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10417139 No.10417139 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like it's going anywhere.

>> No.10417164

Some loser is giving his therapist a hard time every session and she's becoming more and more fucked up by having him as a patient (talking to her dead lost love blah blah trying drugs, having sex dreams about the patient). Eventually the patient gets better and the doctor gets worse in some bullshit-pass-on-your-problems like an STD or some other shit like that ending.

>> No.10417175

If you include a pretentious fuck scene to really drive home the retarded analogy I'll read it

>> No.10417179

A novel about a guy who poops on the floor and the poop accidently kills a cockroach and he feels bad and then the ghost of the cockroach haunts him by pooping on his wife three times per night until the man eventually divorces her and the cockroach follows him to his new wife and then the man gets a husband and the cockroach leaves

>> No.10417223

A short story about two old friends going on a drive one night. While getting into the car, the friend who is driving accidentally hits his head. Regardless, they head off. Upon coming to a traffic light stop at the outskirts of the city, the driver blows right through a red. The passenger, a little shaken that the driver just did this so nonchalantly, starts to ask him about it. The driver insists that the light was very clearly green. The argument grows more heated, as the conversation diverges to more personal subjects. Eventually, in the heat of a passionate shouting match, the passenger reveals that he's been having an affair with the driver's girlfriend. The driver, furious, grabs the gun under his seat and blows the passenger away. After doing so, to his horror, he sees green blood pouring out of the hole in his dead friends' skull. He realizes that when he hit his head getting into the car, something had switched in his brain and he had gone temporarily colourblind. And the message is something about how we secretly all hate our friends.

>> No.10417229

I actually became invested reading that. Moar plz.

>> No.10417267

Multi generational story about colonizing a planet, taking place for the most part on the sprawling ships. They develop their own political parties, and ideals over the course of the 1,000+ year journey.

>> No.10417297

oh hi isaac

>> No.10417307

A failed hero of an aborted mythic cycle returns to the scene of their failure to piece together what went wrong. As reality becomes unhinged from the absence of mythic reinforcement, the ambitious poise themselves to lay siege to God.

>> No.10417383

That's not how being colorblind works retard

>> No.10417385

I'm not surprised if something similar has been done before, but I'd still like to try.

>> No.10418469

This premise is so close to a DFW short story that I would not be surprised if people began drawing comparisons from it.

>> No.10419390

I laughed too hard

>> No.10419424

A satire about a childless, widowed old lady who is ostracised from her local community when a rumour is spread that she makes cups of tea in the microwave.

>> No.10419458
File: 31 KB, 313x286, 1472915157799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually 3 ideas.

A brain eating parasite that looks like a worm and can adopt the identity of his host killing him/her in the process and has the ability to biologicaly change the body it inhabits in any way it desires if it has eaten enough and not wasted too much energy in using those powers, basically porn and much to my shame the project that had any kind of development(up to 110.000 words) of pure wish fullfilment, with some exploration of what it means to be a human and a monster for this creature.

A soviet liutenant in a tank batallion participating in the first 5 days of a cold war gone hot scenario were he has the mission to reach the Rhine by the end of the 5º day, no matter the cost and facing a scenario in which tactical nukes can be used by both sides.

A sci-fi story about a clash of 2 post-human civilizations one with purely biological technology and the other with a deep focus on robotics and AI with a human colony in the middle, all done from a hard science fiction standpoint(while is barely written I'm still learning a lot of shit in the process)

The first one also made me realize something even more pathetic, I just write porn, for porn can be something more than just sex, like technological porn or military fetishizitation, and I don't seem to be able to write anything really deep, this realization just made my self-esteem drop to an all time low and now I'm mostly trying to deal with it.

>> No.10419501

I laughed. Very good.

>> No.10419503

A team of ultra-masculine figures accept a military mission from the galaxy’s most powerful corporation, which makes soda. They meet up at the semi-holy planetary HQ of the company, overflowing with intricate and beautiful soda oceans and soda fountains. Their objective is to obtain an occult recipe fabled to create the ultimate drink, which is said to be locked away in the dungeon vaults of the tyrannical Burger King XVII. On their way they have to fight cunning mergays, doctors working for a tyrannical Minister of Health, and a demon wizard hellbent on destroying the universe.

>> No.10419517


A group of affluent friends plays a location-based game on their phones, taking increasing risks to reach ever-growing rewards set by other players.
Unbeknownst to them, they get trick into a treasure hunt with a serial killer. It happens that one of the friends did the same when he was abroad a few months ago.

>> No.10419559

That's actually an awesome idea for a short film or something

>> No.10421202

Anon, not everything has to be deep senpai. You can just write things you enjoy and it doesn't detract anything from it.

>> No.10421252

Depends on the audience. Though non-literary, the Elder Scrolls is a decent example of general surface-level appeal that has a lot of interesting stuff for those interested in digging deeper. Whether or not you enjoy what TES has to offer is another matter entirely; it's just a good example.

>> No.10421259
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Oh thank God your ideas are all terrible compared to mine I was dreading competition

>> No.10421266

I'm working on a short story where a washed up impressionist who used to do shows on the Vegas strip has to relocate to Reno where his work isn't well received. He's in denial of his faltering career. Might have him take care of a dying mother on the side. It's about pretending to be what you're not, despite it all.

>> No.10421317


>having a pre-planned message about what your story is about

I like your story, but it's not about what you think it is. Just keep writing it, because it's cool.

>> No.10421391

>Too pussy to post his idea.
How sad

>> No.10421393

low energy

>> No.10421396

This thread is for people whose ideas are going nowhere. I'm going to publish my novel

>> No.10421402

Self publishing is cool anon! Good luck on sales!

>> No.10421404

>Regardless, they head off

>> No.10421424

Two military officers in a space war, but there's not much war, they just have gay sex and talk about their problems all the time.

>> No.10421446

>Trying to make a living from creativity
Now who's sad?

>> No.10421516


>> No.10421992


I know but when you know that there is not really that much difference between writing about how a certain person got filled with dicks in everyhole and have a long explanation of the inner workings of a nuclear thermal rocket, both are basically fantasy fulfilling from another point of view and don't really make interesting writing for anything that goes beyond the second read.

And I write to have somekind of transcendence so in my deathbed can say that I left some works worth noting for at least a few centuries, but if everything I write is porn it will just be forgotten as another tryhard of his time.

>> No.10422016

Political novel, starts out as a small community creating their own way of life, religion, etc. The leaders who are just simple minded wanting the best for their people. They send out their youth as missionaries to spread the good word. blah blah blah

After a number of years a large city sized community is created. basically paradise for its people. Neighboring cities or states hate them, end up ruining everything.

Think Mormonism but successful.

>> No.10422288

Asocial young salaryman addicted to online chatrooms drives himself into a mental frenzy from all of his inadequations.
After procuring himself a gun, he goes on a hike to commit suicide. He ends up killing a family gone camping out of envy.

>> No.10422293



Go back to Salt Lake City, bucko

>> No.10422336

A guy send on a mission to conserve best works of literature setting up libraries in different parts of the world because the world order has decided to ban every activity which is time-taking and doesn't earns income, a girls accompanies her midway, guy tells about his adventure and the work he is assigned, she becomes enchanted with the guy, turns out guy had HIV, girl got infected and seeks a therapy, tells everyone that he is a fraud, govt. in Middle East arrests him and beheads him in the public, he was the only one who knew which books he had conserved by now, all the literary auteurs and book readers are in distress and lives their rest of lives in a similar fashion.

>> No.10422370

A privileged prep school student and an illiterate Jamaican sailor are the only survivors of the sinking of an ocean liner. After a long arduous combative journey on a leaky life boat through stormy shark infested waters, they find themselves stranded on an island inhabited only by exquisite teenaged ladyboys.

>> No.10422384

A tiny desert village lies in no mans land between two rival factions. The general tries to negotiate with the village elders to leave as they're his family and friends but they all resist. General is forced to massacre his own people because of loyalty. He even kills his brother. His forces kill the captured women and attempt to rape the rest. The general recognizes one of the kids held by the soldiers as his niece. He separates her and let's her escape.

She escapes from that village after hiding amongst bodies, and runs constantly in one direction. Shes found unconscious by a farmer who nurses her but she's in critical condition. The farmer heads outside to find help but finds a shaman/mystic who does a rare and dangerous ritual in which she survives but loses her speech and her arm.

Story then continues she meets the general and the people who ordered the attacks.

>> No.10422388


>> No.10422407

Sounds weird, possibly erotic? Depends on where you take it. Attention-grabbing.


My idea is: American man led to enter dangerous full-contact illegal fighting tournament in China in order to save his Japanese step-sister, who he is in love with, from the triads. The other fighters are all various types of men with similar weird obsessions driving them forward.

>> No.10422417

I don't see how landing in America you would consider yourself stranded.

>> No.10422524

Bretty similar to something I'm writing desu

>> No.10422578

Yes actually

>> No.10422598

I write a book about some fucking loser with a thunder bolt on his head
who thinks his rapey uncle is teaching him magic

>> No.10422604


Dying here

>> No.10422619

A Nazi soldier falls in love with a Jew at Auschwitz after impregnating her. They've both heard rumors of gas chambers, so they set about plans to escape before her delousing time. Their plans fail, and she's brought into the shower. The soldier kills himself. She comes out of the shower, and realizes it was just delousing and that there are no gas chambers. Then she learns that he killed himself and starves herself to death.
Thinking of calling it:
>The Holo-Cost of Love
>Romanzeit und Jewliet
>Denying the Cost

>> No.10422632

Mine is a chilling depiction of a future dystopian society

I think I'm on to something

>> No.10422639

First one is based off of a trip I took to Europe fashioned around, you guessed it, The Sun Also Rises. It's about my experience being in a relationship and wanting other chicks, globalism, relationships in the time of facebook and the internet, and in general how the internet shapes our lives today wih all the blinding options. I do have 45 pages written though so not terrible.

My other novel idea is about a fishing city in South America and the progression of a family there, slightly based off of 100 Years of Solitude.

>> No.10422642

please write that and post it here one day

>> No.10422650

"No Matter the Cost"

>> No.10422676


>> No.10422692
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Oh? Interested, anon.

>> No.10422697

No matter the caust?

>> No.10423529
File: 228 KB, 750x749, 03A73365-A862-4858-9A50-5F6B8B5C4837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25,000 words in

>> No.10423618

A man gets teleported to a parallel universe, a prehistoric planet in which medium sized cat-like animals are the predominant species.
There he gets captured by the cat king and brought to his court as a hostage where he spends the rest of his life among the cat nobility and tries to figure out whether the cats are really magical and can talk or he's just gone mad.

>> No.10423687
File: 15 KB, 510x338, 10846509_866050256760571_8518745305920315481_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man wakes up at 5:30am to a banging noise. He goes to his bedroom window in his 20 storey tower block and see's a woman's heels tapping against his window from the breeze - they've been tied to a safety rail above his window.
He opens the window and peers up to see a young boy sobbing, then looks down and see's a woman on the ground (dead).

Story then leaps into the lives of these 3 people, who they might have been; what led this woman to jump, abuse or what not. Exploring what their lives may have been like. Closer to the end, the boy and woman are connected to the man and it is revealed that he is the father of the boy and husband of the woman.

>> No.10423815

William Andrews, an investment banker, dies of Colon Cancer on September 23, 2012, leaving behind his wife Lynn and 3 kids. In the months prior to his death, he has secretly performed research on the topic of the afterlife. What he finds however is nothing like he expected.

Upon dying, he finds himself in a hallway that ends at the door titled ISAAC HARRIS MANAGER. In the hall he sees a bulletin board on the wall with photographs tacked to it. Those photographs were taken in 1956, the year of this birth. In one of them, depicting a company picnic, he recognizes several familiar faces from his life among the people, including his late college classmate Bobby Tisdale and President Reagan.

Once Andrews enters the office, which turns out to be from 1911, he is greeted by Mr. Harris. Here the truth is revealed; there are only 2 options in afterlife for everybody, represented by two doors leading out of the office. Andrews can either relive the exact same life he just had, but without any memories about the previous loop and thus unable to prevent some of the things he regretted (like accidently cutting the top of his brothers’ little finger, shoplifting at age 17 and not getting the colonoscopy that could have prevented his death), or choose to disappear into nothing for good. According to Harris, this is the 15th time Andrews has been here.

Harris himself clearly hates his job of greeting every deceased and presenting the choice, stating it’s repetitive and boring. He has been assigned to this position as a punishment for the fact that, in his Earthly life, he caused the deaths of 146 employees of his business, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory; in order to prevent his employees from stealing, he always kept the doors locked and thus nobody could get out of the building when the place caught fire one day.

After evaluating his options, Andrews chooses to relive his life, hoping that if he focuses hard enough he can recall just enough of his experience to prevent at least 1 of the mistakes he made. The story ends with Andrews' birth in 1956.

>> No.10425086

Post your post your novel ideas thread. It’s not like it’s going anywhere.

>> No.10425429

Literally just got the idea about 2.5-3 hours ago. It all came to me within just a few minutes; how the chapters will be set up, the title, how the cover might be, and it's going to be a non-fiction. To sum it up, an in-depth look into how Trump's leadership compares to Trudeau's. Won't specify who comes out on top, if anyone. After I finish the ghostwriting thing I'm working on, I'm going to get on this right away. Might be something I'll fall head-first into, pumping out 3000+ words a day, or at least 2000+ words a day along with lots of time spent researching. I think I'm going to love working on it.

>> No.10425873

"How hollow the cost"

>> No.10425888

A group of mentally challenged adults go on a hike organized by their carers. It gets very cold and a group of them lose their way and spend the night in the woods. When they wake up, they find that they have been captured by a sort of modern tribe, people with suits and spears, that lives, hidden, in those woods.

They are brought to the place where the tribe has their camp and find extensive observational equipment, surveillance camera feeds, transcripts of ordinary conversations etc. The tribe does nothing but observe life in a nearby city. As the mentally challenged hikers join them, they watch and read some of the data the tribe have been collecting and comment on it. Besides that, they listen to the tribe elder tell them the tribes' myths. Eventually the tribe's camp is found by police and they're all summarily shot, including the mentally challenged newcomers.

>> No.10425895

Aging detective analyzes his relationship with his deceased daughter while investigating a grisly murder where the prime suspects are middle school girls

>> No.10425909

Literally gay
Fucking awful
Congrats in the hat trick of trash
Fucking worst one yet
Even worse than the last one
Not awful if executed well
More gay
Im intrigued
Seek help
Ok i cant read this shit anymore. You guys are all fucking garbage

>> No.10425966

An Armerian Shephard Boy Wakes Early One Morning To Find His Entire Village Wiped Out By A Band Of Armed Turks He Escapes Among A Herd Of Goats And Runs To His Uncle's Home In A Nearby Town To Warn Him The Uncle Thanks Him For His Effort

>> No.10426078

I wonder which idea of yours got shit on that turned you into such a bitter man.

>> No.10426093

Been working on a thriller murder mystery for a while now. The focus would be less on the detective story, that would be more of the backdrop for the characters which the story focus's on. The lead is an ex detective who moves to small town after an accident looses his job and reputation. When his friend is murdered he sets to find the killer only to soon discover that the town has far more going on than a simple serial killer. Again this is just the backdrop though, and the main thrust of the novel would be the characters overcoming their personal issues in the face of an increasingly dangerous and more complex situation. The main character would become more an more obsessed with solving this case in an attempt to have some redemption for the aforementioned accident, the actual killer is comes from a history of extreme abuse and is merely being used, and a female will learn to open up after an accident of her own lost her child and fiancée, kind of paralleling the MC's situation. Some important side characters as well but I don't have nearly enough room to write out all my details here with out several dozen posts.

>> No.10426355

Congrats on actually working on something.

>> No.10426370

After a disastrous affair with a married woman ends tragically, an aristocratic Russian former cavalry officer goes to Serbia to remove kebab or die from Rightful Serbian Clay or die trying.

>> No.10427770

Quick question. I've been writing my novel in English, but I live in Belgium. Is this going to pose any problem for me if i ever decided to publish? I just found it easier to write in English.

>> No.10427832

been dun befo'

>that unintentionally ironic title


>> No.10429392

That depends entirely on your grasp on the english language.

>> No.10429712


Buck up, champ. Maybe in a couple thousand years your book will, by pure chance, be one of the few surviving literary works from the 21st century, and future historians will agonize over the fact that their only source from this entire mysterious era is an autistic tentacle rape porn novel.

>> No.10429956

iirc, Heart of Darkness is still required reading for high school students in the US. That should answer your question.

>> No.10429979

really kind of a movie/screenplay idea, but it is about a bunch of failed actors struggling to get by. the basic point is idealism is bullshit and you should pursue what you are good at

>> No.10430029

I'm trying my hand at writing fiction somewhat seriously for the first time, I get its not going to be very good but I'm really just doing it for my own entertainment. I am planning to do some novel that attempts to capture the culture of Vancouver, Canada and surrounding areas. and provide a commentary on some social issues. It's going to have several characters having their own plot lines that intertwine occasionally. Basically it will be about an offender living in a federal halfway house on parole for a murder, trying to keep clean and avoid trouble.

One of the employees at the halfway house will form a meaningful relationship with the offender, the halfway house employee storyline will deal with a (gay) relationship story arc that will also focus on his involvement in the drug subculture. This character is basically me writing myself into my own story.

Might deal a bit with a Police Officer character that will eventually gun down the first character.

The book will touch on the fentanyl epidemic in Vancouver as well as restorative justice, drug subculture. It's going to be my first attempt at really writing anything, it's really just for my own enjoyment. Think Less Than Zero (even though that book sucked) mixed with On The Road and Fight Club.

>> No.10430085

>Japanese guy is from the cold north
>mid twenties, fed up with corporate life
>walks by a camping goods store every day
>one day he snaps and buys gear to live on the road
>starts walking south
>fucks up a lot and almost starves to death since he doesn't know what he's doing
>meets a foreigner who's doing the same
>foreigner knows a lot about outdoor stuff
>they team up to travel south
>one day they're hitchhiking
>gets picked up by this energetic tomboy girl
>they eat dinner and stay the night at her place
>she joins them on their travels
>basically a romcom with dramatic elements where the 3 people meet a lot of strange folks on their journey south while contemplating modern society
>ends with the 3 of them splitting up due to differences

>> No.10430138

So basically Always Sunny?

>> No.10430154

Confused middle-aged man walks around city, dreams. Ennui.

>> No.10430176

a legion of feral niggers overwhelms an enclave of 10 ft tall CRISPR feminists and consumes their wombs. they become psychic and develop perfect insight into crypto-trading. soon 70 iq favela monsters are quadrillionaires and crash the global economy. the revolution ensues. a new world negotiated through simulated whale song, bird calls, big cat roars and poison dart frog skins is born. everyone is Hapa and 5’2. The symbol of man is the elipses


>> No.10431445

Actually interesting. You might want to do more with the ending though, how it has affected all 3 of their lives meeting each other in some way. Even though they departed because of differences

>> No.10431870

A magician gives a sailor a box of candy that acts like drugs. After each candy he eats, he finds himself in a fantastical sexual fantasy only to wake up where he first ate the candy. The candies are addictive and finds himself fiending for sex when he ships off and away and out of the magic candy.

>> No.10432785
File: 325 KB, 2045x1088, la-gomera-guanches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a couple thousand words in, need more character development but I like the concept. It's an alt-history where the fall of the Umayyad caliphate and subsequent devolution into taifa states causes Andalusian refugees to reach the Canary Islands in the 11th century after being blown off-course trying to flee to Morocco. Instead of genociding the Guanches like the Spanish, they are converted to Islam and the Canary islands become a thriving trade republic over the next few centuries culminating in a fall of the republic when the reconquista is completed in the 15th century. Would be a "Years of Rice and Salt" style narrative with multiple character arcs in different time periods, probably relatives of the same family.

>> No.10432800

>tfw don't want to share even the ideas i won't use because i'd be mad if one of you becomes the next knausbecq with them

>> No.10432916

The first idea is literally an anime, Parasyte: The Maxim.

>> No.10433934

>The focus would be less on the detective story
if the mystery takes a back seat you could end up with something Rowling/Galbraith tier. Literally the worst detective book I ever had the misfortune to read. Be careful.

>> No.10433946

>A group of mentally challenged adults go on a hike organized by their carers. It gets very cold and a group of them lose their way and spend the night in the woods
Good up until this point. Don't bother with the tribe nonsense - go for a mentally challenged lord of the flies.

>> No.10433948

Fictitious account of professional wrestling in Japan in the early 90s.

>> No.10434764
File: 44 KB, 500x583, 0EAE7598-BAEB-425E-80C3-F99A57FBC17D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, dude! Nice dubs! Over 28000 now. Should be done by Valentine’s Day

Pic related: Annabelle Booth, (undead bourbon heiress?)

>> No.10434821

a new world mythology

been working on this for ~24 years now
~1487x larger than santharia
finished by 2020 at latest

>> No.10434992

main character house is being completely overtaken by hordes of rats
this is however intentional as he is breeding them so that he can set them loose on the city as revenge for the council not fixing his streets potholes, which lead to his car being damaged

>> No.10435080

Yup. Great anime imo

>> No.10435082

Same here, I'm not sharing anything

>> No.10435132
File: 557 KB, 1600x1235, IMG_4579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third story is literally this

>> No.10435350

Post some of it

>> No.10436296

An absolutely degenerate society written in a way that makes them look like the good guys, then all the main characters except one are killed by the only sane group of people left on earth near the end of the book. The next two books are written from the perspective of the resistance and the protagonist of the first book becomes the main antagonist.

>> No.10436385


Gorilla Expressions Could Point to the Origins of Human Laughter. ... Gorillas use the open mouth, no teeth smile during playtime to show that they have no intention of biting. (Scientists call this the "play face.")

>> No.10436399


Norway and Sweden look like uncut dicks with faces in their glandes.

>> No.10436426

Burb? Please write this. Would read.

>> No.10437004

when you say this, what do you mean by "New World"