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File: 106 KB, 500x566, maueoe-suicide-is-the-answer-haremem-correct-882-points-youre-20416279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10408218 No.10408218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Death is not bad. Because it ceases the thing (you) that it would be bad for. There is no 'you' to be harmed by death.

Suffering is bad. We suffer in various ways, near constantly. Sometimes very mildly (bodily discomfort, thirst, hunger, boredom,work, etc), sometimes majorily (mental illness, massive bodily harm, despair, abuse, exploitation).

Suicide will end your suffering, and the resulting 'death-state' will not harm you (because there is no you to be in that state).

So here we have suicide putting an end to a bad experience (life in general), with no real downside. There is no you existing anymore to be deprived of the good in life.

So the next time you are greatly suffering, or even mildly, why not just take a peaceful drug overdose. Your pain will end, you wont miss out on anything in the future. There is no downside.

"b-but I will miss out on xyz". That's the point, no you wont.

>> No.10408232

I'm not usually stubborn, but nobody has ever managed to convince me that there could be any suffering worse than nonexistence. It just seems like the obvious worst possible thing.

Sign me up for one of them afterlife thingoes.

>> No.10408235


>> No.10408243

If I murder you painlessly, am I doing any wrong?

>> No.10408262

>suffering is bad
Bold assertion there desu. U-unless you think the end of human life is pleasure and not virtue

>> No.10408286

you're going to die one day either way fucko

>> No.10408289

Your suffering may be bad in your subjective opinion, but it is not objectively bad. I think the hunger I feel is good, as it reminds me to eat, which is a good thing as it stops me from starving. I think the sensation of pain I feel when I place my hand on something hot it a good thing because it causes me to pull away before I do any serious damage.
Other forms of pain can help create perspective on other things we experience, and help us learn about ourselves, others, and this world.
Death is not a bad thing, but it is not to my preference as it will bring an end to my learning. Experiencing nothingness does not afford me such an abundance of opportunities to learn and grow.

>> No.10408292
File: 221 KB, 1208x1539, 58c71aa944863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put it off for as long as I possibly can.

>> No.10408294


>> No.10408413

Correct, just like stress, there can be facilitative suffering and debilitating suffering. Just like stress most people only recognise the debilitating form.

Wrong forum, brainlet.

>> No.10408506


Read this if you're afraid of "death".

You can't have an experience of nothing. I don't think it works that way. Everything that exists in the universe belongs to a single entity known as everything. From the tiniest speck of dust to the biggest star in the Galaxy, we all belong to the same thing, we are the same thing, we are everything.

As humans, we are illusioned into thinking that anything outside the body is something we are not. This is not true. Just because you can't experience it, it doesn't mean you are not apart of it.

We as human beings are the way the universe can sense itself and know it exists. The Sun doesn't need to know it exists since that's what humans do. The same way we don't need to be a star, stars already do that.

Look at your hand. Does it know it exists? No. Your mind does though. Your fingers don't need to smell, see, hear, and think, because your nose, eyes, ears and mind do those things.

Our mind hides us and shuts us out from all the things that aren't our mind and body. Just because you can't control it with your mind and body, it doesn't mean it isn't apart of you.
You know, sentience and conscience isn't the only thing that exists in the universe. All the meteors, all the planets, all the stars and all the men in the universe are the same thing: Everything.
Humans can only experience it once at a time, from a single, feeble entity.
Dead or alive, it doesn't matter. I will always be apart of the universe, so long as something exists.

If Mars were to get hit by a meteor that shattered it into a million pieces, it wouldn't care, and neither would the meteor. No hard feelings, no feelings at all. The concept of Mars may be gone, but it's shattered, meteoric pieces still remain for an eternity.
The meteor and Mars were and are the same thing: Everything.

So, when you die, you don't get trapped in a pitch black room for an eternity. Death is only the instrumentality of your body, don't worry.
If we are everything, then that means we are also the chemical spark of conscience within everybody's head. After death, we will assimilate instantly into everything, including one out of many billions of human brains that tricks itself into experiencing existence through one human lense.

TL;DR: Death is like going to sleep and never waking up, yet, birth is like waking up from an endless sleep.


>> No.10409416

> bad

Bad is subjective, suffering isn't bad, suffering just is.

Being alive means you're gonna suffer, so just ride the wave of pain and make sure you follow something that you consider worthwhile, or else just follow a religion and be a religious cuck

>> No.10409425

can't handle suffering?
stop being a prissy western thinker

>> No.10409494
File: 68 KB, 798x990, Epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.10409498

Why do you think the suffering ends with the death itself? What if after you cease to exist you still suffer?

>> No.10409535

Could you give an example of suffering after death?

>> No.10409550

The decay of the body, for example. Since we cannot be sure whether or not we can actually feel something after we die it is an option that the rotting body, inhabited by maggots, can still make you suffer physically. Same goes for cremation.
>but deep sleep forever
But in such a state you can still feel things, for example a touch.

>> No.10409568

Maybe so, but you eliminate the chance of possible future happiness as well as suffering. If you yourself "suffer nearly constantly" you're doing life wrong. Try changing tactics before rage-quitting.

>> No.10409587

>you're doing life wrong
That's a loaded ending. Given the fact that something can be purely good or bad, or in between, how do you define a life done properly/wrongly? Subjectively, since there is no objective standard for making a life good or bad. If somebody sees his/her life as purely bad why bother fighting with something so obvious to him/her? For a sake of your keeping your personal beliefs untouched? Changing the mind might help but that's putting somebody else's opinion into a said person. What's the point of that? Would you liked to be shoved with an idea you don't particularly agree with?

>> No.10409590 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 620x465, slobodan-praljak-poison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a pure intuitive perspective, does anyone struggle, despite fierce attempts to rationalize, the belief that Death isn't just void and nothing. It might have to do with having a near death experience, alongside psychedelics but its this near unshakable feeling for me. Perhaps because of how impossible it is to wrap my head around infinity, besides the startling lack of uniqueness of all of us: people live and die who, culture independent, looked the same as you, had the same personality e.t.c. Now I'm not religious but there's something about that that does fillsme with uncertainty, rather than nihilism. The sheer fact I'm alive could easily be reduced to scientific terms but man I dunno...

anyone else feel me?

>> No.10409612
File: 2.90 MB, 200x200, Smiley gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a pure intuitive perspective does anyone struggle, despite fierce attempts to rationalize, the feeling that Death isn't just void and nothing?
It might have to do with having a near death experience, alongside psychedelics but its this near unshakable feeling for me. Perhaps because of how impossible it is to wrap my head around infinity, besides the startling lack of uniqueness of all of us: people live and die who, culture independent, looked the same as you, had the same personality e.t.c. Now I'm not religious but there's something about that that does fillsme with uncertainty, rather than nihilism. The sheer fact I'm alive could easily be reduced to scientific terms but man I dunno...

anyone else feel me?

>> No.10409694

I don't necessarily fear death but I feel that i don't want to let go of the experiences that made my perspective special for me. Like connections with parents or your favorite movie, it just seems such a waste that this connection won't persist. Even now tons of stuff that mattered to me at some point is gone from my memory. I'm not afraid of it, in fact letting go seems like the easiest thing but then what was it about this life? Do attributes of being human as we see it now have any truth to them or are connections, preferences, stuff that you love simply a misguided byproduct of socialization.

As a sidenote that kinda connects to this I always feel the need to be ready for stuff to happen. I often feel superior to the naive characters that are simply living their life but thanks to this i'm tense and feel anxiety constantly. This fucking sucks, 99 times out of 100 this readiness doesn't do shit and even when it kinda does developed adaptability would have served much more than this.

>> No.10409760

t. rick and morty

>> No.10409835

My greatest fear is a life after death. That would mean that there is no ecape from consciousness.

>> No.10409838

Oh fuck off with this, consciousness is GOAT.