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10414635 No.10414635[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me how he's wrong about postmodernism/marxism. He seems to use these terms in a vague, interchangeable way.

>> No.10414650

He's not generally, he just leaves out the jewish role and how the ideas are reflections of jewish nature.

>> No.10414651

first of all, if you'd read the Jewish Question, you'd immediately realize that those annoying people on college campuses that he hates are egoists, equally hated by Marx. Marx wants humans to transcend their petty and selfish tendencies to all live together as free humans. Leftist "liberals" are the highest form of political emancipation, yet are light years away from any sort of human emancipation. Marx's ideas are goals are pretty much the stock of all philosophy in that it is always about figuring out the best way to live. Disagree with Marx in his strategy, but don't misconstrue what he wants.

>> No.10414687

He's not gonna say anything about Jews because he doesn't want to set his life on fire. He's smarter than that. But you shouldn't fret because strategically that bit is useless until the camps are ready and parliament is ablaze. He wants to reap the benefits of telling rightwingers everything they want to hear without saying those damning words.

>> No.10414693

>Explain to me how he's wrong about postmodernism/marxism. He seems to use these terms in a vague, interchangeable way.

You kind of answered your own question there

>> No.10414698
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>Peterson is totally a neo-nazi like us, he just can't come out about it

>> No.10414712

I wasn't lamenting that, amigo. He could do better than counter-signaling people like MacDonald though.

>> No.10415076

pure gold

>> No.10415082

He uses the terms as a catch-all for "things I don't like"

>> No.10415085

his objectivity has been tainted by his patreon fanboys.

also, fuck you for tying Kermit in with your fuckery

>> No.10415086

Why do we have to have 6,000,000 threads about this every day? You faggots need a new hobby.

>> No.10415098
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How many woman have you had a conversation with in the last two years that 1. weren't in your family 2. weren't one of your friends girlfriends and 3. weren't forced to as in she was cashier or in a school group project or etc..

>> No.10415107

Peterson's main ideas on this topic come from Stephen Hicks whose ideas come from Kevin MacDonald's research in the Culture of Critique.

>> No.10415122

lol girls, I don't even have any male friends

>> No.10415124
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>> No.10415128

Are you serious?

>> No.10415130

All postmodernists are/were Marxists.

>> No.10415139

Have you read Culture of Critique and Hicks' book on postmodernism?

>> No.10415140

t. idiot/liar

>> No.10415154

He's right. Postmodernism is jewish Marxism applied to the arts and institutionalized through academia.

>> No.10415155

That might be true but I think Peterson is clueless about it. He doesn't come off as redpilled and if he was his theories would be a lot more consistent

>> No.10415157

‘Were’ as in ‘they were Marxists, then they abandoned it when they became postmodernists’

Postmodernism is a reaction agaisnt the dominance of Marxism in French academia.

>> No.10415161

t. never set foot in academia

>> No.10415169

i've listened a bit to nazi podcasts for research purposes and noticed this thing were people on the fringes think that celebrities are actually on their side. like black israelites that claims shakespeare was black etc., or the /our guy/ and we wuz memes. theres probably a name for this phenomenon already
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.10415172

No he’s not and you’re so dumb i wanna remove your larynx surgically and keep you in a laboraory to study the cortical assymetries associated with incuriosity. can you name 5 post-modernists for me sweetie? i’ll wait little tad/pol/

>> No.10415171

Where is this academia you can step inside?

>> No.10415175

Oh, I agree, he's most definitely clueless about it.

>> No.10415178

HAHA. Marxism is the antithesis of the current state of Academia. This is why no one takes you poorly read faggots seriously!

>> No.10415181

Some probably are to be fair. I mean ANYONE can be posting on /pol/

>> No.10415182

No, but Hicks is a total looser

>> No.10415184

At whichever higher education institution you weren't good enough to attend

>> No.10415186

You aren’t even close, it’s actually astounding. Postmodernism heritage is in the work of Nietzsche and Heidegger, far more than in Marx.

Nietzsche and Heidegger weren’t exactly known for their left wing views.

>> No.10415189

What are you talking about there's tons of Marxists in third level positions. Its the easiest place to find them outside literal Leftist parties.

>> No.10415192
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>Marxism is the antithesis of the current state of Academia.

>> No.10415194

Holy... I want more

>> No.10415201

Close minded liberals aren't Marxists you fucking pseuds...

>> No.10415202

I have a degree in Phil and Lit from the top continental department in my country and am currently enrolled in grad school.
There is no "inside" academia, its all just a nebulous orientation that barely qualifies as a network, closer to a fashion subculture

>> No.10415203

>won't be satisfied until it's turtles all the way down

>> No.10415204

No one's even disputing that, retard. We're talking about postwar cultural Marxism.

>> No.10415208
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Reddit-chan kawaii

>> No.10415209

>Le No True Marxist

Fuck off leftypol

>> No.10415215

That's fair enough, but one can certainly be in such a network

>> No.10415227

Yeah I won't argue with that, there is a certain "In the Loop"

>> No.10415235

Oh sorry, I thought you were actually talking about something real.

>> No.10415248

You whiffed on the first swing and still can't find the mark, no worries, not everyone can be bright.

>> No.10415273

It's a highly insular environment, anyone not willing to conform to jewish/leftist thinking is either bypassed or shamed.