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/lit/ - Literature

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10415505 No.10415505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Gonna superlike her and see if she can get me a job at Penquin Random House. What /lit/ related joke should I start off with when we match?

>> No.10415507

You won't match.

>> No.10415510
File: 1.21 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not ugly like you so yes I will

>> No.10415513

seeing that I just realized what a failure and ineligible bachelor I am.

I'm nothing, no one and afraid of everything

>> No.10415517

she looks 33 at best. Why is the new aesthetic "old lady"?

>> No.10415520

>haha I see you're a minority and probably unqualified for your job, they just picked you up to fill a quota
>nice problem bangs, I bet you've read less than ten books in the past year and can't name the protagonist of a single Dostoevsky novel
>you're an assistant? how many cocks at least a decade older than you have you sucked since starting your job?
>you have a stern face in your profile picture, meaning you'll try to come across as intense, irritable, and complex but at heart you're still reeling from your unresolved childhood traumas and the intelligence you had to develop to compensate for your B- looks

any of those OP

>> No.10415527

me too anon, me too

>> No.10415530

I bet you think you're highbrow, unironically.

>> No.10415531

>single mom with a mixed child
why does this keep happening

>> No.10415532

>works at a large publishing house and went to Harvard
she is above you, you won't match

>> No.10415535

red flag

>> No.10415537

>mixed race child
>bangs hiding a high forehead
>first picture posed to hide her long nose
wow what a catch

>> No.10415539

wow you seem very intelligent. how do I become good at reading people like you?

>> No.10415541
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>> No.10415550

It might not be hers.

>> No.10415562

more women than men in the publishing industry now anon get with the times

>> No.10415565

Always expect the worst anon. Otherwise you're a sucker.

>> No.10415570

the question is: are you willing to be mistaken about that

>> No.10415571

I am middlebrow, I can't analyse works myself and I rely on traditional academic opinion to judge what is worth reading. I will always read at highschool level, I may be able to occasionally appreciate aesthetics but I will never be able to judge a work objectively and truly understand what makes it great and why is has persisted over time.
I will always be a surface reader and I will never be able to properly theorise.

>> No.10415587

>This is who stands between you and getting published
I should just submit under the name Obungwe Nkombe and say im an Eritrean lesbian and womans rights activist. Look at that fucking bitch goddamn nobody here stands a chance

>> No.10415588

>editorial assistant at blue chip publisher
>Harvard Grad
>Stuck with a niglet at 24

This gal had one chance at life and fucked it up for the BBC

>> No.10415634

>why does this keep happening

Because jews are using our cultural institutions to promote it. That said, I would be surprised if the niglet was her own since women like this mainly do that to signal. It's pretty rare for high-status-seeking women like this to actually produce offspring with a nigger. But it's possible and even welcomed by those of us who realize that thinning the herd of these types is important for long-term success.

>> No.10415643

Prove it.

>> No.10415646

Just be glad they'll all be pretty much bankrupt in a few years due to their own dumbshit ideology

>> No.10415651


>> No.10415653

who says thats her kid
that kid isnt even black
stop being racist

and if it was her "black kid" shes still more accomplished than you, a shitposter on a mongolian knitting forum

>> No.10415658

median annual salary for an editorial assistant is 35k, sounds pretty shit to me

>> No.10415663
File: 901 KB, 1079x1677, Screenshot_2016-11-07-18-23-13-1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost or something, mongrel?

>> No.10415664
File: 375 KB, 1885x828, chakras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will all of you please shut up, and OP delete this stupid thread. Supercommie with the bangs and the stinky vagoo nobody wants is on Tinder or whatever the fuck hookup app. She's a roastie with aspergers, leave her alone.

You are all debasing yourselves.

>> No.10415666

When you match, ask her if that is her child.

>> No.10415667

>that kid isnt even black

Well yeah it looks mulatto that's why it seems like its hers

>stop being racist
The fuck I will nigger

>> No.10415672
File: 123 KB, 1190x719, essence_of_leftism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute state of white leftist men.

>> No.10415673

Fuck you, we're taking action and infiltrating the Academia-Publishing-Industrial Comlex. The Jews aren't going to know what hit them

>> No.10415680

Is that real?

>> No.10415683

will do

ok HP lovecraft

>wahhhhh im waysis so anyone who disagrees with me is a filthy leftist democrat.

the absolute state of fucking idiots.

>> No.10415689
File: 127 KB, 1023x575, 1B0B42ED-BA27-4C2F-9270-732B1A8847A9_w1023_r1_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's in England. All over Twatter.

>> No.10415696

>I'm a white male who support white women having bastards out of wedlock with black men
Please keep posting.

>> No.10415702

Not literature.

>> No.10415707

>ok HP lovecraft

I take that as a compliment, based Howard knew what was up

>> No.10415713

Look at all those Syrian women and children.

>> No.10415721

Not the anon you were replying to here. I imagine most people would be fine with it if she had the child while married, but in most cases that isn't so. Especially at her age.

This is assuming that's her child though.

>> No.10415724

Does she have anymore pictures?

>> No.10415726

Speak for yourself, race mixing is grotesque

>> No.10415731

There is nothing wrong with race mixing when both people are respectable, married, and financially stable.

>> No.10415738


>> No.10415739

That's a ROUGH 24.


>> No.10415741

Its an affront against nature and results in nappy haired resentful half breed freaks. A selfish and incorrigible act

>> No.10415747
File: 106 KB, 593x578, BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, she makes up for it with her education and career.

>> No.10415750


Race mixing is disgusting and bad for society. The kids usually turn out mentally fucked up since they don't have an identity, as their parents took their own for granted and thus destroyed it.

>> No.10415760

Childbirth does that to you.

>> No.10415769


>> No.10415772

I had a class with her and we used to eat lunch together sometimes. If you match tell her Landon says hello.

>> No.10415785

That kid is not black my man.
And assistants don't stay assistants. This is an amazing place to be at 24 if you're going into publishing.

>> No.10415788

The only reason these "half breeds", as you say, turn out poorly is because they tend to be raised in unstable households. This creates unnecessary stress that will often lead to more violent tendencies.

If we gave more support for people in these situations, I'm sure many of you would have different views.

>> No.10415803

Holy kek

>> No.10415804

This is what they say about faggots offing themselves too.

>> No.10415805

yeah it needs to go back to women having to go through white men not men having to go through white women wtf

>> No.10415808

Just start off with 10 little niggers

>> No.10415810

Nah some are straight up hidious. Ever see Malcolm Gladwell?
Races developed under certain specific aesthetic sensibilities, flushing them together has the same affect as it does with any animal, averages the genetic diversity back towards a primitive proto-species state.

>> No.10415813
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, 16228663_147588752414518_3577100921638748160_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10415816

are you memeing or ?

>> No.10415821

Why does she try so hard to look ugly and prudish, who is she trying to appeal to?
Women need to be saved from themselves

>> No.10415822
File: 204 KB, 1080x1080, 18644833_1846535672027073_4646271337067708416_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw anon actually believes this garbage

top lel

>> No.10415831
File: 176 KB, 1080x1080, 19367822_1815905235405805_9161329078190473216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ass is phat as well lads. would give a a proper rim job

>> No.10415836

>sub 4/10 ugly hipsters are laughing at me

Uh ok

>> No.10415842
File: 148 KB, 784x792, 20225703_712181425634219_786305050430406656_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10415845

Ah a fan of Joyce I see

>> No.10415847

Lost all respect for her

>> No.10415855
File: 216 KB, 1200x1188, DQ5s3xCW4AEgAeM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>respecting women in the first place


>> No.10415857

The state of attractiveness/= Ones ability to succeed.

>> No.10415867

No, not memeing. She's a serious girl, touched with a bit of the 'tism, but very sensitive and sweet if you get to know her a little.

>> No.10415872

>The state of attractiveness/= Ones ability to succeed.

It pretty much is if you're not a Jew

>> No.10415881

I'm attracted to her but these kinds of girls only like guys who are jewish and neurotic.

>> No.10415882
File: 1.15 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here again, I have another /lit/ related semen demon I came across a while ago

>> No.10415887

>Madame Bovary
>literally about a cheating whore
>already looks 35
go for Anne

>> No.10415895

Too much makeup. Also,
>Penguin classics

>> No.10415896

Why are they both so old looking?

>> No.10415897

i feel like there should be four salads in this picture. maybe they are off-camera, telling jokes.

>> No.10415898

> white people humour

>> No.10415899

>Not the irrefutably superior Scribner’s

>> No.10415900

Is she meant to be around 24 too?

>> No.10415910

I never knew you guys would hate book nerd girls so much, but I'm not surprised!

>> No.10415916


she is prob in her 30s, note the age is missing because she is paying for tinder premium, lel and when you pay you have the option to hide your age and or miles you are from a person. Mostly older women do this for some reason (specifically hiding their age)

>> No.10415927

In my (personal, sexual) experience women who build their entire personality around literariness are insufferable and not very deep at all. Sound familiar /lit/?

>> No.10415928

I have never been truly attracted to a girl who wasn't borderline illiterate

>> No.10415929
File: 1.38 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10415933

No way this one is 24 with all that schooling + job changes. Maybe late 20s

>> No.10415936

She would only show up if she's in OP's selected age bracket though.
I'm guessing she just looks like shit

>> No.10415939

>he doesn't know about katie

>> No.10415941

One time on tinder I matched with an 18yo girl whose bio was like "Proust is my home boy" and at first I was impressed and I talked to her a bit because she was qt and then we were gonna meet but it turned out she was in an open relationship and that was a pretty big turn off. Then I realized a fucking 18 year old lecturing people about Proust was a pretty big turn off too.

>> No.10415945
File: 166 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the rest of her bio

this is true i shitpost on /lit/ and I use the metamorphosis by kafka to hold up my alarm clock tbqh

>> No.10415946
File: 1006 KB, 1080x1080, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send her this please

>> No.10415948

oh my god i would stick her with my ham rod all night

>> No.10415950

Horrible, must be like five foot tall.
She looks like Gollum transitioning from a Hobbit

>> No.10415952

>no eyebrows
>dressed like a whore
>mediocre tricep development
>low hanging boobs
>hyperextensive thumbs
>short trashy haircut
she's been pounded by at least fifty 5/10s

>> No.10415953

Is she a womenlet?

>> No.10415954

There's nothing wrong in liking Godard, but if she's got let everyone know about that, drop her.

>> No.10415955

an 18yr old into Proust is awesome
>in an open relationship
I hate women

>> No.10415958


the tingle in my dingle just tango'd away

>> No.10415960


>> No.10415961

>Infinite Jest
Lmao every time

>> No.10415963

i am OP, and my age bracket is set to 18-55. chances are shes def in her 30s as you can tell here >>10415945

>> No.10415967

>Unironically liking Jest

>> No.10415969

>white girls like quirky entry level hipster writer

Who the hell would find that hard to believe?

>> No.10415972

>i am OP, and my age bracket is set to 18-55.

Damn what are you like fifty?

>> No.10415975

Lmao, no one other than white girls reads Murakami. People probably don't believe you because they're thinking of the other murakami or something

>> No.10415977

Stop being so naive, you sound like a women with this purely emotional style of thinking.

>> No.10415981

Yeah talking to her she had this condescending attitude like she thinks she's the only one who reads. I don't advertise "HEY I'M TOTALLY AN INTELLECTUAL, EVERYONE" in my bio so I guess she thought I was some country hick. I got the impression she liked to fuck meatheads and got off on being smarter than her boytoys.

>> No.10415984

Naive of what?

>> No.10415986
File: 1.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of books do you think she reads lit

>> No.10415987

>an 18yr old into Proust is awesome

Are you retarded? Do the math on whether they're actually into Proust or just grabbed the first top shelf author they could find to LARP with

>> No.10415991

im 26 years old dude. but the chances of me actually matching with a chick older than 30 is v low

>> No.10415995

Books about boring aging middle class women waiting to die

>> No.10415998

that's a shitty translation of that book. an """"""educated"""""" librarian should know this

>> No.10415999

Naive about race and race mixing. Get your head out of the jewish propaganda for a bit.

>> No.10416002

I honestly have had much better. Does this make me a chad? I don’t identify as a chad guys

>> No.10416004


>> No.10416005

this entire thread is men reacting emotionally

>> No.10416006

Man I'm 23 and I don't even allow any girls over than 21 in my stream

>> No.10416010

Thank her for spotting me cab fare 4 years ago, it was the bright spot in a shitty day.

>> No.10416014

>open marriage
Is this actually popular now? Good God

>> No.10416017
File: 1.05 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is more my style tbqh

she even superliked me

>> No.10416019
File: 83 KB, 692x421, dfc53224ef1d25786217c41dcaed2c21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would have guessed? Fucking hipsters stole that place.

>> No.10416022

>presently in an open marriage

I don't know how people get to a position like this without just killing themselves

>> No.10416027

yeah conversation or connection is overrated just fuck her in the throat and peace out

>> No.10416028

>Jewish propaganda

>> No.10416029

Now that's a girl, even though the dye job is gross

>> No.10416039
File: 1.17 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an intellectual:

>> No.10416041
File: 170 KB, 1059x593, lit taught me how to be smooth with the ladies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this lad.

>> No.10416044

You want to Hahvihd? Real brainiac??

>> No.10416046

you should have shown her what for
people like that need to be taken down and HARD

>> No.10416047

Lmao look at the pain of this bitter roastie. She actually thought guys would care if she read books. She really believed she could compensate for getting older with her dumb opinions
You've been wasting your time and all you got for it was a smaller pool of choices while your biological clock ticked on

>> No.10416048

nah senpai
I've slept with somewhere between 40-50 women
I haven't had a relationship in over three years and I can't be bothered pretending to care about normie shit anymore

>> No.10416050

She would actually like this I am guessing

>> No.10416052

Give us the profile.

>> No.10416053

Ew fucking jewess

>> No.10416057

get yourself some young trim, anon
as this thread clearly demonstrates females aren't good for much else

>> No.10416058

tell her she looks like she's been on Quetapine, Trazodone and Xanax for 7 years and that not knowing how to smile, or having nasolabial folds that bad at 24 is as is a sign of being bad stock and that her bangs are repulsive and hair is a mess. Also those colors look bad on her, she should wear slightly brighter earth tones, a nice dark green, and some glasses with a real hair-style would go a long, along with learning to smile SWEETIE

>> No.10416061

It's more about hating all women.

>> No.10416062

She looks like she's been having sex since she was 13.

>> No.10416065


Ugh, what an insufferable cunt. Some neurotic little pussy boy will be happy to let her control his life though I'm sure

>> No.10416067

cant you lie about your age to begin with? why pay extra money to hide something you can lie about

>> No.10416068

Hookers don't count anon.

>> No.10416072
File: 55 KB, 720x540, 002SDM_Willem_Dafoe_019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP its only Tinder...do what you gotta do and then broom her.

>> No.10416073

Why not?

>> No.10416074

To their women possibly mating with monkeys, but that's natural and healthy, whereas your female emotionality is in support of this thing that is bad for their society.

>> No.10416076


>> No.10416077


She's cute, but that hair is a disaster. Is it just an attention thing for women who do that shit?

>> No.10416080

>$20 words
she looks nice enough
disgusting, good looking but a fucking gross whore. Fuck at your own risk

>> No.10416083
File: 1.11 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brooming a 6/10 who is probably freaky in bed and has an Ivy League education and works as an editors assistant @ Penguin Random House

yeh nah lad. this girl on the other hand can get the dink

>> No.10416087

57 miles away. Nigga why?

>> No.10416089


>> No.10416090


> super ugly
> penguin black covers

checks out

>> No.10416091


>> No.10416093

>less than an hour
you must not have a license

>> No.10416094

Fuckin thots

>> No.10416095

>smoke me out
Imagine just having a decent body and a vagina and then feeling like you're entitled to free marijuana. What a bitch.

>> No.10416096

Patrice O'Neal has a great bit where he talks about how if a woman is attractive, it doesn't matter if she's a neurosurgeon or a cashier at McDonald's. The older I get the more I realize he's exactly right, if you include a good personality too. A beautiful woman with a heart full of kindness and only a high school diploma is more appealing than a cold hearted woman who knows everything there is to know about publishing.

>> No.10416097

i work in NYC and live 57 miles away.

I only swipe in the city because obv there are way more hotter girls

>> No.10416099

why are the fastest threads on /lit/ always the off-topic ones?

>> No.10416102
File: 41 KB, 778x512, gib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more pls

>> No.10416103

you should date-rape and murder this one out of principle

>> No.10416105


Good Christ

>> No.10416106
File: 1.08 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10416107

>muh dick
Reading is gay

>> No.10416108

did you match or just posting her profile?

>> No.10416109

Yeah, accepted into Harvard but rejected by my first two choices, Stanford and Princeton.

>> No.10416110

Damn that's a long commute. What do you do?

>> No.10416111

That's it, I'm moving to America as soon as I can

>> No.10416113

You're a kike that lives in Connecticut, aren't you?

>> No.10416114
File: 1.44 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i didnt match with her

>> No.10416115

>the subtle tanline and crease of her hips

>> No.10416116

But you are, probably can't keep up with all of the offers desu

>> No.10416117

how fucking mean. go back to >>>/pol/
pleeease stop being such shitty human beings

>> No.10416119

She looks nice, would make a good Mammy

>> No.10416121

>Jim Gaffigan

>> No.10416122

>Alcoholic drinks

>> No.10416123

Her face reminds me of Gordon Ramsay

>> No.10416124
File: 1.04 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did not match



Good guess, yes I do.

>long commute
its a an hour or so train ride, its not too bad

>> No.10416127

What do you do now? Did Harvard pay off?

>> No.10416129

Tinder seems so strange to me

>> No.10416130

What a little whore. I love her

>> No.10416131

These girls are way better than the ones in the southwest

>> No.10416133
File: 789 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait for it

>> No.10416135

Can you post more Sam, por favor?
I need to finish being outraged

>> No.10416138

Post men

>> No.10416140

Here comes the niglet

>> No.10416143
File: 646 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


those two pics are all i have lad. sorry

>> No.10416145

This, we want Sam!

>> No.10416153
File: 1.09 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more sam lad.

I have this chick though, what do you think she enjoys reading?

>> No.10416154

Why are there so many men out there who are cool with this? Why is polyamory "in" right now?

>> No.10416156

nigga I aint gay

>> No.10416157

>ethically non-monogomous

I don't know how there isn't a thousand mass shootings every day

>> No.10416159

>literally a stacy with an 'a' stuck at the end.
shit taste anon

>> No.10416158

hot dog

>> No.10416160

You ever feel your cock rub against another? Truly an amazing experience

>> No.10416162

This is the background life of all those soyboys you've seen posted

>> No.10416165

No morales.

>> No.10416166

Strangely enough my first thought from this image is "why do so many girls like the office so much?"

>> No.10416174

uk offce > us office

>> No.10416175

They're basically completely different shows, stupid to compare

>> No.10416176


"Love pizza, the office, wine, and going on adventures. Oh, and I probably swiped right for your dog."

>> No.10416180

Thread is boring now.
Mods come sweep this shit up

>> No.10416182

>what do you think she enjoys reading?
us weekly, facebook, tumblr, twitter, and horroscopes

>> No.10416183

lol, every time.

>> No.10416184

Us white men need to get our women in check, white sharia isn't looking so bad.

>> No.10416185

categorically false. ricky gervais single handedly derails EVERY FUCKING THING THAT HE IS IN . FUCK RICKY GERVAIS

>> No.10416186
File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, Chiara Hovland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

"sorry anon, you can't get with me till you explain why you don't like Infinite Jest without being condescending"

>> No.10416189

>white sharia isn't looking so bad

So Mormonism

>> No.10416190

Apparently all boards are /b/ now. The mod is a subhuman

>> No.10416191

So, not bad.

>> No.10416192


>> No.10416193

I agree, but most American girls don't know the UK office exists and aren't interested in it even if they do know it exists.

>> No.10416194

this is /lit/ related.

>> No.10416198

they're a nihilist I think, I'm convinced between the /pol/ spam, the JBP spam, the now incel spam and the sad posting retards they don't care at all anymore. Someone should ask the admins to install a new mod, preferably a leftist so we can start deleting /pol/ bait

>> No.10416202

that absolutely genetically wrecked jawline

hope you like anemia and halitosis anon

>> No.10416203

Tell no jokes, just make her speak about what she likes the most and compliment her sincerely.
The only book you need is Dale Carnegie's

>> No.10416204


>> No.10416205

What a beaut; that's wife. sorry anon

>> No.10416208

Hope Based /pol/ janny bans you Leftist cuck

>> No.10416212
File: 365 KB, 854x480, 1510337444073.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak Jezebel, but her spell works no longer, opiates have killed my libido and free'd me unto the world of romantic longing. I like cute girls now, that woman looks gross

>> No.10416213

similar but more extreme story here
got accepted into Harvard for philosophy phd program but rejected by NYU, Rutgers, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, MIT, Toronto, Cornell, and Yale
wtf but also lol i'll take it

>> No.10416214

>hope you like anemia and halitosis anon

That's pretty hot honestly

>> No.10416219

why does she look like she's 40

>> No.10416223

Alcohol drugs and abortions

>> No.10416232


>> No.10416233
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>> No.10416238

what's it like being smart?

>> No.10416240

Nice one Anon

>> No.10416242


>> No.10416243



>> No.10416244

C'mon dude

>> No.10416251

Find out whether he's a jewish benefactor of nepotism before you make that assumption.

>> No.10416252

Honest question: what's to like?

>> No.10416253


>> No.10416257


Boys I'm on Safari, what's the vid about?

>> No.10416259

OK, this is getting out of hand

>> No.10416260

Motherfucker you're unibrow

>> No.10416262

It's a trap.

>> No.10416263

its a trap

>> No.10416264

8/10 shows her small tiddies, looks underage, then it pans down and she's stroking an average sized dick (her own)

>> No.10416269

those women are repulsive, you just broke the meme idiot

>> No.10416270


>> No.10416273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10416274

>58 posters

Lotta samefagging going on in here.

>> No.10416275

hey wait
this doesn't have to do with literature

>> No.10416277

anyone got a name on this

>> No.10416278

This thread just went to shit

>> No.10416281

I'm not that smart. My IQ is 120. A lot of the people on /lit/ are smarter but didn't receive sufficient guidance as children and so never fully applied themselves. Too often I see young men on here with persecution complexes, blaming their failures on something outside of their control. They're only a little right. All they needed was a bit of nudging in the right direction. And for the record, I'm white.

>> No.10416282

t. "book nerd" roastie

>> No.10416285

That's pretty gay, bru

>> No.10416287

Traps aren't gay.

>> No.10416288


see >>10416058

>> No.10416302

I would.

>> No.10416303

white primrose or some such

>> No.10416307

I would say it has more to do with chronic masturbation addiction and narcissism as a defense mechanism to compensate for constant self inflicted isolation. This is my experience, anyway. The persecution complex is usually a superficial manifestation, a symptom, of deeply rooted delusions that cycle between irrational grandiosity and suicidal ideation. Any psychologically healthy person even slightly above average IQ could get into an Ivy, if they applied themselves

>> No.10416308

This thread makes me happy to have married young

>> No.10416316

I've met women who are into serious literature, but none of them advertise themselves as "book nerds" -- all of those end up being harry potter roasties who only read YA and maybe a novel some Netflix special is based on

>> No.10416319
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>> No.10416325

oops >>10416277

>> No.10416326
File: 146 KB, 1080x1349, @sienacrawford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not the nigga you replied to but

>$20 dollar words

aight nigga we get it you're smart af. i also suffer from chronic masturbation tho. stay strong faam

>> No.10416333

She sure is frowny for someone with such a plum job.

Nepotism beneficiary?

>> No.10416347

OUCH, rrrrright in the biological instincts

>> No.10416349

mom and dad probably pay her rent. Or her BF does.

>> No.10416352

40-50? How does that even happen?

I guess I don’t go out. I only have sex within stable relationships and I don’t lower my standards when I’m lonely, so I’ve only had sex with 3 women at 22. But all of three of them were better than the original pic, not saying they were models but god that pancake face is terrible.

>> No.10416353

no one on lit reads YA

>> No.10416354

Don't be intimidated anon. He just worked hard.

>> No.10416361

You are the normie, Chad

>> No.10416363

>If we gave more support

What's this 'we'??

Also, maybe if people got LESS support theyd' quit making shitty life choices.

>> No.10416365


>> No.10416373

There's no fuckin way that's real

>> No.10416375
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>> No.10416377

Sorry, I just write like this. Trust me, it doesn't make for good prose.

No, I'm a NEET drop out. I was basing that on my experience in high school. The borderline normal IQ folks got into Ivy League schools as well as the geniuses much smarter than myself (all women, oddly enough). The unifying factor was not intelligence, it was social aptitude.

>> No.10416380

hookups from high school & college parties
never had an actual relationship that lasted longer than three months, my personality is extremely toxic

>> No.10416398

There's a lot worse shit than that going on, but anyone with their head even half-stuck in the jewish media isn't going to see it.

>> No.10416403
File: 8 KB, 250x205, 58f35a721328b7c5913c0736b469d6e3b7f657bf869db2f26a28086f65c1d5f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kid isnt even black

>> No.10416420

now there are two of them

>> No.10416425

men are so desperate they'll throw drugs and blunts at her, entertain her while she's smoking tha phat blun', expect sex and then she leaves the beta and goes fuck her chad boyfriend

>> No.10416431

AKA parent's social aptitude.

>> No.10416443


>> No.10416447

doesnt it look more asian than anything, check eyes

>> No.10416448


Thank you, anons; glad I'm on safari lol

>> No.10416450


Not in my state, it ain't.

>> No.10416454

this thread is gold

>> No.10416461

I'd guess Philippino

>> No.10416464

So, how about them books am I right folks?

>> No.10416471

Nobody who goes to harvard is a remotely respectable person. Fuck off, tel.
Also, she's a fucking assistant. That means low-level crap is handed over to her.
Dostoevsky is for literal idiots.

>> No.10416477

hey, man
I'm respectable :(
t. >>10416213

>> No.10416484

No. They lack personality and stability so they dye their hair every other week to change their lives around but that never happens. Hair gets damaged because it's been dyed and handled too much and she'll have to cut it shorter and shorter and now it looks like a disaster.

>> No.10416485



>> No.10416499

No you aren't. You're probably a retard studying classics or something or other autist 'philosophy'.

>> No.10416501
File: 792 KB, 750x1334, E9B7516C-0142-487B-AD4E-819457CF9137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting girls you haven’t even matched with

>> No.10416502


>> No.10416508

tfw grandpa got diagnosed with mesothelioma

>> No.10416509
File: 105 KB, 740x740, 1359166852660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck?

>> No.10416514

Unless you're somewhere in Latin America, I think this is a fake account. This girl was Instagram famous until she made her account private. Can't remember the name, though.

>> No.10416518

If he's white that would mean he's studying the history of his great culture. There's nothing retarded about that and these subjects need white men to be stewards of them again instead of women and jews. That's what this board is for, the celebrity of white culture. Usually.

>> No.10416520


>> No.10416522

HOLY shit those diddies
Dated a girl who loved the office, saw every episode 5 times, once got mad at me for not remembering a quote correctly. I think its for people who are settled in living that monotonous life where little glimmers of silliness creep in to keep them going. Decent show not crazy about it

>> No.10416525
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Well fret not, for there are more thots.

>> No.10416529

t-traps arent gay

>> No.10416532

s-she's cute
would french kiss + tongue for hours

>> No.10416535

I guess you could call it autist philosophy. I study people like Kant, Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and Quine. Basically the anti-philosophical strands in philosophy, the philosophers who think 'transcendental philosophy' is impossible. Less autistic than rationalism.

confirm for white

>> No.10416542
File: 36 KB, 398x305, GODDAMNIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you /lit/?

>> No.10416551

All I get on tinder are fat chicks and polyamorous liberals

>> No.10416555

Grow up

>> No.10416557
File: 792 KB, 750x1334, 9AC84678-6FD5-40F9-9765-6971C53463C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step up your game senpai.

>> No.10416559

can you guys stop reminding me how much of a virgin I am?

thank you

>> No.10416562
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Patrician taste coming through

>> No.10416563

>So, how about them books am I right folks?

>> No.10416567

>implying she isn't a polyam slut

>> No.10416568

Don't worry anon you'll find someone

>> No.10416572

when worried just lower your standards

ugly women are underrated anyways

>> No.10416574
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>Literally a ghost

>> No.10416575
File: 899 KB, 750x1334, D5B3EB73-B4C7-4C6C-AABD-13DC72B27A1C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s an arthoe. There’s a difference.

>> No.10416576

Vulgar animal. You're either trying for (You)s too hard or a mouthy cunt.

>> No.10416578

Same. What's wrong with me?

>> No.10416579

tinder threads especially trigger me since i couldn't even get a single match when i tried

>> No.10416584

>literature board
>320 replies for /soc/ thread

>> No.10416586

>actually having tinder

normies you know what to do

>> No.10416589

I thought the same but we all needed a break.

Can't have lobster all the time, gotta have a midnight snack once in a while.

>> No.10416591

>tfw going to UMD and even though it's a big school this girl looks like someone I've stared at before in the student union or library or somewhere

>> No.10416597

t. assmad hardvard undergrad

>> No.10416598
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tfw met my wife on tinder

>> No.10416599

I dunno about you but I am average looking and my pics are pretty beta. Probably has something to do with it.

>> No.10416600
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But you guys are too pleb to see it.

>> No.10416602

We need to get it out sometimes.

>> No.10416603
File: 1.09 MB, 750x1334, FD8E8CDE-5533-4DAF-B45E-25E9A147CB16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had sex with person that someone on /lit/ has also met
Abstract kinda feel.

>> No.10416609

why must you role play

>> No.10416614

>only 40-0

>> No.10416617

My time has finally arrived

>> No.10416623

How'd you do it? Tell me your ways.

>> No.10416624
File: 1.12 MB, 750x1334, 47280225-917C-4BB8-A634-041074DDB342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s pretty ez tho. Just make a profile that distinguishes you from other guys and then talk about interesting hobbies you’ve cultivated.

>> No.10416631

please show me the genetic or biological research which supports this absolute hogwash. On a personal level I've met plenty of mixed race individuals who were completely normal. But please, since you've made these claims i would love for you to provide some evidence

>> No.10416637

but how do fuck?

>> No.10416641
File: 96 KB, 712x1024, DDacfI7UAAAXj0J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier

>> No.10416645


>> No.10416648

>Get number
>ask if she wants some ice cream
>tell her you’ll bring the ice cream if she brings the Netflix
>Netflix and Chill

>> No.10416654

Not him but there's a lot of research showing mixed race people have much higher rates of mental problems, and also that whites are objectively more attractive, and evolved colorful features that contribute to that, due to the freedom of mate selection, less top down mate hording, and a lack of arranged marriage, which are typically the norm in other cultures. However I'm not going to look that up for some egalitarian faggot to post in a sunk thread.

>> No.10416661

But that's pathetic. That's so disappointing. You fucked that hot Lauren girl by saying that?

>> No.10416679

Also, was it just casual sex? Do you guys still talk?

>> No.10416684
File: 1.20 MB, 750x1334, A910ACE5-2E46-4C87-8EA7-AF7F3C065614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much every girl on tinder I’ve fucked by saying that.
You literally just have to be interesting, and 80% of girls are down. I only have two selfies, the rest are photos of places I’ve traveled or me rock climbing and shit.

>> No.10416694
File: 591 KB, 750x933, 11BADA1F-4053-4874-82E6-A61B30E1265F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most it is, but some girls like this one I’ve kept in touch with for a few years.

>> No.10416697

Why is that pathetic?

>> No.10416705

>baylor university
i bet shes doing crack in a waco back ally

>> No.10416706

>You literally just have to be interesting, and 80% of girls are down
Looks like I have no chance.

>> No.10416718

>You literally just have to be interesting
spoken like a true tall handsome fit charismatic guy with plenty of experience

>> No.10416724

Because it's so banal.

>> No.10416728
File: 1.04 MB, 750x1334, C9C22EE0-16C1-4CEB-8AFA-872046222507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but dichotomy is a great bar.
Talk about books and philosophy. Girls unironically love that shit.

>> No.10416730

God I love crack

>> No.10416732

"Sucks mad cock"
- My diary, desu

>> No.10416734

llama llama misses papa

>> No.10416736

Are you the same guy posting all these? Do you just travel a lot for work or something? These women are all over the place.

>> No.10416741
File: 1.39 MB, 750x1334, 07E981EB-D41D-4A72-BF1E-204EA78A88E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I’ve been in like 3 states just this month. Plus school is out so I assume the girls went home.

>> No.10416746

How old are you?

>> No.10416747
File: 954 KB, 750x1334, 84EEB48A-BA70-4B99-B57F-A6A678958CC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean not really. I’m probably like a 7.
But I mean I connected with this girl over Jünger for instance.

>> No.10416748

It's banal because it's casual sex.

>> No.10416752

16 years old, I travel cross country with my school basketball team as their power bottom.

>> No.10416757

casual sex sounds fucking gay dude

>> No.10416758

people will do anything they see in movies

except pinnochio

>> No.10416763
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>> No.10416768
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>> No.10416769

holy shit, is she a supermodel?

>> No.10416776

She looks like your standard caked up bimbo.

>> No.10416780
File: 1.52 MB, 750x1334, 0C6FD35D-72CF-4FBD-8F39-2C6CFADF29CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she ain’t shit, she only has like 5k followers.

>> No.10416784

oh fug

>> No.10416790

if you are not an anime kid cute girl is the height of beauty sexy hotness, show me a pic of a hotter girl

>> No.10416808


>> No.10416809

Most of the other girls that same guy posted are hotter.

>> No.10416812


>> No.10416817
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>> No.10416818
File: 1.32 MB, 750x1334, 7E5B21C9-F25B-469F-922A-693D41A45825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I prefer most of the other girls.
In person she has super defined cheekbones.

>> No.10416842

itt: whores

>> No.10416851

But whores are very literary.

>> No.10416859

the OP girl is unironically the most attractive one of the bunch

>> No.10416903


>> No.10416915



>> No.10416944

Look at the pic bottom right:

Look at her ass!!!!!

and look at her lips

She has a timeless cosmic ancient hellenistic beauty-hottness-sexyness-prettyness-robotic-perfection