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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 208 KB, 450x325, 1498865315680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10420310 No.10420310 [Reply] [Original]

what are some books with this aesthetic?

>> No.10420317

Me on the left.

>> No.10420328 [DELETED] 

If you\re an ugly /r9k/ loser, you should fuck off

>> No.10420333

My diary I'm left

>> No.10420337

Are you a handsome /lit/ winner?

>> No.10420642
File: 330 KB, 1000x1082, 812f219146071c57fc474b4e8c76aaab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right can actually pull girls away from left if he has a better vibe. have seen happen and have been the viber

>> No.10420655

Confidence and other traits that provide girls a form of security are highly desirable, but, at a certain point, it's possible to be too ugly. I would know.

>> No.10420660

maybe if you're a burn victim or really obese. guy on right is fine imo

>> No.10420675

unironiclly my dairy. Went from being an awkward looking teenager to a straight slayer. It only let me see th r shallowness of the general population. Doesn't stop me from taking advantage of it though

>> No.10420683

it's not shallowness dude, honestly assess your teenage self...you were obnoxious, dressed like an asshole, highly opinionated about shit despite not having even finished high school yet, and still have matured any kind of muscle mass...were women really being "shallow" in not hopping on your dick? let's be real, even then i still fucked occasionally lol deal with it nerd

>> No.10420688
File: 126 KB, 631x804, Zurbarán_St._John_of_the_Cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dating girl
>my life goes to shit largely due to some bad choices on my end and me having sex all the time but also letting some very bad people into my life
>gf breaks and is super reasonable about it, wants me to get in touch if i can get my life together
>i get histrionic and call her a bitch and say that i regret dating her
>freak out and send her a bunch of needy messages
>she blocks me on social media
>i break contact with all our mutual friends
>yr later, life is in much better shape and keeps getting better and better
>feel guilty for treating the most reasonable girl i've met badly

what do

>> No.10420734

Find another girl, preferably one raised Christian. You burned the bridge unfortunately.

>> No.10420736

I agree I had my problems, the shallowness was revealed by living through the contrasts of two places on the sexual ladder, and how women and men let good looking people do whatever the fuck they want. I still act like an autist and go on rants about historical subjects and girls just giggle and 'love the passion' and men say I'm 'woke' when before I would be faced with just the look disgust

>> No.10420752

idk looking back on it i probably could have gotten a lot more pussy that i did as a teen, when my guy friends would laugh at me for not getting much ass the girls in the group would always be like "he COULD get pussy he just doesn't try" etc. i really can't blame it on people being shallow

>> No.10421132

cool story, bro

>> No.10421528

Take away the left's perfect haircut, workout, good nutricion, tan, and make-up he would look like an average crack addict.

>> No.10421601

So you want to marry a girl who wouldn't stay with you for richer or poorer?

>> No.10421619
File: 36 KB, 437x513, OttoWeiningerspring1903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Frog King - Why Wymen R Simply Infirior

>> No.10421643

>lol deal with it nerd
why does this board have a population of people who weren’t at all part of the elite social strata who talk like 80’s movie normalfags? why do you all, mostly midtier socialite bugs, talk like this? i fucked in hs, way above my league too, went to parties, sold drugs, stole bottles, had a reputation at other schools and i never thought like this at all. you’re the biggest poser faggots on earth, you’re worse than the akshual popular niggers

>> No.10421650

Why would you make posts like this

>> No.10421656

Candide by Voltaire

>but this is the best of all possible worlds!

>> No.10421664
File: 2.10 MB, 1200x900, hehkid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i fucked in hs, way above my league too, went to parties, sold drugs, stole bottles, had a reputation at other schools

>> No.10421682
File: 389 KB, 1255x837, 760E4412-8167-41AE-AA94-002E7EC86EC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10421724
File: 24 KB, 397x609, pleasanthelljpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10421742
File: 394 KB, 584x622, 1413835207814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does this board have a population of people who weren’t at all part of the elite social strata who talk like 80’s movie normalfags? why do you all, mostly midtier socialite bugs, talk like this? i fucked in hs, way above my league too, went to parties, sold drugs, stole bottles, had a reputation at other schools and i never thought like this at all. you’re the biggest poser faggots on earth, you’re worse than the akshual popular niggers

>> No.10421759

War & Peace
Tolstoy in general

Undesirable men trying to console and survive in a world of Chads

>> No.10421796

>guy on right is fine imo

You're nuts

>> No.10421804

notes from the underground more so
tolstoys characters at least fuck girls without having to pay for it

>> No.10421870

Guy on right has more work to do but far from irredeemable if he would just be more confident.

>> No.10421879

The problem with this meme is that people on the left use their below average looks as an excuse for not trying anything at all.

>> No.10421914

Why is the left specimen sucking in his cheeks? Reeks of insecurity.

>> No.10421919


>> No.10421957


>> No.10422008

Get in contact with her (I'm sure you can do it somehow) and be sincere about what you feel. Show her that you've changed and hope for the best

>> No.10422139

Confidence doesn't come to exist in a vacuum. It is built by successful social interactions as a child, which are often dictated by the parents and siblings (are they funny/austere, are they encouraging/shunning), attractiveness and pure sheer luck (of being at the right place at the right time, having the good/bad kid around you at school).
Only when an individual comes to adultness he has acquired enough experience of life to become a subject and build himself, but by then the damage is often done.