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10426986 No.10426986 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on this book

>> No.10426991

its shit

>> No.10426993


>> No.10427004

there’s nothing to redpill you about

>> No.10427019

Go back

>> No.10427412

always found it bizarre that trotskyite propaganda is required reading in every middle school in america

>> No.10427962

Even though I agree with him, I really don't see a reason one should read this book apart from being a tankie.

>> No.10427974

I thought it was pretty boring, it's just the early Soviet Union told as a parable, there's nothing more to it than that. It must have pretty timely in 1945 though.

>> No.10428002

It's shallow and silly, just like '84, bur for kids and not teenagers.

>> No.10428007

Since the Cold War they've been spinning it as a parable against "Bad Commie Dictatorship™" in general, never even touching the difference between Trots and Stalinists. Hell, I doubt 90% of burger students would even recognize the name Trotsky.

>> No.10428179

Most people who read it don't know shit about Orwell and think it's anti-left.

>> No.10428186

It's a fucking novella, just read it for yourself.

Saged for stupidity.

>> No.10428191

Sure they would, but they'd know him as the main character in that shitty Jay Baruchel movie.

>> No.10428204
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>> No.10428210

Portrayal of Stalinism that gets mistakenly interpreted as a portrayal of communism in general.

>> No.10428213

>Not all communists are like that!

>> No.10428226


By this logic people like Richard Spencer are exactly like Hitler. Why are poltards so dumb /lit/?

>> No.10428236

Interesting analogy since Spencer is literally a Trotskyite/Duginite

>> No.10428281


Read Homage to Catalonia, his essays, and 1984. He hates "communism" because communism at the time was a guise for brutal Russian imperialism. He admires the actual populist revolutionaries. The 'hope is with the proles.'

>> No.10428364

>Socialist writer blames the Soviet catastrope on Stalin and the "power corrupts" mentality.
>Power don't corrupt, people are corrupt, power just gives the ability to apply it.
>Thus he completely miss the problem with communism.

>> No.10428395

people are just scared, fear corrupts

>> No.10428403

Humans are inherently corrupt.

>> No.10428405

>implying Trotsky and Dugin are roughly the same

>> No.10428416

there's nothing to redpill, its a decent book for teenagers that adequately illustrates the stupidity of M-L beliefs. All the faggot marxists saying otherwise are just revisionists who want to seize power and rayp, murder and pillage. Just like all the pseud rw's on this board are revisionists, cowards and also want to pillage, steal, burn, murder and rayp at will. All of these ideologies are soaked in the blood of millions. Liberalism too, conservatism as well. If you attach to any of them you're a weakling and shouldn't be taken seriously. If you don't believe me go on Necrometrics, Democide sites and look at the sourced information on Hitler and Stalin, Mao and Tito, the Nationalists in China, Imperialist Japan's kill counts. They're staggering numbers. Statism is evil, its something that psychopaths create so they can rayp and steal and murder. Every single time a new form of Statism is created its an excuse to do those 3 things.

>> No.10428453

lmao............... whatever reinforces your ideology, /leftypol/...........

>> No.10429189

It's a very simple satire of communism.

>> No.10429193


i liked it

>> No.10429245

I'd like to see your evidence

>> No.10429251

Read a newspaper.

>> No.10429258

Literally who

>> No.10429267

>trusting the (((news)))

>> No.10429268

It's "why communism sucks" for teenagers and brainlets. It's pretty short, too, it's not exactly War & Peace