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10410950 No.10410950 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished with it. Thoughts?

>> No.10410966

I only got about half to two-thirds in before I had to give it back. It was a loaner.

But it seemed a damn lot like Welcome to the NHK.

>> No.10410987

Felt to juvenile wish I oculd have read it even just a couple years ago

>> No.10410988

will I enjoy it if I’m over 20?

>> No.10411025

Why wouldn't you? The main character and narrator is 50 years old. In fact, I'd say the older the better

>> No.10411030

How old are you? The narrator is pretty old.

>> No.10411036

I aways read here that it’s for adolescents

>> No.10411046

The book doesn't seem tailored towards a teenage audience, but I'd like to know why people think that way.

>> No.10411052

Even early 20 is enough to have felt some regret over reclusiveness and introversion. I think it's a book that most 4channers would appreciate, because of how he rationalizes his emotional state and explores his fantasies.

Reading about an old man experiencing youth a second time might help somebody figure out their priorities while still in their youth. It was recommended to me while I was 24, by somebody who was 44, because I was depressed and reclusive. Maybe different people interact with it at different ages.

>> No.10411129


I'm 28 and have been going through a rough time. Reading this book has helped immensely, and helped me realize, there is always time to change.

Similarly stated, angsty feelings are prevalent throughout the novel. They're also prevalent in teens. I think this is where the memery of this book comes from. However, I think it is misguided because if one digests the last 3rd, the narrator gets over his shit and finally resolves to move on. There is no appropriate age to 'get' it, only people having a rough time. Hesse has stated this was his most misunderstood novel.

>> No.10411151
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1504175225372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude just be a hedonist lol
>Nazism is ehm bad okay? stop trying to understand aesthetics and yourself. Its all relative!


>> No.10411168

I was getting the feeling that having his fantasies fulfilled wasn't really doing as much for him as a few glasses of wine at his favorite cafe, a good walk, books n' cigars, or musing weirdness about the bourgeoisie. Is that what you mean by "getting over it" that he drops his angst about missing out?

>> No.10411191

I did get this vibe from the book, which was a bit of a surprise because it was written in the 20s and I mostly associate the attitude you described with more modern times. However, even while being a fairly right-wing fellow, I think the book is still worth something, perhaps because that's only one of the facets of the book.

>> No.10411198

I think most "brainy" people can feel identified with Harry to a degree.

>> No.10411219
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>give a surface addled and purely political reading to a text as you call others reddit
wew you need to go back immediately

>> No.10411246

How about you post some thoughts you brainlet.

>> No.10411250

I was thinking more along the lines of the guy's navel-gazing intellectualism...he was taking Goethe so seriously it caused a spergy meltdown which almost led him to suicide. Everything after is like him taking a chill pill.


>> No.10411258

>German writer who spent his entire youth reading the western canon is advocating a hedonist lifestyle
>s-stop hurting my political feefees
>I'm a nobrained zombie so every time that the author doesn't deliver his message clearly that means that he's advocating for relativism
national socialists are p-zombies who should be shot in the back of the head.

>> No.10411328

That'd actually make a lot of sense.

>> No.10411371

Don't you have a black cock you should be sucking?

>> No.10411392

>le you suck dick lolè

>> No.10411411

Yeah thought so

>> No.10411962

Did you get triggered, /pol/ack? Slit your wrists