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/lit/ - Literature

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10409821 No.10409821 [Reply] [Original]

this board is fucking embarrassingly terrible

>> No.10409839


its 13-24 year old /pol/ and pebbit fedora refugees who think they are smart. What did you expect?

>> No.10409848

We're proud to be white nationalists here, sweety. Don't like it because you're a snowflake? Maybe you're better off on plebbit with inferior minds of athetism

>> No.10409851



Every other thread is about Evola, that British schizophrenic aping Baudrillard but making no sense and Jordan Peterson, who has contributed less to psychology or philosophy than a professor at any four-year college

>> No.10409861

Whiter than you shitskin

>> No.10409864

I still think we should put the continued existence of /pol/ to a sitewide vote. I bet they'd lose in a landslide, even if they rigged the vote, especially since /g/ or a similar board would rig it right back.

>> No.10409874

I wonder where all the anons from the Tundra-era of /lit/ ended up? I only stay here because I have nowhere else to go.

>> No.10409880

I bet most of us are still here, we just post less. There's more boards than /lit/ on 4chan, after all, and I have other interests and hobbies.

>> No.10409897

I've thought that too, but lurking on /lit/ these days is just depressing. I've reported at least a dozen threads today that had nothing to do with literature.

>> No.10409903
File: 432 KB, 800x533, Neo-Nazi-Rally60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, is there any lifestyle more /lit/erary than that of the white power skinhead? Before I got into literature and philosophy I was your standard issue leftist numale dweeb, but I have changed. I have rejected feminism, slave morality and I have become swole. In my mind, I already live in this wacky post-apocalyptic videogame world, think fallout new vegas, in which me and my fellow skinheads are the last surviving humans, a dangerous world, inhabited by mutants, numales, jews, blue haired gender orc NPCs, and all sorts of fucked up shit , but it doesn't matter as long as I got my fashy goys with me, cause that is what I call family, not the family you're born with, but the family you choose- that's what's really important.

>> No.10409906

Does it seem like the post frequency is higher? I have a feeling there are just more people, and most probably came via the youtube antisjw->/pol/->Jordan Peterson->/lit/ train

>> No.10409914

I hope this is in response to the OP of that JP thread who opens with not even a year one understanding of ethics and then proceeds to respond like he's the witty main character in a TV show

>> No.10409916

I was here for tundraposting and it was pretty much the same, maybe with different kinds of shitposting. But I see /lit/, like most boards, has entered yet another phase of where did the oldfag days go?

>> No.10409917


If you're trolling, yawn. If you're serious, seek help.


I bet we're all still here. I'm usually in /sp/ or /tv/ but pop in to see if anything good is being discussed.

>> No.10409935

those look like mexicans lmao

>> No.10409941
File: 81 KB, 1025x728, 1511945556634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't report threads any more because I got a fucking three-day-ban for "abusing the report function," despite the fact that I was just using it to report threads I didn't think belonged, AND despite the fact that the thread I reported which led to me being banned did, in fact, get deleted a few minutes later. Mods=fags is one of the evergreen rules of this site.

>> No.10409984

I don't think even the 2015-era Christfags felt the need to shoehorn themselves into every single thread in the catalogue.

/lit/ needs to double-down harder on the intellectual elitism.

>> No.10409988
File: 165 KB, 376x309, 1488087593342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not without reason, the alt right considers this meme as a devastating blow for their 'movement'

>> No.10409993

Yeah, pretty much all of the threads I've reported are still up. It's disheartening.

>> No.10409999

>seek help.

take these tranquilizers and SSRIs(ZOG emasculation pills) and have a talk with Dr. Shapiro, our resident psychiatrist, don't worry, we'll charge all expenses to your ZOG debtslave card.

>> No.10410000

Not really, it still has good threads. Just don't pay attention to the threads and posters that obviously are designed to attract or enforce /pol/.

>> No.10410006
File: 486 KB, 238x155, Lucille Bluth Rolling Her Eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10410043

>waah muh /pol/
Yes, hello is this the designated soyboy thread?
You niggers know about leftypol? Just go there. It's like reddit, in that they ban people for disagreement, but it's still a chan so you can still pretend you're not reddit-tier.

>> No.10410054

i wasn't talking about /pol/ just general retardation

>> No.10410086

The 3rd reich would never have happened if all those germans had just been sitting on a vietnamese pottery board. So I vote we keep /pol/