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File: 64 KB, 1200x414, supreme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10409274 No.10409274 [Reply] [Original]

What are supreme-core essential books?

Is there a list?

>> No.10409281
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just this

>> No.10409290
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>> No.10409309

Complex mag

>> No.10409327

I'll say it again, go read Supremacist.
It's exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.10409345
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>> No.10409432
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>> No.10409460

What is supreme? Is it those basic-wear items with the supreme logo on them that those 15 year olds wear?

Hmm, well, what in literature is bypassing any standard of beauty, has no aesthetic syntax apart from it being iconoclastic (logo on basic-wear) and is edgy without specifying clearly what it is protesting against (it sees value in the mere act of being contrarian without expressing a position) and promotes the attainment of prestige without merit or aesthetic coherence? Just vane, self-indulgent, self-righteous prestige chasing faggotry?

I guess what people call militant SJW, antifas, and whatever wrongfully attribute to the boogieman that they call postmodernism, which is more likely some elements of post-structuralism, would fit into that Supreme-core literature. In other words, self-indulgent identity politics, with power as a meta-narrative.

>> No.10409477

Anything postmodern

>> No.10409478

Supreme is skaterwear.

>> No.10409491

Just what he said

>> No.10409497

what the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.10409527
File: 27 KB, 500x281, supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10409592

what part of my post reminds you of that faggot? really curious to see how I'm perceived.

>> No.10409610

This, skater culture is the epitome of a protest without a cause.

>> No.10409632

its probably what op was asking, he was asking about supreme gentleman.

>> No.10409711


The Supremacist, a novel in which the narrator visits every Supreme store in the world.

>> No.10409751

Anything (I don't like is) postmodern*

>> No.10411073

just go to your local supreme store and buy every single book they stock

>> No.10411189


>> No.10411202

Post 5 good pomo books
Protip: you can't

>> No.10411203

the joke here is that supreme stores tend to be far away and that they don't stock any books

>> No.10411220

Supreme is for 15 y/o hypebeasts. Read books that are for 15 y/o hypebeasts.

>> No.10411240

15 year old hypebeasts don't read