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10425472 No.10425472 [Reply] [Original]

Want to become a scientist? Brb you need a IQ or 130.
Want to get a girlfriend? Brb you have to be Chad.

I can go on, but really determinists have really ruined my life. Every time I try to make a step in the positive direction these thoughts keep on clouding me. What is the book that will allow me to jump over these fags? Pic very much related.

>> No.10425497

That's not really determinism but... I don't know, some self help shit.

>> No.10425518

Forget about yourself and dive into whatever topic interests you. Pursue knowledge for the sake of it. Statistically speaking you won't amount to anything anyways. There's no need to obsess over the idea of being "worthy" of starting a venture, because you never will be. I'm not sure you really need a book to see that the only barrier between you and you're goal is yourself (I know it sounds cliche). Just start something anon. I believe in you!

>> No.10425640

u wanna live fancy?
u wanna maserati?
u wanna look good in a bikini?

>> No.10426459

Step 1. Learn what determinism is.

>> No.10426642

Just read about neuroplasticy my dude
Oh and that Chad thing is a misreading of evolutionary psychology

>> No.10426656


Read this first.

>> No.10426755

Your ego is weak, sir. You let outside forces dictate your sense of self-worth. You let other people define you and become defensive when someone thinks poorly of you. A strong ego stands on its own. Criticism is valuable but only you can decide what is possible. It's better that you be more critical of yourself than others are. Hold yourself to higher standards. Managing your public image is important too but trying to win over every cocksucker you see is a waste of time.

>> No.10426771

I don't think Socrates was particularly deterministic. Granted, the whole idea of the philosopher king precludes democratic thinking, but its still predicated on people being ABLE to be enlightened enough to see him as the proper ruler right?

>> No.10426774

I have a 150+ IQ and no hope of being a scientist.

I've had 4 girlfriends in my short time and am nowhere near being a 'chad'.

>> No.10426776

The first statement is biological determinism. Words have multiple meanings.

>> No.10426838
File: 36 KB, 580x386, nardwuar-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into the punk DIY spirit - it will give you the power to overcome your conditioned view of the world and become an übermench like pic

>> No.10426841

A nice thought. One could do worse than emulating Nardwuar.

>> No.10426842

read models by mark manson op
it could help you

>> No.10426851

Think about it this way
>If this awkward motherfucker can DIY and make it why shouldn't you?

>> No.10426858
File: 27 KB, 348x499, pfons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10426869
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>> No.10426874

What you are struggling with anon is not determinism, but rather your belief that all you are, have been, and can be are the cohesion of traits, characteristics, flaws, and capabilities you are now.

While I doubt you can become the most spectacular human to ever live, to be realistic, you can always work on yourself and make yourself better. Before making absolute, life determining judgements, push yourself beyond your preconceived limits. Push whatever aspects of yourself you find lacking. Invest and prioritize those that hold you back from what you desire. See how far you can go. Sweet, bleed, cry, feel and taste the pain. After struggling and pushing, then decide whenther or not you can or cannot achieve or are worthy of what you desire.

>> No.10426911

Boy just embrace full fucking nihilism. So what, you aren't perfect, that doesn't have to stop you from struggling to get what you want and attaining it. Some people are superior to you, that just means you struggle more. Learn to love the struggle, and you get better. For the scientist shit, idk maybe read a book once and a while nigger. As for the GF shit, it simply isn't true. The guy I cucked to get my current GF was a little Chad with a dick twice the size of mine, yet she broke it off with him after she cheated with me, before I showed any intentions of wanting to go out with her. It is all a mental game, based on experience. Just stop caring about yourself and others and life gets easier. See a cute girl? Go up and talk to her. Don't try to be someone you are not, make jokes about your insecurities, and hers. You don't have to climb up to their level, just bring them down to yours, preferably even lower, and then you become their guardian.