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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1 KB, 52x78, twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1041220 No.1041220 [Reply] [Original]

If Twilight is as bad as you guys say it is how come it's managed to sell so many copies and people keep buying them?

Not trolling this is a serious question.

>> No.1041226

If McDonald's is as bad as you guys say it is how come it's managed to sell so many franchises and people keep buying them?

>> No.1041229

McDonalds is good are you kidding me have you ever had their french fries?

>> No.1041238
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>> No.1041236

I think you just demonstrated exactly why the book can be bad and people still buy it.

>> No.1041239

So Twilight is good is what you're saying?

>> No.1041243

Where else can you get a meal like this for $3.12 (at least with PA tax).

Large Drink
Free smoothie with coupon from large drink.

>> No.1041245
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this is fun!

>> No.1041246

Don't hate on McDonald's. They have some good shit.

>> No.1041247

does /lit/ have mods?

can i haz mod status on /lit/?

>> No.1041249

You can get a happy meal for like one dollar hello it's 2010 people

>> No.1041250

Yeah McDonald's is cheap and fast, but in what way is Twilight cheaper/faster than some literary fiction?

>> No.1041252

>They have some shit


>> No.1041258

Wow, how uninformed can you be? Does it really take so much explaining?

People are retards, so they buy retarded books.


>> No.1041260


The point is that the food is terrible, mass-market consumer trash, not that it's cheap.

Lots of people enjoy it, or it wouldn't be so successful, but that doesn't mean it's good.

>> No.1041256

>1 KB, 52x78
>Stagolee !0Pey/QLK3E
>not trolling


>> No.1041255

Dwight MacDonald - Masscult and Midcult.


>> No.1041261
File: 41 KB, 361x637, trollan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1041263

Stephen King is fast food literature according to some people. If Stephey Mey isn't fast food does that mean her books have more quality than Stephen King's?

>> No.1041265

Its slow to get to the point, actually

>> No.1041266


Twilight has value as a product for millions of consumers. The point that critics make is that this value as a product is based on Mary Sue fantasies and not on the literary quality of the characters ("literary quality" according to their particular critical ear, of course). So while it may be good in the sense that someone can pick it up and enjoy it, it isn't good in that it discourages the read from making really profound or really thoughtful connections.

I mean I haven't read it, so of course I haven't made a judgment, but conflating economic value and cultural relevance with literary quality is pretty foolish. But completely separating them is also equally foolish. It obviously has something to say about the human condition if it's appealing to so many people.

>> No.1041267

The writing is very simple, so people who can't read very well can read it. Remember, a more intellectual newspaper writes at a grade 8 reading level, maybe. Most go for like 3nd or 3rd grade reading levels.

So, people who can't read very well (and 50% of the population in developed countries are functionally illiterate) can read these books.

And the stories mix two major genres of literary escapism, romance novels and fantasy.

It's extremely marketable trash

>> No.1041272

Wait can you please tell me why I should listen to someone who criticizes people who can't read then misspells a number placing?

>> No.1041273

Argumentum ad populum, Stagolee.
Not because it's popular it means it's good. One thing does not have anything to do with the other and it's a logical fallacy to assume otherwise.

>> No.1041275

I read 20 pages and now I am homosex. I'm not kidding. And chicks are like, you should read this if you were like Edward I would bone you.

And I'm like, bitch shut your cunt mouth, you don't know what the fuck you want.

Edward is a smothering creepy ass stalker

>> No.1041276
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>> No.1041278


>you typoed. You're argument is invalid.

I'll pretend you're not just trolling for e-attention. And those are criticisms, they're facts.

>> No.1041279
File: 744 KB, 2304x1728, HPIM0603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not trolling this is a serious question.

>Nigga, is you seerius.

>> No.1041281
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>> No.1041282



>> No.1041283
File: 824 KB, 249x166, jogo and eric kissing and maybe eric even enjoyed it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1041286

The books are popular because the masses are not wellread. The more you read the higher will your demand for quality be. Most people who has read Twilight, and liked it, are people who don`t usually read much.

>> No.1041287
File: 57 KB, 400x542, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1041308

Since when was simple language a bad thing? Hemingway was praised for it in his time, and Haruki Murakami has made a powerful stance by allowing publishing houses to translate translations to save time.

In the globalized, busy world we live in today and where books are competing with movies and video games -- language is the barrier. Modern literature has to communicate through stories and form, not through fancy word combinations.

Actually, I've read Twilight, it was a bet with a cute girl, and Meyer uses some pretty silly adjectives once in a while. Like "scintillating" and stuff. I'm guessing to evoke the gothic atmosphere she got when she was a teen, reading Wuthering Heights and all that. Argueably that gives it a kind of postmodern quality as it, in many ways, is a pastiche of high culture done in what is easily perceived as low cultural. Not saying Meyer did it on purpose, but it's not vacuum-born. It's an understandable part of contemporary literature.

In any case, I don't have a problem with Twilight even though I can't get anything out of it myself. Probably because I'm a guy. But then on the other hand I don't have any problem with anything.

I mean, the girl I had the bet with remarked that the main character in Murakami's Norwegian Wood had sex with all the female characters, and two of them implied that it was so good they would never have sex again. "What a ridiculous book." I, on the other hand, never thought of it that way, just enjoying the journey. Still, I'll suffice it to say that I am no longer friends with that girl. Nah, I'm kidding. But I don't think she's cute anymore.

>> No.1041314

I FORGOT MY NAME. My tripfag project!

>> No.1041320

The Phoenix on the Sword by Robert E Howard.

You can find it for free online. I think it is about 20something pages.

>> No.1041325

its not that bad, its just not that good.

>> No.1041330

No. Fuck you guys. Twilight is worst ever material.
It has the line "his glorious chest" in it.
No way. Nah.

>> No.1041334

That sounds like a line from Homer are you saying Homer is bad?

>> No.1041343

I've said it once, and i'l say it again.

Shut the fuck up Stagolee.

>> No.1041347
File: 6 KB, 181x210, jogo letterman4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? U mad bro?

>> No.1041364


>> No.1041371

That's taking things out of context, my nubian brother.

>> No.1042299

bump relevant

>> No.1042304

I reported your steam account for aim botting, Dr.Kashmir

>> No.1042312

Why would I steam? Why would I use this name on it?

Dr. Kashmir is a suggested name by much nicer and better anons than yourself

>> No.1042838

Argumentum ad populum.

>> No.1043129

Its bad because it panders to teenage girls by taking a vampir and making him a faggot. Instead of trying to right good litature the author just gave girls something they will probaly never find in their life time, a guy who has the same emotions as a woman and who actually cares about what they think.

>> No.1043249

Twilight = bad fanfiction

nuff said

>> No.1043253


Mods are by invitation only. The best you can hope to be is a janitor. If /lit/ had mods do you think Fagolee would still be here?

>> No.1043272

He's been banned before.