year and I'm teaching myself two languages (Latin and Russian)

>> No.10430727


Also age 23 here. Basically the exact same method. Ideally, if you're going to college/uni you'll enroll in courses whose subject matter feature texts you're genuinely interested in.

>> No.10430988

every waking minute everything has to return to what the cucks are doing

>> No.10431066

Browsing 4chan and leddit turns you into a addict, incapable of either watching television or reading books. Since the Internet is infiltrating younger and younger ages, expect more illiterate, ill-cultured NEETs to arise (mostly from broken families where the necessity for escapism is paramount).

>> No.10431090

try harder faggot

>> No.10431100

>whiny leftist types shitting up discussions with their lowercase, punctuationless posts
>calling cormac mccarthy a whiny leftist type
keke nonreaders are priceless

>> No.10431105

you can read a book like that in a sitting easy, it's a high school novella.

>> No.10431153

but darling

>> No.10431366

21 year old Canadian
Roughly a book a week, depending on Length, difficulty, and whether I have class
I read more in the summer and write more during the school year. That is, I write more personal works in the school year b/c it’s a way to warm up before assignments, but also functions as a outlet

>> No.10431378

>so fucking well-read and intelligent
is that sarcasm ? If not I feel bad for you

>> No.10431423

26 engineer turned lawyer

I read sporadically--typically several books over a couple weeks and then nothing for a couple months. When I read, I tend to read for hours at a time and spend entire weekends barely leaving the couch.

>> No.10431454

Not me but that's my name, if you can guess my last initial, I'll throw my dung at an elderly woman.

>> No.10431457

I’m 29 and I read ~100 pages a day for my own pleasure reading, not counting work stuff. I don’t post here often tho so I might not be representative of this board

>> No.10431614


i'm well-read, but most of the time I don't understand what I read or I'm not able to keep what i read in my brain so it is useless anyways

>> No.10431620


>> No.10432564

My recommendation for you is as follows:
reread Hamlet without focusing on Shakespeare's clouded and elusive biography, and if you want to approach the play from a historical and cultural background, you will have to conduct taxing research to produce a text anywhere from tangential to accurate.
I would still argue that comparing dramatic literature can still be valid on the condition that comparison and contrast - as selected for the research product - are reasonable and sincere.

>> No.10432982


>> No.10433360

That analysis is entirely based off of reading Hamlet once and know Shakespeare had a naughty penchant for misspelling his name and him gaving his second best bed to his wife. The reason I brought up Don Quixote, Rip, is because my reading bore such a verisimilitude that I became mildly neurotic that I was somehow over-projecting myself onto these great opuses of art.

Otherwise, why do you feel the need of invoking cultural background? An external reading of Shakespeare, though I'm sure -based on your educational heights and my relatively shallow {we'll call them plains or troughs for spicy undertones} pedagogical background- your comments holds more weight than mine, I still find it curious to tax a reading of Shakespeare with so much weight of his contemporaries when he borrows so heavily from the classics and makes light (fun metaphorical structure as a bonus for this one lads) of his contemporaries

>> No.10433378

>60 books in 5 years is a lot


>> No.10433392

>1 book a month for five years
Shameful display. Unless you have a job that requires you work 12+ hours a day you really don't have an excuse to read at least one book a week.

>> No.10433410

I am a 31-year-old STEM post-doc. I am always reading papers etc. as well as at least 1 or 2 books for pleasure. I have published quite a few papers but have yet to try my hand at creative writing.

>> No.10433414

>how many people did you all end up “helping” ? 10? is this board cursed now?
hm, in 2014 we did have a crowley phase where we might have accidentally fucked up some universal wavelengths, but since we can never agree what we're dressing up by, i think we're probably safe from curses because 2014's also the year that some people thought we were meant to be syncretic sufis so we mostly got high. either that or it's a really weird curse.

>> No.10433445

Had beer and read too much DFW, bye bye grammar/logic

>> No.10433463

t. reads 6 books a year

>> No.10433488

>I think of it more like lifting weights.
>You do it because it's part of being healthy.
>Like brushing your teeth. In importance I'd say.
>Brushing teeth=exercising=reading books
>You just got do it.
What a bizarre approach to reading.

>> No.10433504

Neets have a lot of free time.