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File: 26 KB, 480x321, jew-drug-pushers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10410467 No.10410467 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about knocking off corrupt, dual-citizen billionaire drug-pushing oligarchs?

>> No.10410492

Ressentiment: Reflections on Mimetic Desire and Society by Stefano Tomelleri

>> No.10410511

The NATION of ressentiment, I know, good call!

>> No.10410514

"We The People Pay The Law Enforcers To Do Their Job: But Perhaps The Criminals Pay Them More" by Werginglass Nuth-Hing

>> No.10410552

I wish this was real and well-written by some top tier sociologist desu.

>> No.10410572

its called, The Book of History.

>> No.10410861

Sacklers need to be next, it's a fucking crime every member of that family isn't hanging this second.

>> No.10411055

what law did they break?

>> No.10411083

Do you know who the Sackler family is?

>> No.10411091

what law did they break?

>> No.10411106
File: 66 KB, 255x296, FrederickForsyth_TheDayOfTheJackal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related apparently inspired a real life assassination attempt on george dubya bush
so perhaps that's close enough
and it's a cracking book actually

>> No.10411121

>laws matter

>> No.10411127

great movie

>> No.10411134

Do you know who the Sackler family is?

>> No.10411147
File: 96 KB, 1330x748, The-Day-of-the-Jackal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed it is anon
i haven't seen it in ages
i must look it up again

>> No.10411199

yes, what law did they break?

>> No.10411209

I am a lawyer with the prestigious and honorable Sackler family and I have been notified of this slanderous internet post. My client has asked me to reach out to the moderators of this website, after which some research I have come to discover are called Janitors, to offer $50 to the one who removes this illegally defamationous slime. Thank you, and good day.

>> No.10411253

Consult the dockets, juden.

These jews like the Shermans and the Sacklers are poisoning white societies and need to be dealt with in precisely this manner. For those who don't know:

> A new profile in Esquire chronicles the life and business practices of Arthur, Mortimer and Raymond Sackler, three brothers from a Jewish immigrant family who built a medical empire. Their descendants privately own Purdue Pharma, which was instrumental in using lobbying and advanced marketing techniques to convince doctors of the need to manage patients’ pain—and then prescribe OxyContin to manage it.


>> No.10411262

aww, wus le matter, the white man aryan masterrace cant handle having a little freedom?

>> No.10411275 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, jewsrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10411288

You'll be going deep into the oven this time, Shekelblatt.

>> No.10411304

I enjoy a jew joke as much as the next guy but you'd have to be seriously down syndromed to think this is funny.

>> No.10411312

Why's that?

>> No.10411320

You're just not funny, I suppose.

>> No.10411329

it was actually a Janitor joke, and it actually is funny

>> No.10411334

it was actually a slimey lawyer joke, and it was actually funny

>> No.10411338

its actually an old people dont know how the internet works joke but actually might get away with the bribe joke, and its kinda funny a bit

>> No.10411344

Did one delete your shit thread so you say he got paid for it by the jews? Funny!

>> No.10411358

Im jewish and love our people, what is wrong with you, you are acting belligerent and insensible

>> No.10411372

Are you larping as the lawyer right now?
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to.

>> No.10411381

Why are jew-defense-shills such dicks? All this unnecessary aggression

>> No.10411405

Now THAT is a funny joke.

>> No.10411409

You didnt hurt my feelings, I am sorry my funny joke hurt yours

>> No.10411416
File: 41 KB, 386x499, 51jziWTERLL._SX384_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10411421

so much samefagging itt

>> No.10411425

i-is he wearing a yamaka?

>> No.10411807

It's in their nature.

>> No.10412752


>> No.10412757


It's Greenblatt to you, fogey.

>> No.10414373

rio jwj nsrw

>> No.10414389

Choke on a knife, sperg