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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 260x400, Beloved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10419434 No.10419434 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Beloved?

I have to read it for a class next semester but I'm putting off starting it?

>> No.10419496

I liked it. Pretty cool mix of a very serious topic and horror.

>> No.10419551

/pol/tards hate it. I thought it was great, and Morrison is a great aesthete, but whether she deserved the Nobel is up for debate. I've only read Beloved by her.

>> No.10419597

Morrison is a great novelist, and an interesting critic too.

>> No.10420600
File: 140 KB, 384x589, thumb_37259_film_film_384x485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the greatest American novel since the 1950s

>> No.10421695

Surprisingly positive criticism. What did you all enjoy about it?

>> No.10422054
File: 40 KB, 500x500, song-of-solomon-vintage-de-morrison-toni-D_NQ_NP_558421-MLU20791043929_062016-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about the author, but her book covers are fucking Nicholas Sparks-tier, the font type especially

>> No.10422094

I tried to read that book and couldn’t, but I read The Bluest Eye by the same author and it was good

>> No.10422116

The writing is pretty good, especially when it gets more into stream of consciousness, the story is very tragic without ever seeming like a sob story, and as I said, the way she mixes seriousness with horror made it quite spooky.

>> No.10422122

hey yall i basically know everything about toni zora and whatever, phd stud over hurr.


>> No.10422135

Good shit. It has bits of atmospheric horror and even some gore. She was not afraid to write down some horrific shit. Not to sure about the ending though, felt rushed, but everything in between is good.

>> No.10422154

It's a good book, I found it more interesting as an exploration in mother/daughter relations then as a story about slavery, and Morrison is a much better novelist than she is a political commentator.

>> No.10422210

Also the dude's relationship with the daughter and the mother's defending of the girl was done well I think.

>> No.10423019

The thing I found most interesting was that the mother would go so far as to literally kill her own infant daughter before she'd let a white slaver take her . Gave me some perspective, at least.

>> No.10423082

You're not supposed to sympathize with her on that. It's mainly to emphasize how she was treated but it wasnt ok.

>> No.10423090

Hey, I didn't say I was sympathized, I just said it was interesting.