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File: 118 KB, 576x852, 1q84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10425852 No.10425852 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books you hate with all your heart?

I despised this book. It's repulsive. Full of unnecessary descriptions, one-dimensional characters (at least Aomame was semi-interesting) and it went nowhere most of the time. It has very little substance despite being more than 1000 pages.

>> No.10425855

The teen girl with the big tatas was kino.

>> No.10426299
File: 37 KB, 226x346, 51Y1a-MiJ6L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I finished it. The writing annoyed me after 150 pages and by the time I was done I was ready to burn it.

>> No.10426307

Lolita. Nabakov is all style, no substance. Even this “style” is nothing but pretentious bullshit. I threw it in a garbage can.

>> No.10426317
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I've never hated a protagonist as much as Autismo here. Half the time he doesn't even act autistic, he just acts like an asshole.

Apparently the author got too much criticism from autists who didn't see anything of them in this book so he changed his mind saying he's just "an outsider" or something.

>> No.10426334

Having Murakami as my favorite author, I gotta say I was also a bit disappointed with 1q84. I don't think it was bad, but for its length it sure wasn't worth it. I read it till the end though.

>> No.10426373
File: 457 KB, 1000x684, vorrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This piece of fucking trash. I read the whole thing because I refused to believe the entire book could be such an irredeemably poor excuse for a novel. The writing is alright, but considering the characters that are cardboard cutouts, the subplots that don't really have anything to do with one another except a vague "uhhhh the forest man they're all connected through the forest", that one entire subplot with the inventor of the camera and the animalistic/lustful native African girl whose sole purpose as far as I can tell is to act as fetish fuel (not even a feminist, but jesus christ Brian), and the weird, gratuitous amounts of violence and sex throughout the thing, there isn't really anything enjoyable here at all unless you enjoy reading an author hamfistedly projecting his fetishes everywhere. Maybe the settings? That's about it.

God damn this book and its author and all the people who hyped it up

>> No.10426470

I remember feeling so bad for the dad.

>> No.10426545

I don't blame you at all for picking it up, that cover is selling me hard

>> No.10426553


>praise from Tom Waits and Alan Moore

sorry despite your criticisms I'll have to put that on my to-read list

>> No.10426572


Go for it lads, make a thread after you're done. I hope you find something worthwhile in it