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10408834 No.10408834 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10408835

cuz it's gay

>> No.10408843

Because they knew God’s grace couldn’t compete with prostate orgasms.

>> No.10408846

To prevent infections spreading, same as the thing about shellfish. Now that we've invented Purel it doesn't matter.

>> No.10408848

>why do religions that prohibit sex other than for the purpose of procreation prohibit sex other than for the purpose of procreation?

>> No.10408852

There's very religions where homosexuality isn't prohibited, even ones that aren't fixated on procreation.

>> No.10408856

Homosexuality is the consumption of the self. It has no transcendental status unlike the beauty of heterosexual love and is therefore an affront to God and life.

>> No.10408861

>There's very
? The fuck brain.

>> No.10408863

didnt muhammud absolutely pound/stuff boypussy

>> No.10408866

This is not an explanation, you're just reiterating the dogma.

>> No.10408869

Likely. Pederesty is still extremely popular in the Islamic world and is encouraged among Jihadis

>> No.10408870

It is the selfish pursuit of pleasure for the sake of pleasure. Enjoying the most sublime experience life has to offer while accepting none of the responsibility that goes with it.

>> No.10408871

that didn't make sense at all
heterosex can be just as selfish

>> No.10408873

because it coincides with polygyny ans is a mental illness

>> No.10408877

HIV is a bigger responsibily than a baby desu

>> No.10408878

but god invented homosexuality
god makes no mistakes

>> No.10408879

read the Phaedrus

>> No.10408887

Hardly but I will expand. Heterosexuality is the demarcation of the sexual object through the experience of the mother's love. It is by its nature a desire for the mutual affection of a consciousness outside your own in that way it is a total and singular affirmation of life outside the merely otherwise solipsistic nature of desire.

Homosexuality however is a perverse desire to become the mother and please the boy (or otherwise fucked by the father). It is inherently pedophilic and self concerned. Hence why there are no true homosexual love and why they slip through a life of promiscuous exchanges. They are ultimately the self oriented towards itself. Asshole to osophegus.

>> No.10408889


Because that was common sense at the time.

>> No.10408892

give some examples of cultures/religions in which homosexuality is not looked down upon

>> No.10408894

Can be but shouldn't in its authentic ideal

>> No.10408895 [DELETED] 

Man I really hate faggots. I remember this one gay kid would always walk home by my buddies house after school. We would always be there playing basketball or hockey and we would yell STUPID FAGGOT and all kinds of shit at him. Then that little fucking queer went and told the teachers at school. They couldn't do anything buy they all say us down to talk to us and shit. We didn't get in trouble but he sure did try. One of his friends came to us and asked us to stop and shit cuz apparently not everyone knew he was gay. Like wtf he was a total fag. His friend told us that he said he was going to kill himself. So we came up with a hilarious way to break it to his parents by calling the cops and saying the kid told us he was going to kill himself lmao. Once again the teachers sat us down to talk about how fucked in the head we are. Apparently his parents didn't know and when his dad found out from the cops his dad kicked Zach out lmao. We never saw him again. Stupid faggot.

>> No.10408897
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>> No.10408900

Free will, moral test
Git gud fagit

>> No.10408901


Yes but there is the risk (or there is supposed to be at least) of reproduction, or as it is also known: "the only known reason for existence and the method by which the species is continued."

>> No.10408905


Rhetorical. Without substance. Almost as if you have no actual response.

>> No.10408907

>One of his friends came to us and asked us to stop and shit cuz apparently not everyone knew he was gay. Like wtf he was a total fag.


>> No.10408911

*but *sat

>> No.10408912

He specifically said religions that prohibit sex other than for the purpose of procreation you brainlet

>> No.10408918

nice blog post, faggot

>> No.10408930

Kys fag

>> No.10408943

did something similar, dont feel amazing about it, but also whatever i was a kid

>> No.10408945

Exclusive homosexuality is disadvantageous in a patriarchal society.

>> No.10408947

I really wish Rome never adopted an Abrahamic religion. They're all very arrogant faiths.
The Greco-Roman mythos was very humble, often times when they encountered other faiths they would point out similarities between their gods and the other people's. And they weren't nearly as uptight about the whole gay thing, much more relaxed people. Hell, Hadrian made his favorite boyfu into a god.

>> No.10408949

And he'll send them to hell.

Also not a mistake.

>> No.10408950

Yeah meanwhile they were having women raped by baboons in the Colleseum, so tolerant.
Degenerate shitstain fuck

>> No.10408955

Yes the whole Colosseum thing was absolutely to do with believing in Jove and not at all to do with it being 2000 years ago

>> No.10408956

faggots suck but you should be kicked in the throat you sick psychopath
bite down hard as you can on your tongue and swallow psycho

>> No.10408962

Let's hear some more faggots getting BTFO stories? Also all you actual queers can you say how you got bullied and shit? How does it make you feel knowing you will never be able to achieve as much as a straight person because your gay. It's like the glass ceiling for women. I refuse to hire faggots lmao.

>> No.10408965

You seriously propose the spectacle had blood sports had no relation or justification in Pagan beliefs?
Disigenous or naive

>> No.10408970

Lol fuck that kid. Little homo would come to school with eye liner and tight pants and pain his nails black. And he wasn't like the goth kids he was just a fucking queer. You are asking to be made fun of in 2003 by looking like that and acting that way.

>> No.10408971

lel look at this triggered soy boy

>> No.10408975

>desire to become the mother and please the boy
>inherently pedophilic

So much bullshit in one post

>> No.10408985

but why only test homosexuals in this way?
what "moral tests" have the rest of us had to face that are equivalent?

sure you could say that if e.g. you find someone's wallet there is a moral test involved. do your return it or keep the money? (incidentally evidence shows that people who claim to be religious are no more honest than non-religious people in this type of thing)
but it hardly compares to facing a life of constant denial
if it's a test it wasn't set by a fair examiner
or maybe it wasn't set by anyone or anything at all and the "moral test" argument is a load of crap


>> No.10408999

well that doesn't sound very forgiving

also who are you to claim you know exactly what god will do?

>> No.10409003

Dunno lol, Gods will is mysterious

>> No.10409007

Not an argument

>> No.10409009

>tfw no conflicted catholic guilt bf

>> No.10409015

>well that doesn't sound very forgiving

You have to be sorry to be forgiven

>> No.10409020

he was our friend in elementary school but i think we all knew something was off. he played a lot of tennis. at one point a buddy of mine zipped him in a suitcase as we all screamed at him for being a faggot and i think rolled it down the stairs. then someone made an AIM screenname with his name and the word faggot in it and just bullied his shit. he ended up going to another high school so we didnt see much of him but his mom has accosted both my mom and my dad at the supermakret to blame me and my buddies for ruining her gay kid's life. last time my dad laughed in her face. last i heard he had gotten into drugs and may have tried to neck himself

>> No.10409023

Everyone will have to live a life of "constant denial" to stay moderate and morally sound, it's perhaps just a matter of degrees.

>> No.10409030

This, I stop myself from raping little girls you can stop yourself from being a faggot

>> No.10409031

Wow I'm the guy who called the cops on the faggot but man you are an asshole. You did that to your friend? Wtf is wrong with you lmao.

>> No.10409034


>> No.10409036

you keep telling yourself that, literal psychopath

>> No.10409039

i lived in italy at the time, it wasnt that uncommon desu but yeah i dont feel amazing about it

>> No.10409050

I thought morality was relative, what's wrong with being a psychopath faggot?

>> No.10409054

Hehe, forgot your comma.

>> No.10409056
File: 37 KB, 470x352, thisfuckingidiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Obvious bait, but I do have a story. In high school, I was standing by my lockers with my friends (they're people you hang out with and mutually enjoy each other's company if you're unfamiliar, which I assume most of you are) and this guy who always, for lack of a better word, "fussy" accidentally brushed his hand against my ass. I feigned outrage and said "(Guy's name), did you just touch my butt?!" He got all redfaced and annoyed. Naturally for the next couple weeks my friends and I would relentlessly torture him about about being a serial butt-toucher, and he would always get pissed and deny it. We would just say things like "Methinks the butt-toucher doth protest too much!" and run to stand with our backs against the lockers when he would walk by. This all culminated in my making a facebook group called the "(Guy's name" butt-touching awareness forum" where people made up stories about him groping them and shit. He reported me and got it taken down and actually took me aside and threatened legal action (I laughed in his face). The whole thing kind of fizzled out but then in college I found out he was gay and realized that he was probably so butthurt because he was struggling with an identity crisis and coming to terms with his homosexual feelings and I exacerbated his existential ordeal by being callous and immature.

>mfw I saw him at a party last year

>> No.10409057

You can't think, actually.

>> No.10409060

Oh fuck off everyone gets made fun of. Don't have to be a pussy about it. When I was young I was fat and got made fun of. Thank God I lost the weight before high school. Kids will make fun of anyone for anything. It doesn't mean shit. Just brush it off or fight back. If that faggot called us out we would have stopped. He would just ignore us and walk by. Like at least take a different route home you stupid faggot lmao.

>> No.10409067

so you don't actually know?
what kind of test is it where you don't know the conditions beforehand?
or even (since homosexuality predates the written word of any known religion) that you are being tested in the first place?
i mean when i took my driving test it was pretty clear what i had to do

and what about animals? homosexuality has been observed in many species. are they being tested too?

>> No.10409071

>Enjoying the most sublime experience life has to offer

>> No.10409073

It means some kids are more violent than others and that some can't keep their rage in check because they are retards or emotionnally unstable.

>> No.10409075

Maybe it wasn't accidental.

>> No.10409076

>everyone gets made fun of.

This, the fact faggots kill themselves over insults is because they know deep down their persecutors are right.

>> No.10409080

Did he try to fuck you? Did you say "oh hey butt toucher so it turns out your a faggot after all lmao"

>> No.10409084


It is possible, I was an athlete and did squats on a regular basis

>> No.10409088

>persecutors are right
please kys

>> No.10409091

>they're people you hang out with and mutually enjoy each other's company

Sounds gay

>> No.10409095


Lol no, I may have said something like that if I was more drunk but I feel kind of bad

>> No.10409098

See you can say that but I won't because I know I'm right lol

>> No.10409101

The male and female must be present in order to create new life. Just as this is true for physical life, it is true for the spiritual. In a heterosexual relationship, the male spirit reaches out and encounters something foreign, something it does not understand; and it must change, mature, in order to adjust itself to this reality, and the same occurs as the female encounters the male. The sexual dialectic propels both to spiritual development. This does not and cannot occur with homosexuality, wherein one merely encounters what one already knows and is. Not only is growth not required, there is no possibility for it.
A concrete example: consider a "gaybro," the sort who make posts about "wanting a qt bf to play vidya with." Should he find such a boy, what will he do? Play video games and fuck. Nothing else. Where is development, where is progress? He has learned nothing, he has encountered as it were but himself in a mirror, there is no creation, only masturbation, whether for the pleasure of himself or the one like himself, it is the same. Now consider the straight male, the sort who posts ">tfw no gf." Should he find such a girl, what will he do? He is insufficient for her, his desires do not align with the reality of her, he is a boy when she requires a man; so he changes, he puts away childish things, he stops playing video games and posting on Thai software engineering boards in order to provide for her emotionally, spiritually. He changes. Ultimately he changes from a boy to a man to a husband to a father, and so society is perpetuated, continued. The creation of new physical life is ultimately a consequence of the new spiritual life the male-female union brings.
It is for this reason that "neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord." Any who advocate any other system are ignorant of this fact, which humanity has known since antiquity and which is so integral to the Abrahamic faiths. Beware those who advocate homosexuality, as they seek to retard man's spiritual development. Beware those who advocate celibacy- "It is not good for man to be alone."
It is fashionable nowadays in progressive Christian circles to claim that biblical Sodom was destroyed not for the sin of homosexuality, but for inhospitality. The biblical narrative is supportive enough of this. But consider for a moment why the men of
Sodom were so inhospitable as to want to rape Lot's visitors. Was it not because they were spiritually retarded- not having had the spiritual progress that comes from pursuing woman, not having encountered a spirit so different from their own, were they not unable to understand the spirit of the foreigners? The homosexual cannot understand those besides himself, because he fundamentally has never interacted with anyone else. The sex partner is merely the self in a mirror, of the same spirit, a masturbation aid. Cognizance of others absolutely requires real understanding of the other, the other sex.

>> No.10409107

>I know I'm right
psychopathic defect confirmed

>> No.10409110

Psychopath is just the liberal word for unspooked

>> No.10409115

Homosexuality is an undesirable trait that would be euthanized or gene spliced out in a futuristic society, also sexual urges would be inhibited. The sex industry is entirely a self-serving multibillion dollar industry, it helps not civilization but ends up in mass production of plastic pleasure toys that destroys the ecosystem and robs the minds from useful activities; it helps spreads lethal diseases like the AIDS virus too.

>> No.10409118

You'll need a better argument, oblivious fag.

>> No.10409119

You'll need an argument to begin with

>> No.10409122

ITT: /closet/ general

>> No.10409123

nice literature thread you fucking turboretards

>> No.10409129

This, Anon backing up the point I made earlier. The homosexual pathos is a closed circuit which only leads to perversion and violence. Read about the love life of the artist Francis Bacon

>> No.10409134

Tormenting people is psychopathic behaviour.

>> No.10409139


>> No.10409143

you can call them /pol/ shills

>> No.10409145
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>Mods shut it down we have no arguments!

>> No.10409146

>The male and female must be present in order to create new life.
this is going to be incorrect within a matter of years (if it isn't incorrect already)
and last year the first baby was born with DNA from three people
now what

>> No.10409149

It's the manifestation of an unbalanced psyche and a criminal act.

>> No.10409154

An affront against God and nature, they will get it on the day of judgement

>> No.10409157

what about >>10409134

>> No.10409160

>unbalanced psyche


>> No.10409164

If you don't believe in God our father in heaven then you have absolutely zero argument against being a psychopath, its just like, your opinion dude

>> No.10409165

calling your adversary a liberal is not an argument, Homer

>> No.10409167

Would you believe me if I told you I believe in God?
What about it being a criminal act?

>> No.10409173
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>What about it being a criminal act?

Are you serious?

>> No.10409174

idk why people get so upset about (male) homosexuality, being fat or short is far more detrimental to society

>> No.10409180

There's fat short homosexuals though

>> No.10409182

Judges are. Are you?

>> No.10409184

there are fat short heterosexuals too

>> No.10409186
File: 82 KB, 680x651, C7E97F73-1C06-450A-A964-57787A3E5594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your “god” isn’t logical

Checkm8 theists

>> No.10409187

the fag posted a rick and morty picture, you should know to disregard his opinion

>> No.10409193

nice answer bruh

>> No.10409203

>being short is bad for society
not, not even a little bit. completely made up by you and the social darwinist human breeders

>> No.10409207

Found the manlet

>> No.10409209

lmao cry me a river, manlet

>> No.10409218

I'm not even a Christian, that's just my understanding of the principle, for what it's worth (likely nothing). I will say, though, that if the idea is to transcend one's base nature, doing the right thing may often seem counterintuitive. It's silly to attack Christian ideas simply because they don't mesh well with your modern humanist ideas of right and wrong. Self-control and restraint in relation to one's carnal desires is important in many religious traditions.

>> No.10409221

It just creeps me out. I'm a pretty good looking guy so that means faggots must be looking at me thinking about fucking me and that's just creepy. I now know how women feel when creepy men look at them. It sucks and is gross. Like don't look at me faggot.

>> No.10409224

Now that's a case of mental illness phiz if ever I saw it

>> No.10409227

finna fap on your pics honey :*

>> No.10409238

typical projection of homoerotic awareness
fags don't look at you as much as you think they should

>> No.10409252

Typical projection of narcissism
You don't know how much fags look at him

>> No.10409260

lol, he doesn't either but that doesn't stop him from fantasizing about fags lusting over him

>> No.10409285

Look homo here's how it is. Every girl I see I think about fucking. Even ugly girls with nice tits or ugly girls with a nice was I think about fucking. So I guarantee some faggot looks at me and thinks the same and frankly that's creepy and makes me feel uncomfortable. If there were no homo sexes I would feel okay. But Toronto is filled with them. It's overflowing with faggots. I really hate this place.

>> No.10409293

With a nice ass *

>> No.10409305

post boipussi

>> No.10409314

You should probably kill yourself

>> No.10409315

This is low quality bait. Also, degenerate writing. 'lmao', 'like wtf', you are a literal nigger-faggot anon and that is far worse than choking on dicks. Repent.

>> No.10409320

>I do this so faggots must do this
anon, think about what you say

>> No.10409324

you have to go back

>> No.10409331

Not bait my dude. That happened. Zachary mcCreary was the faggots name lmao.

>> No.10409338

Bet you called him McQueery

>> No.10409343

It's like you didn't read the post you replied to.

>> No.10409347

Doth I saith it?

>Zachary mcQueery

>> No.10409348

fuck you bro lol
beat me to it

>> No.10409352


>> No.10409356

Just google this. I see that it is affiliated with some youtube community and as a consequence probably a subset of reddit pseuds. Only heard it in passing, not knowing the context, but I'll keep using it because I think it's descriptive and I'm not as devoid of an identity as to build one based on an opposition to an internet group. You seem to be a faggot as well.
Well, McQueery might be real, but you're still a faggot.

>> No.10409358
File: 63 KB, 468x240, chick - i am become death.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's autoerotic, therefore narcissism, therefore a form of vanity which is a deadly sin.

>> No.10409362

Are you fourteen? No one who has studied the western canon can unironically say "sky fairy". I highly doubt you've looked into religion beyond the point of retweeting memes and watching "[Atheist wins 2017] Dawkins BTFO'S famous preacher [Savage warning!] New #atheist #win #godisdead"

>> No.10409369

Ancient Greece

>> No.10409371

wew lad

Not OP, but I was looking forward to serious apologists explaining this matter. The internet will always be refuge for both fedora Christians and fedora-atheists.

>> No.10409382

Because it is a sexual perversity. Sex is only for making babies.

>> No.10409384

He's lampooning an atheist not being sincere

>> No.10409387

How is it possible that you read that post and concluded that anon was sincerely giving his own opinion?

>> No.10409419

They all come from a disease ridden arid shithole. Anything that decreases the production rate of new tribe members is bad for the tribe in those circumstances.

>> No.10409441

That doesn't make any sense, if they live in a resource limited environment surely high population growth would be a disadvantage

>> No.10409461

Defies nature, you appalling faggot

>> No.10409469

>Implying one can do anything but fulfil one's nature
>IMplying that if that weren't the case, unnatural phenomena are self-evidently wrong

What an absolute faggot you are.

>> No.10409492

The only reasons faggots exist is because of all the pedophiles going around raping young boys, thereby spreading their homosexuality like the disease that it is. Faggotry doesn’t occur naturally in nature. The only way to stop it is to kill off all fags and pedophiles. Stay the fuck away from our children.

>> No.10409502

shes cute

>> No.10409509


>> No.10409511

>wew lad
It is though. It's the love of something you are (your own gender), instead of something you are not (the opposite sex). Based Scruton himself said so.

>> No.10409513

Not /lit/. Reported.

>> No.10409519

It’s no more autoerotic than loving a girl with the same hair colour as you.

>> No.10409520

They may have drew a connection between people who engage in anal sex and disease outbreaks. They may have ascribed the disease outbreak to gods getting angry but they weren't wrong in their assessment because whenever somebody engages in anal sex they create micros tears which causes blood and feces to mix, creating a potent disease vector.

>> No.10409522

I do agree, that sexual molestation in infancy could lead to homosexual behaviour, but you seem to have isolated it as the sole cause of homosexuality and claim to deny its existence outside our species. Any literature to support that?

>> No.10409524

>What is the non-organic implications of appercation

Go read retard

>> No.10409530

Absolutely ridiculous. If a being has a completely separate sexual economy than you then it is a fundamental psyche defining different in perspective

>> No.10409537

I honestly doubt Scruton said anything like that, at least not without context enriching that claim to the point where it's nothing like what you paraphrased there.

You should also meditate on this adolescent proclivity of yours to cling onto soundbites that reinforce confirmation bias without seriously dedicating yourself to study. R Scruton, the man you admire, would agree with me.

>> No.10409547

I'm not sure what you mean, I merely pointed out that your statement was logically inconsistent and much worse, retarded faggotry. If you have nothing serious to add, save your self-indulgent criptic deepities for yourself.

>> No.10409548

Hmm, I was raised by two gay men who have been together for over 30 years.

>> No.10409554

The Bible, you faggot

>> No.10409558

Kek, faggot

>> No.10409562

My dude you just off-hand denied a categorical difference between self conscious action and instinctual behavior. I'm not even that Anon I'm just calling out your bullshit

>> No.10409566


>> No.10409567

How many times did they molest you?

>> No.10409578

Well they diddled me a little of course but it hasn’t done me any harm.

>> No.10409581

The implication of my first greenline was mere semantic/rhetorical masturbation (in that, whatever you think you control, it will always be in the confines of your nature).

And his point wasn't about suppression of impulses that one deems detrimental, it was about regarding homosexuality as something that defies nature, which is not the case simply because it exists at a phenomenological level and even if it were, as I pointed out, it isn't self-evident from this that it is wron/undersirable and should be suppressed.

>> No.10409582

>he says posting on 4chan

>> No.10409600

>Faggotry doesn’t occur naturally in nature.
yes it does

>> No.10409621

They're also retarded.

>> No.10409654

None, but I will admit that it has caused me to go through several stages (including a teenage rebellious alt-right gays are evil phase) before settling on a more balanced people are people and some are fucked up and some are ok outlook

>> No.10409661

You'll ascend to the final "Burn the sinners. Praise Christi" phase eventually. Don't worry

>> No.10409668 [DELETED] 
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just came here to say I want to fuck her so bad bros! hnngggggggg

>> No.10409670


>> No.10409676

But one of them is my father, and the bible says to honor your father. Hmm

>> No.10409709

You'll honor him by putting him to the stake Anon. May the flames instigate his repentence on Earth so he may be spared the true flames beyond

>> No.10409716


>> No.10409731

get away from her you fucking primate sex is disgusting

>> No.10409764
File: 13 KB, 429x375, 1507200423625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would hatefuck this antifa bitch with a passion

>> No.10409770

Because of how the family is structured in all of those religions. A man's role was to guard his home, provide the money, the woman is his servant, his sons are his servants and then heirs, his daughters are objects that one can trade for influence and connection with another family. In this scenario, homosexuality is seen as a threat to the perpetuation of the family and more over a waste of resources, because that's how previous generations saw their children. All of that was intensified with the discovery of agriculture and the possibility to store things and settle down, breaking with the nomadism and allowing households to act as small reigns within themselves allowing for more contrasting power relations within. Gender roles are so strongly separated, for one to appear or act like the other causes a traumatic effect, a rupture in the "fiction" that sustains the system. Therefore, it is prohibited. This prohibition is "in the name of" God, it appears to come from something beyond us, which is precisely the effect our social life has on us. The prohibition appears to the one who endorses it as a strong sensation of disgust towards homosexual acts, a difficulty in looking at it directly, as if they themselves could be corrupted through just getting in contact with it. The logic is therefore to eliminate it, to have it not existing anymore. Homosexuality is treated as a behavior similar to that of a demon's curse on someone (today it is compared to a disease, borrowing it from scientific jargon), because it is easier to believe one is taken by force, "out of his mind", "perverted" and so on than to believe there are things beyond their own imaginary proihibition.

The turn of events is that industrial age and the consumerism of the 20th century, the frenetic change that the capitalist world went through made the individual much more of the target. Liberalism. A fast food chain won't decline the homosexual money. If you are only thinking of money, people can be whatever they are, even better so if they feel welcomed while you take more from them than what you give them. The world is not getting less awful to gays or other minorities due to an ethical catharsis of some sort. The individual may feel like so, but from a larger point of view everyone is just influenced by how the flow of money dillutes culture for the worse and for the better. It comes always as a cost.

But that's why it seems so characteristic of religions. Unlike a fast food chain, their product is based on values and tradition, so they cling to them and are to be the most freightened of a world in which people can fuck each other without going worried about their prohibitions.

>> No.10409794

Any rebuttal to this?

>> No.10409816

Whoever was arguing with you didn't reply to this, I see. Really makes you think emoji

>> No.10409832
File: 157 KB, 1300x1019, sleeping-man-guy-passed-out-couch-arms-wrapped-around-pillow-35179436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anthropoligizing theology

>> No.10409836

How different would the world be if every single gay man instead of pursuing men pursued women?

>> No.10409844

>And he'll send them to hell.
been there, made me even more of a homo

>> No.10409868

There would be a lot more Leonardo DaVincis and Wittgensteins instead of dildo waving queens.
Sublimation is a powerful thing

>> No.10409875

What's her name.

>> No.10409925

Language constructs all around. There is no essence to what is a man or a woman or what is masculine or feminine (this is something most SJW also don't get). Any reference that makes one go on about what "is" man or woman, or how they "should" or "should" not interact comes from pre-formed characters by culture, by society. Religion speak is pretty old and not surprisingly, since while society has changed much in many ways, in certain ways it hasn't and it is through the watching of these cycles that these "myths"(in the broadest of senses) consolidate as if they were the norm. "Do not kill your brother" sounds pretty reasonable in a lot of different places and times, no? Others differ greatly in different places, Chinese Daoism also speak of masculine and feminine, and yet they put it in a way that you must seek your own androginy of spiritual energy within. Similar division, but different approach. Alchemists and mystics also speak of masculine and feminine powers and they make sense to the narrative that they are working on. But these are merely words that can be used and then discarded. There is no center to them, no essence. In order to understand an alchemist story or the a religious scripture you have to understand their surrounding and what these words implied in their time. Not "what they meant", but what aspects of society were speaking through them at that time.

The true answer is: what is is what is. There is no metaphysics or grand schemes, religious or secular, late capitalist discourse or whatever that can validate or destroy what is going on right in front of us. There is no need for any explanation. I find it cheap when people mention animal homosexuality to show that it is normal, for example, in the same way that people use religion to show that it is not. The issue is not that it is "normal", that is, "within the norm", but that the idea of normality itself is a construction that can be changed and therefore can be discussed with the terms that exist right there. If this world is the work of a God, it should be more important than his words. If homosexuality is a disease then it has no symptoms, it has nowhere that hurts if not in the very friction between oneself and society, created by its prohibition.

>> No.10409936

The issue was never theological and it was always anthropological.

>> No.10409938

>There is no essence to what is a man or a woman or what is masculine or feminine

Yes there is, its where we derive our enjoyment. Read Lacan fucking babies first Sartrean

>> No.10409944


>> No.10409946

It is interesting: so there is a difficulty to pursuing women, and this difficulty challenges the man to 'grow', change.

And as time went on women have more and more power, making it more difficult to pursue them, more hoops and hurdles:

Whereas back in the day, perhaps men had more power and didnt let women get so much power to be able to do that: Oppressed women precisely so they couldnt exhibit their pussy power, so they couldnt infinitely make men work to jump through (key) potentially arbitrary hoops and hurdles, when a warm wet hole is all that is really desired (see: gaydom)

>> No.10409952

Begging the question

>> No.10409965

So you are basically begging the question with your set of premises there. Mkay, nice argument. Perhaps provide an argument that is based in pure facts that arrive at your conclusion, rather than some subjective a priori/self defined presuppositions muddled in psychoanalysis on your part.

It's cute though, you probably thought your incoherent string of text was intelligent.

>> No.10409967

>And as time went on women have more and more power, making it more difficult to pursue them, more hoops and hurdles

Not really since they're all whores now and you don't have to be a landed man to marry one just to have sex

>> No.10409974

Not an argument and not what begging the question is

>> No.10409979

It is founded in: If every man were gay the community (town, city, state, family name) would fail.

>> No.10409997

I am not making the argument, retard. I am pointing out your string of text wasn't a good one.

Your premises are fucking circular by definition, you are presupposing them my merely asserting them--which is circular. Go back to the drawing board and come back with a real argument. I am sure you are too lazy for such things and rather just sit and do armchair psychoanalysis and try to pass it off as real argumentation. Fuck off and die.

>> No.10410005

Most intelligent post in the thread

>> No.10410009

samefag detected

>> No.10410018

>I am pointing out your string of text wasn't a good one

Still not an argument. If you are unwilling to engage with my dialectic within its own terms then you are speaking a different language and have nothing to say here.
You disagree? Ok

>> No.10410020

And that sex is also sinful

>> No.10410025
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>being this assmad

>> No.10410029

>Go forth and multiply

>> No.10410037

>he fell for the psychoanalysis meme

>> No.10410044

>Still not an argument
My god, are you this dense?
I am NOT making an argument. I am pointing out FLAWS IN YOURS.

Fuck you are so dumb, it's incomprehensible. The fact you keep directing attention back to me and claiming I am trying to argue something is telling. You are too intellectually lazy to construct a good argument for your position on homosexuality.

I am mad, yes. Are you incapable of emotions? You have no care for people who just merely assert things as fact without doing any work to substantiate their claims? Good for you, I guess. Enjoy being a retard

>> No.10410053
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>I just like things

>> No.10410062
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>I do things because I akchually want to fuck my mom

>> No.10410063

>You have no care for people who just merely assert things as fact without doing any work to substantiate their claims?

Necessary part of any discourse. You'd have to be autistic to be upset about this pragmatic fact
If you want an ontologically justified description of reality go open a massive tome like the Critique, this is not the platform where such activity is productive

>> No.10410071

Thats true though

>> No.10410074

yes, but perhaps the historical masculine, patriarchal oppression of the female was to prevent the pandoras box of pussy power whoredom

The woman is one important half of the means of production, and the history of increased womens rights and independence is the sexio-comunist revolution

>> No.10410089
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>that's true though
Daily reminder that the Oedipus complex doesn't exist.

>> No.10410090
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OP didn't really specify. The athro answer is much more interesting anyway.
also, considering how conservative this board is, it's pretty funny that almost nobody is actually posting about any theological texts/teachings
Historically, Malthusianism doesn't seem to have been a major concern in the thought of political leaders, or at least not until relatively recently.

>> No.10410101


>> No.10410117

cum town is the true spearhead of the left

>> No.10410120

Of all people, you'd mention Lacan for that? Lacan doesn't speak of any essence in the same way I and other anons are talking here. He speaks of positions, not essences that will necessarily emerge in this or that person because of a biological predisposition, or any other predisposition whatsoever if not for a confluence of a lot of factors, with the other characters in the play. He is the one that took the Freudian parents, whose functions are totally identified with their social role in Vienna, to the late 20th century as functions, masks that do not necessarily coincide with anything. It is precisely the sort of hole in the middle logic that I was talking about in alchemy, religion or even scientific discourse. It is the coincidence, the identification between one thing("this way implies the other") and the other("people should be heterosexual exclusively" or any other formulation of that kind) that creates the problem.

lel, I'm not >>10409974, which makes it funny that you got so mad. Sorry if I sounded circular, anon, I was just speaking my mind in this nepalese capoeira online meeting center without any concern for making an argument because if you don't believe me I really don't care and if you want to argue you may start whenever you'd like.

You mean simply a reductio ad absurdum?

Also, that's not it anon, because otherwise there would be as much debate for people who don't want kids, for example. There would be raids of vandalism to vasectomy clinics, violent beatings of old couples with no kids so that young people could learned what would happen to them if they didn't reproduce. Or if we went the other way, there could also be a law that said it is okay to engage in homosexual activities after having two children, or perhaps programs that helped gay couples find people to help them have a kid of their own. All of that sounds absurd.

It may have started out as this symbolic reinforcinf of the perpetuation of the families and tribes, but it turned into something else entirely as society changed. It's just like holding on to a strategy you used a kid, but that don't serve anymore. And now with 7 billion people some go "oh yeah, I forgot, we hate gays because if everyone was gay we would not survive".

It's not about reproduction.

>> No.10410122

who is this cutie answer me op

>> No.10410133

lel, guy of the argument here, I'm still not the guy you are talking to, neither I am >>10410063.

Again, if you want to say something about what I said, I'd be glad to hear. Otherwise I don't know what you expect to hear from me.

>oh god you destroyed me, i'm intelectually lazy, i'm retarded, i have no arguments

Don't be mad anon. What's wrong?

>> No.10410136

A lot of the Abrahamic laws are originally more practical laws for the survival of a desert tribe eg. Animals you shouldn't eat (to prevent disease), Crops and farming techniques you shouldn't use (to manage erosion), animal sacrifice (to cull the herd in such a harsh environment) or for example don't be gay (because having our whole population die off in a couple bad years is a serious concern)

>> No.10410141

Your description is proposterous and circular. Even if there was some apparent productive advantage to persecuting gays where did the hatred of them originate from to begin with in your logic?

>> No.10410145
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Augustus West

>> No.10410146

August aka Antifafu

>> No.10410154

>Pederesty is still extremely popular in the Islamic world

Only in certain areas of Afghanistan

>and is encouraged among Jihadis

Taliban’s ruthless campaign against pederasty was the primary reason why they gained so much support among the Afghan population

>> No.10410156

>masks that do not necessarily coincide with anything

Ah but you see they don't need to in order to function and have an emergent discourse. This is the huge problem I have with these Sartrean reductionism. The categories exist and have an operative logic even if we find difficulty in precisely locating them (although when it comes to gender I find this is not such a difficult issue as other matters). Its also precisely why we must speak of them in these terms as anything else renders the conversation void. Its not that anything is resolved but rather we analytically erase the very possibility of consideation itself towards any direction

>> No.10410157


IM...POSSIBLE. I hate that bitch. Why is she so pretty in op's pic.


>> No.10410165

It is no question homosexuality contributes and is correlated to the wholesale degeneration of society, there is not a single reasonable person who would doubt it. We should have listened to the Wisdom of the ancients, for ancient wisdom is there for a reason. Don't go blaming me when the politically correct lgbtsjw community normalises bestiality and sex with children(you know it's gonna happen).

>> No.10410172

>normalises bestiality

Already happening in certain European countries. Pedophilia will be where the floodgates open though, it will reveal their revolting core pathos too bare and raw for decent people to tolerate them any longer.
As they always have they will push too far and sow their own destruction

>> No.10410181
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Because she's beautiful

>> No.10410187

I can't see that happening since these groups advocate for consent in sexual relations.

>Already happening in certain European countries

>> No.10410194

I guarantee she looks horrible without makeup

>> No.10410197

>Implying you need a gf to act like a man

>> No.10410200

>muh consent
Its a meme

>> No.10410203

>We should have listened to the Wisdom of the ancients, for ancient wisdom is there for a reason.
the greeks were pederasts you retard
goddamn this board is getting stupid

>> No.10410210

Particularly rife in Denmark and Northern Germany

>> No.10410213

I believe the entirety of the so called politically correct lgbtsjw rights movement is actually a massive conspiracy aimed at sexualising and normalising children. And I doubt they really care about 'consent', leftoids will probably call me transphobic for refusing to have sex with transgenders. And you know, the hegemonic norms of consent were created to oppress the lgbtsjw community and as such they must be dismantled and all that.

>> No.10410215
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This desu and she studies Neitzsche

>> No.10410219

>the Greeks
Which Greeks? From what period?

>> No.10410223

>Although it is little remembered these days, the move to legalize pedophilia in the 1980s went far beyond Germany. In the United States, the Childhood Sensuality Circle and, more notoriously, North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) advocated (with little success) for legalized pedophilia, and other countries, including the Netherlands, Canada and the UK, had similar movements. But the movement fared exceedingly well in the unique political climate of West Germany, where the Nazi past made the left especially sensitive (and, in some cases, susceptible) to arguments about individual freedom. “It was a widely-held belief in West Germany that sexual freedom was a way to prevent authoritarianism,” says Stephan Klecha, one of the researchers who worked on the report. “That debate about fascism was very German.”

Really makes one ponder.

>> No.10410226

I don't understand, what do you mean rife? I was asking which european countries legalized or decriminalized paedophilia or beastiality.

>> No.10410228

Are you sure you don't mean Kneechee?

>> No.10410229


>> No.10410233

God doesn't send anyone to hell. People send themselves to hell by choosing to seperate themselves from God.
We have free will. We can choose to live a life of sin.

>> No.10410237

for you

>> No.10410239

nah leftoids will celebrate pedophilia as something diverse and progressive as long as it is the gays who are doing it.

>> No.10410244

This is true, in fact it's already happening

>> No.10410245

Its legal in Denmark and if I recall certain German states. Rife relative to not fucking animals

>> No.10410249

>asserting things as fact without doing any work to substantiate your claims is necessary for any discourse
No, it actually isn't. Are you trolling or are do you just type words without a sliver of thought behind them?
>Heterosexuality is the demarcation of the sexual object through the experience of the mother's love.
This is what >>10409965 means by "begging the question." Your argument/view rests on this axiom (and a few others) BUT these axioms are so outlandish they are subject to immediate scrutiny. Just because you write a bunch of bullshit that's internally consistent doesn't make it a good argument. You have to prove your most central claims are valid, and then the rest of your argument can be examined.

You really have to exist in some special little bubble if you think substantiating your central arguments is something unproductive. You shouldn't even open your pseudo-intellectual mouth to say something if you're just going to duck replies who don't agree with you at a base level. If you had a conversation in real life about this the person would stop you as soon as you said homosexuality is pedophilic in nature, and ask you to support that ridiculous statement. This is how discourse works. You don't get to argue with your feelings, support your shit.

>> No.10410254

They'll describe it as "guided sexual awakening". Just look at Lena Dunham after molesting her little sister

>> No.10410255

I think the emergence of the hate and the prohibition happends together. It doesn't matter all that much on how it originates, in the sense that we would fall into interpreting this origin to justify a certain position today. You can interpret it to support it or to denigrate it. But think how how it transforms with time. I think one of the main reasons why it is so today is because people cling to the certainties they have in the past and traditional values sometimes stretch its arm to a time that is very different from the one we are living. Homosexuality was not seen the same in every time, nor for all abrahamic religions at all places, anyway. Today (and I mean today), the only apparent productive advantage to persecuting gays is that it unites the people who want to stay together, the religious groups, the conservative families. The survival in this sense is not biological, but cultural. What one wants to preserve is not really the specieis or something like that, but the integrity and coherence of their own religion.

People internalize that sort of thing. To the true homophobe, to even start a debate on "why yes" or "why not" shit on gays is itself gay and undeserving of attention. To that person, it is obvious. If the debate starts, whatever excuse works, because the goal is to end the debate itself and not see further.

I agree with you anon, but think that my post was aimed at that other anon and it is only in this context that I say "there is no man or woman", . You're in a whole other level of debate with Sartre and Lacan, neither of whom would go on preaching what men and women ought to do with their lives like other anons here.

>> No.10410262

That is verbatim what Milo said about pedophillic relations between an older and younger man.

>> No.10410263

Pedophilia isn't legal in Denmark, is it?

>> No.10410266

God damn, when did this place become conservative/boomer central? This is a fox news tier argument lel

>> No.10410271

no, and bestiality also isn't

>> No.10410281

There are different grades of substantiation. My arguement was substansive enough in my view for the degree to which I desired it to hold convincing value. If you disagree with it that is your prerogative to do so. My aim here is not to establish indisputable assertions it is rather to propose a narrative for others to merely consider so as they may further explore it in their own time.

This is perfectly appropriate for a forum in which threads are outright deleted every several hours. I suggest going to a website like reddit instead where you may find discourse with the level of provided substantiation that YOU desire

>> No.10410285

I would become liberal for her

>> No.10410288

It was all the way up to 2015, sorry I haven't been keeping up to date with international animal fucking legislation

>> No.10410295

considering it's serves as evidence to your theory of societal downfall, that's surprising

>> No.10410297

>neither of whom would go on preaching what men and women ought to do with their lives like other anons here.

Perhaps but I view that as a limitation on their part which is less to do with theory and more to do with context of their epoque and their own priorities

>> No.10410303
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maybe homosexuals are possesed by some sort of sex evil that compels them to rape children regardless of what political ideology they might affect on the surface. I always felt major evil vibes from those homosexuals. Like why do they do this? is there any plausible non-evil non sexual explanation for such a spectacle? Also why do they want to push their lifestyle on everyone? and why are they so self righteous about it, like it made them better and more progressive than you and me? imo, lgbt seems a lot like a religion or a cult. I wonder, are they doing it for political reasons? I bet most of them aren't even gay, like they don't actually get fucked in the ass, they are LARPing for the perks, following Bill Nye's progressive teachings, as expressed in Sex Junk ft. Rachel Bloom.

>> No.10410306

I should say I'm really speaking of Lacan here not le frogman

>> No.10410308

Because they're the religions of plebs. Homosexuality is patrish.

>> No.10410312

I wonder what her daddy didn't give her when she was a little girl? No third pony?

>> No.10410319

many of them, including socrates. in classical antiquity.
it's not fair to say that many of the thinkers of abrahamic religions were the "ancients." that's almost always used to describe the thinkers of ancient greece

>> No.10410320

yeah because you're a fucking retard lmao

>> No.10410321

I'm the guy who made the argument and not >>10410281.

It's true that just asserting things don't make them true and I don't expect nor desire them to be simply understood as the truth. I expect them to be interpreted in many ways, some will agree, others not, most will partially agree to some points as it is to most arguments. In this sense, it is also a contingency that some will think my argument is clear and need no other addition, while others cannot begin to make any sense of it whatsoever. The most important thing is that the door is open for you to bring the subject up and deny it, question it, give it your twist. You may think I'm too assertive and I'm too wrong, but if you think I'm wrong for being assertive, then I have nothing else to say to you.

>> No.10410339

I don't think so, not one bit.

>> No.10410353

i want her to call me daddy but reluctantly

>> No.10410361
File: 70 KB, 620x752, LAhjZ9R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the average member of the lgbtbbqwtf community looks like. Keep that in mind when talking to them in imageboards, they might try and come of as reasonable normal people but they actually crazy sjws who look exactly like this.

>> No.10410362

There are certainly different standards of substantiation for certain forums and circles. You apparently have no interest in substantiation at all. Just drop your comment and leave the thread if you don't want to deal with the replies. Every response you're giving is just smug grandstanding.
>My aim here is not to establish indisputable assertions it is rather to propose a narrative for others to merely consider so as they may further explore it in their own time.
Posing a viewpoint and then not defending it is intellectually irresponsible. Other people ARE considering it and exploring it. Right now. But you lack either the spine, or the mental capacity to further the conversation if it means you are on the defensive.

Fucking mind blowing to see a person saying they'd like to speak and never be spoken to in return. At least it's a brand of refreshingly honest retardation.

>> No.10410375

To be fair, Plato's Socrates was depicted as actually refusing to have sex with his younger admirers and arguing for a "higher" form of love. That really doesn't change the fact that being attracted to men/boys was normal in Athenian society at the time, but in Platonic thought sex for the sake of sex is still seen as vulgar, is it not?

>> No.10410378
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to be fair, greeks = freaks

>> No.10410382


i am now leaving this thread, jezebel brought me here and wherever the jezebel lead, caution I heed

>> No.10410386

You speak as if I have actually been presented with an argument. The original person I responded to essentially just said "No that's wrong and you didn't prove it to be true!"
If he axiomatically denies the legitimacy of anything I said then I'm not at all interested in digging through a long exploration towards finding common hermeneutic principles towards which we may even begin to establish a conversation which is what led to this train of discussion. Such would be a practice that I'd be otherwise more than happy to engage in if I was promised an intelligent and reasonable person to communicate with but he seemed like an annoying faggot so I told him to fuck off in all so many words

>> No.10410397

>bet most of them aren't even gay, like they don't actually get fucked in the ass
am i being trolled or has /pol/ really managed to bring genuine low-IQ american fundies to /lit/? I knew it was bad but not this bad...

>> No.10410427

I'm >>10409770 >>10409925 and not that anon.

I welcome you to speak in return of what I say and talk about the subject.

>Posing a viewpoint and then not defending it is intellectually irresponsible
The price of that irresponsibility is that people might not see my point. Which is okay because we can further talk and I might or might not defend my position.

>> No.10410462
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>> No.10410470

1. make inflammatory claims
2. let's wing it from there

>> No.10410483

I'm a high IQ homophobe my homophobia is a product of research and erudition. I guess the last drop was pride season 2017, I live in a major city and I realised modern society worships gays, soon, gay month will replace christmas as the main marketing event of the year, christmas is not inclusive enough and the gay religion is more materialistic and ammenable to consumerism than christianity, whose traces always made christmas rather awkward in some ways. But I'm sick and tired of those gays, I have jerked to lots f gay porn lately, but i'm sick and tired of them, they are sjws and i don't like them.

>> No.10410485

Anon, they are inflamatory to you and the only way I may know why is if you tell me. What I say is simultaneously obvious, controversial, partially true and totally absurd depending on who reads it.

>> No.10410501
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Because homos don't produce more worshipers
simple as that.

People say the abrahamic religions are popular because they are correct

They are popular because there is a process of ideological natural selection, by which ideologies are selected for: being good at spreading easily, keeping a grip on their followers, and surviving purge efforts.

The abrahamic religions are great at this

the restrictions on homosexuality and commandments to multiply guarantee popularity

the promise of heaven and of hell keep people loyal

the priesthood does the job of spreading the ideology to new peoples

the state militias protects the church through physical violence, in the event that the religion is state-supported (Christianity was in rome, at a key point in its history)

>> No.10410518

>1. make inflammatory claims
>2. let's wing it from there

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.10410529

Bullshit, Christianity was spread primarily through conversion not reproduction. Unless you think modern day Africa, America and Europe are descended from Levantine Jews this is simply not an adequate explanation

>> No.10410535

God allowed lesbian sex though, because lesbian sex is hot

>> No.10410536

>because lesbian sex is hot

Not when it involves actual lesbians see >>10410361

>> No.10410537

>Bullshit, Christianity was spread primarily through conversion not reproduction
I mentioned conversion

And Christianity was obviously spread through both. Obviously conversion was always essential
And I'm talking in general about what makes religions spread

and the answer is: Conversion, reproduction, loyalty, defense, in no particular order

there are obviously other factors

>> No.10410549

So you've gone from saying something to saying nothing
Got it

>> No.10410582

The original guy you disagreed with was being a prick, but the original argument against homosexuality WAS circular and based on flimsy and outlandish views on sex that absolutely deserve to be called out and should be embellished upon if they are to be taken seriously. Like, you can't say gay acts are a loveless form of pedophilia and that and then act surprised people think that's retarded.

To offer a constructive response, you presented a sexual relationship as inherently related to a maternal relationship. Saying homosexuality is a perverse maternal desire AND a perverse paternal desire as you then go on to claim is a non sequitur I fail to see how you arrived at needs clarification. How does the paternal instinct play into a normal, heterosexual relationship?

The paternal and maternal love are completely different, one is nurturing and the other (in my view) instructing; the third love we are talking about (heterosexual) is, in your view, about affirming. You have suggested sex is the transition of that one-sided nurturing love to a mutual affirming love. I would need to understand how you view paternal love as something distinct from the maternal and yet also manifesting itself in the heterosexual love, because homosexuality has to violate BOTH forms of love for your view to be internally valid. Does this make sense? You can't say homosexuality is a perversion of the role of the mother then throw in that it's also about your dad too and not explain why.

>> No.10410585

t. postmodernist hack

>> No.10410589

It is true homosexuals have higher infection rates of almost all STDs, and "their" political groups push for legalization of knowingly transmitting HIV.

>> No.10410596

It's not. Gay sex is.
muh rationalization
Kys you stupid fuck
Read some process theology you stupid fuck.

>> No.10410599

>rationalizing god

>> No.10410604

We have explained it, you're just a stupid retard

>> No.10410607

this. these people are mentally ill sjws who want to debase society, we should lock them up in rocky mountain sanatoria as to keep them away from children

>> No.10410610

>rationalizing religion
kys you stupid fuck
>its anthropological ebcuz i sed so

>> No.10410626

>practical laws
Fuck off anthrocuck subhuman

>> No.10410631

>makes no comment about the image

>> No.10410666

Because all are lower abdomen-religions.

>t. Kiddy fiddling papist

>> No.10410676
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lads, methinks we have spent too much time discussing homosexuality when we should have been fighting gays and their sjw agenda. Who's with me lads, I can provide you with mead and battleaxes, so we might go to the pride parade, blend right in, and stirke in glorious berserker rage when they least expect it.

>> No.10410680

No, terrible idea. Deal with them judicially as anyone else would be dealt with, but treat them more negatively soccially.

>> No.10410684

There is no paternal relationship in the same terms as the maternal relationship here. The father doesn't hold an inherent seperation from the self it is rather the other relationship of the mother. Wanting to be fucked by the father is wanting to be the mother being fucked by the father. Hence the top-bottom division among homosexuals

>> No.10410708


>> No.10410715

sage and move on

>> No.10410723
File: 98 KB, 750x680, DCUN3bBVYAEqNdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you realise it, the ideology of homosexuality and queer theory are nothing but the latest mask of christian slave morality. The rainbow is a symbol of virtue and love, just like the cross, a symbol based on a sacrifice you should feel guilty for (on one side, the so called crucifixion, on the other 'heteronormativity' or 'straight privilege'). But the end result is the same, the powers that be, then the kings and feudal potentates, nowadays the corporations, wrap themselves under the banner of virtue as a means of cloaking their power. Homosexuals went from being pariahs to being model consumers and citizens, in just a question of years, imo that is because western governments fear masculinity, they fear males and want to feminize us. t

>> No.10410724

>he says as the thread nears bump cap

>> No.10410727

What you wrote is actually pretty interesting and well put together. I agree entirely with almost all of it. The only point I would argue against is that shifting societal values originate from the industrial revolution and consumerism. If we're talking specifically about western society, homosexuality gaining legal protections and becoming socially acceptable does not strongly correlate with industrialization and the rise of consumerism.

Society has not come to accept homosexuality because they have money and buy things like everyone else. Sexual morality has not changed because of capitalism. I would argue in favor of the intense secularization and disintegration of the religious moral system that took place in the 20th century as the primary reason sexual norms have changed so drastically. We have been on a long slope of marriage and sexual relations becoming secular in nature. Homosexuality, which is really only opposed on a religious basis, is inevitably going to become accepted as a consequence of religion's waning influence on people's morals and routine.

>> No.10410731
File: 91 KB, 645x729, 1508314783459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you realise it, the ideology of homosexuality and queer theory are nothing but the latest mask of christian slave morality.

The absolute state of Nietzchlets

>> No.10410732

what's this girl's instagram again?

>> No.10410741

Well, the first thing you have to understand is that the terms "Heterosexual" is a relatively new term, a 19th-century term to be exact. The reason for this is that up until the early 19th-century there was no need to put heterosexuality into its own category as that was the absolute norm. Anything besides heterosexuality was considered an act of lust by the general public and while love between people of the same sex did exist, the concept of homosexual love was completely alien to the mainstream.

Let's say for a moment that there is a God for the sake of argument and that God is the God of Christianity. To say that any God who is a God of love, should hate any sort of love is antithetical to the concept of the aforementioned God.

However when you consider the above facts on Heterosexuality, and think about the themes of the Bible being pro-love and vehemently anti-lust, it would make sense for the writers of the Bible, under divine influence or not, to write about the dangers of homosexuality as homosexuality at the time was synonymous with lust.

>> No.10410750

How do lesbians fit into this?

>> No.10410753

tfw you want to be freud SO GOD DAMN BAD

>> No.10410755

Half the Mosaic laws, including those against sodomy, were just laws outlawing practices of neighboring tribes. e.g. "You shall not boil a kid (goat) in its mother’s milk."

>> No.10410760

is this a bel air post

>> No.10410787

this is a pretty kino take i'm going to start parroting it in future threads, thanks anon

>> No.10410805
File: 79 KB, 1078x750, 150917-chips-editorial-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

face it, homosexuality has become a politically correct religion and probably the official state religion of the west: you blaspheme christianity and its saviout, people laugh, but don't you dare blaspheme the homosexual. random consumer products are associated with homosexuals in order to infuse them with an aura of virtue. and normies fall for it. Tell me, are these Doritos supposed to taste like cum?

>> No.10410812

the absolute state of not an argument

>> No.10410824

Failure to learn to identify with the mother, a life of resentment as they vainly wish to fuck/be fucked by her with the cock they simply don't have. Tragedy ensues

>> No.10410839

My argument would be simply thus, how do you reconcile LGBT as anything but the ultimate fruition of Nietzsche's Ubermensch? The attempt to constitute a separate value structure which exalts the independent desire of the self as opposed to the self-constraining force of Christianity.
I'm reminded of Foucault in this sense.

>> No.10410855

Face it, Satan inverts things if we let xir.

>> No.10410871

Isn't it because a lot of Christianity is very contrarian to roman culture which is quite gay?

ps. she a trap or legit?

>> No.10410877

Christianity is a continuation of what Plato taught, at least regarding the homosexuals.

>> No.10410879

it's the same old value structure of christian slave morality, waah wahh feel pity for me, look at this coloring book I bought, called santa's husband(he's black btw) Foucault and Burroughs could pull if off because homosexuals were counterculture back then, now they are just consumer lemmings like everybody else.

>> No.10410881

I agree with you anon, we just can't name everything that changed in that period and I think everything has a share of responsibility to this. I think that secularization you mention is also due to capitalism and industrialization. The reason is that we were set on the logic of being more productive and gaining more money at the expense of other imaginary values. In order to sell, you need to address the individual desire of that person and so you evade that person's religion, way to see life, sexuality, oversees them all so that they can sell you a car.

>> No.10410888

You called homosexuality wrong because it perverts sexual relations into inherently pedophilic ones. But none of this sounds pedophilic, just Freudian. A person wanting to be their mom being fucked by their dad has nothing to do with pedophilia. You see that, right? It could be fucked up, but saying pedophilic is misusing the word to make it sound monstrous. And as a side note, are you saying straight relationships are in no way Freudian? Nothing you are saying could be exclusive to gay people.

>> No.10410897

Ah I see that does make sense although I think Nietzsche's location of slave morality as intrinsically Christian or Christianity as intrinsically a slave morality was a major misreading.

Would you call 17th century Purtainism slave morality? Or the passionate martyr a slave?
I don't believe such a description is legitimate and I think its simply a tendency in all societies that co-opted Christianity rather than the other way around.

>> No.10410898

Dumb but cute, what to do.

>> No.10410903

Ah I see what you are saying. You mentioned there being costs to every change in a society. Do you think homosexuality has a net negative impact? Or is that question irrelevant, because it is an inevitability of much bigger social changes that have their own costs?

>> No.10410904

>muh rationalization
yes, rationalization

>> No.10410913

I'm not guy.
Being a LGBT dudegirl per se isn't either life affirming or life denying.
LGBT as a movement however is what N would call "nihilists" aka people who question Life instead of living it. They aren't creating a new moral, in fact, contrary to what the /pol/tards here or the political-correcteness-at-all-costs leftists think, they aren't doing anything spectacular or revolutionary. They simply want to slightly tweak a the existing social morality, imposing their morality on life as any other moralist (nihilists, for N) has done since Plato. In this sense they're just an exacerbation of pre-existing christian and post-enlightenment industrial morality.

>> No.10410917

You misunderstand. It is the child that is the central target of the pathology whether the child is to be fucked by his father or whether he must find a reflection of his child self to fuck.
The difference is the heterosexual male is the only one who rather wishes to identify as an adult having sex with an adult woman.
Although you are correct heterosexual relationships can be perverted as females can wish to to have sex with the father as a child without identifying as the mother, hence "daddy issues". And the male as a child to the mother, hence the nu-male (Or Nancy/momma's boy as they used to be known).

>> No.10410931

Maybe a combination?

>> No.10410941


>heterosexuality cant be selfish

>> No.10410984

>The difference is the heterosexual male is the only one who rather wishes to identify as an adult having sex with an adult woman.
But you just said (some) lesbians want to fuck their mom. An adult woman. So why is one ok and the other pedophilia. The lesbians aren't breaking the rules you just set out: not being fucked by the father and not fucking a reflection of their child self.

Sorry if the constant questions are annoying, I just find this viewpoint completely contradictory even if I accept the premise.

>> No.10410990
File: 93 KB, 375x281, Charlie-Day-Emmys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you reconcile LGBT as anything but the ultimate fruition of Nietzsche's Ubermensch?

>> No.10411004

My descriptions so far have been about Male homosexuality. You're right in your observations that Lesbians have a very different pathological status. For them their issue in life is that of the castrated male. Totally oriented around men but ultimately useless to themselves and others. A sad empty existence and you can see how bitter and miserable they are as a result

>> No.10411029

I don't think homosexuality is a thing in itself. Not that guys don't really kiss guys and girls on girls, but that the concept of "homosexuality" depends on a society to serve as contrast. It needs its own prohibition to exist as an idea, it is defined not only by what it is but about how it pops out from the rest. That is because you can imagine other societies to see it in a completely different way. In some it is accepted, in some it is accepted to a certain degree, in some the concept of family involves the whole group, etc. What is taboo is different.

I think that question is irrelevant first because homosexuality is not something that happened, it has always existed. We are just having this debate now because the circunstances allow us. Second because it does not happen on people, in the sense that they are not sick of it, taken by it, convinced of it. Because of that, who would be impacted by it if not other people?

What I was saying about costs is that we exchange things for others and there is always a residue. It's just like we traded seeing the stars for electric light. Who gives a shit about the stars, we choose electric light. But then again, do we? Do we really think about that? Because we already have it, we don't think we can question it again.

In the case of this debate on homosexuality, whatever it was, I come back to right now and think what is the actual problem? What is there to be done? When two girls want to get married or something, what is really the suffering that we are trying to avoid if we prohibit it? Most people are blind to the simple questions because they too think the answer was already given long ago, losing the ability to review their own values. The point is not that their values are wrong, but that one must see them with eyes refreshed by what is going on in front of them.

>> No.10411406

>he thinks this is actually psychoanalysis
What are you, stupid?


>> No.10411754

To discourage total extinction.
I'm willing to bet that the Highest Ups dont mind it in small amounts but seriously if we all humans just fucked man ass and rugmunched then the world dies, right?

>> No.10412312

I have a girlfriend and we do nothing but fuck and play video games. It's my third in a row. What now? Why does Jesus hate gays rather than video games or modern culture altogether?

>> No.10412400

Careful she don't get pregnant bud.