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10407909 No.10407909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If a black man can understand Kant, why can't you?

>> No.10407910

if OP understood Kant he would know not all men are made equal

>> No.10407912

Anyone can understand Kant, it's just painfully boring.

>> No.10408173

This nigga understands shit. Hes just holding a book in his right hand thats all.

>> No.10408174


I just Kant.

>> No.10408185

That's his left hand. The image is mirror flipped. He's making a commentary about sense perception and how it doesn't correspond with reality.
>you stupid fucking cracker

>> No.10408197

Does he have a mirror flipped version of the book, world map and quotes on the wall justified right-to-left to go with it?

>> No.10408198

yer name is toby

>> No.10408201
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 89D172DF-4B6C-4408-928C-8018CDC94223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can run from Kant. But you Kant run from reality.

>> No.10408362
File: 145 KB, 576x960, IMG_20171212_073420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you mean by "even black man", stupid whytebread crakka?

>> No.10408371

Kant was black

>> No.10408375
File: 170 KB, 545x429, Kant deathmask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep just look at this physiognomy, there's no doubt

>> No.10408390


If a loser like OP can't understand Kant, why can't you?

>> No.10408411

>holding kant is understanding kant
anyone can read any book and even spout platitudes but that doesnt mean they actually understand it. Now, i dont know who this nigger is and he may well be tyrone de heidegone but i doubt it. Even most white people fail to understand basic things. Heck, at my university half the people in the philosophy society actually tgink nietzsche advocates nihilism.

>> No.10408425

Is Kant Snoke?

>> No.10408434

Go take a look, then judge

>> No.10408438

Well, does he understand kant?

>> No.10409114

but i do get kant. also outliers are a thing

>> No.10409242

>nietzsche advocates nihilism

He does.

>> No.10409283

I got five minutes in and he started talking about the thing in itself-in-terms of atomism which shows he doesn't have a clue what Kant was talking about

>> No.10409294

>the thing in itself-in-terms

*the thing-in-itself in terms

>> No.10409361

Huh? He defined forms atomically precisely to illustrate the fact that the nature of the thing-in-itself is beyond the confines of rationalism.

>> No.10409401

Which is completely missing the point. I don't think you understand Kant yourself

>> No.10409412

would you like to explain

>> No.10409424

That the atomic nature of material is still completely within the domains of the sensible and is no way necessarily closer to the thing-in-itself than if we were to speak of Platonic ideals

>> No.10409496

you're an absolute retard. What you said here does not contradict my observation, or the youtube creator's sophomoric, but sufficient grasp of Kant. I redirect you to my original post >>10409361, then back to the video.

>> No.10409504

You're only missing the entire point of Kant's purely negative conception of noumena but alright

>> No.10409559

If I am, you have failed to shed light on it in your previous post which merely confirmed you didn't understand the youtuber's understanding of Kant, my contention with your objection and ultimately I suspect your own understandng of Kant.

>> No.10409591

As is your wont

>> No.10409606

I'm not black.

>> No.10409712

This thread isn't really about Kant, but I might as well ask this: should I read Kants groundworks of the metaphysic of morals first, or can I get straight into the critique of practical reason? I have read the first Critique of course, but I'm not sure if the groundworks are essential before I jump into his ethics

>> No.10409741
File: 169 KB, 600x400, 1481004129529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a black man can play professional sports and get a phd in mathematics at MIT, why can't you?

>> No.10409747

Because I can't get a sports scholarship and have the administration manipulate my grades

>> No.10409750
File: 22 KB, 283x380, Elbert Frank Cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could, why can't you, brainlets?

>> No.10409753

>manipulate grades in an MIT PhD program

KEK. Nice cop out, kiddo. I'd be surprised if you could play sports at the college level and get a BACHELORS in mathematics.


>> No.10409761
File: 46 KB, 250x326, Sylvester James Gates 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, brainlets.

>> No.10409765

Well I definately couldn't play sports you got me there.
But seriously you realize how much a good player is worth to a school? One shadey certificate is a small price to pay for keeping him there seven years