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10410121 No.10410121 [Reply] [Original]

Bested again by another man.

My social skills are impeccable. If you invite me to a party, or a few beers on a patio, or a quiet night in with friends, inevitably I become a social butterfly. I’m charming. I make people laugh: women or men. I’m not bad looking; in fact, I’m quite attractive if I go by the opinions of the numerous girls I’ve dated, both casually and seriously.

But I’m always bested. There’s always a girl that the deep, powerful part of my mind takes a fancy to, and then I’m fucked. I’m completely fucked. Because she can smell it, she can see just from the shine of my eyes, whether she knows it consciously or not. She can see that I want her. And then I lose. Every time.

She won’t know it. She won’t know that the guy she wants to fuck beat me. I’ll still laugh, and keep everyone else doing so, and keep sharpening my wit. But inside, if they could see it, I’m imploding; being sucked in towards my center. The words I’m speaking are hollow and I’m not even aware of what they say. They come through habit.

Fuck it all.

>> No.10410148
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>> No.10410389

Whatever doesn’t make it less true

>> No.10410412

Not your blog.